Come dance for me

By laflor777

17.9K 754 122

Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 29

260 13 0
By laflor777

Camila and Lauren greeted the other girls and introduced Sofi. Normani and Dinah had gone to the bar, Normani had insisted, and that worried Camila. They took up three tables in the club, Camila sat talking with Sofi as Lauren chatted with some of the girls from the club. "I don't mind getting the first round in," Sofi said.

"No way you are studying you aren't spending money on booze, Normani was only joking" Camila replied. "Plus we all drink like fish you would be penniless in minutes!" Dinah and Normani came back with an insane amount of booze. "Are you trying to kill us?" Camila laughed as Normani put down two bottles of Tequila and Dinah several bottles of wine, Dinah went back to grab some glasses as Normani sat down.

"We need plenty to make sure you and Lauren complete the things on my list," Normani said.

"What kind of things are on this list no one seems to have seen it yet," she said as they all made room for Dinah to sit down. Normani started pouring drinks out, and Camila grabbed a shot of Tequila and downed it. "So what are you so desperate for us to do?" Camila said as she grabbed another shot.

"We will start easy with some questions everyone has to answer or take a shot," Normani said. "Seen as Camila is so keen she can answer first your favorite body part of Lauren?"

"I thought this was going to be a challenge her lips are so full and she is an expert with them" Camila blushed. She leaned across and pecked Lauren on the lips.

Lauren didn't hesitate to answer "Her amazing backside I can't wait to get my hands on it," she said smiling. "When she wears those tight jeans and bends over, she knows she's in trouble." Camila needed to drink more, or she was going to spend the night blushing. She grabbed a bottle of champagne and poured everyone a glass. They all took turns in answering the question, and Normani's answer was quite sweet, which Camila was surprised about when she said her eyes.

"Right, this is just for the brides to be you need to kiss someone!" Normani said. Camila immediately turned to Lauren; they could say what they liked, but she wouldn't be kissing anyone else. She leaned in and parted her lips if Normani wanted a show she could have one. She closed her eyes as her lips met Lauren's. She ran her tongue over Lauren's bottom lip, then gently tugged on it. "Boring! Camila it was supposed to be someone else." Camila ignored her as her hand slipped into Lauren's hair and held her close.

Laurne's hand rested on Camila's hip as Camila's tongue entered her mouth and danced alongside hers. "Ok someone needs to get a hose" Dinah laughed holding her hand over Sofi's eyes. Camila smiled as she reluctantly pulled away.

Camila leaned closer to Normani and said: "I have found the best, so why settle for anything less, I don't want to kiss anyone else!"

"Same no one kisses like Camila! Plus why would I disrespect her and kiss someone else!" Lauren agreed.

Normani rolled her eyes. She should have known what these two would be like. "Ok next question biggest turn on," Normani asked.

When I'm making a coffee or food, Lauren comes up behind me and wraps her arms around me and kisses my neck and shoulder" Camila answered. She drank from her glass of champagne they had decided the shots were for when they didn't want to answer a question.

"When Camila tells me exactly what she wants me to do to her or when she is angry and takes charge," Lauren said licking her lips. Camila gulped at the champagne still not drunk enough yet.

"Now this is more like it," Normani said. As everyone else answered, Camila, wondered if all these questions would be about sex, of course, they would it was Normani. "In three words, describe your partner?"

Camila looked at Lauren "Strong, loving and sexy" Camila said.

"Beautiful, funny and brave there are so many more things" Lauren replied. Camila threaded her fingers through Lauren's and smiled.

"Right let's find out how much you know about each other?" Normani said. Camila was a little worried what if she didn't know as much about Lauren as Normani did. "What is each other's guilty pleasure?"

Camila sighed with relief at this one "It's big, greasy burgers!" Camila laughed.

Lauren smirked, "Camila's trash tv any kind of lame reality show!" Camila playfully nudged her and pouted. The booze was starting to affect Camila now, and she felt a bit more confident.

"Who's the funniest?" Normani asked and Camila immediately pointed at herself and Lauren rolled her eyes.

"I would probably agree although she isn't always intentionally funny" Lauren laughed as Camila stuck her tongue out at Lauren. Camila downed the rest of her drink and poured another. She looked over at the karaoke and decided she was going to do it. They all thought she was boring; she would prove them wrong.

"I will be back in a minute," Camila said as she climbed over the others to get out.

Lauren caught her arm "are you ok?" she asked.

"Yeah I will be back in a minute babe" she smiled as she walked off towards the stage. She got halfway there and wasn't sure, was this a good idea? It was probably easier than facing the rest of Normani's interrogation. She approached the Dj "Could I get up and sing something?"

"Sure," he said and passed her the book with the song choices in them. Camila flicked through the pages the drink must be affecting her because it was a little hard to read now. She picked out a song, and the guy typed into the machine and handed her the microphone. "When you're ready, go up on stage, and I will start it."

"Cheers," Camila said "I just need a minute." It was a song she knew well, and she knew a lot of the words to it was just the stage she didn't feel comfortable on. She wished she was like Lauren although she had been performing for others for years. It would be nice if it were just Lauren listening, but she would have to imagine she was singing for only Lauren.

Right, let's get this done, and she walked up on stage and nodded to the guy. He pressed some buttons on the machine, and the music started. Dinah was the first to notice her and leant across to get Lauren's attention she looked a bit surprised. The rest turned to watch, and she saw Dinah and Sofi pull out their phones she had forgotten about that great there was going to be a reminder now. Sofi, Dinah and some of the others started cheering for her.

The music started for 'You Came by Kim Wilde' Her cheeks were burning as she started singing and her voice broke a little. "Someone I know is staring at me, And when I look into her eyes. I see a girl that I used to be I hardly recognise, Cos in the space of a year. I've watched the old me disappear."

Her voice cleared up, and she started to get into it a bit more. She started dancing as she sang. She pointed out at Lauren "You came and changed the way I feel, no one could love you more. Because you came and turned my life around. No one could take your place." Her nerves had all but disappeared now as she continued to sing.

She saw Lauren push past the others and walk closer to the stage. "You can't imagine the joy you bring. My life won't be the same. And I'll be there when you call. I'll pick you up if you should fall. Cos I have never felt such inspiration, Nobody else ever gave me more." Lauren stood, watching her and smiling.

"So many people just go through life, Holding back, they don't say what they mean" Camila sang. "But it's easy for me since you came." She repeated the chorus then finished the song. Everyone with them got up clapped and cheered, and some others around the club applauded. Camila walked off the stage and handed the microphone back. Lauren came around and pulled her into an embrace. "Sorry I know it was cheesy, but I think the words are kind of true and I was fed up of everyone thinking I was boring."

"You're far from boring Camila Cabello, and I loved it no one has ever got up on stage before and serenaded me" Lauren replied. "You have an excellent voice you should sing more often."

"You're biased I don't think my voice is any good" Camila laughed. She turned her head and caught Lauren's lips. Her hand held the back of Lauren's neck as she placed small kisses on Lauren's bottom and top lip.

"You two need to get a room" Dinah laughed. Lauren and Camila parted, and she put her arm around Dinah and Lauren and walked back to their table.

"We had one, and you guys invaded it" Camila laughed. "Right I need to pop to the ladies," she said, downing her glass of Champagne.

"I think I will join you," Dinah said as Lauren sat back down. They walked off hand in hand towards the toilet. "You and Lauren were made for each other." Camila smiled as they walked into the bathroom.

They walked into the cubicle, and Camila sat on the toilet. "I'm so happy, DJ. She makes me so happy." Camila pulled her clothes up and swopped with Dinah.

"Well she definitely feels the same way Milz you can tell by the way she looks at you," Dinah said finishing up and straightening her clothes. She flushed, and they left the stall, both washing their hands. Dinah leant against sink "If you've changed your mind about the best woman and want Sofi, I don't mind stepping aside" she said although her face said something else.

"No, of course, not, why would you think that?" Camila asked. Dinah shrugged "You're the only woman for the job, DJ! It might not be blood, but you know I've always thought of you as my sister, you and Granny are both family."

Dinah flung her arms around Camila "I'm glad you said that because I didn't want to give it up" she laughed.

"You're an idiot!" Camila laughed "but a pretty amazing one and my best friend." Camila kissed her cheek and hugged her. "Let's get back before Normani has Lauren doing god knows what. Do you know what's on this list?"

"She won't tell me she knows I would most likely end up telling you! Before we go back one more thing, Milz, I have been thinking about proposing to Mani, not this weekend but soon what do you think?" Dinah said.

"I think it's a great idea are you worried about how Normani will react?" she asked. "If you want, I could ask Lauren what she thinks she knows Mani very well."

"Yeah that would be good I might need her help if she thinks I should do it, I think it's the right time but you can never tell with Mani" Dinah sighed.

"I'm sure she will want to DJ you're amazing, and she loves you so much" Camila smiled as they walked out the bathroom. They approached the table and Lauren wasn't there. Camila tapped Normani "Where is Lauren?"

"She had a phone call and went outside" Normani answered as Dinah made herself comfortable on Normani's knee.

"It wasn't Shawn was it?" Camila asked a worried she pulled her phone out her pocket, but there was no messages or missed calls. This made her a little less anxious, and she sat down.

"I don't think so," Normani said.

"Nice voice," Sofi said as she moved next to Camila. "I have the video you will be famous!"

"Thanks" Camila laughed as Lauren walked back over to the table. She leant on the back of the booth above Normani.

She put her arms around Normani's shoulders "That was Louis who owns Sapphire, and he heard from someone I was in town. I wonder who that could be?" Lauren asked. Normani shrugged but looked guilty "he says it would be rude of him not to have us at his club, so he is sending a limo for us!"

"That's so nice of him" Normani laughed "Come on, let's go it's one of the best clubs in Vegas. It would be rude, not too." Lauren rolled her eyes and pecked Normani. She walked around and held her hand out to Camila as they all filed out of the booth.

They arrived at the strip club, Camila couldn't believe she was in a limo she had never been in one before. Camila was the first to get out the place was massive, the fresh air hit her, and she felt a little drunk maybe she should go easy. She didn't want to be the first to bed; it was their party. She held her hand out to Lauren and helped her out. Louis, Lauren's friend and fellow club owner, was in the entrance waiting for them. He walked straight over to Lauren and pulled her into a hug "Lauren it's so nice to see you it has been too long" he said. Then hugged Normani, Camila looked over to Dinah and she shrugged she had never heard of him either. "Lauren! Normani never mentioned this!" he pointed to the veil. "Are you getting married, Normani finally manage to tame you?"

"No, Louis" she took Camila's hand "this is the amazing woman I'm going to marry Camila Cabello." Camila smiled and shook his hand. Camila noticed he looked a little shocked when he saw her.

He regained his composure "Well you need to celebrate in style then I have two of my best girls, and they will take you to one of our VIP rooms" he smiled. "Everything is on me tonight, girls whatever they need they get!"

"Louis, that's not necessary," Lauren said.

"No I insist I have some things to take care of, you know how it is, and then I will be up to hear all that you have been up to," Louis said "Chastity and Crystal will take care of you and Lauren no-poaching my girls." he laughed. He turned to the girls "these are very special friends of mine treat them very well please."

Camila wasn't so sure about the guy, but she would give him a chance he seemed a close friend of Lauren's even though she had never mentioned him. Camila hung back as they carded Sofi, but everything was fine, and they let her in. She put her arm through hers, and they followed the others upstairs. Personally, this place didn't seem as nice as Lauren's club, and everything seemed very over the top. "Hey if you aren't happy here we don't have to stay" Camila asked.

"I'm fine if I'm going to work at Lauren's place I will have to get used to it" Sofi laughed.

"I know you only got a quick look, but Lauren's place is nothing like this it's really classy and they don't strip" Camila assured.

"Hey, Camila, are you sure you want to be here?" Sofi asked.

"Yeah, a few more drinks and I won't know where I am" Camila laughed. "I don't know, and sometimes I don't feel like I fit in this world." Sofi stopped Camila in the entrance to the VIP room. "I'm fine its just things are different when me and Lauren are at home, and it's like Lauren has two worlds, and I don't fit in this one because I'm not Glam or exciting. I saw the way that friend of hers looked at me like why is Lauren marrying the plainest woman in the world."

"Hey Camila, you are not plain, and I doubt Lauren thinks that way, but if it really bothers you, you should speak to Lauren," Sofi said as she hugged Camila. "If it helps I don't think your plain."

"Come on little sis let's go and get drunk" as Camila put her arm around Sofi. "We need to get some pictures for your mother!"

"Deal" Sofi laughed. They sat down, and Camila picked up two shots and passed one to Sofi. Camila knocked hers back and picked up another one and did the same. Camila grabbed Sofi's phone and took a photo of both of them and sent it to Sinuhe. "Camila, you do know she is probably going to call me" Sofi laughed.

"We should get you a lap dance and then take a photo and send it to Mom!" Camila laughed.

"Woah did you call her mom! And yeah if you want her and dad driving down here" Sofi said.

"A slip of the tongue sorry she isn't my mother! No offence Sofi but she never will be I love having a sister though" Camila said. Maybe the drink was affecting Camila more than she let on. "I will be back soon just got to talk to someone" as Camila got up and walked over to one of the girls.

Sofi got up and went and sat next to Lauren. "Hey, can I have a word?" she asked.

"Sure! you should watch these girls you could get some tips from them" Lauren said as one stood on the small podium dancing.

"Yeah, I will, thanks!" Sofi replied. "It's not really my place to say, but I think something is bothering Camila, please don't tell her I said something."

Lauren smiled "I won't say anything, thank you. I will sort it out."

Camila headed over to the girl called Chastity. "Hi, could you help me with something my fiancee Lauren is a dancer too and I would like to do something for her could you show me how to do a lap dance for her," Camila said.

"It's not what we do. We could give you a couples lap dance!" offered Chastity.

"Oh god no sorry I don't like the sound of that I love her so much and wouldn't like someone else giving her a lap dance" Camila laughed nervously.

Chastity sighed "Fine, follow me, and I will show you a couple of easy moves, Crystal come with me a minute." Camila followed the two girls into a side room. "She wants to impress her girlfriend with a few moves Crystal just sit here, and I will demonstrate on you." Chastity moved a chair into the middle of the room. "Right everything needs to be slow and sensual, keep eye contact to."

She stood in front of the other girl she ran her hands over her chest and hips. Then stepped forward and squatted down spreading her legs. "Then sit on their lap and touch them run your hands down her" stated Chastity as Camila watched. She carried on showing Camila a few more moves. She walked up to Camila when she had finished. "Just do what you feel comfortable with is there a certain part of you she likes if so use that more."

"Yeah, she likes my butt," Camila said. Chastity turned her around and looked at her then started undoing Camila's blouse. "Erm, what are you doing?"

"You need to look sexier, your bra looks cute, so you need to take this off," said Chastity. Camila had been drinking a lot but still blushed when a virtual stranger took her blouse off. "Crystal just tighten up her bra up, so she has more cleavage it's not ideal, but we will have to work with what we have." If it was possible, Camila's whole body felt like it was flushing as they adjusted her boobs. Chastity pulled at the waistband of her pants "Keep the pants on you need to invest in some matching underwear Hunny! Look you love each other just do what comes naturally it will be sexy, and she will love it I'm sure."

Suddenly a familiar voice came from the doorway "Like to explain Camila!" Lauren said as she stared at the three of them.

"Ok, this is all you, Good luck," said Chastity, as she kissed her on the cheek and her and Crystal, walked out the room.

Lauren waited until they both left and walked towards Camila. "I usually pride myself on not being a jealous woman!" Lauren stated. "But I'm finding it hard to find a reasonable reason why you would be in a room with two strippers half-naked!"

"They are nice they were just helping me with something, just sit down, and you will understand" Camila replied. Lauren didn't look too happy but did as Camila asked of her. Camila headed over to one of the speakers and turned up the music.

She walked over and stood in front of Lauren "this is going to be far from perfect!" Camila warned. She slowly ran her hands over her breasts and down over her hips. Lauren went to say something but Camila put a finger to her lips "please just let me do this, Lo!" Camila ran her hands down herself again this time, squatting down and opening her legs.

She felt a little shaky and wished she hadn't drunk so much now, but then if she hadn't, she wouldn't be doing this in the first place. She stood up and took hold of Lauren's shoulders and straddled her lap. Camila then ran her hands slowly down Lauren's chest and kissed her lips. Her body rolled forward against Lauren's, Camila's eyes never left Lauren's. She grounded her hips towards Lauren's body over and over again. Then she stood slightly, so her breasts were at Lauren's eye level and rolled her body forward.

She stood up then and turned around slowly, bending over and sensually running her hands over her backside. She felt Lauren's hands on her backside, and she gave it a little shake. "I'm not sure you're supposed to touch" Camila chuckled.

"Tough" Lauren was all said. She backed up on to Lauren and sat in her lap, facing away from her. She pushed Lauren's legs wider apart and held on to her legs as her ass ground a figure of eight into Lauren's centre. She smiled as Lauren growled, and she repeated this several times. She closed Lauren's legs and sat back, her back flush against the front of Lauren. Camila took Lauren's hands and ran them down her body.

She pressed Lauren's hands against her abdomen then her breasts. Camila then placed Lauren's hands back at her sides as she got up. Turning around, she knelt in between Lauren's legs spreading them. Camila ran her hands up Lauren's thighs and under the hem of her dress until she reached her inner thighs. The she leant forward and rolled her body towards Lauren's she kept eye contact the whole time.

She got up and straddled Lauren's lap again, her hands threaded into Lauren's hair. She tilted her head as she sucked on Lauren's bottom lip, tugging it gently. "You need to touch me now Miss Cabello you can't do all that and just leave me there" Lauren growled. She hitched her dress up slightly as Camila's hand slipped underneath. Camila moved her panties to one side and groaned at how wet Lauren was as her fingers slid easily inside her. "What I should do is take you back to our room and fuck you until you beg me to stop." Lauren panted as Camila's fingers slid in and out of her, as her thumb slid over her clit.

Lauren sucked and nipped at the skin of Camila's neck as she was pushed closer to an orgasm. She dragged her nails down Camila's back, leaving red trails. She curled her fingers up inside Lauren. Her breathing got faster as Camila found just the right spot. Her fingers worked the patch of skin that made Lauren moan as she thumb rubbed firmly against her clit. Lauren burst over the edge as her nails dug into Camila's back. "Fuck! Camila, I love you!" Lauren said as her orgasm slowed. "Not that I didn't enjoy it, but why?" Lauren whispered as her head laid on Camila's chest.

"I wanted to be sexy and exciting, I don't always feel like I fit in this part of your world" Camila whispered. She heard Lauren sigh "I saw the way your friend looked at me earlier he couldn't be more surprised you were marrying me a plain Jane!"

Lauren kissed her chest, then lifted her head to look at Camila. "How many times to I have to tell you it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. He helped me get started years ago and taught me all about the business, but his opinions on who I date are none of his concern! Am not sure what you have just done makes you a plain Jane exactly the opposite. I love both sides of my life, but I am happiest at home with you and Henry."

"I'm sorry I overreact sometimes are you sure you want to marry a crazy woman with issues? and were you really jealous earlier?" Camila asked.

"Of course you keep me on my toes" Lauren laughed. "Yes, I was! I found you in a room alone with two strippers pawing at you!"

"They were trying to give me a better cleavage, they were nice to me" Camila smiled.

"Just remember these are mine!" Lauren chuckled as she kissed each of Camila's breasts. She grabbed Camila's backside and kissed her lips ", and so are both of these!"

"Yes, Mrs Cabello-Jauregui!" Camila laughed.

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