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Chapter 7


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I had consumed a hearty breakfast, and now I was attempting to alleviate the discomfort in my stomach by focusing on my breathing. I was seated in a luxurious car that glided smoothly through the city, observing the passing scenery. The reason for my overeating was the madman. He had teased me playfully at the hotel's breakfast buffet, and as a result, I found myself eating several plates of food. Strangely, he had not indulged in the meal much because he was engaged in a lengthy phone call throughout breakfast. The conversation was in English, so I couldn't comprehend what was being discussed, but I could tell that he was frustrated with the other person, likely because things hadn't gone as planned. He had mentioned that he was awaiting an important call from the US, which was why he had arrived late the previous day. Perhaps the call hadn't gone well?

After he hung up the phone, he drove in silence all the way to the company. It wasn't that the car was completely quiet; there was a constant background of a pop song playing on the audio system. I couldn't identify the singer, but the presence of a well-known pop song indicated it was a famous artist. I broke the silence when the car came to a stop at a traffic light just before reaching the company.

"Drop me off here."


Did he genuinely not know? I stared at him in astonishment, and he avoided my gaze.

"If someone sees me, rumors are scary, the crowded streets are more dangerous."

He started the car when the signal changed.

"Right, the company's underground parking lot will be very safe."

"What difference does it make? If someone from work sees you, they'll assume I gave you a ride on the way, but if they see you getting off near the company, they'll suspect otherwise. What's the point of hiding it?"

When he said it, I assumed it was true. I should never have gotten in this car in the first place. I felt a tiny regret, but he abruptly increased the audio volume. I was curious and asked because one song had just finished and another had just began.

"Do you like this song?"


The answer was so firm that my mind, which had asked carelessly, was now filled with wonder. His expression played a role in my curiosity. As soon as the song started, he smiled, twisting his lips as if thinking about something. Then he suddenly asked an unexpected question.

"Have you read everything yet?"

I nodded, knowing he was pointing to the screenplay I was holding on my lap.

"I have some left."

"Look at all that and see the original."


"That drama is a big company project, so there are lots of actors aiming for it."

Even though it was a big project, I strangely felt indifference as if it was someone else's business. Why? When I was wondering, I heard him add something.

"Especially Song Myungshin."

Then, as if he remembered something, he smiled at me.

"Of course you're after it, too."

The words that fell readily from his mouth sent a chill down my spine.

"... I never said anything like that."

"No, not directly. However, when you stated that you would approach 'Director Yoon' first, it essentially means the same thing. Not someone else, but Director Yoon. Isn't Song Myungshin's sponsor the first person you should approach in order to get revenge on him? You can simply snatch him away. However, because you mentioned 'Director Yoon' separately, you must have known that Song Myungshin was attempting to approach me. Only for the sake of drama."

This is why people with sharp minds can be disconcerting. I had no response, so I shifted my focus ahead, but he repeated himself.

"Make sure to look at the original."

Then he laughed coldly, as if he was talking to himself.

"The ones who know a lot and prepare always win."

Before heading up to the usual small meeting room where I met with the manager, the madman greeted me in an unusual manner, saying, "See you in 10 minutes." As I opened the door to the conference room, I wondered about what would occur in the next 10 minutes. Inside, the agitated manager and Hansoo welcomed me with a loud exclamation.

"Taemin!! Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"Ugh~ I was so concerned because I couldn't reach you!"

It was only then that I retrieved my phone from my pocket and noticed that it was switched off. I pondered whether the battery had died. When I pressed the power button, the screen displayed a full battery indicator and a vivid flame icon. What? I never turned off my phone. Meanwhile, the manager continued his complaints.

"At dawn, the company suddenly called for an early morning meeting, so I tried to contact you, but you didn't answer your phone. I called again, thinking you might be asleep, but your phone was switched off. Taemin, did I bother you by any chance?!"

Avoiding the manager, who seemed about to cling to my arm, I suspected another person had turned off the phone. I cursed under my breath. While gritting my teeth, Hansoo also clung to my arm on the other side.

"I was genuinely concerned because I couldn't get through to you!"

"Why worry? I just didn't pick up the phone."

As I brushed off Hansoo and responded irritably, I soon discovered the reason behind their concern.

"Of course, I'm worried! Director Yoon asked us to gather, but what can we do without Taemin, who has the face of a poker player?"

So that was their concern. With my poker face, I decisively pushed away the two who were attempting to hold onto me once more.

"Is Director Yoon some kind of a monster?"

"Well, he's definitely madman," I muttered to myself, but the manager answered earnestly.

"A monster might be preferable. Then I could scream and flee."

Hansoo nodded beside him and added,

"Director Yoon is pure terror, plain and simple."

I gazed at the two with a thoroughly bewildered expression. After all, he seemed like a friendly guy on the surface. What was there to fear?

"There's nothing to be afraid of. It's not like he's singling us out for termination."

At that point, the manager exclaimed, placing his hand on my shoulder with a pat.

"You fool! Have you forgotten the meeting with Director Yoon in xxx city? He's the kind of person who casually quizzes us about the capital of Lithuania!"


"Yeah, judging by your expression, it looks like you've recollected. We narrowly escaped that challenging situation back then, thanks to the 'madman', but what if he throws more common sense questions at the meeting? We're like disposable wooden chopsticks at a Chinese restaurant, rolling around in drawers, irrelevant if they're discarded right away!"

Why do I have to be associated with these people and become disposable wooden chopsticks? Since the 'madman' was Director Yoon, there's bound to be a way to handle such questions if they arise. I wanted to blurt it out, but I restrained myself. If you found out that the madman and Director Yoon are the same person, you might be even more terrified.

"... think of Lithuania as a rare exception."

"An exception? You consider the capital of Lithuania a matter of common sense?"


I reluctantly nodded and reluctantly explained to the stunned pair.

"It might be common knowledge among Koreans that there's a lake in the shape of the Korean Peninsula in that country."

"... Eh?"

"... Huh?"

Both of them made a dumbfounded sound at the same time, confirming that they were akin to disposable wooden chopsticks. Regardless, I didn't have time for idle chatter about their fear of Director Yoon.

"So, there's no need to be afraid."

As I gave them a firm push, the two bewildered people exchanged glances and blinked, saying, "Is that so?" Hansoo exclaimed, "Ah!" as if he'd had a revelation.

"Oh, have you heard that rumor? Now that I think about it, maybe Director Yoon is actually a regular guy. He mentioned taking the train to work a few days ago!"

A train? Beside the startled manager, I squinted my eyes. A rumor like...

"Furthermore, he encountered a trainee from the company on the train, my goodness..."

Hansoo suddenly lowered his voice and narrowed his eyes.

"As he got off the train, he dropped his belongings in front of Director Yoon. Then, he intentionally waited in the underground parking lot, latched onto him, and started wagging his tail!"

Hold on, who is this about? While I was perplexed, the manager exploded in frustration.

"No, how can there be such a sycophant!"

"What's even more astonishing is that he's a man!"

"What?! So... a brown-noser?! How can you train actors like that? What kind of person is their manager?!"


"Right? It's also the manager's fault. The trainee's actions could have been deliberately ordered by the manager. I'd like to see what kind of actor is managed by such a person."


However, this time, the truth remained concealed. The animated Hansoo supplied more information.

"And this brown-noser, oh, it's astounding... he didn't just encounter Director Yoon in the underground parking lot, he deliberately approached him when he was with the President and even promoted himself shamelessly. It must have been a performance. Wow, how many layers of composure does he have on his face? Isn't that right, Taemin?"


As I stared at Hansoo in silence, my thoughts centered on my gratitude toward the madman, who said he didn't want to take the subway. This sentiment only grew stronger as I listened to the following words.

"Well, anyway, because of that incident, not only the trainees but also the new actors have all been using the morning subway, causing quite a commotion. My goodness, did you catch a glimpse of the renowned xxx or ooo on the subway this morning?"

"What a sight."

As the manager shook his head, I turned to Hansoo and inquired,

"You took the bus, right?"

In response to my question, the manager glanced at Hansoo. Upon closer examination, I noticed that Hansoo, unlike his usual self, had neatly groomed hair and was wearing a well-put-together outfit. Caught off guard by our scrutiny, he averted his eyes and offered an explanation.

"Well, it's just that the bus took forever to arrive..."

I considered reminding him about his earlier boasts of having six different bus routes to the company, but I decided against it because I was feeling annoyed. At this point, I just wanted to conclude the conversation. However, in response to Hansoo's excuse, the manager started to console me.

"Taemin, don't let that brown-noser upset you. After all, you already have a unique relationship with Director Yoon, right?"

Did you know he was the 'madman'? After studying my expression for a moment, he smiled kindly and gave my shoulder a reassuring pat.

"You even went took a piss with Director Yoon. Who else can claim such a precious connection, hm?"

The manager, laughing heartily and in high spirits, seemed to have forgotten his fear of Director Yoon as he left the room with Hansoo. Meanwhile, I stayed behind, unable to follow them immediately because I felt a little apprehensive. Should I just go solo?

Since the manager had been summoned, it was clear that others who had gathered three days ago were also called. As I had predicted, Myungshin, a company employee, and Chief Park were present at the same location as three days ago. And, of course, the madman was there too. However, the situation was the complete opposite of three days ago.

Director Yoon motioned towards the manager who had just entered and tossed a file in front of Myungshin.

"This is the evidence you brought from the other side last night to prove your innocence."


Myungshin picked up the file with a determined expression. It appeared they were unaware of the Cha Jungwoo manager's case, possibly because they were busy trying to find inconsistencies in their evidence due to my words. Upon seeing that the evidence was Cha Jungwoo's contract, the first reaction was to wear a puzzled expression.

"What kind of evidence is this?"

He began to object but suddenly fell silent as if he had come across something in the contract. He gazed at the paper with an incredulous expression, indicating he had just noticed the new manager's name at the top of the contract.

"What kind of evidence is this... please explain."

Director Yoon instructed me, not the manager. Simultaneously, Myungshin turned his gaze toward me. As soon as his eyes met mine, they narrowed, and a smirk played on his lips, as if to say, "Oh, by the way, you mentioned getting revenge on me, didn't you?" in a mocking tone.

"Indeed. Would you mind explaining, Lee Taemin?"

Seeing the manager's name on the contract, he likely anticipated what I would say, as there was no bewilderment in his eyes. The atmosphere was different from three days ago, or even two days ago. It might be because his attitude towards me had shifted. It was as if he intended to seriously consider my motive for revenge, knowing that he could easily eliminate me if I were truly determined. Myungshin saw me as a venomous adversary who clung to opponents even while shedding blood, and I returned his smile in kind.

"You've seen it; do you still need an explanation? How do you memorize lines with that head?"

Myungshin's faint smile faded, replaced by a cold tone.

"Shut up. Can't you discern what you should and shouldn't say to your seniors in the presence of others?"

He then turned his gaze to the manager standing beside me.

"You've done an excellent job educating the newcomers."

"Is that so? I thought you were the one I taught the best."

The manager stepped forward and gestured towards the file that Myungshin still held.

"As you said three days ago, if I had framed Cha Jungwoo, he wouldn't have hired me as his manager."

Myungshin cocked his head, discarding the pleasant facade he had maintained in front of Director Yoon.

"Cha Jungwoo might be unaware because he's a simpleton."

The manager's expression darkened at the biting comment that came out without hesitation. Instead of anger, he gazed at Myungshin with a sorrowful look.

"... Then, are you, who isn't as famous, more of a simpleton than Cha Jungwoo?"

In the manager's words mixed with a soft sigh, there was still a lingering sense of regret for Myungshin. It seemed that there was a part in his heart that he couldn't let go of. Perhaps it was the memory of the kind Myungshin he had nurtured in the past. Rather than feeling frustrated, my initial reaction was curiosity. The fond memories from the past still resided in a corner of my heart, recalled through my memories. It was as if my heart, if you could take it out, would still be bright red, not gray like lime. I undeniably had pleasant memories with Myungshin, but my heart itself didn't feel any emotions.

"If you made a mistake, Myungshin-ah, apologize."

The manager suddenly addressed Myungshin by his real name and took a step closer.

"No matter how significant the problem, if you sincerely apologize, someday you will be forgiven."

Though these words were aimed at Myungshin, my breath caught in an instant. Unintentionally, my gaze fixated on the manager's back as he stepped forward. He wore an old, faded jacket. His ensuing words echoed around me as though they came from a distant place.

"You may think it's too late and that there will be no forgiveness, but no, there's always a final opportunity. So, ask for forgiveness. It's not too late yet. Apologize and acknowledge your wrongs. But if you let that moment slip by..."

"Stop it, Manager Choi. You haven't outgrown that habit of preaching, have you? What if I miss that opportunity once again? Are you implying I'm not even human? Gosh..."

Myungshin laughed and shook his head.

"I see you're putting on a facade of being nice in front of Director Yoon, but don't get too excited just because things are working out in your favor."

Then he turned around and placed the document on the table.

"I'm a bit disappointed, Director Yoon. Isn't this simply circumstantial evidence? You have real evidence and even my testimony. Are you trying to absolve the culprit just because he's become Cha Jungwoo's manager?"

"What if it's not just that?"

"It's not... just that?"

"What if there's substantial evidence and testimony that Manager Choi is not the culprit?"

"There can't be any..."

"Are you saying I'm lying? For Manager Choi?"

Director Yoon pointed towards the manager with a smile.

"What's so special about him? Oh, yes."

His gaze shifted to me. In an instant, I noticed a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"I could be acting this way because I'm interested in sleeping with a trainee who's only been here for a few months."

A silence hung in the air for a while. Eventually, Myungshin responded with a sigh.

"Of course, I know it's not like that. I just can't believe there's evidence."

While Myungshin spoke, the manager whispered to me.

"He said he wants to sleep with you. Director Yoon is quite a joker."


"Hm? You don't seem surprised by Director Yoon's joke?"

Then he patted me on the back as if to reassure me. Nevertheless, I didn't feel very reassured even with the manager's comforting words. Speaking nonsense in front of others, this bastard... But, apart from me, Director Yoon's jest did momentarily alleviate the tense atmosphere, and Myungshin took the chance to speak in a low tone.

"Please inform me about the evidence. Then I will step down for now."

"One step isn't sufficient."

"Not enough? Are you suggesting that I, who only testified for the company, should bear responsibility for this?"

Myungshin's forced smile faded, and his voice grew quieter. Unexpectedly, Director Yoon shook his head and eased Myungshin's apprehension.

"That's not it. I'm not particularly concerned about whether Song Yoohan takes responsibility for this or not. I'm just doing my job. However, because it's connected to me, I have no choice but to hold you accountable."

In essence, it indicated that he wasn't particularly interested in the company's work, but his involvement was more personal. Aside from whether this was coming from the company director, his response to Myungshin's question left everyone in silence.

"What do you mean it's related to Director Yoon?"

"Didn't I mention it when we gathered here three days ago? I said I hoped this information was accurate when I woke up from the most pleasant sleep in years. But if the information is incorrect..."


"What about my sleep?"

What? It wasn't just me; the same thought likely crossed others' minds. Thoughts like, "So, in the end, you were motivated to solve this because you were annoyed about being woken up?" There was a genuine annoyance in his words, making it impossible for anyone to ask if he was joking.

Meanwhile, Director Yoon gestured to Chief Park. Chief Park then took out a small recorder from his pocket and pressed the play button. As everyone was caught off guard by the sudden change in atmosphere, a noise that appeared to be a phone call soon emanated from the small speaker. A man's voice was mixed with it, restoring the seriousness to the room.

"I did it. Jungwoo... I secretly recorded actor Cha Jungwoo's corruption, handed it over to a company employee for money, and leaked it on the Internet. I can provide proof if needed."

It was the first time I heard that voice, but it was clear who it belonged to without any explanation. It was Cha Jungwoo's manager. Among his words, one stood out: that he had been paid. I couldn't help but glance at Director Yoon. Myungshin had provided the money to bribe Cha Jungwoo's manager, who in turn used him to catch Myungshin. Myungshin must have seen the opportunity to use this evidence to bring down Cha Jungwoo. He was unaware that he had become entangled in Director Yoon's behind-the-scenes operation. Does intelligence really have anything to do with making foolish decisions? I couldn't help but admire it reluctantly. But then I heard Chief Park's question on the tape recorder.

"Is it a company employee? Whom did you give it to?"

In an instant, I observed the slight movements of two people in my field of vision. Myungshin clenched his fists with wide eyes, and he and the employee beside him took a step back with pale faces. But even before they could retreat, Cha Jungwoo's manager provided an answer.

"Assistant Kim of Team xx. I handed it to him."

All eyes focused on the employee immediately. Chief Park likely stopped the tape recorder, and the room fell into icy silence. At the center of the attention, the trembling employee was in disbelief.

"No, that's absurd... he would have kept it secret..."

Then, startled, he looked around at everyone with despair in his eyes and stammered.

"I- It's not me. D- Director Yoon, it's not me..."

Then, he turned to Myungshin and pointed his finger.

"So- Song Yoohan instructed me to..."

"What nonsense!"

A sharp outcry interrupted the employee's words. The employee stood there with his mouth agape, staring blankly at Myungshin. He appeared as if he couldn't believe what he had just said to him, but Myungshin's rising voice expressed irritation.

"You're lying to implicate someone else. I told you to do this? What? Do you have any evidence?"

"Yoo- Yoohan... What are you saying... Are you trying to betray me?"

"Betray? I think you're trying to implicate me because we were friends, but don't be mistaken. Did you do this? It was me who believed your words and accused Manager Choi. What betrayal are you talking about?"

With a clatter, the employee couldn't support his trembling legs and stumbled, his hands on the table. He appeared on the brink of collapse, his mouth open as if he were speechless. Myungshin stared at him coldly, then distanced himself from the employee, seemingly declaring his innocence. He turned back to Director Yoon, who was enjoying the situation with a smile.

"That person is the culprit. I'm also quite surprised, Director Yoon."

"You seem quite upset too. Did you not give the order?"

"No. I never did anything like that."

Myungshin let out a determined sigh, clenched his teeth for a moment, and cast his gaze downward, as if he had made a critical decision. Seizing the opportunity, the employee, who had been gasping for breath, suddenly shouted.

"Don't listen to that guy! It was all done by Song Yoohan. Everything was orchestrated by Song Yoohan!"

"I told you to shut up!"

Myungshin growled lowly and twisted his face sternly, displaying a side of him I had never seen before. It was as if his true nature was revealed.

"Song Yoohan... could you do this to me? Do you know how much I've sacrificed for you to make your place here?"

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"Nonsense? Will you say that even after hearing this? The money I gave to Cha Jungwoo's manager, the money you gave me. Do you remember where you gave it to me? When I visited the bar where I met you, I had a hidden camera in my bag."

The employee gripped the chair tightly, his knuckles turning white, his chest heaving as if he were out of breath.

"Haa... I recorded it because I was afraid something like this might happen... I never thought I would actually have to use it. Song Yoohan, are you going to leave me to deal with this alone? Don't be absurd."

The employee's pallid face appeared eerie. When Myungshin remained silent and didn't say anything, the employee turned to Director Yoon.

"Now you know. It's all because of Song Yoohan. He gave the order in the first place..."

"I told you to stop talking nonsense."

"What? Weren't you listening? The camera-"

"What about it?"

After countering the employee's claim, Myungshin turned back to Director Yoon, wearing a strangely composed expression. A faint smile played on his lips, a stark contrast to the situation, which was decidedly against him. As the others puzzled over it, his calm explanation continued.

"It wasn't me. I am, in fact, a victim. I was deceived by that person and even testified against Manager Choi. I believe Director Yoon will trust me."

"Why should I trust you?"


Myungshin's words were barely audible. The rest of the people in the room appeared to be baffled by what he was saying, but the madman, meeting Myungshin's gaze, seemed to grasp his meaning. He smiled broadly, with dimples showing, his eyes locked fiercely onto Myungshin. Myungshin repeated it more clearly.

"Because of Dream Plan."

Myungshin fell silent as if he had conveyed everything with those words, but Director Yoon didn't let it go.

"What do you mean, it's because of Dream Plan?"


"Song Yoohan, give me the details. I don't understand."

What Myungshin had said, while it was clearly understood by him and Myungshin, appeared as if it might be a lie to the others. Even though he immediately grasped the intent behind Myungshin's words, he deliberately sought to hear it directly, as if he were confirming whether his suspicions were accurate. After a pause, Myungshin offered a bit more explanation.

"Dream Plan can be taken away."

It was an explanation I still couldn't quite fathom, but Director Yoon refrained from further inquiry. Myungshin, sensing that Director Yoon had caught on, added cheerfully, as though any previous concerns had evaporated, making everything appear simpler.

"Of course, I am not implying that someone is currently interfering with Director Yoon's personal investment in the US."

The smile vanished from Director Yoon's face, and he regarded Myungshin, speaking slowly.

"Interference... you mean that old man will definitely step into this."


Myungshin responded confidently to Director Yoon's confirmation and smiled.

"I have been on Director Yoon's side from the very beginning. So, you have believe me. Otherwise, I'll have no choice but to turn my back on Director Yoon."

The final sentence was delivered with unwavering confidence. It was at that moment that I realized why Myungshin had revealed his true self in front of Director Yoon after reviewing the contract. He knew that a simple smile wouldn't be enough to sway him. The issue, however, lay in Myungshin's proposition, where the person named Chairman Kim seemed to be orchestrating something behind the scenes. What exactly was his plan? Dream Planning was a subsidiary drama production company of the corporation, and it appeared that Chairman Kim had even meddled in Director Yoon's U.S. projects. I attempted to make sense of these puzzling elements, but then I heard Director Yoon's measured response.

"I understand. If Song Yoohan is on my side..."

He curled his lips once more and fixed a cold gaze on Myungshin.

"Then I have no choice but to be on Song Yoohan's side."

A smile of victory spread across Myeongshin's face as he faced him.

"Thank you. As expected of Director Yoon."

Director Yoon turned to Chief Park while listening to Myungshin's praise.

"Did you hear? Song Yoohan had nothing to do with this. Let's resolve this by punishing Assistant Kim."

Assistant Kim protested, claiming it was nonsense, but Chief Park promptly ushered him out of the conference room. As we watched him leave, creating a ruckus, an uneasy silence settled in the room. Myungshin looked at me and the manager with a self-satisfied smile, as if he relished the fact that he had outmaneuvered Director Yoon. It was as if he was saying, "No matter how much you try to bring me down, you won't succeed."

"Manager Choi, you advised me to apologize before it's too late. I apologize now. I had thought that you had repeated your past mistakes. Now that I've apologized, will you forgive me?"

His grin widened, and the underlying message was clear: "Next time we meet, I'll make sure to settle the score properly."

Ignoring my presence, he turned to Director Yoon.

"I'm relieved that we've found the culprit. Speaking of which, if you don't mind, I have a proposition. There's someone who's eager to meet you."

"Is that so?" Director Yoon asked with a smile and readily agreed.

"I've been wanting to meet him as well. Please set a time and let me know. My treat."

"Yes, he'll be delighted too. He enjoys meeting new people."

"That's great."

Director Yoon smiled lightly and then turned to me suddenly.

"Since he enjoys meeting new people, the two of you should go together."

Quickly, Myungshin turned his head to the manager, seemingly thinking that this offer was directed at him.

"I appreciate Director Yoon's suggestion, but I believe Manager Choi may not be enthusiastic about it."

Myungshin added with a pointed glance at the manager.

"It's because there's someone he may not want to meet when he's with us."

He didn't mention the individual by name, but from the manager's terrified expression, it was clear that he was referring to the crazy dog.

"Manager Choi, am I right?"

"... Yes."

The manager responded in a barely audible voice, his fear of the crazy dog clearly evident. Satisfied, Myungshin then turned to me and spoke to Director Yoon.

"I don't think this trainee will fit in well there, so there's no need to invite him..."

"Lee Taemin, are you going?"

He interrupted Myungshin to address me. I nodded, making eye contact with him for the first time since entering the room.

"Yes, I'll go."

Looking at Myungshin, who was clearly displeased with this decision, I expressed my gratitude.

"Thank you for the invitation. I would be happy to join."

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