My Sister Silenced

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter

Aurora woke up the next morning to a pounding headache and an intense burning feeling on her chest. Her face was smashed into her pillow, and her stomach was supporting the majority of her weight. She flipped over and gently lifted her nightdress until she could see her breasts underneath. There was a large bruise surrounding the bite mark over her areola. Sorrow filled her at the memory of how she had gotten the wound. 

She sighed audibly and swung her legs over the bed. She dressed quickly and ran a brush through her thick curls. Aurora stepped over to the vanity they had against the wall for communal use, and looked at herself in the mirror. She nearly gasped in horror at the deep bruise that covered the right side of her face. Her temple and the top of her cheek were both dark and swollen. Her eye had a little purple on the outer edges as well but it was clear that the side of her face had taken the brunt of it. 

Snape definitely had one hell of an arm. Aurora touched the bruise gently and hissed at the pain of the contact. She didn't have any bruise paste on her and she wasn't in the mood to answer Madame Pomfrey's questions. There was no way she would be able to walk into her classes with it showing though. The rumors would fly faster than a nimbus 1500 if she walked around sporting such an injury. 

Aurora pointed her wand at her face and mumbled a simple glamour. Her skin rippled and smoothed into her normal pale tone. She would have to remember to reapply the glamour every few hours or it would wear off, but it would have to do for now. 

Aurora leaned forward and stared at herself in the mirror, she had dark circles under her eyes. The grey of her eyes only worsened the look of sleep deprivation. Her hair had always been unruly, but she was able to tame it well enough in the past. Today it formed around her head in a bushy halo. Making it seem like she hadn't run a brush through it in weeks. She couldn't be bothered to try and make herself seem pretty. The lessons of how a lady should always look her best because presentation was everything, filtered through her mind. 

Aurora snorted at the absurdity of the thought. She could think of more than a few things that were more important than presentation at the moment. The first of which was the fact that she was expected to spend nearly her entire day in Snape's company today.

Aurora stepped away from the vanity and walked over to her school bag, she grabbed it and left her room. She would be going to class without the usual primping she normally afforded herself. 

When Aurora stepped into the common room, she was surprised to see Snape waiting at the entrance. He had his bag slung over his shoulder, his arms crossed, and he was glaring at the other occupants menacingly. His dark eyes looked up as she entered the room, and a slow smile spread across his face. 

Aurora steeled herself before walking over to him. She could feel her body tense with each step she took in his direction. Her blood was rushing in her ears and every nerve in her body was telling her to run back into her room. It's not like boys were allowed in the girls rooms anyway. He wouldn't be able to reach her if she locked herself away. In spite of this, she knew it was unrealistic. She had classes to attend, and it would eventually look suspicious if she stopped showing up to them. 

"Took you long enough." Snape sighed dramatically once she finally reached him. "I've been waiting here for thirty minutes. I'm normally headed towards my first class of the day by now." 

Aurora rolled her eyes, "sorry, must have been because of all the time I spent getting ready." 

Snape sniffed at her unimpressed, "yes I can tell you put great effort into your appearance today." He snarked at her.

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