In lookism as a system for Da...

By HammadKhan587

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a normal looking persons dies and he gets reincarnated in lookism as a system no romance currently cause I am... More

Chapter 00 info
chapter 03 school fight and frist encounter with Vasco.
chapter 04 lunch time trouble and gathering
Chapter 05 meeting mom and a new friend
Help about fighting style reward
chapter 06 school festival preparation
Question Answers QNA
Chapter 07 school festival day and meeting gun
renewal taekwondo techniques
chapter 08 singing concert and fake love
chapter 09 fake loves (end) and stalker arc
chapter 10 stalker arc End and fruad arc intro
Chapter 11 fraud arc (End)
chapter 12 meeting gun and school exam
Chapter : 16 school new transfer student and Charles attention
Chapter : 17 meeting charles and Friends visit
CHAPTER : 18 Final day with teacher And Bad news
Chapter 19 : THE NEWS
Chapter : 20 unexpected meeting and chatacter card
CHAPTER 21 : The battle and The test. Part 2
Chapter 21 : The battle and The test (finale).
Chapter 21 : The battle End
CHAPTER 22 : The Aftermath. And a valuable lesson.
Chapter 23 : Reuniting with friends
chapter 27 : The unfortunate encounter and plots
chapter 28 :The Hunt and The unexpected guy
Chapter 30 : The Secret And The successful capture
chapter 31: The worked plan and the battle between perfections
chapter 32 : The Twisted One
chapter 33 : The surprises
Chapter 35 : The. backfire and The unexpected saviour.
chapter 36 : The monster And clear mind
chapter 37 : THE Answer And Gravedigging
chapter 37 : 1 vs All
Chapter 38 : The Sneak peek of full power
chapter 39 : THE BRUTALITY
chapter 40 : The heart attack.
chapter 41 : The ransom
Chapter 42 : Right place wrong time.

CHAPTER 21 : The battle and The test. Part 1

414 13 11
By HammadKhan587

The chapter will be divided into 2 parts with the second part ending this training arc. And will continue with the rest plot line. Give me a cool nickname for the system.

Recap the last chapter had ended with system in an arena with baki to fight against him, And a off screen talk with a mysterious guy.

The story starts here.

System pov: " Well shit. I kinda expected it. But not in this way. So currently am against an guy who imagination can make him anything and I mean anything. I am gonna start praying. Out of I 100% chance I got 10% chance of winning".

As then system using daniel second body looks around and in the crowd of spectators. Sees many familiar faces which are famous in the baki verse. Doppo, retsu, katsumi, shibusawa. But a figure stands above all. With his presence keeping all the crowd away From him. As you can feel the presence which demands respect without seeing him. Yujiro Hanma.

As then system hears someone calling him "Hey focus here. The old man does not like when someone stares him for long". Baki looking at his opponent reminding him. Continued to say "I can feel your strong. But not strong enough to face me as an equal. You still got time leave the arena and no one will say anything".

As then the tunnel behind the system lights up. As then system says " Your not real baki ".

Baki hearing this his eyes widen as then seeing this reaction. System Continued to say " Hey old man if your done with your fun. Send me to fight real baki. I don't have much time to be messed around by you".

Baki hearing this says with an strange voice " How did you find out. You still got a good head on your shoulders. I thought like many others you will let power get to your head. Or you would be thinking by the d***". As then the whole area suddenly shifts to a completely white room. With 2 chairs and a table with warm tea.

The man still in the From of baki says " have a seat Now as much as I know. But would still like to know From your mouth what gave me away". System hearing the man says "The real baki would have not told me to go back. Especially when challenged by someone".

The old man who sent jake to lookism as a system now sits infront of him. Asking him many things. But his reactions tells. He knew everything even before telling. As then system asks " So was I really gonna fight baki or was it all just a hox".

Rob responds and says " Do you really want to fight baki. With your current strength you won't be a good challenge for baki. Still far From him. Disappointing anyway do you really wanna fight baki ?", Hearing the respond he system says " I want to test the limits of this body and break those limits to reach higher. And in the world where I am currently only a handful of people can push me to the limit and I don't want to wait". Hearing this robs smiles.

While they are talking. We have now turned our attention to little daniel. Who is in deep thinking after talking with the system. And does not know when he does to sleep. As he dreams.

As then he finds himself in a dark place without any light confused with the change of place. He becomes vigilant of all. As then the dark place lights up. Seeing his friends lying in a pool of blood. As then seeing zack move. He rushes to his side asking " WHAT HAPPENED HERE ZACK". Zack seeing little daniel says "Help him. Go stop him before its to late". As then pointing toward a directiona.

Zack falls without moving with his condition unknown. Then running to the driection where zack pointed. As he is running he hears a gunshot. Stopping for a second. Without any more thinking rushing toward the place. He sees his second body fall down. With a man slowly putting down the smoking gun.

Then the man seeing little daniel says "Thanks for luring them all here. Now with all of them gone we can rule the whole korea. And its all with your help with betraying them. Now only a single lose end remains:". Without giving any chance the man shoots little daniel jolting him. Awake with sweating a lot. Looking around seeing the fimilar room breathing a sigh of relief.

Slowly his nerves clam down. Without thinking much. He goes to sleep thinking of it a nightmare or it was.

In Korea Seoul the place might seem peaceful and lovely. But with all the beauty and show . No one trys to looks the underneath all that beauty. Many who visit the place are drowned with the places beauty so much that many times they forget the the reason for their visit.

Under all the beauty lies many dark secret. As a secret war is going on between 3 sides workers, HNH group, H group. All three groups each with their own goals and motivation. But H group and workers Have a common enemy HNH group Head, Charles Choi. Many wonder why are they both not working together to take Charles down. Each group got their own dark secrets. They don't want each other to find.

The situation is like 3 Loins staring at each other. And all 3 knows if the 2 fights. The 3rd will take the advantage and take down the winner of the fight who will be to weak to defend it self. So All are waiting for one Loin to show weakness.

As once a Great man said "History is not always written by the strongest. But by the person who survives the longest".

But we are not here to focus on seoul. But over seas. We a man seeing the video of big daniel singing at the festival. As we zoom out we see many people with their head down not daring to look at the man. Either it be by respect or fear. As then the man looks to the side and asks "When was this uploaded".

The thug answer "This is was uploaded for almost 2 months sir". The man hearing the response says "Find out everything about him, you have 2 hours if you fail. I don't need to tell you what will happen". As the thug starts to sweat and runs out of their to find everything about daniel.

As then the man raises his hand and tells waves his hand signaling everyone to leave. As then the man lights up a cigrate and thinks "Charles you double crossing son of b***t".

Now then we return to big daniel and rob talking

Rob: "It was nice to talk with you again. See you next time".

System: "Well old man same here, now if you can kindly send me to fight baki. I wanna feel what is hidden inside this body".

As then Rob sends daniel away. While sending him away daniel sees old man smiling and saying some thing " Hope you enjoy your gift ".

The room shifts back to the arena with baki in front of me. As then yujiro stands from the place where he was sitting and goes to the Drum which is the signal for the start of the fight.

Yujiro giving his classic smile says in a loud voice "I saw many fighters during my time. Many with so many weakness. As with my eyes I can easily see any fighter weakness. But your special, I cannot see your weak points, Its like your body was made to fight and you honed it to perfection, But against an hanma no perfection can help you. You will be a testing board for baki to see if he is ready to challenge me. I hope you don't disappoint me".

Hearing the words of yujiro many people eyes widen. As the arena which was once shrouded in noise is now silent. Like the noise never existed here. With many people like doopo, retsu, tokigawa and many other fighters sweating. As for baki himself is shocked beyond the point. As many are doubting their ears, the man who beated and humiliated many fighters praising or saying words of encouragement. Makes them all shocked.

As system itself using big body is shocked. The man who is famous for randomly appearing and kicking fighters how garbage they are and leaves in to thin air, Say some words of acknowledgement. Is enough for many to be shocked and not accept.

After a while of letting his words sink in, Yujiro raises his left arm and striking the Drum which signals the start of the battle. The force form the strike caused drum to shatter in to many little pieces with the voice of Yujiro "HAJIME".

Baki and Daniel closed the gap between them in an instant. Baki's fists were a blur as he unleashed a barrage of punches, aiming for Daniel's face and body. Daniel's tried to dodge and block some of Baki's strikes But not all strikes were dodge. As baki's punch which was blocked. Made system feel like he begin hit with a wrecking ball. The hand which was used to block his hits was numb. Taking few steps back to create the distance.

As then baki says "Is that it, I thought you had more". Not responding to baki words, The feeling of the numb hand returns. As then system using daniel body says "Now it is my turn to take the offensive". With a burst of speed goes to attempt kick baki in the face. But baki easily dodges it. Without giving any chance to get his footing, Baki attacks with a punch which throws system using big body off balance. Grabing baki incoming fist as he is sent flying.

As then getting his footing back. System rushes toward him using boxing. But baki still easily dodges. As then baki goes for attack which is blocked. The attack which was to heavy to block is not a little easier. As then baki feels system grabs his hand, with one clean motion of using akido which caught baki off guard. As he is turned up side down. What that using karate to land a solid hit on the stomach of baki. Which pushed him back. With out giving baki a chance to recover. System goes for a super man punch but it is easily counterd by baki.

Causing baki to land a solid hit on the face of system. Which seals the deal. As baki who turns to leave the arena. Feels something. As then system feels the body getting hot. As he thinks "To think i would be forced to this point easily, what can you expect from baki. But now time for round 2". Heat mode.

System says " Hey short man where are you going we are leaving. We just started". As then baki hearing this turns back seeing daniel with an strange face. As then baki says "I got no interest in you. Get stronger then challenge m". As then baki is punched mid sentence. Then with a leg sweep. grabing face smashing in the ground. Without giving him any process anything. With all body weight landing a punch on the face. Grabing baki leg and throwing him, away like a plastic bag.

Which proves as a big mistake. As this gives baki a chance to collect himself. As then baki says "Well your strong I give you that but now. I am serious. Brace yourself". As then system using daniel body replies "Come on you short stack. Look at how I will throw you around". With a speed faster before. adjusting his strategy. Reallying on his unparalleled martial arts experience to throw unpredictable strikes, mixing punches and kicks in rapid succession. Many hits connecting, As then a strong kick sends Daniel flying into the wall of the areana damaging it.

System using the body suddenly laughs and says "Keep it short stack. We are just getting started. Look at this is how do it". As then using the natural talent of daniel coping baki style. Same kicks Same punches. Baki feels like is fighting himself. Which excites baki.

Hanma they say in the legends it's a cursed race, born to fight. Seeking stronger opponents. Fighting until they die. They say you should rather face 1000 men. Instead of fighting 1 hanma. Their bodies are made to sharpest sword. Strongest shield. Fastest arrows. And most importantly. The face of the devil on their back. When devil shows up. It brings nothing but misery.

As then system feels the change in the arena. How the world which was blaring with noise. Now silent. Making distance between them. Baki with an strange aura and a smiling expression says " Warm up is over now. Get ready for the real fight".

The story ends here.

I would like to mention many things. Like many readers just read first part and don't read other parts why. Also why did no one mention the spelling on daniel is wrong in the starting chapters its dainel.

Any way how did you all liked the chapter. Talking with the audience gives the aurthor the motivation to continue the writing. And tell me your honest reviews on the fight. Now before I am killed by baki fans listen here. Baki is only using combat skills at 50% he is not full power. At the end he got serious. As we all know many baki characters solo the lookism verse. But bear with me on this awesome adventure. And

Last question what reward should I give little daniel on compeleting the quest.

A lot money.


A Pistol

Public recommendation.

Got some plans with the Pistol

Got a lot of plans with a lot of money. Makes the people go round.

Give review vote share. Thank you all Have a good day or night. Am also uploading the fanfic on the webnovel.

And also recommend me where should i  promote the fanfic. 

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