
By Lilas___

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[Tsundere x Reader] One second she was just a simple nurse, tending to her patients and doing her job. J... More

Chapter 1 - Secrets
Chapter 2 - Bitten
Chapter 3 - Rise
Chapter 4 - Shot
Chapter 5 - Rebirth
Chapter 6 - Orders
Chapter 7 - Dispute
Chapter 8 - Research
Chapter 9 - Watching
Chapter 10 - Guilt
Chapter 11 - Distrust
Chapter 12 - Alarm
Chapter 13 - Run
Chapter 14 - Stuck
Chapter 15 - Signal
Chapter 16 - Surrounded
Chapter 17 - Guns
Chapter 18 - Range
Chapter 19 - Interlude
Chapter 20 - Station
Chapter 21 - Pendant
Chapter 22 - Ex
Chapter 23 - Market
Chapter 24 - Honesty
Chapter 25 - Difference
Chapter 26 - Vent
Chapter 27 - List
Chapter 28 - Bandanna
Chapter 29 - Stranger
Chapter 30 - Hidden
Chapter 31 - Desperate
Chapter 32 - Hostage
Chapter 33 - Corpse
Chapter 34 - Tension
Chapter 35 - Depart
Chapter 36 - Tougher
Chapter 37 - Losing
Chapter 38 - Papa
Chapter 39 - Thief
Chapter 40 - Plans
Chapter 42 - Escape
Chapter 43 - End

Chapter 41 - Diversion

562 67 32
By Lilas___

"So then I told that man to fuck off! If he wanted my stash so bad, he can go fuck himself." Papa and his men laughed together.

     Chi had walked in on her father and the gang sharing their usual stories together over dinner. They hadn't noticed yet, not like they wood. She can stand in front of Papa and he wouldn't even see her.

      She walked across the main lounge that was in a disarray. The plan was to get the guns and bring them to the prisoners. The bag of food Chi had given the nurse wasn't just getting her to hide the food but as a test.

       It wouldn't be hard for (Y/N) to abandon the plan and make off with the food on her own.

      It also wouldn't be hard for Chi to expose the plan to her father if (Y/N) couldn't be trusted. She can just say the nurse stole the food.

      As long as (Y/N) holds up her end of the deal, Chi will hold up hers. No need for betrayal.

"Aye, Papa. You heard from the other kid yet?" A biker called to his leader.

"Who?" Papa asked with a mouthful of cooked deer meat.

       Chi stopped just before a door to listen.

"You know, Harlow. That girl?" The biker asked. "We ain't hear from her or her mother since this whole thing started."

"Ah, those two wanted to be out there. I ain't worried about them." Papa said with zero concern or remorse for his other daughter and ex-wife. They wanted to leave, they weren't his concern anymore.

      All the more reason Chi was planning to go herself. She didn't even want to be here in the first place.

      She entered into a hall and almost ran into someone. Looking up, her eyes met Kelly who wasn't in the best of moods. When was he ever?

"I'm surprised you're even here. I thought you were dead." Chi tsked and stepped aside from him.

"That's what your father said." He grunted and turned to head into the room. He had to discuss a situation involving the motorcycles with the leader.

       But Chi quickly grabbed his arm to keep him from going inside. "I talked to your ex."

       Kelly's demeanor instantly changed. He focused back on the girl who knew that would keep his attention. "What? Where is she?!"

"She's alive. We made a deal together." Chi kept her voice down and motioned for him to do the same. "We have a plan to get everyone out. I need you for it."

"Tell me where she is." He lowly spoke, knowing that she was the type to make impossible deals with people.

     Chi ignored him, however. Their relationship wasn't her problem. "She's outside gathering our fiend friends. When shit goes down, you need to have those Satellite trucks ready."

"The hell are you even talking about?" He questioned. What did she mean (Y/N) was gathering fiends?

"Have the trucks ready. We're leaving tonight." Was all Chi said, not having any time to fully explain. Just what she needed him to do.

     Kelly watched her hurry off deeper into the manor. He called out for her to explain but she was already gone.

      They were getting everyone out and his ex was somehow involved.

      (Y/N) hid behind a bush and watched from a distance as multiple bikers stood around Rockman while he tried to talk mechanics with them. They were planning to strip the trucks for parts. The two large Satellite vehicles were parked next to a garage with the wheels already taken off. This worried (Y/N) since the trucks were important to the plan. They'll need something to escape in and protect them from the fiends.

      Several of the bikers became frustrated due to how complex the vehicles were. They weren't like anything a citizen could obtain. The parts, engine, controls, even the wheels themselves were all military grade. Way more advanced than what they've seen.

       Stripping the trucks was proving to be hard.

       Most of the bikers began to leave due to this. Probably to go chug more beers which was more interesting to them than this. Rockman looked relieved that they were leaving but one stayed behind to examine the trucks further.

       Rockman sighed and walked over to one of the wheels propped up on a table. He wished the Red Dogs could've been avoided altogether. Nothing good has come since the attack on the station. Not to mention how worried he was for (Y/N). He wanted to go out there and find her but the fiends nearby would tear him to shreds.

       But maybe he didn't have to look.

       A quick thud hit something as the biker who stayed behind grunted and toppled to the ground.

       Rockman quickly turned around and was shocked at the sight of the biker unconscious on the ground while (Y/N) stood over him with a monkey wrench in her hands.

       She was shaking from actually knocking someone out but she quickly dropped the wrench and ran to the old hippie's arms. "Are you ok?! They didn't hurt you?"

"I should be asking you that!" He happily embraced her despite his surprise. Where did she even come from? "What happened? Where were you?"

"It's a lot to explain but we have to be quick." She proceeded to explain the whole plan to him and why she ran out to begin with. As expected, he was against it at first. It wasn't necessarily the herd that scared him and more so that she was risking herself to bring the herd. She had to explain to him that fiends believed she was one of them due to her infection. Which only made getting the others out of there that much more risky.

       Rockman was speechless, especially as she explained his and Kelly's parts of the plan. They needed to have the trucks ready to go if they were going to make it out.

       He looked at the wheelless vehicles. "I wish you would've told me this before they made me take the wheels off."

"Can you have them back on in time?" She asked or else the plan was doomed.

"Yeah, luckily the wheels are the easiest parts of these things. Me and Kelly will have them back in." He nodded with his hands on his hips. To say he was nervous was an understatement. "You be careful doing this. I don't care how protected you are against those things, I can't watch you get hurt again..."

"I won't. I promise." She reassured both him and herself. "Tell Kelly everything when he gets back. I'll see you soon."

       Rockman sighed and gave her a small kiss on the cheek before patting her shoulder. "Oscar would yell at me for letting you do this."

       She couldn't help her small smile and turned to hurry off with the bag of food in hand while Rockman took care of the biker she knocked out.

       When it comes to how exactly she was to attract this herd, she wasn't sure. After hiding the food bag somewhere they could find after all of this, (Y/N) focused her attention on the fiends outside of the manor. The neighborhood was beginning to be crawling with the ones that poured in from the city. They were on lawns, in the streets, inside of homes. Who would've thought this once beautiful suburb would become infested like this?

"Ok um..." She whispered and went to stand in the middle of the street. She stretched her arms out and clapped her hands to be as loud as possible. "HEY! EVERYONE!"

       A good number of fiends turned their attention to her, some even beginning to rush over to her. She tensed up and took quick steps back before the fiends stopped as they realized she was already infected. Groans escaped their chapped lips before they turned away, completely uninterested.

       Of course that wouldn't work. They wouldn't follow someone unless they were potential food. She needed something else.

       (Y/N) looked around for anything that could help her. Maybe something with noise? To get all these guys to the manor required something loud. Really loud.

        And her eyes settled on just the thing. She looked around before quickly running over to a pickup truck that was parked in a driveway. She climbed up its side and tried to open the door but it was locked. The keys weren't inside either and trying to search for them would take more time than she could afford.

       Time to go a different route.

       A fiend snapped its neck toward the sound of glass breaking and watched as the nurse used a large rock to break the driver's side window and reach in to unlock the door. But what she didn't expect was for the alarm to go off so quickly.

       The alarm was loud, filling the entire street with its sound. Many fiends, if not all of them were immediately drawn to the noise. (Y/N) quickly got in before they could surround her and closed the door. She yelped as the fiends began to bang their fists against the pickup. The vehicle shook and only made (Y/N)'s fear worse. Luckily though, they weren't after her and more so believing that someone else was inside the truck to cause the noise.

       She took a deep breath to settle her and reached down underneath the steering wheel to find the wires she was looking for.

       One of the upsides to having dated Kelly. He taught her how to hot wire.

        Back in the manor inside of the greenhouse, everyone was on edge waiting for the plan to begin. It has been almost two hours since they last spoke with (Y/N) and Drake has already heard that some of the Red Dogs sent a group out to go divert the herd from the highways.

         It was only a matter of time before their leader came rounding the team up like a bunch of cattle being taken to slaughter.

         The panel above opened up and a large duffel bag came falling through. Everyone darted their eyes toward the bag that hit a table roughly before toppling to the ground.

        And out spilled weapons. A lot of them...

"The hell..." Rose muttered as he approached the bag. Drake came closer as well before looking up and seeing a rope with knots being thrown down. A girl appeared one they weren't familiar with. She climbed down and planted her feet next to the bag of guns.

        Drake studied her closely. She didn't look like she belonged to Papa Dog.

        Chi took a moment to catch her breath from hauling the amount of weapons she managed to steal. She grabbed the ones belonging to Satellite and some extras just to weaken the gang a little. It was difficult getting the bag here without being detected.

        She looked back up at all the prisoners before reaching down to take a pistol for herself. "I suggest you all suit up now. Any minute now we have to be ready."

"I see that you're this... daughter our nurse spoke of." Rose spoke as he watched her carefully and picked the bag of guns up. He placed it on the table and immediately the soldiers began taking what they could.

        Chi stepped back and took in each one. Most of them looked like soldiers beside Vivian in the back. "I am. So think twice before doing anything to me. I brought you these guns."

        Drake tsked as he retrieved his rifle, knife, as well as a pistol, and switchblade he gave to (Y/N). "Not much you can do anyway standing in a room with us."

       Cheng searched the bag for her shotgun and pulled it out almost instantly. "Oh, I missed you, baby."

        Rose shook his head at her before focusing back on the girl. Drake was right. This Chi girl didn't look like a threat when next to all of them. As long as she was helping, he wouldn't have to see her as such. "So what's the next step? We wait for fiends to tear this place down then shoot our way out?"

"Yeah." Chi simply stated. There really wasn't much else to it.

       Both Rose and Drake thought that was unexpected. That was actually the plan?

"That lady attracts the fiends here, get them past the gates, then we let my father and his men deal with them while we slip out the back." Chi explained in more detail. It involved a lot of running and gunning but was their best bet of getting out. "Kelly and his grandpa will have the trucks waiting for us in the garages. That is if any of you doesn't fuck this up."

       Drake glared at her. How old was this girl to be knowing this much? She looked straight out of high school.

"You don't have to worry about us. We have been through situations like this before." Rose spoke and took his own rifle back. "Just stick close to us and don't fall behind. Understood?"

"God, you're so military..." Chi rolled her eyes at how stern and authoritative he was as she walked away. If there was one thing she didn't like, it was authority.

       Both Rose and Drake shared a look. They weren't expecting the girl (Y/N) spoke of to be some rebellious teen.

       As everyone armored up while a soldier took watch at the doors, Cheng walked over to Vivian to check up on the woman. Out of everyone here, the older woman was the least likely to keep up. "You going to be alright, miss? Once we get out there, we can't stop."

       Vivian nodded as she did her best to hide the occasional pain she experienced. Even though she wasn't someone who liked guns, seeing the soldiers rearmed did relieve her. "I'll be fine. I won't slow you down."

"Good. Just stick close to me and I'll-"


       Everyone jumped when they heard a loud collision outside the manor. The building shook with it which indicated something rammed into the manor. The collision was followed by a loud car alarm and the yells of the bikers who immediately ran to deal with it.

       Chi approached the door and heard the car alarm that shrieked through the air. Many bikers were yelling to get the alarm put out, evening one mentioned that a pickup broke the gate open.

       She then smirked once she began hearing the shooting. It's time to go.

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