Rebirth of Natsume: Demon Lov...

By Kazuyuuki95

14.8K 404 7

Author: Orihime/織姬 Category: Danmei fanfiction Status: Completed Status: 334 chapter Introducing: Natsume was... More

Chapter 1 - 2
Chapter 3 - 4
Chapter 5 - 6
Chapter 7 - 8
Chapter 9 - 10
Chapter 11 - 12
Chapter 13 - 14
Chapter 15 - 16
Chapter 17 - 18
Chapter 19 - 20
Chapter 21 - 22
Chapter 23 - 24
Chapter 25 - 26
Chapter 27 - 28
Chapter 29 - 30
Chapter 31 - 32
Chapter 33 - 34
Chapter 35 - 36
Chapter 37 - 38
Chapter 39 - 40
Chapter 41 - 42
Chapter 43 - 44
Chapter 45 - 46
Chapter 47 - 48
Chapter 49 - 50
Chapter 51 - 52
Chapter 53 - 54
Chapter 55 - 56
Chapter 57 - 58
Chapter 59 - 60
Chapter 61 - 62
Chapter 63 - 64
Chapter 65 - 66
Chapter 67 - 68
Chapter 69 - 70
Chapter 73 - 74
Chapter 75 - 76
Chapter 77 - 78
Chapter 79 - 80
Chapter 81 - 82
Chapter 83 - 84
Chapter 85 - 86
Chapter 87 - 88
Chapter 89 - 90
Chapter 91 - 92
Chapter 93 - 94
Chapter 95 - 96
Chapter 97 - 98
Chapter 99 - 100
Chapter 101 - 102
Chapter 103 - 104
Chapter 105 - 106
Chapter 107 - 108
Chapter 109 - 110
Chapter 111 - 112
Chapter 113 - 114
Chapter 115 - 116
Chapter 117 - 118
Chapter 119 - 120
Chapter 121 - 122
Chapter 123 - 124
Chapter 125 - 126
Chapter 127 - 128
Chapter 129 - 130
Chapter 131 - 132
Chapter 133 - 134
Chapter 135 - 136
Chapter 137 - 138
Chapter 139 - 140
Chapter 141 - 142
Chapter 143 - 144
Chapter 145 - 146
Chapter 147 - 148
Chapter 149 - 150
Chapter 151 - 152
Chapter 153 - 154
Chapter 155 - 156
Chapter 157 - 158
Chapter 159 - 160
Chapter 161 - 162
Chapter 163 - 164
Chapter 165 - 166
Chapter 167 - 168
Chapter 169 - 170
Chapter 171 - 172
Chapter 173 - 174
Chapter 175 - 176
Chapter 177 - 178
Chapter 179 - 180
Chapter 181 - 182
Chapter 183 - 184
Chapter 185 - 186
Chapter 187 - 188
Chapter 189 - 190
Chapter 191 - 192
Chapter 193 - 194
Chapter 195 - 196
Chapter 197 - 198
Chapter 199 - 200
Chapter 201 - 202
Chapter 203 - 204
Chapter 205 - 206
Chapter 207 - 208
Chapter 209 - 210
Chapter 211 - 212
Chapter 213 - 214
Chapter 215 - 216
Chapter 217 - 218
Chapter 219 - 220
Chapter 221 - 222
Chapter 223 - 224
Chapter 225 - 226
Chapter 227 - 228
Chapter 229 - 230
Chapter 231 - 232
Chapter 233 - 234
Chapter 235 - 236
Chapter 237 - 238
Chapter 239 - 240
Chapter 241 - 242
Chapter 243 - 244
Chapter 245 - 246
Chapter 247 - 248
Chapter 249 - 250
Chapter 251 - 252
Chapter 253 - 254
Chapter 255 - 256
Chapter 257 - 258
Chapter 259 - 260
Chapter 261 - 262
Chapter 263 - 264
Chapter 265 - 266
Chapter 267 - 268
Chapter 269 - 270
Chapter 271 - 272
Chapter 273 - 274
Chapter 275 - 276
Chapter 277 - 278
Chapter 279 - 280
Chapter 281 - 282
Chapter 283 - 284
Chapter 285 - 286
Chapter 287 - 288
Chapter 289 - 290
Chapter 291 - 292
Chapter 293 - 294
Chapter 295 - 296
Chapter 297 - 298
Chapter 299 - 300
Chapter 301 - 302
Chapter 303 - 304
Chapter 305 - 306
Chapter 307 - 308
Chapter 309 - 310
Chapter 311 - 312
Chapter 313 - 314
Chapter 315 - 316
Chapter 317 - 318
Chapter 319 - 320
Chapter 321 - 322
Chapter 323 - 324
Chapter 325 - 326
Chapter 327 - 328
Chapter 329 - 330
Chapter 331 - 332
Chapter 333 - 334 [End]

Chapter 71 -72

96 2 0
By Kazuyuuki95

Chapter 71 Annihilate the enemy

The Centipede Demon's originally triumphant voice suddenly paused, and then suddenly became panicked, not just panic, but also fear and pain.

With a miserable howl, the centipede demon's body was cut into several sections and fell to the ground, each section still squirming.

"Don't be complacent... You can't kill me like this..."

The centipede demon didn't know why the light whip that was just like tickling it suddenly became infinitely powerful, but even so, it didn't despair and still continued to attack fiercely. shouted at Sesshomaru.

Centipedes are not easy to kill. Even if they are broken into several segments, the head segment can still survive and then slowly regain its strength.

However, the centipede demon obviously miscalculated today. Just after it shouted that sentence, it felt something was wrong -

its self-healing ability did not work!

Not only did it not work, it even felt a sharp pain accompanied by numbness and itching that quickly spread upward from the wound. The speed made the centipede demon finally unable to calm down.


Centipede Demon wanted to shout out, but unfortunately now the numbness and itch had spread to his head, and his mouth became uncomfortable and he couldn't even speak clearly.

"You wait there to die slowly."

After Sesshomaru glanced at the centipede demon with disdain for the last time, he put all his attention on Natsume. For Sesshomaru now, no one is more important than Natsume. It's important.

"I didn't expect...I would die in the hands of a little dog demon..."

The centipede demon was speechless. With increasingly blurred vision, he could hardly see clearly even holding Natsume Sesshomaru. At the last moment of his life, the last thought in Centipede Demon's heart was -

who said General Inu's son was a good-for-nothing? It’s really a trick!

This centipede demon, who had a grudge against Inu General and wanted to kill his son Sesshomaru in revenge because he couldn't defeat Inu General, breathed his last in unwillingness and regret.

This was not over yet. Because of the poison in the light whip, the Centipede Demon's body was slowly corroded by the sound of "Zra Zira" and turned into a pile of liquid and merged into the earth.

Therefore, except for the swaying trees and the messy grass, there was nothing to prove that such a centipede demon once existed.

Sesshomaru didn't pay attention to the Centipede Demon at all. When he saw its body cut into several sections, he knew that the Centipede Demon's outcome was doomed.

The power of the light whip used by Natsume chanting a spell is absolutely different from the light whip used by Sesshomaru alone.

Sesshomaru now had absolutely no joy in killing his enemy. He hugged Natsume, who had passed out after chanting the spell with all his strength, and felt so panicked for the first time in his heart - Takashi, you must not do this.

Death, you must not leave me alone to die, otherwise, even if I chase you to the underworld, I will pull you back!

Fortunately, Sesshomaru was not an ordinary monster after all. His special status made him far more mature and steady than the average big monster. After a brief panic, he forced himself to calm down and thought while carrying Natsume to a safe place. A way to heal Natsume's wounds.

Soon, the peace and quiet of the past returned to the vicinity of the Bone-eating Well.


some time passed, Natsume's consciousness gradually returned. After his eyelids moved a few times, he woke up.

Looking around, Natsume found that this was a very simple room. The walls could be said to be empty, and he was lying on the tatami at this time.

Recalling the scene before he fell into coma, Natsume frowned. He put his hands on the tatami and tried to sit up. He didn't want to just lie peacefully in a strange place.


As soon as he moved, Natsume felt a sharp pain in his chest and abdomen. Looking down, Natsume saw that under his clothes, his entire upper body was wrapped in thick white cloth.

Who bandaged his wounds? Sesshomaru?

Natsume was confused.

It's not that Natsume thinks it's impossible for Sesshomaru to heal him. After all, he can feel the importance he attaches to himself. The reason why Natsume is confused is because of where he is now!

Although Natsume didn't go out to see the scene outside, he could guess that he was probably in a certain temple just by relying on his keen sense of smell.

After all, ordinary places don’t have that kind of smell of fireworks!

But what is Sesshomaru? He is a monster and a dog demon. How could he send himself to the temple?

Even if he saw the Inu Admiral when he woke up, Natsume would never be as confused as he was right now.

A strange temple...

Natsume was not only confused but also anxious. He was afraid that something might happen to Sesshomaru. It was not that he was narcissistic. Natsume was very sure that as long as there was no accident, Sesshomaru would definitely stay by his side when he was injured. I can't see him like this now.

The mood swings were so violent that Natsume didn't even have time to use her spiritual power to explore it. She endured the pain and turned over to sit up and go out.

As soon as Natsume's hand touched the door, the door was opened from the outside, and he came face to face with the person who opened the door.


Natsume shouted unconsciously at the familiar figure, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Sesshomaru was fine.

At this time, Natsume could no longer think about why Sesshomaru would appear in a place like a temple where he was definitely the mortal enemy of monsters. As long as Sesshomaru was okay, he would be relieved.

After all, Sesshomaru was seriously injured when he fought the centipede demon before. Although the demon has a strong self-healing ability, Natsume still felt worried when he didn't see Sesshomaru alive.


felt relieved, but the anger in Sesshomaru's heart suddenly burned up:

"Where are you going if you lie down so dishonestly?"

Sesshomaru's voice was cold:

"Even if you want to die, don't die with me. In front of you!"

Sesshomaru's voice was cold and his expression was cold, but the movements of his hands were very gentle. He couldn't help but hold Natsume's arm and brought him back into the house.

Let Sesshomaru forcefully tuck himself back into the bed again, Natsume did not resist. Firstly, he did not want to make Sesshomaru unhappy. Secondly, and most importantly, his chest really hurt too much. Just lie down and take a good rest.

When Sesshomaru was torturing himself, Natsume did not forget to observe Sesshomaru carefully, and saw that his face had returned to rosy, and his white kimono fit him well, and there was no trace of bandaging inside.

——The monster’s physique is still good! They were all seriously injured and he was still unable to move, but he had become more alive and kicking.

While Natsume sighed, she finally felt relieved.

Chapter 72 Dog Demon and Human

After settling down, Natsume finally had the mind to think about other things, such as why he was in a temple and why the monster Sesshomaru was in a temple!

"Where is this?"

Natsume asked, looking at Sesshomaru.


Sesshomaru sat cross-legged next to Natsume and said expressionlessly.

The corner of Natsume's mouth twitched slightly, and he suddenly felt like he couldn't laugh or cry. Of course he knew this was a temple, and he didn't believe that Sesshomaru didn't know that he could guess this!

Obviously, Sesshomaru was still dissatisfied with the fact that he was about to go out just now, so he deliberately caused trouble for himself. Of course, Natsume would not be angry, but just a little helpless.

"Why are we in the temple? I don't think you have friends who are monks."

Natsume said calmly.

Sesshomaru was silent for a few seconds, seeming hesitant to tell the truth.

"Don't lie to me, Sesshomaru."

Natsume's tone did not change, and there was no threat in his voice. However, Sesshomaru's body still stiffened unconsciously, and he took back the lie he had made up, and spoke with some reluctance. He told the truth:

"Only the monks from this temple around here are the best at herbal medicine."

At this point, Sesshomaru shut his mouth and stopped continuing.

However, even if Sesshomaru only said such a short sentence, Natsume could already piece together the cause and effect in his mind.

Obviously, his coma made Sesshomaru panic. He didn't know how to heal humans, so naturally he wanted to find humans with medical skills, and the monk of this temple was unlucky enough to have Sesshomaru come to his door.


He called out Sesshomaru's name in a low voice. There was something inexplicable in Natsume's eyes when he looked at Sesshomaru -

to be able to make Sesshomaru, who was so proud and looked down upon humans at all, find a human for himself. , or a monk asking for help, I should really be proud of myself.

Although Natsume's voice was low, it obviously couldn't hide the sharp ears of Sesshomaru, who was a monster. A flash of discomfort quickly flashed across his face, and even his eyes unconsciously shifted a few degrees to the side: "

I just don't want something to happen to the owner of the book I waited so hard for."

I don't know whether Sesshomaru is deceiving Natsume or convincing himself:

"Without you, my strength will be greatly reduced. That centipede demon not long ago was An example: when I become strong enough in the future, I won’t care about your life or death."

- Strong enough? What kind of strength is strong enough?

Natsume, who knew Sesshomaru's duplicitous character, didn't ask, and Sesshomaru didn't explain clearly. Anyway, until a long, long time, I don't know how many years later, Sesshomaru still felt that he was not strong enough!

Not wanting Sesshomaru to continue to feel uncomfortable, Natsume changed the subject very thoughtfully:

"Where is the master who helped me heal my wounds? Where is he?"

Natsume felt that she should thank this monk whose name he still didn't know. After all, he could help a monk. Not many monks can heal their companions from monsters, even if they are human themselves.

"We are all very lucky to have met a kind master."

However, as soon as Natsume finished speaking, he saw that Sesshomaru's eyes had turned aside again, and he did not answer his own question.

A suspicion suddenly arose in Natsume's heart, and he looked at Sesshomaru with a bit of helplessness: "

You won't tell me that the master didn't actually volunteer to heal me, right?"

Natsume mentioned it again and again. A certain monk's cold murderous intention flashed in Sesshomaru's eyes:

"If he doesn't want to, just hit him until he is willing."

- Sure enough, you know there is no such luck!

Natsume thought in his mind but did not blame Sesshomaru verbally. Everyone was qualified to blame Sesshomaru, but he was not. After all, Sesshomaru did such a thing for him.

"Where is the master?"

When Natsume asked this question, he was already prepared for the worst, and Sesshomaru's answer was an unexpected surprise for him.

"In the side room next to it."


It was already three days before Natsume was allowed to step out of the room. In these three days, Natsume had enough time to put on his clothes, reach for his food, and open his mouth. Before it was time to eat, Sesshomaru It would disappear for a while, and when it appeared, there would already be a warm meal in hand.

Natsume didn't think Sesshomaru had the skill to cook. It wasn't that he wasn't as smart as Tomoe, but the two demons had completely different personalities. Even if they both risked their lives for him, the way they showed it was absolutely different.

Natsume guessed that Sesshomaru might have forced a human to help him do it again.

Natsume didn't ask more about the specifics. From the fact that the monk was still alive, Natsume knew that Sesshomaru still had a bottom line in his heart, and he was not worried about the safety of the unknown human being who cooked for him.

The fact was almost as Natsume guessed. In order to let Natsume eat delicious meals every day, Sesshomaru went to the nearest village and found a woman to cook for him.

At first, the woman was frightened crazy when she saw a monster coming to her house. However, when Sesshomaru placed a pile of vegetables and meat in front of her and told her to help him cook, she hesitated. Made all the cooking ingredients.

After the meal was ready, Sesshomaru only took away one person's portion and told the woman to handle the rest by herself.

It wasn't until Sesshomaru left for a long time that the woman tried to eat the food she cooked. When she found out that the monster didn't come back to seek revenge on her, she felt ecstatic in her heart - you know, Sesshomaru wanted to let Natsume eat the best food

. , the materials found were numerous and complete, and they were all valuable items. This woman living in the village had never had such good food in her life!

Therefore, although Sesshomaru was still cold and cold, the woman was no longer afraid of Sesshomaru, and even waited eagerly at the door every day for Sesshomaru's arrival!

Natsume doesn't know these details, otherwise she wouldn't know how she would laugh at Sesshomaru!


other times of the day, Sesshomaru would sit on the wall not far from Natsume with his chest in his arms. He didn’t know whether it was to relieve Natsume’s boredom or to monitor him. Anyway, every time Natsume asked to go out for a walk, he got All he could see was Sesshomaru's cold glare and merciless rejection.

Knowing that he might have really frightened Sesshomaru, a fearless dog demon, Natsume stayed honest for three days, lying down and waiting for the wound to heal.

At first, Natsume's chest was completely penetrated by the centipede demon's tail. If it were an ordinary human, he would have reported to the underworld long ago. No wonder Sesshomaru was so nervous.

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