By SadistWhore

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Hideki Mitsuo is a thirty-one-year-old teacher who just so happens to be an omega who hasn't found his mate y... More

𝒹 𝒾 𝒶 𝓁 𝑜 𝑔 𝓊 𝑒
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𝘍𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘭𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘦𝘴 <3
𝐓𝐨𝐩 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐲


11.6K 481 218
By SadistWhore



"While we find out who did this, just return to your classroom. School must go on," Elijah instructed and I happily obliged.

My phone though.

I should probably go back to get it but I didn't want to cause any more trouble. Maybe someone will find it in there with Keenan and send it to the lost and found.

Elijah escorted me into the building with Diesel walking on the other side of me, sandwiching me between them. "We need to find Killian quick. I thought he was with the assigned trainees today?"

"Um, about that," Diesel cleared his throat while rubbing the back of his neck. "They are—" he glanced at me through his peripheral vision before his eyes snapped back at Elijah. "Two were injured."

Elijah cocked his brow. "There were three assigned to him. Where is the third?" he asked the paled alpha.

"We should discuss this privately," Diesel conveyed slowly as if trying to hint at something to keep me from being informed.

I frowned because I didn't like being out of the loop but I am the freshy here. They didn't see me as one of them yet. Halfway to my class, Elijah and Diesel briefly dismissed themselves to join the other alphas.

It seems that my presence at this school has only brought misfortune.

I had approximately ten minutes before the bell rang so I didn't stress too much. I just had to treat the day like any other day despite my house being burnt to the ground by some pyromaniac and my phone being lost because I was a klutz.

I walked to my classroom with my head hung low. I had nothing to my name if they were unable to recover my stuff.

In times like this, it's hard to control my urges to give in to that temptation that haunts me every day. But backtracking wasn't an option. I must remain focused.

As I went to open the door, I noticed that it was ajar but I didn't take a mental note of it simply for the fact that I was too overwhelmed by everything.

I flicked the lights on and then gently shut the door before walking over to my desk. Plopping down in my seat, I went to tidy up my desk until the sound of a desk moving created a screeching sound that made my ears flinch.

My eyes snapped up to see Killian in the back of the classroom with his feet propped up on the desk in the aisle next to him since his legs were long.

"I don't know if it's sad that you didn't notice me or that I had to make myself known," he murmured as he rhythmically tapped his foot while using his fingers to twirl the bic lighter between his fingers before catching it while his eyes lingered on me.

"What..." was all I could muster up to say. The wind was knocked out of me from just his presence.

He leans back in the desk, stretching his leg over the other while craning his head back to where I could see the inky tattoos dance deep within the flawless olive skin on his neck. "You're too oblivious, Hideki. What if I was some creep preying on you?"

But my attention was on the bic lighter in his roughed hand that continued to ignite since his thumb quickly and firmly rolled the metal spark wheel down, igniting a little flame until he pushed his thumb down to put the flame out. He did this repeatedly.

Elijah and the others are searching for him yet here he is, in my classroom, with me...alone. The very thing he didn't want me—to be alone with the twins.

"Killian," I took the initiative to start a conversation out of fear that he would light my classroom ablaze.

"Hm?" he hummed a reply as he continued to ignite the flame almost..compulsively.

"Did you..set my house on fire?" I confronted him because if he had enough courage to do it then he should be able to tell me upfront.

"Did I?" he mockingly repeated. He flicked the metal lid back onto the bic and then he reached into his back pocket.

There were natural veins visible in his inky skin as his tongue darted out, flicking against the top row of his pearly whites. I inhaled a soft gasp at the action and he slowly retracted his hand with a taunting grin.

"Calm down, Hideki. It's only," he raised his hand with a cellular device in it. "your phone. I would refrain from creating a scene sweetheart."


"Killian, why do you have my phone? How do you have my phone?" I asked. Did Keenan give it to him? That's impossible. Unless...

At my question, he placed the device on the desk, removing his feet that were propped up. He sat upright, shoulders squared as he slowly spun my phone with his long, slender fingers.

His silvery eyes remained on my face, taunting me in every way possible. He knew he had the upper hand. He knew he was capable of overpowering me at any moment yet he sat there, in silence, staring at me.

"You're cheating on us, little bitch," he murmured and his eyes darkened. "When I claim someone as mine, I mean it."

"What?" my voice cracked below a whisper. I had no idea what he was talking about as he lifted my phone and scrolled down my call log with his branded thumb.

"Anrai has called us five times within the last hour," he says, eyeing the phone. The brightness emanating off his skin.

I went to stand.

"Sit the fuck down, Hideki!" he growled as his hand collided with the surface of the desk and I swear I saw it crack.

I sat back down, resting my trembling fingers on my thighs. He pinched the bridge of his temple as he sighed, "Cazzo.." until he was calm again. "I need you to be honest with me." ❥︎Translation: fuck..

"A-about what?" I stammered as my eyes started to swell with tears but I didn't allow them to fall. My breath hitched in my throat once I saw the fresh blood on his bruised knuckles. Who was he beating?

"Who is Anrai?" he asked me and I didn't know if I needed to lie or tell the truth. Would he hurt Anrai?

"I would suggest you answer me in a timely manner or I'm just going to assume the worst case. A pessimist like myself doesn't have time to wonder," he advised and I fiddled with the material of my pants.

"A-A friend." Why did I feel the need to lie to my student? Was it the way he was looking at me like a predator would its prey? Is it the fact that I was unaware of what he was capable of?

"Are you lying to me?" he narrowed his eyes and this eerie feeling wasn't pleasant. I wanted to scream for help but I knew no one would reach me in time.

"N-no," I quickly say while placing my hands flat on the surface of my desk as he uses his thumb to glide across his lower lip while he stares at me. His face revealed nothing about what he was thinking.

You need to grow a backbone if you want to work here.

Elijah's voice replayed in my head like a broken record and I decided to take his advice. I cleared my throat of bile and then decided to give him a piece of my mind.

"You need to stop this. I don't know what you are doing but this has to stop. This—," my finger flickered between us. "—has to stop. I am your senior, Killian. You are seventeen. This is highly inappropriate behavior."

The darkness lingering in his mercury irises was slowly turning into amusement. "Age ain't nothing but a fucking number sweetheart," he cooed, teasing me with that sardonic twist on his lips.

"It's not just a number! I am thirty-one. I would never look at you like that even if we were not teacher and student. You are simply too young," I angrily tried to force into his head.

He looked bored at my speech. He carelessly lifted the bic to his lips as his long..thick tongue hovered over the ignited flame. He relished in the heated torch.

His eyes flickered up to my face with a lingering taunt in them as he gestured, "Continue. I'm listening."

"Are you? It seems you are too busy burning your tongue with the heat!" I whisper-shouted.

"I've become numb to it," he says as his tongue hides back into his mouth. He playfully snapped the hood of the bic back on and then placed it next to my phone.

"Killian.." I whimpered as he rose from his chair and I gulped at how he towered over me immensely. The rough pads of his fingertips grazed each desk he passed, approaching me in sly steps.

My heart thumped and a ringing occurred in my ears, creating another spike of anxiety shooting through me.

He took pleasure in the mental torture before the pain was inflicted. He was enjoying toying with me...

"Shh, don't whimper. My dick has a mind of its own. I forgive you, Hideki Mitsuo. I take blame," he lowered his husky tone as he rounded my desk and his scent didn't fail to corrupt the oxygen around me.

"Y-you do..?"

My lower lip quivered until he rounds my desk and gently pressed his butt against it before raising his hand to my chin, grazing his bloodied knuckles over my cheek and I could feel the blood smearing on my tinted skin.

"I've failed to guide you in what being my bitch means."

I looked at the clock until he grabbed my jaw and forced me to look into his eyes. "Don't peel your eyes away from me when I'm speaking to you."

I obeyed, nodding my head in compliance as I inhaled a quick breath. The quiver in my lip must've sparked something inside him because now his eyes lingered as he softly mumbled to himself, "Cazzo... sei la stronza perfetta per me." His thumb trailed over my bottom lip. ❥︎Translation: Fuck... you're the perfect bitch for me

I allowed it. I freaking allowed it! I sat there with my sweaty palms planted on my thighs while he continued to study me with that heated gaze.

"Rule 1: I don't like sharing, Hideki," he murmured in a softer tone but the smell of dried iron on his knuckles repulsed me. Who did he hurt?

"So, if I find out that you're lying to me, people will die. Am I clear?" His eyes darkened but he enjoyed the intimidation.

"Yeah.." I softly replied.

He breathed a wicked smirk at my response as he started chuckling. "Cazzo..so it's true. Omegas are obedient as fuck." 

What...was funny?

I finally dared to look into his eyes and study him. Really look at him.

The silver stud in his right earlobe caught my eye until the tattoo inked into his forearm, Sinner caught my eye and I parted my lips to speak.

"Rule 2: don't ask shit of my personal life which includes tattoos on my body," he bluntly says.

My lips closed and I wondered if he knew I was going to ask him a question concerning the tattoos.

"Rule 3: your body belongs to us."

My eyes snapped at him and my lips parted to argue because there was no way I was agreeing to this even if it meant that... wait.

My facial muscles relaxed as I started to think about the position that I was truly in. What if I agreed to play into his hands? Could I endure it for two weeks? If I recall, that's when they'll be turning eighteen and that is when they will find their mate.

In conclusion, they won't be concerned with the very breath of me after they are mated and off to their pack to lead the King's Court. Is this a way I could get them to behave and attend classes without casualties?

"What's going through that pretty little head of yours?" he asks, index finger tapping away on my desk repeatedly as he studies me with a scowl etched on his features. "Don't make me ask twice."

He didn't like not knowing what I was thinking and that came into a power play. "First, you need to watch how you speak to me."

"It's how I always fucking speak and it won't change for anyone. Not even you," he snapped as his inked hand hovered around my neck.

"It's ill-mannered and disrespectful to your seniors," I politely reminded him. He didn't look phased at all.

"Rule 4: no fucking back talk when I address shit." he pressed. "Considering what you made me do today, you are under no obligation to argue."

"Pardon? What I made you do?" I repeated his question.

"What are you? A fucking parrot now?" he hissed, removing the shadow of his hand from around my neck.


"Rule 5: never tell me no."

"You just made that up!" I hissed.

"So? Who's gonna tell me different?" he leaned down and his nose grazed my bloodied cheek. I nearly let another whimper flourish and he huskily chuckled at me, getting a kick out of my reactions.

I'm starting to debate if I could honestly endure this for two long weeks. "There are no more rules for right now. We have plenty of time to go over them," he pressed his nose into my jaw ever so lightly, enough to the point it grazed my skin.

"You're hot.." I say.

"I know.." he drawls boyishly.

"No, like, you are burning up!" I leaned my head away from him and he didn't seem to like that action so I tried to change the subject. "What benefits do I get from being...that? A female dog... Can I set rules..?"

The corner of his eyes crinkled at my question as his right eye twitched. "No, you don't get to fucking make rules."

His eyes stopped at my lips. "However, being my bitch comes with benefits."

"Like...what?" I was afraid to ask but I needed to know if I was going to play this game with the twins.

"Protection," he bluntly replied as if I should've known what he meant. "Protection from what..?" I whispered.

He breathes and his eyes slightly hardened at my question. He crossed his sinfully inked arms over his broad chest causing his muscles to bulge under the tight black shirt that hugged his physique adequately.

"You can't be that fucking stupid?"

"Huh?" I was growing more irritated with his profane mouth.

A part of me wanted to grab his tongue and wash it with a bar of soap—scrub it to the point that the papillae were gone.

But if I cooperate means no more burning houses and I get to keep my job without causing trouble. There was no way I could leave now. I'd have to put in a notice and by that time, the twins will be gone and happily in love. I hope...

So, I might as well ride this out. It's the only logical solution. Everyone ends up happy...right?

I just had to make sure Killian never finds out about Anrai and everything will be fine. I didn't like lying but I understand what Anrai meant now by lying to keep others around you protected. Am I capable?

"You don't see it?" he asked me, a little taken back by my ignorance.

"See what?" I fiddled with the hem of my shirt, staring up at him with large eyes and he seemed lost for a second before regaining his composure.

He breathed and grabbed my chin with the pad of his thumb resting below the crease of my lip. "You need my protection."

"Huh..? Wait, what?" It was now my turn to be taken back by such words.

His eyelids lowered as if saying 'really?' but he knew I wasn't playing like a complete ditzy. I was genuinely confused.

He tore his inked fingers through his hair before those strands flopped over his forehead. "Without me, every alpha in this school will tear your ass up, and touching this pretty little ass that's mine will resort to them dying. You don't want people to die, do you?"

I'm not too sure why he assumes I'm that desirable but it may be the fact that I am an omega—the only reason any alpha would ever look at me but also the reason they don't.

I slowly shook my head while I gazed into his eyes and they softened before he blinked and that misty allure returned. His warm breath fanned my lips before he squared his shoulders, standing upright.

"I didn't think so." He licked his lips and raised his thick thigh, propping his foot against the wall as he slid his hands into his slacks, hovering over me while I remained sat in my seat.

"You don't see how popular you are amongst these beasts just waiting to sink their teeth into you," he added seconds later.

Are you one?

I wanted to ask so badly but I didn't know how to speak at that moment. His entire scent infiltrated my mind without my consent. The smell of aftershave was fresh and I started to ponder what type of seventeen-year-olds were cooking up in the world nowadays?!

Since I was caged in with his thigh blocking my only way out, I stated, "Your brother isn't fond of me."

I'm planning to utilize this opportunity to get them to stay out of trouble and attend classes without harming their peers.

He grabbed the back of my chair and forced me to recline as he stared down at my flustered face.

"Not my problem doll face," he released my chair once the bell rang.

He removed himself from my space, walking back to the lonely desk in the back as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his slacks, uncaring of the world around him.

The same man who set my house ablaze demanded that I become his...female dog.

He sat down at that same desk and stored my phone in his pocket before going back to playing with his lighter.

Spreading his legs apart and sinking with no shame for his posture, the corner of his lips twisted into a wicked smirk. "You might be my new favorite teacher, Hideki Mitsuo."

I reached for Killian's medical file as my students began storming in one by one. Of course, Elias was worried for me since I'm sure it spread like wildfire about what happened to my housing arrangements.

But the others acted like nothing happened on campus. As if it was normal...

"What sick person would do such a thing?!" Elias planted his hands flat against my desk, not asking me directly but I knew the answer. "And is that blood on your face?!"

My eyes diverted from Elias, looking past him and onto the alpha who watched me with calculating mist-filled eyes as he rested his chiseled jaw on his bloodied knuckles with the tip of his tongue circulating the heated flame ignited from the bic.

"Yeah..who knows?" I absently responded while my hand rested over Killian's medical file that I never got to thoroughly examine.

What is your diagnosis?

Thoughts on Killian and Keenan?

┏━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━┓
-ˋˏ [ Ecstasy by Suicidal Idol — slowed ] ˎˊ-
┗━━━━━━°⌜ 赤い糸 ⌟°━━━━━━┛

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