Rebirth of Natsume: Demon Lov...

By Kazuyuuki95

14.8K 404 7

Author: Orihime/織姬 Category: Danmei fanfiction Status: Completed Status: 334 chapter Introducing: Natsume was... More

Chapter 1 - 2
Chapter 3 - 4
Chapter 5 - 6
Chapter 7 - 8
Chapter 9 - 10
Chapter 13 - 14
Chapter 15 - 16
Chapter 17 - 18
Chapter 19 - 20
Chapter 21 - 22
Chapter 23 - 24
Chapter 25 - 26
Chapter 27 - 28
Chapter 29 - 30
Chapter 31 - 32
Chapter 33 - 34
Chapter 35 - 36
Chapter 37 - 38
Chapter 39 - 40
Chapter 41 - 42
Chapter 43 - 44
Chapter 45 - 46
Chapter 47 - 48
Chapter 49 - 50
Chapter 51 - 52
Chapter 53 - 54
Chapter 55 - 56
Chapter 57 - 58
Chapter 59 - 60
Chapter 61 - 62
Chapter 63 - 64
Chapter 65 - 66
Chapter 67 - 68
Chapter 69 - 70
Chapter 71 -72
Chapter 73 - 74
Chapter 75 - 76
Chapter 77 - 78
Chapter 79 - 80
Chapter 81 - 82
Chapter 83 - 84
Chapter 85 - 86
Chapter 87 - 88
Chapter 89 - 90
Chapter 91 - 92
Chapter 93 - 94
Chapter 95 - 96
Chapter 97 - 98
Chapter 99 - 100
Chapter 101 - 102
Chapter 103 - 104
Chapter 105 - 106
Chapter 107 - 108
Chapter 109 - 110
Chapter 111 - 112
Chapter 113 - 114
Chapter 115 - 116
Chapter 117 - 118
Chapter 119 - 120
Chapter 121 - 122
Chapter 123 - 124
Chapter 125 - 126
Chapter 127 - 128
Chapter 129 - 130
Chapter 131 - 132
Chapter 133 - 134
Chapter 135 - 136
Chapter 137 - 138
Chapter 139 - 140
Chapter 141 - 142
Chapter 143 - 144
Chapter 145 - 146
Chapter 147 - 148
Chapter 149 - 150
Chapter 151 - 152
Chapter 153 - 154
Chapter 155 - 156
Chapter 157 - 158
Chapter 159 - 160
Chapter 161 - 162
Chapter 163 - 164
Chapter 165 - 166
Chapter 167 - 168
Chapter 169 - 170
Chapter 171 - 172
Chapter 173 - 174
Chapter 175 - 176
Chapter 177 - 178
Chapter 179 - 180
Chapter 181 - 182
Chapter 183 - 184
Chapter 185 - 186
Chapter 187 - 188
Chapter 189 - 190
Chapter 191 - 192
Chapter 193 - 194
Chapter 195 - 196
Chapter 197 - 198
Chapter 199 - 200
Chapter 201 - 202
Chapter 203 - 204
Chapter 205 - 206
Chapter 207 - 208
Chapter 209 - 210
Chapter 211 - 212
Chapter 213 - 214
Chapter 215 - 216
Chapter 217 - 218
Chapter 219 - 220
Chapter 221 - 222
Chapter 223 - 224
Chapter 225 - 226
Chapter 227 - 228
Chapter 229 - 230
Chapter 231 - 232
Chapter 233 - 234
Chapter 235 - 236
Chapter 237 - 238
Chapter 239 - 240
Chapter 241 - 242
Chapter 243 - 244
Chapter 245 - 246
Chapter 247 - 248
Chapter 249 - 250
Chapter 251 - 252
Chapter 253 - 254
Chapter 255 - 256
Chapter 257 - 258
Chapter 259 - 260
Chapter 261 - 262
Chapter 263 - 264
Chapter 265 - 266
Chapter 267 - 268
Chapter 269 - 270
Chapter 271 - 272
Chapter 273 - 274
Chapter 275 - 276
Chapter 277 - 278
Chapter 279 - 280
Chapter 281 - 282
Chapter 283 - 284
Chapter 285 - 286
Chapter 287 - 288
Chapter 289 - 290
Chapter 291 - 292
Chapter 293 - 294
Chapter 295 - 296
Chapter 297 - 298
Chapter 299 - 300
Chapter 301 - 302
Chapter 303 - 304
Chapter 305 - 306
Chapter 307 - 308
Chapter 309 - 310
Chapter 311 - 312
Chapter 313 - 314
Chapter 315 - 316
Chapter 317 - 318
Chapter 319 - 320
Chapter 321 - 322
Chapter 323 - 324
Chapter 325 - 326
Chapter 327 - 328
Chapter 329 - 330
Chapter 331 - 332
Chapter 333 - 334 [End]

Chapter 11 - 12

296 8 0
By Kazuyuuki95

Chapter 11 "Follow You"

Natsume looked at the monster seriously:

"I don't have you in my memory, and I don't know how I made a contract with you. Can you tell me how to terminate the contract between us?" Change it to another person, or

He is afraid because there is an extra monster around him, or he is proud and satisfied with having a loyal and powerful servant, but that is not Natsume. He does not want to get involved with a monster in such unclear situations, so he I expressed my opinions very clearly right away.

"You want to terminate the contract with me?"

The monster was shocked, and his eyes showed a look of extreme loss and pain for a moment. However, this monster has lived for a long time after all. Although the shock in his heart was very big, on the surface it was very... Calmness soon returned.

"I will not terminate the contract with you."

The monster shook his head, his expression looking a bit more serious than Natsume said:

"At least not now, if you think of everything but still want to terminate the contract with me, then I will I will also rely on you!"

The monster's expression was very serious, allowing Natsume to see that he was not joking, and helplessly, he became more interested in what happened between him and himself - what exactly did he do

? Let this seemingly unruly monster be willing to give up freedom and follow you?

Have you really forgotten something very important?

Natsume thought hard, but couldn't find any trace of the fault in his memory.

Since he couldn't figure it out, Natsume put the matter aside for the time being. After all, it was more important to strengthen his own strength than a monster that had made a contract with him inexplicably.

"If you don't tell me how to terminate the contract, forget it. I'll take my leave."

After saying that, Natsume simply turned around and left, showing no nostalgia for the monster at all.


Before Natsume turned around, a monster's voice suddenly came to his ears, and there was an inexplicable meaning in the low tone.

"What's your name?"

Natsume couldn't pretend not to hear the words of the monster, that is, Tomoe, so he could only stay temporarily.

"Yes, that's my name. I'm the demon fox Tomoe."

Natsume stopped and a flash of joy and expectation flashed through Tomoe's eyes. Unfortunately, it was quickly replaced by disappointment - it was

still difficult to say the name. Natsume can't remember anything? Obviously when he saw himself for the first time...

At this time, Ba Wei's heart moved again, because he suddenly thought of what Natsume once said to him, "One day I may temporarily forget your existence. At that time If you regret making a contract with me, then tell me how to terminate the contract and I will set you free."

Natsume didn't explain clearly at that time, so Tomoe could be said to be confused. When he asked Natsume for questioning, Natsume just gave him a mysterious smile and said nothing else.

Now, Tomoe knows that this is what Natsume said. He doesn't know why this happened, and he doesn't know why Natsume could predict the future at that time. There is only one thing he is very sure about, he doesn't want to at all. After breaking the contract with Natsume, it will be the same even if he forgets about me!

I will make him remember it. Even if I can't remember it, I can still find a way to create new memories with him. In short, the Jedi should not disappear in Natsume's memory!

Natsume didn't know that in just a few seconds, so many thoughts had already passed through Ba Wei's mind. He didn't want to continue to be involved with Ba Wei, so he said goodbye to Ba Wei again and prepared to leave.


could Tomoe let Natsume, who he had been waiting for so long, leave so easily, so he called out to Natsume again: "Wait a minute!" "Can you finish everything at once?" Natsume said with a smile on

his face


An impatient expression:

"I've wasted a lot of time on you."

Natsume's unceremonious words made Tomoe feel hurt in his heart, but he didn't show it, and he still looked calm and composed on the outside. :

"You are my master, so I want to go with you."

"I don't need a demon fox as a servant."

Natsume said ruthlessly again.

Tomoe's inexplicably familiar attitude made Natsume always feel like he was out of control. He didn't like this feeling very much, so he simply tore off his usual gentle disguise and showed his true self in front of this demon fox.

Even Natsume can feel the bond between her and Tomoe's soul, and can feel the warm feeling brought by this bond.

"You are still very weak and need my protection."

Since Natsume was so ruthless, Tomoe started to speak rudely.

When the seal was first released, Tomoe was ecstatic just because he saw Natsume here. After saying several words, he realized something was wrong with Natsume - Natsume was too weak, much weaker than when he met him


Amnesia, weakening...

Apart from these two points, I don’t know if anything else happened to Natsume. Tomoe didn’t believe that a person would become like this for no reason, so Natsume must have encountered some accident!

Thinking of this, the loss, sadness and uneasiness caused by Natsume forgetting and being ruthless to him were instantly forgotten by Tomoe, replaced by deep worry!

In this case, it is even more impossible for Tomoe to leave Natsume!

Ba Wei's character is indeed very proud. If another person were so indifferent to him, he would have gone up to serve him!

But that person is Natsume, and Tomoe is willing to give in for him.


's rude words made Natsume feel a little unhappy, but he understood better that it was the truth and couldn't even say anything to refute it.

Regardless of whether Natsume wants to admit it or not, it is a fact that he is weaker than Tomoe now!

However, even if he is weak now, he will not let a demon fox stay by his side for this reason!

"I don't have any enemies now, so I don't need a demon fox."

After saying that, Natsume completely ignored Tomoe and started to do the exercise that had been delayed for a long time - running.

Natsume ignored Tomoe, but it didn't mean that Tomoe ignored Natsume. When Natsume was running, Tomoe hung beside him, neither far nor close, neither approaching nor leaving.

As the sun set, Natsume returned to the foot of the mountain out of breath. After slowly calming down his breathing, he looked at the demon fox that had been following him closely all day: "What on earth do you want?"

"Follow you." Ba Wei's answer was again concise and clear, expressing your wishes clearly in just a few words.

Chapter 12 The Virtuous Demonic Fox

"What will you do?"

Natsume didn't answer directly this time, but asked Ba Wei instead.

--What's the meaning?

Tomoe didn't understand what Natsume wanted to ask, so he didn't answer immediately.

Natsume didn't care whether Tomoe answered him, but continued to ask:

"Can you cook?"


"Can you clean up the house?"


"Can you make money?" "

..." "

After only three questions, Tomoe not only couldn't answer any of them, but the veins on his forehead were jumping "joyfully". If the boy opposite was not Natsume, he would definitely burn him to ashes with fox fire immediately!

He is a monster, a monster with powerful fighting power! It’s not like there were no humans who wanted to contract with him in the past, just to let him fight for them!

Why is it that he is finally willing to give it a try, but the other party dislikes what he is most proud of?

For a moment, even Ba Wei wondered if he was too incompetent. None of his master's requirements could be met!

But Tomoe is not an ordinary little monster after all. Looking at Natsume who left without hearing his answer, he didn't move, but his eyes flickered. If Natsume could see the inevitable light in his eyes, he would Maybe he wouldn't be relieved because he finally got rid of Ba Wei.

Natsume still spent the next day on the same mountain as yesterday. As expected and somewhat unexpectedly, he didn't meet Tomoe. Natsume should have been satisfied, but he didn't know if it was because of the contract. There was actually a trace of loss.

Although there was only a hint of it, and although Natsume quickly suppressed it, that emotion arose after all, and it also proved that the demon fox was not completely unaffected by him.

"It seems that we really want to find a way to terminate the contract quickly."

Natsume said to himself. He didn't like the feeling that his mood was not controlled by his brain.

Natsume thought that Tomoe had given up following him, which was a bit strange. After all, for a monster, as long as he recognizes his master, his loyalty and attachment to his master will be engraved into his soul, and he will never betray his master under any circumstances.

But Natsume didn't think too much, thinking that this world was different from the world before him.

However, Natsume soon realized that he was still too naive!

On Monday, it was just dawn, and Natsume, who was sleeping soundly in bed, suddenly opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his golden eyes.

He jumped from the bed to the ground with one hand, and landed silently. His quick movements showed no hint of the haze of just waking up, and his deep sleep just now seemed fake.

Opening the door cautiously, going downstairs, Natsume came to the kitchen where the noise was coming from.

Yes, Natsume, who was sleeping soundly, woke up when he heard a noise in the room where he was the only one. Even if his body only recovered a little, the vigilance engraved in his bones after many years of fighting is not easy to disappear, so Even though it was just a small sound, it still woke up Natsume.


"Why are you here?"

The figure in the kitchen had no intention of hiding Xingzo, so Natsume could see who the guy inside was at a glance.

After seeing the true face of that figure clearly, an inexplicable light flashed in Natsume's eyes, but he didn't see the figure with his back to Natsume.

"As you can see, cooking."

The figure turned around, revealing that handsome face. Who else could he be if he wasn't Ba Wei, the demon fox?

Natsume then carefully looked at the demon fox who suddenly appeared in his kitchen early in the morning, and saw that he was still wearing a kimono, but it was changed to white, and he was also wearing an apron of the same color outside the kimono!

Coupled with the ears on his head that move from time to time, Ba Wei is not so much a dangerous demon fox at this time, but a charming and cute pet!

Seeing Tomoe like this, Natsume's original displeasure at Tomoe entering her home without permission almost disappeared at this time.

Therefore, a handsome face is still very important. Even if the other person is of the same sex, it is still pleasing to the eye, right?

"Can you cook?"

Natsume relaxed and leaned against the kitchen door, raising an eyebrow and asked Tomoe. He really didn't know that cooking had become a necessary skill for monsters.

Maybe it’s Natsume’s relaxed expression, maybe it’s his attitude that he won’t rush her away anymore, anyway, Tomoe is in a very beautiful mood now, and even the tone of his voice has risen a bit: “I can learn such a simple thing as soon as I learn it

. Got it."

Ba Wei's expression even showed a bit of pride, as if he was telling Natsume that now he had no reason to drive her away!

——Learn to cook in one day?

Natsume's heart moved. Even if Ba Wei was very smart, being able to do this showed that he was also careful.

"Where are you cleaning the house?"

Natsume was actually a little shaken, but he didn't let go immediately.

"I'll let you see it after I finish cooking."

Ba Wei said very confidently, and then without waiting for Natsume to continue asking, he took the initiative to explain the third excuse Natsume used to reject him: "How much do you want

? Money? I'll give it to you tonight."

Ba Wei may not have the money-making ability of modern people, but as a fox demon with the ability to charm, no one can beat him when he goes astray!

Make some money or something, it’s a joke!

Natsume leaned against the door and looked at Tomoe who continued to cook seriously after answering her, lowering her eyes to cover her thoughts.

Next, Natsume didn't ask Tomoe to stay, but she didn't say anything to drive him away, so Tomoe took it as Natsume's acquiescence. After putting breakfast on the table, he began to go in and out of various rooms, and really started to clean. .


was in front of Natsume at this time was miso soup, fried saury, rice, pickles and tofu, a very traditional Japanese breakfast.

This can be said to be the first time Natsume has eaten such an orthodox Japanese breakfast since he was reborn in this body. Compared with the bento he usually eats, it is not only more delicious, but also has a bit more homey taste.

He picked up a piece of tofu and put it in his mouth. The tender and smooth taste made Natsume squint his eyes, and his eyes softened a bit when he looked at Tomoe who was working hard to clean the glass.

——Well, no matter when or why I signed the contract with this demon fox, if it is such a "virtuous" demon fox, it seems that there is nothing wrong with letting him stay by my side.

It's a pity that because Tomoe was facing Natsume, he didn't see the change in Natsume's attitude towards him, otherwise he would really be proud of himself.

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