Come dance for me

By laflor777

17.5K 754 122

Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 25

268 13 3
By laflor777

Camila sat bolt upright in bed. The sudden movement disturbed Lauren, who rolled over. "Are you in pain?" she asked as she looked up at Camila concerned.

"No, not physical anyway," she said as she stared forward at an empty space on the wall. Lauren looked at the clock four am and inwardly sighed. She sat, pulling the covers closer; it was a chilly night.

"What's up baby? I don't like you in any sort of pain," Lauren said. She took Camila's hand in hers "you need your rest; you know what the doctor said." Her thumb stroked the back of Camila's hand.

"I know what I said, but I think I'm going have to talk to that woman," Camila said. Her eyes now focused on their hands. The smallest touch and Lauren could make her feel safe.

Lauren's head still a little sleepy "you mean your...."

Camila interrupted "Sinuhe! don't say mother she hasn't earned that title. I thought I could just ignore her, but I have so many questions, and I need the answers. But I'm also scared to hear the answers what if they're worse than I thought."

"We will have to deal with that when it happens, Camz," Lauren said.

"When you say we you do mean it don't you, you will come with me?" Camila replied as she turned her body to face Lauren.

"If that's what you want, then, of course, I will but are you sure you don't want it to be just the two of you?" Lauren said.

"No, I need you, Lo, and there is nothing you can't hear," Camila said "I'm going to call her in the morning, and we can meet somewhere."

"Then, of course, I will come with you, but you do know that if you change your mind at any point, I can leave it's fine," Lauren said trying to stifle a yawn.

"I won't change my mind," Camila said. "Sorry I woke you I know you don't like to be woken up I just couldn't sleep."

"Yeah but I also don't want my future wife suffering in silence, so if you wake me for a good reason that's fine" Lauren whispered. She laid down "come here," she said to Camila and gestured for her to lay against her.

"I'm not sure I'm going to be able to sleep" Camila sighed as she laid down next to Lauren. Lauren's hand came up, and she stroked the side of Camila's head and cheek. "What are you doing?"

"It works on you too as it does with Henry at least it did the other night" Lauren chuckled.

"It so does not," Camila said as Lauren continued to stroke her head. Camila didn't want to admit it, but her eyes did feel heavier. A few minutes later she was fighting to keep her eyes open damn she was right was the last thing Camila thought as she succumbed to sleep. Camila's breathing evened out, and soft snores were coming from her. Lauren smirked and kissed her hair as she carefully got comfy and closed her own eyes.

Camila had agreed to meet Sinuhe in the park. They had driven around the park three times now. Lauren looked at her "are you sure you want to do this?" she asked. "Much more babe and we are going to have to get gas!"

"Yep pull up here," Camila said as she wiped her hands down her jeans. Lauren pulled over in the nearest parking space and switched off the engine. Camila unclipped her seatbelt and looked out of the window at the busy park. Lauren got out and walked around to passenger side and opened it. She held her hand out to Camila. She took it and climbed out of the car, taking a deep breath, trying to steady nerves.

"It will be fine Camz you are totally in control, anything you're not happy with we can leave," Lauren said as she pecked her on the lips. They held hands and walked into the park. Camila immediately saw the dark-haired woman sat on one of the benches. Camila pointed her out, and they walked over that way. Sinuhe looked up as they walked over she looked disappointed.

"I was hoping it would just be us two Camila," she said as they sat down on the bench.

"I want Lauren here, she is my rock and has proven many times over what an amazing woman she is so if she's not welcome here this thing has failed before it's even started" Camila stated. Lauren kept her face neutral but could not stand this woman already. Lauren laid her hand on Camila's knee and sat back.

You could see by the look on Sinuhe's face that the dislike was mutual and this didn't bother Lauren one bit.

Camila turned to face Sinuhe "I'm here to ask you some questions that is all, and there won't be any details about my family just yet," Camila said "Do you know who my father is?"

"Yes, of course," Sinuhe said indignantly "We are still together. His name is Alejandro. I have a picture." She took the picture out of her bag and passed it to Camila.

Camila noticed she looked more like her dad; she held the picture in her hands. There were two others in the picture it looked like she had siblings too. Their smiling faces irritated her as in her mind she put herself in that picture, but of course, she never had been in it. She felt Lauren's hand on her back, knowing Lauren was there made her feel stronger. "Who are the others in the picture," she asked, not taking her eyes off the photo.

"That is your brother and sister Sofia and Charlie, Sofia is twenty one now, and Charlie is seventeen," Sinuhe said.

"So is there any more or was it just me you discarded" Camila snapped her face still on the photo gripping it tightly.

"Camila, we were so young we had nothing, we weren't ready for a child," Sinuhe said reaching out for Camila's arm. Camila wrenched it away and stood up, angry tears falling from her eyes.

"Bullshit nobody is ever ready, you could have come and got me, but no you just forgot about me and got on with your lives," Camila said angrily. Lauren got up and walked towards. Camila took her hand.

"We thought you would be settled with a new family and didn't want to upset you" Sinuhe sighed.

Camila turned around "Well I wasn't. I was passed around from place to place, I sat for hours waiting for you to come to get me." Camila yelled. "I prayed for you to come and rescue me when one of the foster parents decided I needed physical discipline when I tried to hide the bruises."

"Oh Camila, I didn't realise I'm so sorry," Sinuhe said getting up and going towards Camila.

"Don't fucking touch me too little too late" Camila snapped backing away from her. "Does Alejandro and the others even know you're here, do your kids even know about me?"

Sinuhe Shook her head "No, no one knows I'm here. I wanted to get to know you first."

"What make sure I'm good enough for you all? The right fit? Well, I'm not and don't want to be!" Camila spat. "I'm done. Let's go, Lo," she said, turning and walking in the opposite direction.

Sinuhe followed after her and Lauren put her hand out to stop her "She said she is done do not follow us."

"Who do think you are? I bet you're poisoning against us to keep her from us for your self!" Sinuhe snapped.

Lauren shook her head and laughed, but there was no joy in it. "Who am I? I'm the one that goes and picks the pieces of Camila's heart up and fixes them who mops up her tears when you have again let her down. I'm the one that is always there for her who never leaves and unconditionally loves her. The fact is you could have tried harder. You could have found her and helped her, but it was easier just to make a new family. And as for your accusation of me somehow poisoning her against you I have asked her many times about finding you, she was the one who said no, and now I've met you she was right not to look."

"Well, what happens now, we can't just leave it like this!" Sinuhe said.

"You go home and stay away from us and just pray one day she decides to give you another chance!" Lauren stated following after Camila. Sinuhe just stood there, making no more attempts to chase them.

Lauren got in the car, Camila just stared forward tears running down her cheeks. "I don't want to go home, yet can we just drive for a bit," Camila asked. She grabbed a tissue and wiped her eyes "Shit, I didn't give her this photo back."

"Do you want me to go and see if she is still there?" Lauren asked.

"No, it's fine. I'm sure she has loads more of her happy family," Camila said as she opened the glove box and shoved it in there. Lauren started up the car, and they pulled away.

Lauren leant back on her hands as they sat watching the waves on the beach. Camila was sat next to her sand running through her fingers. They had been sat there for ten mins, and no one had spoken. Camila broke the silence "What she said was bullshit I was young when I had Henry eighteen, I kept him and I had him in prison" Camila said. "When I got out, I had nothing he stayed with Shawn, and I slept in my car, but I was there for him being his mother. I was scared, but I still fucking did it. I worked until I could afford an apartment for us!"

Lauren put her arm around Camila and pulled her close. "You are an amazing mother Camz; you are ten times the mother she is, she should have sorted her life out and gone out and found you."

"Her daughter Sofi is only four years younger than me she kept her so they must have been in a better position by then, why didn't my so-called father ever bother either," Camila said.

"I'm sorry Camz, I don't know the answers to that only they do" Lauren sighed she kissed the top of Camila's head.

"I'm done, Lo, I don't want to see her again. I want just to forget her as she did me" Camila stated. "As I said before, I have all the family I need right here." Camila's phone rang in her pocket, and she pulled it out; it was Shawn. She spoke to him for a few minutes then put the phone down. "Henry is struggling he doesn't understand where I am he is having a meltdown can we go get him."

"Of course Camz, let's go get our son" Lauren smiled as they got up and hurried back to the car.

They arrived at Shawn's apartment and could hear the upset cries through the door. Camila knocked as soon as Shawn opened the door. Camila rushed passed him. As soon as Henry saw her, he ran to her and jumped into her arms, knocking her on to the sofa. "Ow steady little man I'm pleased to see you too but be gentle with mummy" Camila grimaced. His knees had caught her bruised ribs and winded her slightly.

Camila looked around the room wow hurricane Henry had really hit it. Lauren bent down and started picking things up and straightening up. "Thank you, you don't have to do that Lauren I can manage," Shawn said.

"I'm sorry, Shawn, this is all my fault," Camila said as Henry clung to her.

He started inspecting her "Mummy's hurt" as he picked up her arm.

Camila hugged him close "Mummy is ok Henry. I'm safe, everything is ok little man."

"When's it gone? Make mummy better", and he tugged at Lauren and she fell down next to them on the sofa.

"Henry, my arm will soon be better, and Mom can't fix it, but she has been looking after me," Camila said.

He got off the sofa and took both of there hands "going home, no more daddy" Henry said. He pulled them up and towards the door.

"Ok Henry, we can go home now let's get your shoes on and get your stuff," Lauren said as she picked him up and took him into his room.

"Sorry, Shawn," Camila said. She grabbed his coat off the hanger. "Thanks for having him these last couple of days it made things a lot easier."

"No need to thank me and don't worry, I know he doesn't mean anything by it he has just missed you" Shawn smiled. "So how is it what happened?"

"It's feeling a lot better thanks" Camila stated. "It happened at work one of the guys I was after didn't want to come quietly as they say. And before you say it, Lo has lectured me about having a safer job, so you don't have to as well thanks. I'm not sure if you need to know this because I don't intend to have anything to do with her again, but I met up with the woman who gave birth to me today. I know it's an odd way to put it, but she really doesn't deserve the title of mother."

"I'm taking it didn't go so well then I'm sorry Mila," Shawn said. "How did you end up with meeting her? I thought you weren't interested?"

"The wedding announcement in the paper she saw that and decided to stalk Lauren's club even when I told her I wasn't interested twice" Camila sighed. "I thought I would give her a chance to explain, but she came up with some weak-ass excuse, and now I'm done."

"Damn I wished it had worked out better for you Mila, I really do, but you have lots of people that love you and your own family it's their loss," he said as he hugged her. Lauren returned with Henry all ready to go. "Does daddy at least get a kiss?" Shawn asked. Henry ran up to Shawn and hugged him "you need to be a good boy for your mummies, ok?"

"Henry looking after mummy," he said as he took Camila's hand and reached out for Lauren.

"Thanks again, Shawn," Camila said as they all waved goodbye to Shawn and walked out the door.

Camila sat on the sofa with Lauren and Henry snuggled between them watching the usual minions. This right here was what Camila wanted the two people she loved most in the world. Camila turned to Lauren and pointed towards her then her lips. Lauren leant over and kissed her, and a little pair of hands reached up and grabbed an ear of both the woman. Camila laughed against Lauren's lips "I love you two so much" she said.

"Me too" Lauren sighed "I don't think I have ever been this happy although maybe if we watched a different movie," she said as she tickled Henry.

"I been trying for months you have no chance babe" Camila chuckled. "Changing the subject, I promise to take more care at work and only go out on cases with a partner. I hate worrying either of you. I don't think there are many other jobs I could get."

"You know you don't have to work if you don't want to," Lauren said. "Or you could work at the club. I want you to be happy and safe, Camz."

"Well, I definitely need to work. I would get fed up at home all day and wouldn't working at the club, making things awkward for us," Camila said. "Although I could be your bodyguard I would enjoy guarding that body all day" Camila winked.

"I don't need a bodyguard" she laughed as she kissed Camila again. "Plus I'm not sure I would get much work done. You could work on the door or behind the bar" Lauren suggested. "I really don't think it will affect our relationship Mani and I managed fine. That reminds me she wants to talk to us about the Bachelorette soon. She is thinking Vegas!"

"Vegas! Actually, I wouldn't mind going there never been before" Camila replied. "You do know there is still a chance of me getting hurting working security at the club don't you?"

"Less chance because you are part of a team" Lauren stated. "At the end of the day, Camila, it's up to you. I don't want you doing something that makes you miserable."

"I just don't want to worry either of you two Henry has been so clinging since he found out I got hurt, how about I do a couple of night trial on the door at the club see if I like it?" Camila asked. She bent forward and kissed Henry's head. "When this has finished dude bedtime its school tomorrow."

"No school Henry is looking after mummy," he said.

"You have to go to school mummy will be safe, mom is looking after her," Camila said.

Lauren paused the movie and picked him up "Henry, I promise nothing will happen to mummy. I will keep her safe, mummy and I are here to look after you and each other. You have to go to school mummy will be safe and waiting for you when you come home." She hugged him and gestured for Camila to join them.

"Mom is right dude everything will be ok" Camila smiled as she hugged both of them. "Right let's get this movie finished and then it's bedtime and both of us will tuck you in tonight." Lauren turned the movie back on as they got comfy again.

They pulled up outside the club "Are you sure you wouldn't prefer being at home and resting I'm only doing a couple of hours because I have some calls to make" Lauren said.

"I get so bored at home it's only a fractured wrist I'm sure there must be something I can do here" Camila sighed. Being off work was getting to her now plus she couldn't work with the security team at the club till she had finished sick leave. "I still have one good hand I could stock the shelves behind the bar or do some cleaning."

"Just go easy Camz, I know what you're like you will end up pushing yourself too hard," she said as they walked into the club. There was a young girl with her back to them at the bar as they got in. "I hope they carded you before letting you in I don't need to lose my license, we aren't actually open until seven," Lauren said.

The girl turned around "I'm twenty-one, and I'm not here for a drink" she said, Camila instantly recognised her from the photo Sinuhe had shown her.

"Sofi, what are you doing here," Camila asked. What was it with her estranged family just turning up at Lauren's club did nobody know what a phone was any more.

The girl walked up to her "I guess you're Camila you look so much like our dad" she said as she held her hand out for Camila to shake. Camila shook her hand and smiled. She wasn't sure what to say she hadn't expected to meet her sister today. "Mother came home and told us all about you last night it didn't go so well I can't believe I'm twenty-one and she has never said I have an older sister walking around all this time."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but don't be too hard on her it can't have been an easy conversation to have," Camila said not quite sure why she was sticking up for the woman.

"Why don't you and your sister have a chat," Lauren said. "Are you going to be okay while I make those phone calls?"

"Sure babe, this is Lauren, my fiancee," she said, addressing Sofi. Lauren stepped forward and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Sofi sorry but I have some work to do," Lauren said smiling, she pecked Camila on the lips and walked off towards her office.

"So take a seat do you want a drink? Just soft drinks I'm afraid I don't want to get in trouble for getting my sister drunk" Camila laughed. She walked around the bar and grabbed a couple of glasses.

"Coke is fine thanks" Sofi replied as she sat on one of the stools near the bar. Camila poured her a coke and got herself one too.

She sat down next to Sofi this felt so strange one day you have a very little family, and now all these family members were turning up. "So what exactly did your mother tell you," Camila asked.

"She seemed quite upset when she came home yesterday, so she sat us all down and told us the whole story, Charlie and I were pretty upset with her," Sofi said. "Afterwards dad sent us to our rooms, and they got into it I could hear him shouting at her. I don't think she told him she was going to see you everything was pretty weird this morning."

"I'm guessing she doesn't know you're here right now either?" Camila asked.

"No but I really wanted to meet you I like the idea of having a sister, and I wasn't sure unless I came myself we would get chance to meet you she said it ended badly and you weren't interested" Sofi answered. She took a few sips of her drink.

"That's not what I said I told her I was done with her, things are kind of complicated between us" Camila sighed. "I'm not going into details but my time in care wasn't exactly the best, so I was angry she never came back for me, I understand why she gave me up." Camila tried desperately not to get upset again, not in front of this girl she barely knew.

"I'm sorry you went through that Camila," Sofia said as she reached out and touched Camila's arm. "I hope I am not making things worse coming here. I don't want to upset you. I just thought it would be pretty cool to have a big sister" she smiled.

"Of course you're not upsetting me, and I have always wanted a sister," Camila said "I don't want to get you in trouble with your mum and dad, though."

"I'm an adult I can make my own mind up who I hang out with plus it's not like me and my mum get on that well anyway not the last few years" Sofi sighed.

Lauren appeared behind Camila "Sorry to interrupt but we need to pick Henry up shortly I can go myself, but we did promise him both of us" Lauren smiled.

"How about we go get him then head to Granny's," Camila said. She turned back to Sofi "I know this is sudden but how would you like to join us for dinner at this little Diner we know, and you can meet your nephew Henry too plus we get more time to talk."

Sofi smiled "Sure that sounds great as long as you don't mind me tagging along," she said, looking at both of them.

"It's fine with me whatever Camz wants," Lauren said. "Do you need a lift or do you want to follow in your car?"

"Could I have a lift if that's ok I came here on the Subway" Sofi replied.

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