Come dance for me

By laflor777

18K 754 122

Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 34

225 13 0
By laflor777

Camila leaned against Lauren as they relaxed on the sofa sat opposite in one of the chairs was Shawn with Henry lying across him all watching the new Minions DVD Henry had got in the Christmas Eve box he had got. Henry was also wearing the new pajamas that Lauren had gotten with different weather symbols on them. Henry yawned just as the credits rolled on the movie he rubbed his eyes looking sleepy. "What did you think Henry do you like the new movie?" Shawn asked, Henry did a thumbs up and the others cheered finally glad to watch something different.

"Right little man time for bed," Camila said "Before Santa comes, what do we need first?"

"Cookies for Santa" yelled Henry as he pushed up off Shawn his knee catching his dad in the groin.

"Steady dude," Shawn said in a strained voice leaning forward as Camila chuckled on the sofa and Lauren tapped her arm.

"Would you like an ice pack, Shawn?" Lauren asked as she moved from behind Camila to get up.

"Na I will survive it's not the first time thanks," he said as Henry ran off into the kitchen. He looked up at Lauren "Mila and I thought you might want to do the Christmas Eve stuff with Henry."

"I would love to are you sure?" Lauren asked looking between both of them and they nodded. Lauren's smile lit up her face as she walked into the kitchen where Henry was impatiently waiting dancing from foot to foot just like Camila when she had to wait. Picking Henry up, she sat him on the counter pretending to think "Hmm what do we need?" she asked him.

He held his fingers up and counted them off "Cookies, milk, and carrot" he said then his hands flapped in excitement.

"Good boy," Lauren said as she leaned to the side to retrieve a carrot from the fridge putting it on the side. Then taking out a plastic plate, she opened the tin of cookies placing two on the plate from the ones they had made earlier. "One for Henry but don't tell mummy it's our secret," she said, tapping the side of her nose and he leaned forward and kissed her on the nose.

"Henry loves," he said between bites of cookie.

"Henry loves cookies or Momma," she asked him smiling as she filled a beaker with milk.

"Momma and cookies" Henry replied holding his arms out to her and she put the bottle down and hugged him. Lauren sighed contentedly with his small arms around her neck. It always reminded her of how lucky she was and how different things were now. His hand moved to her ear as he rubbed it between his fingers.

"Momma loves you so much my sweet prince, you and mummy, are my everything" Lauren whispered trying to hold back the tears the whole thing making her more emotional. "Shall we take these through to the room and then go to bed so Santa can come." Wiping the crumbs off his pajamas, Lauren lifted him off the counter and put him down, passing him the plate with the cookies and carrot on as she grabbed the milk. Followed him into the room and he placed them on the hearth near the chimney, and Lauren put the milk down next to it.

Lauren picked him up "Bedtime my clever boy", and he snuggled up to her cheek kissing it.

"Hey does mummy, and daddy get a kiss or are you too busy smooching with momma" Camila laughed as she poked his side. He leaned back in Lauren's arms and kissed Camila "Good night monkey be a good boy and straight to sleep." Then Lauren moved over to Shawn, and Henry kissed him too.

"Good night, mummy and daddy," Lauren said as she headed out of the room "Be back soon." Camila sat back on the sofa and smiled, getting comfy and turning over the television.

"You sure you don't need an ice pack for the twins," Camila said laughing and Shawn picked up one of the cushions throwing it at her.

"I'm good thanks," he said, shaking his head. "How was he with Lauren's parents the other night did they survive?" he said jokingly.

"He and they loved it he hasn't stopped talking about 'scope' since. They were using a telescope to look at the sky," Camila said pulling her feet underneath her and reaching for her drink. "They were all outside when we arrived to pick him up we stayed a bit it was nice seeing him interact with them."

Shawn smiled "That sounds nice do you get on with them," he asked.

"Yeah, Clara is a little prickly still, but she is coming around her father is so sweet we are going around for the day after Christmas" Camila answered. "It's good for both of us to have more family seen as most of mine were a letdown, but I'm not thinking about that anymore," she said. "I'm going to text Sofi though and invite her around after Christmas." Lauren walked back into the room "Wow didn't take you long" Camila said.

"We barely made it through cleaning his teeth" Lauren replied "I had to carry him to bed. Would you like another drink or something to eat Shawn?" she asked as she stood near the sofa.

Shawn rubbed his stomach "I couldn't eat another thing dinner was amazing if I was at home the belt would be off" he chuckled. "I think I'm going to hit the hay too it's a big day tomorrow" Shawn yawned as he got out of the chair. He stepped over to Lauren and kissed her cheek "Thanks for the meal and letting me stay, good night" and Lauren smiled and patted him on the arm. "Night Mila, see you bright and early", and he headed out of the room and up the stairs.

Camila leaned over the sofa and grabbed Lauren's hand "Come here sexy and cuddle for a bit" she said.

"Okay but I need to grab something first I'm glad we are alone I have something for you that I didn't want to give you in front of the others," Lauren said moving around the sofa.

Camila wiggled her eyebrows "Have you now? I can't wait" she teased.

"Nothing like that you have a one-track mind," Lauren said, laughing grabbing a present from under the tree.

"Grab the plate of cookies and milk babe we have to fake Santa has eaten some of them," Camila asked. Lauren placed the plate and glass on the coffee table before sitting down next to Camila. Camila took a few gulps of the milk and grabbed a cookie giving the carrot to Lauren. "Don't look at me; I am not eating that" she chuckled. Lauren tutted as she bit the end of the carrot off taking a few more bites before putting the last bit back on the plate.

"So what did you get me," Camila said excitedly rubbing her hands together and Lauren passed over the large thin gift. Camila looked a little confused wondering what it could be it felt like a book of some sort. She ripped off the paper and crumpled it into a ball-tossing it onto the coffee table as she looked at the large, brown envelope it looked official. "Well it can't be divorce papers we aren't married yet" she quipped nervously, and Lauren sighed. Slowly picking at the opening, she turned to Lauren "Is it a prenuptial agreement did your mother convince you, you needed one because it's never been about your money Lo, but I will sign it" she said sadly.

Lauren took hold of her chin and turned Camila to face her "Of course it's not a prenup I wouldn't take any notice of my mother if she had told me that I know you aren't with me for my money baby" she sighed. She kissed her on the lips and said "How about you stop guessing and just take a look it's nothing scary" Lauren pleaded.

"Sorry I just keep thinking one day I'm going to do something to mess this amazing thing up" Camila replied.

Lauren sighed and reached up to Camila's cheek, turning her face "You're mine Camz, I have your heart and will never let go, and I belong to you that's the way it's staying. I promise if anything happens we will always talk about it I will never just throw you away now open the envelope before I feed you the rest of that carrot" Lauren laughed.

Camila mouthed "Sorry" peeled back the tab on the envelope and pulled out the contents which were several documents. She began to read the front page of the paperwork, and suddenly tears started to spill on the page. Quickly wiping them off she put the documents on the table and turned to Lauren and took her hands. "Do you know how much this means to me to know Henry will always be looked after" she croaked out. "To have this kind of peace of mind means everything you're an amazing woman, and we are so lucky."

Lauren moved her hands from Camila's and using her thumbs wiped away the tears from Camila's cheeks. "I would do anything for you and Henry" she whispered gazing into Camila's eyes. "You and Shawn can access it at any time and add to it, and Henry will be able to access it when he turns twenty-five. If there gets a time we can't cope, or he needs more care than we can give him there will be enough for him to be cared for in a facility of your choosing, but I know deep down it won't come to that baby. You don't need to go through it tonight but if you and Shawn go through it at some point and decide if anything needs adding to it" she added.

"Thank you for setting up a trust fund thanks seems such a small word and not enough. I wish there were more I could say but thank you, Lo," Camila said wiping away her tears.

"It is enough all I want is your love, and maybe unlimited access to that gorgeous backside of yours" Lauren chuckled.

"You got it" Camila laughed as she pecked Lauren on the lips. "Let's play Santa then we can get to bed," she said, getting to her feet and offering Lauren her hand. "I will grab the presents from the garage why don't you grab the ones from upstairs."

Lauren had fetched all the presents and placed them under the tree ready for the morning and now lay on the bed waiting for Camila. She didn't have to wait long as Camila entered the room and yawned "Done babe he is going to lose it when he sees that pile in the morning" she chuckled as she stripped off throwing her clothes on the nearby chair.

"You better not have been nosey Camz," Lauren said knowing precisely what she was like.

Camila held her hands up "Hey I didn't touch or shake anything" she replied, grabbing something out of her sweatpants pocket before climbing onto the bed and straddling Lauren's waist. "Firstly my ass is all yours" as Lauren reached around and grabbed it firmly with both hands. "Secondly, I got you this," Camila said laying a long jewellery box on the pillow next to Lauren, "Merry Christmas babe." Lauren reluctantly took her hands off Camila's backside and picked up the box. Opening it, there was a bracelet inside "It's that nineteen twenties Art Deco stuff you like" she added.

"Cam, this is gorgeous you didn't have to, but I love it" Lauren smiled as she held up the diamond and sapphire bracelet. She passed it to Camila to put on, and Camila fastened it around her wrist.

"You deserve everything, Lo" Camila sighed as she kissed each of Lauren's fingertips in turn. "You're a beautiful woman and deserve beautiful things," she said, smiling at her.

"Good job I have you then Camz," she said, pulling Camila in for a kiss her hands back on her backside.

Camila opened the door to Henry's room and stood there, bouncing from foot to foot, barely holding in her excitement to see his face when he got downstairs. His eyes opened, and he looked at Camila "Come on little man it's Christmas, and Santa has been" she said. "I'm going to go downstairs and record him coming down can you and Shawn bring him down," Camila asked.

Lauren stood behind her and nodded barely awake yet as Camila had just dragged her out of bed she'd had just enough time to clean her teeth. Camila sprinted off and pounded on the spare room door to wake Shawn before heading down the stairs. Lauren walked into Henry's room and kissed him "Merry Christmas darling are you ready to go downstairs and see what Santa has brought?"

Henry wiggled excitedly and wrapped his arms around Lauren's neck. She picked him up and carried him out of the bedroom as Shawn opened the door and entered the hallway. "I think someone is keener than Henry" Shawn chuckled as Lauren rolled her eyes. Although inside, she was just as excited as Camila. Shawn followed Lauren and Henry down the stairs, and she turned as she heard him chuckle. "Nice pyjama pants Lauren did you know you had juicy written across the back of them?"

Lauren sighed and shook her head "They're Camila's she leant me them mine isn't appropriate for a family Christmas not that these are much better" she said. Camila was at the bottom of the stairs, now videoing them as she slowly backed off towards the living room. Lauren set Henry down at the bottom as he ran off into the room Lauren and Shawn quickly followed after him.

Henry's face lit up with joy, and he flapped his hands up and down as he saw all the colorful presents sitting under the tree. He then went over to examine the plate of treats he had left out for Santa "Just crumbs" he yelled before sitting down near the presents. Camila sat behind him on the rug and pulled him into her lap, snuggling him as Shawn sat opposite them on the carpet. Lauren sat on the couch behind Camila and Henry. Camila looked up and smiled at Lauren as she leaned back against her.

Henry immediately started ripping into the presents in front of him each one getting a wiggle before he started on the next. "He has to open everything and see it all out in front of him before he plays with anything; it's his way" Camila explained. "After breakfast, Daddy has got you a special present, but we will have to get dressed and go outside to play with it," she said, kissing the back of his head. Shawn took over filming and taking pictures from Camila as she helped Henry to open his gifts. Camila passed over some presents to Lauren and then Shawn before grabbing her own.

Lauren opened a present from Camila and blushed as she looked at the panties with 'I licked it, so it's mine' written on the front and quickly tucked them into the pocket of her pajama pants. Leaning forward close to Camila's ear only she could hear "That's two things you need punishing, for now, anyone would think you like getting in trouble" she purred.

"I expect to see their panties on" Camila whispered as she leaned back her head on Lauren's lap "think it's the first blush I have seen you so I should have given you them at your parents."

"Oh, you just dare Miss Cabello and see what you get" Lauren chuckled as she kissed Camila's forehead.

"You do know you only have a week left to call me that" Camila replied, "before you make an honest woman out of me."

"Oh, I think there will be certain times when I will still call you it" she winked. "Open that present over there," Lauren said pointing at one of the gifts.

Camila picked it up and opened it pulling away the paper; it was a photo album with my family written across the front. As soon as Camila started to flick through the pages, she could feel a lump forming in her throat. It had pictures of her, Lauren, Henry, and Shawn on the first few pages then her sister Sofi, Granny, Dinah, Normani, and Lauren's parents on the next ones. They had all written how they had met her and why they loved her. "You have done it again made me cry," Camila said as she wiped at her eyes before Henry noticed. "You truly are one of a kind Lauren Jauregui and I love you," she said taking hold of her hand.

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