
By Lilas___

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[Tsundere x Reader] One second she was just a simple nurse, tending to her patients and doing her job. J... More

Chapter 1 - Secrets
Chapter 2 - Bitten
Chapter 3 - Rise
Chapter 4 - Shot
Chapter 5 - Rebirth
Chapter 6 - Orders
Chapter 7 - Dispute
Chapter 8 - Research
Chapter 9 - Watching
Chapter 10 - Guilt
Chapter 11 - Distrust
Chapter 12 - Alarm
Chapter 13 - Run
Chapter 14 - Stuck
Chapter 15 - Signal
Chapter 16 - Surrounded
Chapter 17 - Guns
Chapter 18 - Range
Chapter 19 - Interlude
Chapter 20 - Station
Chapter 21 - Pendant
Chapter 22 - Ex
Chapter 23 - Market
Chapter 24 - Honesty
Chapter 25 - Difference
Chapter 26 - Vent
Chapter 27 - List
Chapter 28 - Bandanna
Chapter 29 - Stranger
Chapter 30 - Hidden
Chapter 31 - Desperate
Chapter 32 - Hostage
Chapter 34 - Tension
Chapter 35 - Depart
Chapter 36 - Tougher
Chapter 37 - Losing
Chapter 38 - Papa
Chapter 39 - Thief
Chapter 40 - Plans
Chapter 41 - Diversion
Chapter 42 - Escape
Chapter 43 - End

Chapter 33 - Corpse

678 77 106
By Lilas___

Violence Warning and Small Gore Warning⚠️

     She hit the ground.

     The bullet went through one end of her head and out the other.

      To the bikers, that was it. To the Satellite team, they knew better. But to Kelly...

      Both Drake and Rose took cover soon after the shoot-out began. With (Y/N) out of the fight, they didn't have to worry about her getting barraged with bullets.

      So while she was lifeless on the ground, bleeding from her head, Drake took shots at Tripp and nailed a few into his leg. The man yelled in pain and dragged himself back. He sought cover behind the trucks and fired shots back.

     The man keeping Kelly down was shot off of him by the soldier in the bushes. He pushed the body off of him and wanted to make a run for (Y/N) but Cheng appeared and held him back. "Get down! Now!"

      He was going to fight her off but the bullets whizzing by them forced him to take cover with the female sergeant.

      But he couldn't take his eyes off of (Y/N). Not even for a second.

      Wes from the second floor took shots where he could. His elevated position took some of the bikers off guard and he was able to get two of them out of the fight.

      He didn't like the idea of letting (Y/N) get shot. Bullets flew over her body that appeared to be lifeless to those who didn't know. But gradually her wound stopped bleeding. That was a sign that she wasn't dead. Wes sighed in relief at this.

"Goddammit! I thought you said this place was covered Tripp!" A biker yelled to the injured man. This wasn't how the plan was supposed to go.

"I did! You idiots were supposed to be on watch!" Tripp yelled back.

       No amount of arguing could change the outcome of the fight. They had taken out the four soldiers who were on watch and just needed to grab the rest. But they didn't account for these guys to use military tactics against them. Once one biker was down, Rose ordered to move up. Another is shot down, they move up further. That didn't mean the Satellite team was experiencing their own losses. One of them got shot in the chest while another received a bullet to the head.

        That was two of theirs down. Drake grunted in frustration but kept his position where he was and provided those who moved up cover.

        He needed to get to (Y/N). She was still out there after all.

"Cheng!" He turned to the woman and nodded in the nurse's direction.

       She nodded back and followed him out there while keeping him covered with her shotgun.

       They both kept their heads down as they rushed out toward (Y/N). Drake got down to his knee quickly to scoop her body up into his arms while Cheng was fast to put down another biker who tried to catch them off guard.

       Drake looked into (Y/N)'s lifeless eyes. Her limbs fell limp around him as the sides of her head were bloody from where the bullet entered and exited.

       He knew she wasn't dead. She couldn't be. But this sight still made him feel a certain way. It wasn't a good feeling.

       The sergeant held her close to him as he and Cheng made their way back to the station. Now they just had to deal with the rest of the Red Dogs.

       Rose was taking cover behind a stack of wood and gestured for his people to move up once more. They had the upper hand in the fight and he wanted to keep it that way. This power balance however caused the remaining Red Dogs to know when their time was up. Out of the 10 that were present, only 5 were left. Including Tripp.

       The biker tsked to himself and ordered a retreat. They had four of the Satellite members already. That was $4,000. They can come back for the rest later.

"Keep on them! Don't let them get away!" Rose commanded as some of his soldiers went after the bikers.

       Rose got up himself and marched over to where he last saw Tripp. His rifle was raised as he rounded the truck but a quick blast into his arm sent him knocked back. He felt an intense sting but ignored it and quickly grabbed Tripp's arms and sent a flying fist into the back of the biker's elbow.

       A satisfying crack filled the air. The biker screamed in pain.

       As Rose incapacitated the Red Dog, Drake breathed heavily as he lowered his gun and put his sights back down on the nurse. He leaned her against the porch and watched as her head dropped as drops of blood fell onto her jacket.

"She alright?" Cheng asked and looked at the nurse carefully. They weren't there to see her come back to life before. They weren't sure what to expect.

"It's just like Wes said. She's fi-" Drake muttered but was stopped as a fist came barely into his face.

"YOU FUCKER-" Kelly yelled in rage and tackled Drake to the ground.

       Furious tears filled his eyes as he attacked Drake for letting (Y/N). Encouraging it even.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" He gripped the collar of Drake's shirt and sent another punch toward him that the sergeant blocked with his arm. "Get the fuck off me!"

        Cheng came to her teammate's aid and wrenched her arms around Kelly's neck and yanked him back. He fought back against her but she tightened her grip as she held him in a sleeper hold.

"Calm down. Calm down." She spoke as Kelly struggled to breathe.

       He pounded his fist against her arms but began to feel lightheaded as his face went pale from lack of oxygen.

"That's it..." Cheng whispered and lowered Kelly to the ground once he was unconscious. She got him off of Drake who was developing a bruise on his cheek and the cut in his lip starting to bleed.

      Drake groaned at the soreness he felt on his face. He had to give it to Kelly. He knew how to punch.

       But that didn't matter. He steadily got back to his feet and looked down at the unconscious man before settling his eyes back onto (Y/N).

       She wasn't breathing nor was her heart beating when he moved to feel her pulse. It was starting to worry him.

"Let me go!" An aggravated voice yelled.

       Both Cheng and Drake looked over to see Rose dragging the Red Dog over to them. The captain kept the biker's arms held behind him and forced him to walk with his injured leg.

"Just wait till my boys come back! You dickheads don't know what you're dealing with!" Tripp threatened, an insane look in his eyes.

"If they're anything like what we've just seen, I think we'll be fine." Rose lowly spoke and hit the biker's head to make him stop talking.

       He dragged him over to where his sergeants were and looked down at (Y/N). It was risky letting her get shot to keep her out of the fight. Far worse could've happened if she got caught in the shootout. "How is she? What's her status?"

"Her head stopped bleeding but she's not breathing." Drake muttered as he carefully lifted her head up to look into her eyes. Her (e/c) color was faded a little and it was like staring into a corpse. She felt colder and a little stiff. No sign of life returning back to her yet.

       Drake was starting to become concerned. His heart beginning to hurt in his chest. Why wasn't she coming back?

"Get her and the boy inside. Make sure Wesley sees her." Rose ordered, also feeling slight anxiety from the nurse still appearing dead.

       Drake nodded and lowered his fingers over her eyes to close them. He gently scooped her back up into her arms while Cheng tossed Kelly over her shoulders.

       An hour had passed since the shootout. The remaining soldiers returned with no luck of capturing any more bikers. From what they said, the Red Dogs had a van that they used to get away. Inside were the four soldiers who were on watch duty before, tied up and gagged. Whether they were alive or not was the question but it filled the captain with fury.

       As for (Y/N), she was taken inside the station and rested on top of the tables inside the radio room. Blankets and a pillow were placed underneath her to make her more comfortable.

      Drake stood off to the side and he watched Rockman caress the nurse's face. He was in shock, disbelief, and grief as anyone would be. Dell knew of her condition and was reassured by Wed that (Y/N) was fine. But she couldn't be in the same room as her presumably dead best friend. She went somewhere else to let her tears out.

"My poor girl..." Rockman whimpered, feeling how cold (Y/N)'s skin had become. She was paler than normal and lay motionless on the table. Kelly was in the room as well but he couldn't look at her. He just couldn't.

       Wes tried to tell them of her condition but the hippie wouldn't listen. Too far into his grief to provide an ear. He already lost Oscar, he feels as if he lost her too.

       The air was tense throughout the station. The uncertainty of whether or not (Y/N) will come back was growing ever more. The longer she stayed lifeless, the more doubts grew.

       The door to the room opened as Rose and Wes entered inside. He took a deep breath as he went over to the woman to inspect her.

       But Rockman had other plans. He grabbed a heavy book that was nearby and whipped around to swing it at Wes. He yelped and ducked out of the way before the book could hit him and had to dodge some more as the old man wanted to beat him with it.

"W-Wait! What are you-" Wes exclaimed.

"How could you let her get killed?! She's just a girl!" Rockman yelled, seeing red from his grief.

"She's not dead! I promise!" Wes tried to explain but had to duck again to avoid the book.

"You let her get shot! She was innocent, you bastards!"

      Drake went to intervene but Rose got there first. He moved to stand in front of Wes and calmly raised his hands up. "I know you're upset. But you have to liste-"

"I let you people into my home for bringing her back. And this is how you repay me!" Rockman didn't give them to chance to speak. For all he knew, someone who was like a granddaughter to him was dead. "How could you just stand there and allow that to happen?! What did she ever do to you?!"

      Then he turned his rage over toward Drake, the one who encouraged it. "And you! You told them to do it! Where's your humanity?!"

"Listen, I get what you're feeling." Rose spoke up. "But you don't understand the situation."

"What is there to understand?" The old hippie snapped at him. "She's dead!"

       Wes shook his head but stayed hidden behind Rose for cover. He didn't want to be hit with a book. "She's not! We're telling the truth."

"She's infected but is a special case." The captain stated, holding a sense of calmness to his voice. "This has happened before and she came back. We just have to wait."

"What do you mean she came back?" A low voice spoke.

      Everyone besides Rockman looked over at Kelly who kept his head down to hide his tears. But he had moved somewhat closer to his ex but was still unable to look at her.

      Wes looked between the two unaware men and Drake. How would they react to the sergeant shooting her dead before..?

"Before the fiends, she got bit by a patient." Wes started as he proceeded to explain everything he could. From the moment she got a bit to the moment they found her in the halls alive. But just to keep his best friend safe from looking like a murderer, he kept out the part of him shooting her. Instead, he replaced it with her getting killed by a fiend.

       As expected, the story was unbelievable. It sounded ludicrous even. Kelly was close to letting his anger out from believing that Wes was just making stories up to cover their actions toward her death. Rockman was on the verge of telling the team to get off of his property and leave them for good. Rose and Wes were getting nowhere trying to make the two men understand.

      A banging on the walls caught everyone's attention and soon two soldiers rushed toward the room to alert the captain. "Sir, we have a group of fiends outside! They must've heard the shooting earlier."

      The captain cursed to himself. Now wasn't the time for this. "Woodrow, Blackwell, keep these people safe."

      The two nodded as the captain left to go deal with the fiend threat. First those bikers, now this?

       Wes went to go inspect (Y/N) once more Kelly was quick to stop him. "Don't touch her."

"I understand you're mad but I have to check her." The scientist tried to reason.

       A quick click made him look down to see Kelly gripping his butterfly knife in his hand. His fists were trembling from his emotions as he glared at Wes with a dangerous look in his eyes.

       Wes quickly held up his hands in surrender and stepped back. Drake on the other hand approached. "Put that away."

"You wanna try that again, fucker?" Kelly sneered as he turned his attention to the sergeant. Rockman didn't want any more violence to occur, especially involving his grandson. "Kelly, put the knife away."

       But his grandson didn't listen and stepped up to Drake who had a careful hand on his own knife in his pocket.

"What's stopping me from killing you? After what you did?" Kelly seethed through his teethed. These people let his girl die. There was nothing that could justify that. "You say you're soldiers but you're all nothing but fucking cowards! Actual soldiers would've saved her!"

       Drake stayed silent as he glared into Kelly's eyes. They've done all the explaining they can and to be frank, he didn't feel the need to try to justify letting her get shot anymore. All that he wanted was for (Y/N) to wake up or show some sign of life.

       Because the more she lay there, the more he started to regret it.

       He couldn't hide it on his face and Kelly read it clearly. He tsked and pushed the sergeant away before he stormed out of the room. Disregarding the captain's orders to stay there.

"Kell-" Rockman called but his grandson was already gone. "Dammit..."

       The old hippie felt helpless in this situation. He sighed heavily and turned back to focus his attention on the poor woman. "I can't believe this..."

       Wes made sure that Kelly was fully gone before he glanced over to Drake who was watching the door too. He nodded, letting him know he had his back.

       The scientist gathered himself together before he carefully approached Rockman. He knew he and his grandson were just grieving and still processing everything. Their anger was completely justified. But Wes still had to check on the nurse. Out of anyone here, he understood TAP the most.

       He moved up next to the old man but gave him some space. His green eyes glanced down to (Y/N) who was appearing more like a corpse by the second.

       She was completely stiff and cold to the touch. This worried him greatly.

"I'll be gentle. I promise." He whispered to the old man who had to fight back his growing tears.

       Rockman didn't have the energy to fight anymore. He just wanted to be next to her while he still could. "Do what you have to..."

        Finally receiving permission, Wes gave him a thankful smile and turned to face (Y/N). Drake kept watch over them but would peek over his shoulder at the woman every so often. And each time he did, it hurt just a little more...

        Wes moved toward her head where the fatal blow was. The first odd sign was her lack of bleeding. The wound was still bloody but not oozing out blood like it should be right now. The bullet's entry was small near her right ear while the exit was larger above her left temple.

        It wasn't a pretty sight. It'll take long for this to heal.

        But then Wes began to hear a rather grotesque sound coming from the exit wound. He looked closely and noticed that it was... moving.

       Rockman looked up when he started hearing the sounds too. Like something pushing its way through the flesh.

       Soon, several tiny metal pieces fell from the wound and clanked onto the wooden table. Wes' looked surprised and looked closely at the fragments. They were from the bullet. Her body pushed them out.

       She was alive. A relieved smile filled his face.

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