Come dance for me

By laflor777

17.5K 754 122

Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 28

275 11 0
By laflor777

Lauren walked up the drive there was a lot of noise coming from the house as she got closer. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see her neighbor hovering near the fence. "Excuse Miss Jauregui is that noise going to last much longer it's been happening for the last twenty minutes," Mr Cookson said.

"I'm not sure as you can see I have just got back and have no idea what is going on yet" Lauren sighed. He stood there staring at her "Look, I will do my best to quieten things down." She hurried down the drive and unlocked the door. She could hear Henry's angry cries as soon as she entered the house. She dropped her briefcase in the hallway and kicked off her shoes as she took the stairs two at a time. "Camila, what's going on?"

"Be careful, Lauren!" Camila shouted, her voice sounding distressed. She hurried down the hallway as the door to Henry's room repeatedly slammed shut. Lauren stopped outside the door to his room and grabbed it. She looked in the room, and Camila was on the floor, struggling to keep hold of Henry his face red and tear-stained. Suddenly his foot shot up kicking Camila in the chin "Shit Henry that hurt" Camila yelled as tears ran down her face. Henry wriggled from her arms and ran for the door.

Lauren quickly squeezed through the door, shutting it so he couldn't get out and hurt himself. He grabbed at the chest of drawers screaming as he pushed them against the wall. Lauren and Camila put their hands out to stop him from hitting them. Then she reached across and switched his music on and turned it up. He jumped on the bed and started tearing at the sheets "Henry is dumb" he screamed at the top of his voice.

Lauren sat down next to Camila on the floor. She took hold of Camila's hand, keeping an eye on Henry. His screams were becoming further apart, and he lay on the bed amongst the mess of tangled bedding. Lauren kissed Camila's hand "Go take a break. I will stay with him," Lauren said.

Camila got up and walked out of the room. Lauren got up and stood near the bed "Can mom sit on the bed?" she asked.

"Yes," Henry screamed as Lauren sat next to him, trying not to crowd him. He got up and lurched towards her, and she caught his hands.

She held his hands "Kind hands Henry" she repeated until he flopped back down on the bed. He stared up at the ceiling Lauren grabbed his weighted blanket and covered his legs. He picked at the edge of the blanket as the screams stopped. She laid down next to him but not too close and stroked his head. Meltdowns always wiped him out, and his eyes started to close. She continued to stroke his head as he fell asleep. She looked at her watch. It was only five they could afford to leave him for half an hour without the risk of him not sleeping tonight.

She leaned forward and carefully kissed his forehead. Lauren got off the bed and tiptoed out of the room leaving the door ajar. She jumped as Camila sat opposite the room on the floor. Her head was in her hands as her body shook. Lauren sat down next to her and put her arm around Camila's shoulders, pulling her close. "Lo, I can't do this. I'm failing him," Camila said through sobs.

"Oh, Camz, of course, you aren't, it was a bad moment that's all," Lauren said.

"I couldn't even calm him down I forgot his music and everything, and you had to do it. I'm such a crap mother!" she choked out.

"To use one of your terms that's bullshit!" Lauren said, "Are you giving up?" Camila shook her head "Then how can you be a crap mother and the calming thing that's what I'm here for. We are a team Camila if the best thing for Henry is for you to tag out sometimes and let me take over while you look after yourself then that's what happens!"

Camila smiled "Did you just use a wrestling term."

"Maybe but it was in context" Lauren chuckled. "When I said I was here for you both I meant in the good and bad times."

Camila held up a picture frame "I'm so sorry it got broken in the meltdown."

"It's just a thing, Camila. It doesn't matter we can buy another one, how's the chin?" she said Camila hissed as Lauren touched it.

"A little sore probably bruised," Camila said.

"Let's go get some ice on it and grab a cup of coffee before His Highness wakes" Lauren smiled as she stood and offered her hand to Camila. Camila pulled herself up and kept hold of Lauren's hand as they headed downstairs. "Do we know what triggered it?" Lauren asked.

Camila grabbed an ice pack and placed it on her chin, sitting on one of the stools. "There was an incident at school he tried talking to one of the other kids at school, and they didn't understand him, so they called him dumb," Camila said wincing as she pressed the ice against her chin. "The teacher made the other kid apologize, but it just escalated until it was a full-blown meltdown when we got home. It was so hard to get him off the bus and get him in the house, but a couple of your neighbors got a good show."

"As I've said before, it doesn't matter what other people think it's none of their business," Lauren said putting a coffee in front of Camila. She looked down at her watch "Right. I'm going to grab Henry and bathe him while you call up a takeaway for tea. Then we can all chill together on the sofa." She grabbed the phone and placed it down next to Camila "Choose whatever you want baby" she said, placing a kiss on Camila's head.

"I love you, Lo," Camila said.

"I love you too baby. I won't be long," Lauren said as she headed out the kitchen.

Lauren watched from the kitchen as Camila spoke to Henry. Camila sat with Henry "Mummy is sorry for forgetting all the things that help you calm down. Sometimes mummies get things wrong and need help. Mummy will do a better job, and you will always have Mummy, Daddy, and Mom to help you we are all a team," Camila said trying desperately not to cry again.

"That's right, Henry we are all here for each other," Lauren said. She walked into the room and sat down next to Camila.

"Henry loves mummy! now minions" Henry said as he took Camila's ear and rubbed his face against hers.

"I love you too, Henry" Camila smiled. She got up and put minions on as Henry sat on the floor and ate his pasta. Camila smiled as she sat back on the sofa. She lifted Lauren's legs on to her knee. She started to rub Lauren's feet.

"What is this for?" Lauren asked.

"Because you have been at work all day then you came home and helped us" Camila sighed, her fingers gently massaging Laurne's feet. Camila stroked Lauren's leg "Thank you, babe."

"You don't have to thank me. I would do anything for you and Henry," Lauren said.

Camila and Lauren pulled up outside the club. They were here to pick up Normani and Dinah. Sofi was already in the back. Lauren popped the boot for their luggage and Camila got out to help least she still had one good hand. "It's going to be like a game of Tetris trying to fit all this luggage in the boot" Camila sighed. At least Dinah like Camila had one bag with her and Sofi didn't have too much. Lauren and Normani, on the other hand, looked like they had brought their whole closet. Camila managed just to get the boot closed good job they were in Lauren's car. Not that Lauren would let them all get in Camila's bug anyway.

She walked around to the passenger side of the car and put her hand on the handle at the same time as Normani did. She gave Normani a look "The kids can sit in the back!" Normani stated.

"I'm not a kid Mani! Babe, I should sit in the front," Camila said looking at Lauren.

Lauren shrugged "I'm not getting involved fight it out between you both," she said. Normani stood firm, Camila sighed opened the back door, and got in she shuffled into the middle and Dinah followed her. Camila put her seat belt on the folded her arms in protest. Normani smiled as she got in the passenger seat and clicked on the seat belt. Camila pouted Lauren reached around and stroked her leg "Don't pout babe, I will make you feel better later."

Sofi smiled and passed her over some of the snacks she had brought for the road trip. "Thanks, Sofi," Camila said as she tucked into some chocolates. They set off as Sofi, Dinah, and Camila chatted excitedly in the back. Suddenly Camila's phone started beeping constantly, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She panicked when she saw it was Shawn's number she opened up the messages.

"Everything ok? babe" Lauren asked recognizing Shawn's notification. She breathed a sigh of relief when it was just a series of pictures Henry had taken on Shawn's phone very close-up photos of his nose and mouth. He had also sent her little animated gifs of weather.

"Yeah, it's just Henry he must have got hold of Shawn's phone and is sending pictures little monkey," Camila said. She pulled Sofi and Dinah close and took a photo to send back to Henry.

Shawn: Sorry Mila, I didn't realize he had my phone your sister looks so much like you!

Camila: No worries tell Henry I miss him already and we love him call if you need anything we are only a couple of hours away x

Shawn: He loves you both too and don't worry, just have fun and don't do anything I wouldn't do! Lol x

Camila: lol thanks see you soon x

"So how's it going at work now, Mila," Dinah asked.

"Yeah, not bad the guys have eased up a bit they were a bit weird when the greasy guy got fired" Camila replied. "I like the job, so hopefully it will go well my old job wasn't too pleased when I quit. I felt bad because they were the only place that would take me after prison, and they were good to me about fitting around Henry." Sofi and Normani's heads turned around when they heard the word prison, and they both looked shocked. "Erm yeah, I have been to prison for twelve months, and that's where I gave birth to Henry so that it's all out there," Camila said.

"Can I ask what for?" Sofi said.

"Yes, of course, petty theft a girl has to eat, and then I fell for Shawn my ex-Henry's dad, and he let me take the fall for him, and I ended up going to jail for twelve months," Camila said. "If it weren't for Henry, I probably wouldn't have anything to do with Shawn, but I eventually forgave him he is a decent guy now." Sofi looked a little shocked. "You ok, are you changing your mind about me now" Camila laughed nervously.

"No of course not it's kind of Mom's fault if you had been with us it wouldn't have happened" Sofi stated.

"I'm not sure it's that simple I mean the foodstuff I had to steal so I didn't starve but some of the other stuff we stole so we could start a new life together, and it was stupid," Camila said. "One thing you should take from this is prison is horrible, so don't get in trouble! Anyway enough about me I want to know some more about you, are you seeing anyone?"

"It's weird I'm talking to a guy at the moment but nothing serious," she said, opening a bag of chips.

"You shouldn't have anything serious at twenty-one!" Normani said. "Keep them guessing!"

"I hope you're not encouraging my sister to sleep around!" Camila laughed.

"So how did you meet Lauren?" Sofi asked.

"Which story do I tell her babe?" Camila asked laughing. "The real one or the one we told your parents.

"The one where she stole you from me. I had dibs I saw you first!" Normani said. She leaned forward and pulled the mirror down to reapply her lipstick.

Lauren shook her head "Dibs really Mani?"

"I went to Lauren's club and got stood up by Dinah!" Camila said.

"Yeah, and if I hadn't stood you up you might never have met Lauren!" Dinah said sticking her tongue at Camila "So you should probably thank me really!"

Camila laughed "Lauren came on stage and seduced me with the most incredible dance and then told me I could have a private dance if I wanted."

"Yeah then Camila got a taste and never went back," Normani said licking her lips, which earned her a glare from Lauren as Camila went red. "Come on. It's not like she isn't old enough to know what happens when two attractive people get together! They fu..."

"Do not carry on that sentence Mani I'm warning you!" Lauren said as Normani held her hands up in surrender. "Seduced you, Camila!" Lauren laughed.

"Well, I never take someone home on the first night I meet them," Camila said. "Although she didn't make the rest very easy, I love you, babe, but you were a bit prickly to start with. The number of times you called me an idiot!"

"Yes, but you were a loveable idiot, and you soon worked your way in," Lauren said.

"That's because I knew I had met someone truly special who had it all smart, beautiful, and a huge heart" Camila smiled as she touched Lauren's shoulder. Lauren stroked her hand and smiled at her in the mirror.

"So the amazing sex had nothing to do with it then?" Normani said.

"You don't have a filter do you Mani you really think Camila's sister wants to hear about our sex life!" Lauren stated.

"You know it's a bachelorette and we are supposed to talk about sex!" Normani said.

"It would be nice to be drunk before we start talking about things like that," Camila said. Normani grabbed her bag and passed out the t-shirts she had made and left Lauren's in the bag. Camila held hers up bride-to-be on the front and Cabello-Jauregui on the back. "These are great I expected something bad with you doing them Mani."

"Oh don't worry, I have a bag of tricks for later" Normani smirked. They all pulled the t-shirts on over their clothes. "Ok, let's kick this off how old were you when you lost your virginity? The oldest has to buy the first round tonight and no lying I will know I will start sixteen!"

She looked at Lauren. Lauren sighed "Fine, seventeen!"

Camila looked at Sofi "You don't have to answer if you don't want to!"

"It's ok" Sofi laughed "I was nineteen."

"Seventeen," Dinah said

They all looked at Camila, and she wondered if Nromani would know if she was lying because she wasn't sure she wanted to admit she was younger than the others. "I was fifteen," Camila said quickly getting it out of the way.

"Wow go, Camila" Normani laughed "Who would've thought you were the youngest, so who was it? And Sofi you're the first to the bar!"

"Am not sure it matters who it was you won't know them" Camila said.

"Camz ignore her, you don't have to tell her she is just nosey!" Lauren reassured.

"It's not really a secret just stupid I was in this foster home and was going through a phase where I self-sabotaged, and when I failed to persuade the woman's husband to sleep with me I slept with their seventeen-year-old son, and they took me back when they caught us!" Camila said. "But I was an idiot and mad at the world it was awkward, and I regret it! Sorry, Sofi hope you weren't looking for a role model."

"Happy now, Mani!" Lauren sighed. "It doesn't matter what you did in the past, babe it's who you are now."

"Sorry Camila didn't mean to upset you," Normani said "I was just trying to have a bit of fun nobody is a saint least of all me no judgment here."

"It's fine, don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean anything by it Mani" Camila smiled. Sofi's phone beeped, and she picked up her bag and grabbed her phone. Sofi looked at it and threw her phone back in her purse without answering it. "You ok Sofi?" Camila asked.

"Yeah, just mom checking up on me!" she moaned.

"What did she think when you told her you were going with us to Vegas?" Camila asked.

"She wasn't too happy neither was Dad, but they couldn't stop me it's a better chance to get to know you, and you find the most about a person when they're drunk" Sofi laughed.

A couple of hours later, they were all getting settled in their hotel rooms. "Wow, this room is massive," Camila said as she put the finishing touches to her makeup. Lauren lay on the bed in her towel. It never took Camila long to get dressed and ready. Camila stalked over to the bed with two glasses of champagne and put them on the side as she straddled Lauren. "You need to get dressed before I end up undressed" Camila purred.

"That's not an incentive to get dressed baby it's the opposite" Lauren smiled.

Camila took a few sips of the champagne. "Does it make you think differently about me after what you heard earlier?" Camila asked.

Lauren rolled her eyes "Why would it there is not much you could say that would make me change my mind about you plus it was ten years ago." Lauren grabbed Camila's hips and dragged her towards her.

"Do we have time" Camila whispered.

"Always" Lauren growled as she unbuttoned Camila's blouse. "It's our Bachelorette! We decide what happens and when and right now my list says make my fiancee call my name several times."

Camila slipped off her blouse and leaned forward and kissed Lauren's lips. Lauren's tongue slipped into Camila's mouth, tasting the champagne she had drunk. Lauren's hands slid down the back of Camila's pants, grabbing her backside. Camila pulled the towel down and caressed Lauren's breasts as her tongue entwined with Lauren's. The next minute Normani and the others walked through the door. "Fuck" Camila cursed.

"Are we interrupting something?" Normani laughed as she took a seat. Camila continued to lay on top of Lauren till she managed to cover her up again. "Don't worry, I've seen it all before, dear" Normani chuckled. Dinah and Sofi covered their eyes and stood in the doorway.

"Sorry guys," Dinah said.

"Mani, I sometimes wonder why we are friends I knew we shouldn't have got adjoining rooms!" Lauren spat. Camila climbed off and grabbed her blouse.

"Well put a sock on the doorknob or something next time" Normani laughed. Lauren got up and grabbed her glass of champagne before heading into the bathroom. Sofi and Dinah removed their hands and walked into the room as Camila finished buttoning her blouse.

Dinah grabbed the bottle of champagne and took a swig of it before passing it to Sofi. "Here you go so you can erase the image of your half-naked sister about to get it on" Dinah laughed. Camila groaned as she grabbed her glass.

"So what are the plans for the night?" Camila asked as Sofi and Dinah sat down next to her on the bed.

"Getting wasted" Dinah offered as she passed Camila a veil which she stuck in her hair. Dinah adjusted it a bit "beautiful" she smiled.

Camila turned to Sofi "I wanted to ask if you wanted to be in the wedding as one of my bridesmaids Sofi, and if you don't want to, that's fine."

"Omg of course I would love to" Sofi gushed as she got up and hugged Camila. "It's just the best having a sister." Camila had to admit it did feel nice to have more family she wasn't sure how she felt about Sinuhe or Alejandro yet, but she really liked Sofi.

"Camz, grab my black dress, please" Lauren shouted from the bathroom. Camila got up and opened the wardrobe damn which one there were three.

"The one on the right," Normani said. So Camila grabbed that one and opened the door slightly to pass it through. Lauren opened it a little wider and pulled Camila inside. Normani smiled and turned on the radio.

"Mani always seems to know so much about you," Camila said. As she hung the dress up, Camila covered her eyes when she saw Lauren.

"So do you! We did date and are pretty similar" Lauren said. "If it makes you feel any better, there are plenty of pretty big things you found out that she didn't know. Now can you explain why you have your eyes covered."

"Because I'm not totally recovered from earlier and you're stood there in just your underwear, stockings and suspenders and I don't want to be horny all night," Camila said.

"Well, let me fix that for you," Lauren said as she grabbed Camila  by her belt buckle pulling her to her. Lauren removed her hands from her eyes and placed them on her sides.

"See now I'm touching your incredibly soft skin" Camila moaned. Lauren spun her around and pinned her to the wall with her body. She flicked open Camila's pants "We can't they are all outside."

"Well you will just have to be quiet because I would be a bad fiancee if I left you like this now wouldn't I" Lauren purred. Lauren's hand made its way down the front of Camila's pants. She slid two of her fingers inside Camila. "But I can stop if you don't want me to!" Camila grabbed her hand to keep it there. Lauren smiled as her fingers slid through Camila's wet folds, and she moaned.

She felt Lauren's lips on her neck as they kissed and nipped at the pale skin. Camila' s hands appeared on Lauren's lace-clad backside. "Oh god Lauren, I wish we weren't going out" Camila groaned. Her body was rolling against Lauren's hand as she started to pant. Lauren's finger's rubbed around her clit and dipped into her entrance.

Camila's moans were getting louder "Not too loud baby!" Lauren warned as she continued her glorious torture of Camila's clit. Camila suddenly grabbed her, pushing Lauren deeper inside her and ground her hips.

"Oh god Lo, I'm going to come," she said as she caught her lips trying to silence herself. Camila burst over the edge calling Lauren's name. Her body slumped against Lauren as she coaxed the last bit of Camila's orgasm from her.

"Better baby," Lauren said carefully pulling her fingers out of Camila. Camila regained her composure and stood upright. She fastened her pants up and looked in the mirror. She heard Lauren moan as she sucked her fingers clean. "You always taste so good!"

"What about you, babe?" Camila asked.

Lauren pulled Camila in for a kiss "I can wait until later baby." She grabbed her dress and put it on. She turned so Camila could zip it up for her.

Camila pulled up the zip and placed a kiss on her shoulder as they looked in the mirror "You're so beautiful" Camila whispered. "I don't know how I got so lucky." Camila pulled a box out of her pocket and placed it on the counter in front of them. "For you" Camila whispered. Lauren looked down and opened the box inside was a diamond, heart-shaped necklace. "You deserve so much more!"

"I love it, it's perfect," Lauren said as she held it up for Camila to put on her. Camila took it from her and fastened it around her neck. Lauren ran her fingers over it "Thank you, baby."

"It suits you, right, I will get back out there before they get suspicious and let you finish getting ready," Camila said.

Lauren turned and kissed Camila. Camila walked towards the door "They will know what we have been doing or at least Mani will, why do think she put the radio on" Lauren laughed.

Camila opened the door "Right, if you need any more help with your dress, babe just shout." The others just looked at her and Normani winked.

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