Pokémon Oneshots

Por Owlwood97

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Pokémon x reader stories with various characters from the games! This will be focusing primarily on character... Más

Calem - New Girl
Serena - Rivals
Professor Sycamore - The Professor's Assistant
Grant - Unspoken Feelings
N - Cherished
Zoey - First Date
Piers - Coffee House
Silver - Arranged Marriage
Goh - First Love
Lance - Next Time
Goh - I Want To Hold Your Hand
Brock - Flirting
Ash - Contest Star
Arven - Daddy Issues
Goh - 1,2,3,4
Sakura - Tea Time
Arven - Space
Leon - Three Chances
Brawly - Savior
Grusha - The Ice Prince
N - Three Years Later
Atticus - Wedding Date
Morty - Past Mistakes
Leon - Hospital Pt. 1
Giacomo - Enemies to Lovers
Red - Mermaids
Goh - Summer Lovin'
Ortega - Princess
Ash - The Tournament
Leon - Sickness
Jacq - Sticky Notes
Leon - Sacrifice
Barry - Sweet as Honey
Leon - Confessions
Goh - Halloween Party
Leon - Hospital Pt. 2
Cilan - Phantom
Leon - Insecurities
Giacomo - Regret
Piers - Trustfall
Silver - Scary Movie
Leon - Rings
Tabitha - Protected
Brock - The Soft Side
Dawn - Tag Team
Hugh - Crashed the Wedding
N - Beach Comber
Marnie - Blind Date
Zoey - Secret Santa
Kieran - Friends? Pt. 1
Milo - Rescue
Gary - Love Actually
NSFW Alphabet [Grusha]
Kieran - Friends? Pt. 2
N - Stable Boy
Bede - Yearning
Goh - My Melody
NSFW Alphabet [Cilan]
Carmine - Tease
NSFW Alphabet [Giacomo]
Marnie - Dance
Kieran - Friends? Pt. 3
NSFW Alphabet [Allister]
Grusha - Frostbite
Gladion - Wouldn't It Be Nice?
Shauntal - Coworkers
Drayton - Pen Pals
NSFW Alphabet [Buggsy]
Sir Aaron - Trapped
Allister - Ghost Stories
NSFW Alphabet [N]
Request Page

Zoey - Driving

370 4 2
Por Owlwood97

Requested by KanadeDivinia263

Zoey x GN Reader

You and supporting characters are about 17 in this story.

Song: Driving by Tyler Shaw

You stared out the window of the car, focusing on driving in this weather. The rain was pounding down as the city passed by quickly. Your Chimchar and your girlfriend's Glameow were sleeping in the back seat. You kept your eyes on the road, one hand on the wheel, the other holding her hand over the console of the car. "Hey, you ok?" She asked, staring at you worriedly. You smiled and spared a glance at her. "Never better." She smiled back and looked back out the passenger window. You thought back to all the events leading up to this night.

It all started years ago, when you had decided to go to a concert your mother had expressly forbade you to go to. She liked to control you, though you never could quite figure out why. Maybe since your father died, she thought she could stop that from happening to you too, but it was smothering. You hated it. You resented her.

But contests, contests were your favorite thing to watch. You would sneak out of your home in Hearthome all the time to go see the contests.

'Chimchar!' Your partner exclaimed in your arms. You laughed, "Yea, they'll be out soon. I wonder who's competing today." Then your face heated up, "I wonder if she'll be here.." You mumbled to no in particular. She, was Zoey. Your favorite coordinator in the sinnoh region. She was beautiful, graceful, and super talented. You adored each contest she was in, even if she didn't win them all.

"Please welcome to the stage, Zoey!" The announcer called. You tightened your grip on your Chimchar, just a bit, as Zoey walked out with her Glameow. You watched with adoration for the rest of the contest as they performed, her Glameow standing out amongst all the other pokémon in your eyes. "The winner of this contest is....Zoey and her Glameow!" You stood up immediately and applauded for the young coordinator as she gracefully stepped up to the stage to receive her ribbon.

After the contest, you were about to head back home before your mother realized you were gone, when you were stopped by a friend of yours, another coordinator. "Hey [Name]!" Chimchar wriggled in your arms, so you turned to see your friend. "Hey Cecilia! You and Buizel were great!" Cecilia smiled and laughed, "Not as great as Zoey, though. You were watching, right?" Cecilia gave you a knowing smile, making your face redden. She was the only person who knew about your crush on Zoey, but you made her swear not to meddle. She also knew about your relationship with your mom.

"So there's this after party for the coordinators tonight, come with me?" She asked with big eyes. You looked around nervously as if your mother could pop out at any moment to drag you away. "I don't know Cecilia..." you mumbled. Of course you wanted to go. You wanted to socialize with people your age and...and Zoey would probably be there. This could be your chance to talk to her. "Come on, where does your mom think you are anyway?" "Studying in my room..?" "Ok, so go back to see her. Tell her you're going to bed early and then sneak back out! Simple!" You bit your lip nervously.

"Hey! Cecilia!" A voice rang out, and you froze. Cecilia smirked, "Hey Zoey! Congrats on the win!" Zoey walked over with Glameow at her feet. "Aw, thanks, you and Buizel were great too!" She looked at you, and you swore your heart stopped. "Friend of yours?" "Yea! This is [Name] and their Chimchar!" Zoey smiled at you and held out her hand, "Well I'm Zoey, and this is my Glameow." You held your hand out shakily, "H-hey...I-I'm a big fan of yours..." you mumbled, almost too quietly. But Zoey heard you. "Oh, thanks! It's nice knowing I've got support out there!"

"I invited them to the after-party." Cecilia pointed out, and you felt your face heat up more. "Cecilia.." "Oh that would be fun, you're coming, right?" Zoey looked at you, and you could've fainted right there. "Yea...yea I'll be there."

Luckily, your mom didn't suspect a thing. After sneaking back into your house and heading downstairs for dinner, you mentioned to your mom that you were feeling tired and wanted to go to bed. You were a good child, obviously, and would never break the rules. So she believed you. You set up pillows under your blankets to look like you and left Chinchar's pokéball on your desk before sneaking out with Chimchar on your shoulder.

You arrived at the party but didn't see any sign of Cecilia or Zoey. The party was loud, and you felt crowded, but the night was clear and cool. So you decided to head to the roof for a bit.

You had laid your head back with Chmichar curled up on your stomach as you stargazer. Thanks to the lights of Hearthome, you couldn't see too many stars or constellations, but you could see enough. "There's Vega...so this must be Lyra..." You traced the faint outline with your fingers. You felt calm and centered almost immediately, stargazing had that effect on you ever since you were little. "What are you doing up here?" A voice asked. You sat up immediately, disturbing Chimchar.

Zoey had finished climbing up with Glameow on her shoulders. "Ah, Zoey! Just...uh...couldn't find Cecilia, so I came up here...light pollution kinda makes stargazing hard though..." You rambled out, cursing yourself a bit. But Zoey still came over and sat next to you. "Stargazing, huh? I don't really know much about the stars?" "I-I can show you?" You offered. Zoey smiled and nodded. You both laid back down.

"Ok, see that bright star there?" You pointed at the star in question. Zoey squinted but eventually nodded. "That's Vega, it's the fifth brightest star in the sky. It connects to those stars there." You traced your fingers in the air. "I can't really see..." Zoey stated. You held out your hand, "May I?" Zoey stared at you for a moment before lending her your hand. You moved closer, gaining some confidence under the guise of showing her the sky. You cupped her hand in yours and did the same tracing. "See now?" "Oh, yea!" "That's Lyra, it's supposed to take the shape of a Lyre, the old instrument used a long time ago." "Wow.." Zoey breathed out. Normally, that would make you nervous, but you were in the zone.

"What else can we see?" She asked. "Ok, so you see Vega still?" She nodded. You moved her pointer finger diagonally. "See this other bright star with the two dimmer ones next to it?" "Oh yea?" "That's the star, Altair." You moved her hand in yours again. By now, Chimchar and Glameow were sleeping next to each other above your heads. "This outline is for the constellation, Aquila the bird. Altair is kinda like its eye would be. See it?" Zoeys eyes widened, and she smiled. "That's pretty cool!"

"You know there's this old folktale about them? Except they're called Orihime and Hikoboshi. They're supposed to be star-crossed lovers." You gazed up at them. Zoey just stared at you. She was about to say something, but you were scanning the night sky again.

Your eyes lit up as you spotted something else. "Hey! Ok, see that kind of orangish-red star over there?" You guided her finger to a spot in the sky. "Shouldn't it be like white or yellow or something?" She asked. You laughed and shook your head, "That's how you know it's not a star. That, Zoey, is a planet. Jupiter." Zoey's eyes widened, then she looked over at you carefully.

"How do you know this stuff [Name]?" "My dad and I used to stargaze all the time when I was little. I guess it just kinda stuck." "You guys don't anymore?" She asked. That brought you crashing down. You were immediately aware of how close you were and backed up, leaving more distance between you two. "Um yea...my uh...my dad died a few years ago...car accident..." You stared up at the sky. Zoey sat up and looked at you, "I'm sorry to hear that [Name]...what about your mom? Do you do this with her?" Your face hardened a bit, and Zoey could see it. "Ever since dad passed, mother always keeps me close. Worried something might happen to me, too. She treats me like a bird that she needs to keep in her cage. Thinking no one should ever be worthy of being in my presence..." You looked over at her. Eyes conveying the sadness you wouldn't let out, not in front of Zoey, at least not on purpose. "That's why Cecilia's pretty much my only friend, well, other than Chimchar, of course." "Your mom doesn't let you out at all?" You shook your head. "Nah, I can go out into town on my own usually. But I have to let her know where and exactly when I'll be home. Generally, I just tell her the poffin house. Spend a little bit there making poffins, then head out. The owner knows me and vouches for me. But there are times like today where I just have to sneak out. " "That sounds kinda rough..." "It is what it is." You shrugged sadly.

Zoey stood up. "Well, hey, you're out tonight. Wanna rejoin the party?" She held her hand out. You looked from her hand to her. The glow of the city back lit her, and damn she looked beautiful. You took her hand.

Both of you and your pokémon rejoined people at the party and wandered into the kitchen. The rest of the night was something you would cherish forever. You mostly stayed in the kitchen with Cecilia drinking some water and juice and laughing and meeting new people. But as you sat on one of the counters in the kitchen, your eyes would always stay glued on Zoey. You had felt so comfortable around her. You had been able to tell her about your dad and the issues you had with your mother so easily. You smiled, watching her converse with other coordinators.

A song was playing through the house as you stared. Suddenly, her eyes met yours, and you thought you stopped breathing.

You and me driving
Hands in the center
Talkin' bout' how far we've come
Riding together
If life is a highway
Love is the weather
One minute it's coming down so hard
But then it gets better

She waved and smiled. You waved back with pink cheeks. Unknown to the fact that Cecilia was watching this whole exchange with a wide smile.

Unfortunately, you and to head home, worried your mother would figure out you were gone. "Hey, I'm heading out too. Mind if I join you?" Zoey asked as she spotted you trying to sneak out. "O-oh, I don't know..." "Don't worry, your mom won't catch me." Your heart thumped in your chest, but you nodded.

When you both reached your home, your face flushed a bit as she took in the sight. It was one of the bigger houses in Hearthome. And it was in a very nice neighborhood. "You live here?" "Yea..." You pointed to a tree overhanging in your yard. It hung over a stone wall with ivy growing on it. "Just gotta climb up the ivy into the tree, and one of the branches goes to my window." Zoey laughed, "And she expects you to never use that as an escape?" You smiled sheepishly. "She thinks I'm an obedient kid. Clearly, I would never do something like that.." You paused for a moment, "I had fun Zoey...thanks. It was really nice to get to know you...you know, outside of the contests." Zoey smiled, "I'm glad I got to meet you too [Name]." You smiled back then walked over to grab onto the ivy wall. Chimchar was already bounding up without you already. "Hey [Name]?" Zoey called out. You turned your head to look at her. Her cheeks were pink as she rubbed at her arm awkwardly. "Would you maybe...wanna go out sometime?" You nearly fell backward off the wall. "H-huh?" "Do you want to go out sometime? Maybe go see a movie tomorrow?" You tried to hide your embarrassed face. "Uh yea...yea I'd like that. Meet you at the theater tomorrow at like 6?" You asked. Zoey nodded. You smiled and waved before making your way back to your bedroom, excited for the day to come.

You gave your mother an excuse and met Zoey at the theater. You two had watched a movie that was so sweet, you kinda cried, but Zoey didn't mind. Because she did, too. After that date came many more like it. A karaoke date where you both sang terribly but had a great time roller skating, and you even managed to stay away from your mother long enough to visit an amusement park.

That's where you two had your first kiss. You had just gotten off of a roller coaster, adrenaline pumping through you. "Zoey! That was crazy! Mother would have never let me do that!" Zoey laughed, but you felt alive. Without thinking, you had grabbed Zoey by the arms and pulled her in for a kiss. She was surprised, and you realized what happened, so you pulled away with a red face. "I-I'm so sorry, Zoey, I didn't mean-!" Before you could finish, Zoey had pulled you in for another kiss.

Your head had been filled with thoughts of Zoey now that she was officially your girlfriend. But your 18th birthday was coming up, and there was one person you wanted there more than anything. Your mother had made it perfectly clear that all that would happen is dinner and cake. But you were going to be 1. Iff there wasany timee for you to be assertive, it was right now.

You knocked on the door to her office. "Mother, I would like to speak with you." You called out, nerves filling you, but you just thought of Zoey. "Come in [Name]." She called out. You took a deep breath and stepped inside. Your mother was typing away at her computer. "What is i, darling?" She asked without looking up. You cleared your throat. "For my birthday dinner tomorrow, I'd like to invite someone. Just one person." Your mother looked up at you, one eyebrow raised. "O, would you? And who is it? Have I met them?" How could she have met them if she never let you bring anyone over? "No. It is a friend I made in town, someone special to me, that I'd like you to meet." Her eyes narrowed. "[Name] I don'tlike --" "Mother, this is the only thing I'm asking, and it is important to me. Please." Your eyes pleaded. Your mother stared at you and then sighed. "Fine [Name] since it's your birthday. You may invite this one person."

As soon as the doorbell rang, you stood to attention and went to open the door. Zoey was wearing a white suit with a red tie and a larger overcoat hanging off her shoulders. She looked amazing. She smiled and quickly kissed your cheek. "You look good, too. Happy birthday [Name]." You smiled, "You ready?" "To meet your mom? Bring it on."

Yea, it went about as poorly as you expected. Your mother zeroed in on Zoey right away, mentally picking apart any little thing about your girlfriend. You could see it in her eyes. Zoey was being polite and perfect in every way. You admired her for putting up with your mother. But by the time you had all finished eating dinner and cake, she stood up. "Zoey, I don't want you seeing my child ever again." She stated. "What!?" You and Zoey both exclaimed, standing up. Your mother glared you down, but you stood defiantly. "Clearly, Zoey. I do not think you have what it takes to care for [Name]. Thank you for being here for their birthday. Now leave, and you will never come here again." You stood there dumbfounded.

Zoey looked angry and stomped over to stop your mother. "Look, I care about [Name] a great deal! I love them, and you will not stop me from seeing them!" She shouted angrily. You and your mother gasped. "Zoey?" You questioned, not quite believing your ears. Zoey turned and walked back to you, taking your hands in hers. "I love you [Name]..." You smiled brightly. Your heart had never felt lighter. "I love you too, Zoey." Man, you wanted to kiss her, but the moment was interrupted, but your mother strong armed Zoey out of the house and slamming the door in her face.

"You." Your mom turned to you. You were so upset and angry. You balled your hands into fists. "Have you been lying to me [Name]? Going out to meet with her? All I've ever tried to do is keep you safe, and this is how you repay me!?" "I don't owe you anything, mother! I never asked you to keep me locked up in this house! Just because dad died in an accident doesn't mean I will! Come on, I'm 18!" You yelled. You had never yelled at your mother before, preferring to avoid her as best you can. But she insulted Zoey, and you couldn't let that slide.

Your mother stared at you wide eyed, before she turned her back on you. "To your room this instant, we will talk about your new restrictions tomorrow." She left with the last word, as she always did.

You stomped up to your room, slamming the door closed and scaring Chimchar. "Sorry..." you muttered to it before sitting on the bed. Chimchar sidled up to you, pushing its head under your head. "What would I do without you and Zoey.." You gave your partner a soft smile.

A knock on your window. Your head perked up, and you saw Zoey on the branch by your window. You quickly ran over and opened the window, letting her in. "What are you doing?" You whispered, happy to see her, but still worried. "I wasn't gonna just leave you after all that..." she answered quickly. Her eyes softened, "I could hear you guys yelling....I don't like how she treats you [Name]..." You sighed, "I know...but what else can I do?" "Well you're an adult. Move out?" "She'd find me...I'd have to leave Hearthome without... her... knowing..." You trailed off. You and Zoey stared at each other for a moment. "How would we leave?" Zoey asked.

You stared at her, "You'd leave with me?" You asked. Zoey nodded and then pulled you in for a deep kiss. You could feel every emotion she poured into the kiss. "Hearthome isn't the only place with contests. We'll go wherever. I love you [Name]. And I want to stay with you." It brought tears to your eyes. You kissed Zoey again, "I love you too...one sec ok?"

Zoey nodded, and you ran over to your closet, pulling it a large thin, black bag. "Before dad died, he gave me two things for my birthday." You unzipped the bag, revealing a black telescope. You smiled at it, "It was an incentive for me to always spend time with him stargazing." "And the other?" You unzipped a pocket on the bag and pulled out some paperwork and a set of keys. "Kept this hidden from my mother for a long time. He bought me a car, but it would only be mine when I turned 18. This is all the paperwork, and I know where it's being kept." You looked at Zoey and held her hand tightly. "Go home and pack whatever you need. I'll come pick you up." Zoey smiled, kissed you one last time, then went back out the window.

You stared at the clock on the car. 2am. Your mother hadn't woken up at all, and now you were on the road with the love of your life. You squeezed her hand again over the console. She squeezed back. "Think you'll regret this?" She asked. But one look into your eyes, and she knew the answer. You were smiling. A real and true smile she had only seen when you went on dates together. A smile that made her stomach do flips. The rain pounding down slowly came to a stop. The clouds parted, revealing small stars. You could make out Altair and Aquila. "Not even a little bit."

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