Let Me

By unbreakable16_

27.6K 1.6K 747

What happens when dancer Denzel falls for his boss? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86

Chapter 34

306 19 4
By unbreakable16_

Sunlight hit my face as I woke up. I eventually fell asleep while watching Janet sleep. I didn't want to leave her alone because I didn't know if she was okay or not. Also, I wanted to be there for her when she needed me.

Sitting up, I noticed the bed was empty and her side was made up. I got up and quickly put some clothes on before leaving the room. Going downstairs, I calmed down when I saw her in the living room with her mother and sisters. "Hey, baby." She smiled at me. "Did you sleep okay?" I let out a breath I was holding.

"Yes, it was good." I sat next to her.

"I'm happy. You were tossing and turning for a while."

"Yeah. Why are you up so early?"

"Well, after yesterday I decided that sitting in negativity didn't do me or my son any good. So I woke up and took me a nice calming bath and did a bunch of self care stuff that LaToya had been telling me about and I felt so refreshed. Kind of like washing all those bad things away."

"That's good, but you still need to talk about it with someone."

"I know. Mother was just telling about how she took Toya to this great place to help her unpack those things."

"Really. You did therapy, Toya?"

"Yeah. At first I didn't want to. I convinced myself that I had been okay and I believed it until I woke up in a hospital after trying to drown myself."


"Our father wasn't too big on mental health so we never practiced those things." said Rebbie.

"And I didn't help much either but saying to pray and stuff." Mrs. Jackson spoke up. "But I'm happy I can help my children now. It's never too late."

"You're right, mother." Janet looked at her watch. "Oh, but I am late for a meeting." She stood up.

"What meeting?"

"With Gil and the team. We have to get ready for the next leg of the tour. It's only six months away, you know."

"I know." She pecked my lips.

"You got Eissa, right?"

"Yeah, me and the little homie gone chill." She laughed.

"Good. I'm so happy he has you. He doesn't even know how lucky he is."

"Oh stop." Her sisters laughed.

"Y'all are too cute."

"I know." said Janet. "Well, bye everyone. Love you, guys."

"Bye." She went to walk away.

"Oh, baby." I looked at her. "I left you something upstairs that came in the mail today."

"Ok." She turned and left. I sighed. Her sisters and mother looked at me. "What?"

"Nothing." They giggled.


"Nothing." said Mama Kat. "Y'all are just so cute."

"Thank you." I blushed.

"Awww, they're in love." LaToya teased.

"Stop it."

"No, it's okay. It's sweet. I'm happy you treat her well." She stood up. "That way I won't have to kill you." She smiled. I started laughing to hide the fact that I was actually now genuinely scared of her. LaToya wouldn't strike you as the type of person to be scared of but she definitely has her moments. Especially when it comes to her little sister.

"I won't hurt her."

"Good." She walked to the kitchen.

"It's okay, LaToya's scary. We know you were scared."

"What? No, I wasn't scared." Rebbie laughed.


"Well, let me get little man ready."

"What y'all gonna do today?"

"I don't know. I might take him for a ride. Maybe go to the beach or something."

"Janet's cool with him out in public?"

"Yeah, we figured out some tricks to keep him hidden."

"Good." Rebbie helped Mama Kat stand up. "You two have fun."

"Yes, ma'am." I went upstairs and went to the room Mama Kat had for Eissa. When I went inside, he was already awake, standing in the bed. He got excited when he saw me. "Hey, little man." He squealed as I picked him up and grabbed my face. That was his thing lately. He loved people's cheeks and noses.

"Ma ma."

"Ma ma is working. You chilling with me today." It's like he understood and started moving around in my arms. I found him an outfit and got him dressed. Janet gave him a good bath before bed so I didn't have to do it this morning.

Once he was dressed, I took him to the other bedroom so I could get dressed. He sat on the bed with his toys and babbled to himself. At one point, he moved to the footboard and stood against it. I stopped what I was doing to make sure he didn't fall, but he let his body fall back onto the bed and laughed. He pulled himself back up and fell back again while laughing.

I took a video of him doing it to show Janet before I finished getting dressed. Once I was done, I grabbed my things and picked him up. He held onto one of his toys as we went to the car.
"Aww, you guys are leaving." Rebbie came into the living room as I finished packing his diaper bag.

"Yeah, we're going to the park."

"Awww, make sure to take pictures."

"Of course."

"Bye Eisses." Rebbie tickled his belly and he laughed.

"Bye, Rebbie." I left out with Eissa and got in the car. Driving away from the house, I headed to the park.

"Are you serious?!"

"Yeah. That's what the detectives said." Tommy laid back on the bed next to me.

"That's insane."

"I know."

"So they were paid off, is what they're saying?"

"Yeah, but they're willing to work with the police to get the person."

"Really?" He nodded. "Why?"

"Because the person that paid them off has been threatening them and their families."

"And it's someone that was with us."

"And it was someone on the other bus." I groaned.

"Oh my god."

"Do you think we should tell Janet?" I sighed.

"Not until we figure out who it is. She has so much going on."

"You sure?"

"Yeah." I sighed. He wrapped his arm around me as we laid back in silence. I really like being near him. He made me so comfortable. "Well, let me get ready."

"Where are you going?"

"I have a meeting today. The team is planning the next leg of the tour and we have a few months before we're back out there in about six months."
I went to get up, but he pulled me back down.

"I ain't ready for you to go yet."

"Why?" He pushed the covers away and bit his lip. "Mmmm. How tempting." He pulled me on top of him.

"Let temptation take over then."

"I would love to, but I can't." I stood up. "This meeting is very important, because we have to present Janet with the ideas when she's free."

"Is she tough?"

"Is she Janet?" He laughed.

"Yeah." I gave him a small kiss and went to get ready. Things have been going so well with Tommy and I. We finally decided to solidify our relationship as serious. It has been a while since I've been in a relationship and it's taking me some time to get back used to it.

I'm so used to my little flings here and there that I've forgotten what it's like to have someone be just for you and Tommy definitely was. It's too soon to be talking about love but I do know that my life is better by being with him.

I finished getting ready and left the bathroom. He was still laying in the bed and was obviously trying to seduce me. All of him was out and standing at attention. He looked at me with a smirk. "You know you want some."

"I do, but later." He groaned.

"Come on. He all out and ready. You can at least kiss on him or something."

"He'll just have to wait." I picked up my bag and he came over to me.

"Well, I tried." He gave me a deep kiss and rubbed my butt. "I'll see you later."

"Okay." He pinched my cheek. "Ow." He laughed.

"Get out of here."

"Okay. I love you." I froze.

"What?" I heard my heartbeat in my ears as time slowed to a stop for a few minutes.

"Nothing." I quickly left out.

"Wait! Gil!"


I'm thinking of giving Tommy a little POV, but I'm not sure yet.


Follow Me!!

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