Come dance for me

By laflor777

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Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 23

458 18 5
By laflor777

Lauren walked into work and Normani was waiting for her. "Hey Lauren, a woman is waiting for you in your office," Normani said.

"Who is she? I haven't got any meetings today. I need to get off on time I have Henry to pick up later, that's why I kept my diary clear," Lauren said.

"I don't know she wouldn't give her name just said she needed to see you" Normani replied.

"What and you left her alone in my office if she robs me blind its on you Mani," Lauren said as she hurried off down the corridor. "Next time tell them to come back later."

She opened the door to her office and sat in the chair was a small, slim woman. The woman turned as Lauren entered. "Hello Lauren Jauregui and you are?" she said as she placed her briefcase on the desk.

"Hi, Sinuhe Estrabao," said the woman holding out her hand. Lauren shook it and sat down at her desk. She flicked through her datebook to see if she had booked something and forgotten about it. No, the date was empty for today.

"I'm sorry but should I know who you are I haven't got a lot of time today I have my son to pick up and a lot of paperwork to do" Lauren asked.

"Sorry I won't keep you long I saw an article in the newspaper that you're going to be marrying my daughter Camila Cabello!" Lauren just stared at her, and her blood ran cold. This was Camila's so-called mother sat in front of her.

Lauren composed herself "Why now? You have never bothered before, and I can tell you now she won't want to see you" Lauren stated. Lauren couldn't believe the audacity of the woman just turning up here after all this time and wondered about her motives.

"Please, could you just ask her if she wants to see me? I want to explain why I gave her up and haven't seen her in all this time" Sinuhe said. "I had to come here because I lost track of where she was a few years ago and just happened to see the article in the newspaper."

"Right sit there, and I will call her, but I can tell you now she won't want to see you" Lauren insisted. She got up and left the office. She walked down the hallway "Mani, hey Mani, come here a minute!" Normani walked up to her as she got to the bar area. "Go to my office and keep an eye on that woman till I get back I need to make a call please."

"Why who is she?" Normani asked noticing the concerned look on Lauren's face.

"I can't say just now I need to contact Camila first," she said, sitting on one of the bar stools and pulling out her mobile.

"What's Camila got to do with it?" Normani questioned.

Lauren laid her head to one side "Mani, can you please do as I ask I will explain later."

Normani held her hands up "Fine ok, I will go now!" and she walked off towards Lauren's office.

"Guys can you give me a minute please" talking to the two barmen setting up for tonight. They nodded and went out back. She looked down at her phone she would have to get Camila to come down here she could hardly tell her something like this over the phone. She tapped in Camila's number and waited while she picked up.

After a couple of rings, Camila picked up "Hey babe everything ok?" she asked.

"Yeah but I need you to come down to the club please as soon as possible," Lauren said trying to keep her voice sounding calm so as not to panic Camila.

Not that it worked "Why babe are you ok, are you feeling ill" Camila asked.

"Camz, please I don't want to discuss it over the phone can you just come down here" Lauren sighed this was a nightmare damn her mother and that article.

"Ok sure, but you're worrying me, Lo, I will be there in ten, see you soon," Camila said as she hung up. Lauren put her phone down on the bar, she stood up and reached over the bar for the whiskey bottle. She was going to need one Camila would hit the roof when she knew who was sat in her office. Damn, she was getting Henry later, so she left the bottle on the bar in case Camila needed one.

Ten minutes later, Camila jogged into the club and saw Lauren sat at the bar. She headed straight over and stood next to Lauren. "You look ok so what's up or is it something else you wanted babe" Camila whispered with a wink.

"Oh, I wish it was just that sit down, baby" Lauren replied. "Do you want a drink you might need one."

"Lauren, you're freaking me out what is the matter," Camila said.

"Your birth mother is sat in my office and wants to see you!" Lauren said observing Camila reactions.

Camila's fingers pinched her nose as she looked down. When she looked back up, she had tears in her eyes. "Fuck's sake Lauren, I told you to leave it. I don't want to see her!" Camila snapped angrily. She wanted to storm out she felt so betrayed.

Lauren stood up and put her arms around Camila's waist. "It wasn't me baby. I would never do that it was that stupid article my mother put in the paper" Camila rested her head against Lauren's shoulder as the tears continued to fall. "She read it and saw where I worked so came down here to see you."

Camila looked at Lauren "Well tell her she can fuck off back where she came from I'm not interested and never will be!" Camila spat. Lauren kissed her forehead. "I'm sorry I snapped at you, Lo."

"Don't worry about that it's fine, go out back, and I will get rid of her then we can talk" Lauren said she hated leaving Camila like this but needed to get rid of the woman.

"I will take that drink now," she said as Lauren slid the bottle and the glass towards her.

"I will be five minutes go sit in the VIP area, and I will be back," she said, kissing Camila before she headed back to her office. She stood outside the door for a few seconds what a mess why did this woman turn up now.

Lauren took a deep breath and opened the door a little and got Normani's attention. Normani came to the door, and Lauren beckoned her out. "Camila is in the VIP area can you go sit with her until I have got rid of this woman please."

"Of course Lauren," Normani said, Lauren squeezed her hand.

She walked back in the room "can you tell me what's going on? I have been sat in here for ages, where is my daughter?" Sinuhe asked. Lauren walked around the desk and sat back down.

Lauren deliberately used Camila's name. This woman had no right to call her daughter; she had never acted like a mother. "I have spoken to Camila, and as I told you she has no interest in seeing you so can you please leave" Lauren replied.

"I don't believe you is she here? I only want to speak to her for a few minutes" Sinuhe insisted. "The son you spoke of is he Camila's to do I have a grandson?"

"Look do not force me to call the cops and have you removed. Camila has said herself she wants nothing to do with you now, please leave!" Lauren stated. "As far as my son is concerned, he is none of your concern." Lauren got up and stared down at her leaving no room for Sinuhe to think she was not serious. Lauren gestured towards the door.

Sinuhe got up looking angry and pushed a piece of paper towards Lauren. "This is my phone number if you let her have anything to do with me. I've seen your type before Lauren!"

"If you mean the type that protects her family against anyone that would destroy it then you're damn right" Lauren snapped, this woman was starting to wind her up now. "My future wife knows her own mind and has chosen not to see you that decision had nothing to do with me. Our conversation is done now kindly leave my office before I remove you!" she said as she leant forward. Lauren grabbed the piece of paper and followed her out. She was going to make sure this woman actually left.

As soon as she had escorted Sinuhe outside, she turned to the guys on the door "Unless I tell you otherwise that woman is not to come in here any more!" she said as she walked back into the building. She walked through to the VIP area and saw Normani sat with Camila, who was looking a little happier. She walked up to them both and sat next to Camila "I was just saying to Camila if she wants us to take her mother we can she is only a small woman, we can take her out" Normani smiled.

"Thanks for the offer Mani, if she comes back, might have to take you up on the offer" Camila laughed.

Normani got up "right I'm going to leave you in Lauren's capable hands this seems like a wifey thing," she said as she leant forward kissing Camila's cheek. "Chin up, Mila!" Normani blew a kiss to Lauren as she walked away.

"Mani grab a drink and a break you have earned it dear" Lauren shouted to the back of Normani's head, and she held her hand up to acknowledge she had heard her. Lauren moved closer to Camila and slid the piece of paper over to her. "She left this it's up to you what you do with it, She won't be returning here without your permission. I will check that article and see what other details they mentioned don't want her turning up everywhere we go. I'm sorry this happened, Camz."

"It's hardly your fault Lauren, you or your mother didn't know she was going to show up here" Camila sighed. She poured herself another glass of whiskey. "I will drink this and get out of your hair. I know you have work to do babe."

"You and Henry are my top priority the paperwork can wait I can always bring it home and do it tonight, stay please it's not every day your estranged mother turns up," Lauren said. She put her arm around Camila and pulled her close. "She remembers up until a few years ago she had been keeping tabs on you. I didn't tell her anything she asked about Henry, so I'm guessing she didn't know where you were when you came out of prison."

"I don't know why I want to know, but what did she look like," Camila asked. Camila played with the piece of paper Lauren had put there she knew what it was and didn't know whether she wanted it or not.

"She is small, quite petite and black very short hair," Lauren said. "She seemed fairly timid but did have a few words to say to me accusing me of keeping you two apart."

"The fucking cheek of the woman!" Camila said as she took Lauren's hand. "She will never get anywhere attacking the woman I love. Did she mention my father at all who he is? If he is still around?"

"No sorry Camz she never mentioned him, she did have a ring on her finger, so she is married" Lauren replied. "Come keep me company in my office, and then we can go pick up Henry together in an hour."

"Thanks, I will. I don't feel like going back to work now," Camila said. "The other guys can handle things it wasn't exactly busy anyway."

"We can grab some food on the way home and have a nice family night in and relax" Lauren smiled as she got up and took Camila's hand. She noticed Camila pick up the piece of paper and shove it in her pocket as they headed to her office.

They walked through the door, loud and happy. Henry headed towards the games room. "Henry, go wash your hands its dinner time play games later after homework," Camila said as she redirected him towards the kitchen. "Thanks for stopping off at Granny's to grab dinner Lo." Camila kicked off her boots as Lauren did the same with her heels and deposited her briefcase on the side. "He has gone quiet," Camila said as she dashed off into the kitchen.

Lauren heard Camila saying no Henry and followed her through. "What's he up to now?" she asked, appearing in the kitchen.

"Stripping off about to take a bath in your sink" Camila laughed as she struggled to put his top back on. Lauren laughed and put the food on the side.

"Come on; prince Henry lets go sit at the table for dinner" as she picked him up and took him through to the dining room. Camila grabbed some plates and cutlery, picked up the bag of food and strode into the room. She put a plate down in front of Henry and grabbed his food, putting on his plate. She stuck a burger and bag of fries on another plate and put in front of Lauren. Lauren looked at her puzzled "What's this?" she asked.

Camila smiled and walked past her, she leant in and whispered into her ear. "Stop pretending woman, your father grassed you up ages ago I know you like a big dirty, messy burger so get it down you." She saw a smile on Lauren's face out the corner of her eye as she placed a knife and fork next to her. "I brought these I know how proper you are your highness."

Camila sat down and laughed as Lauren lifted up the burger and bit into it not using the cutlery. "Happy?" Lauren said. It actually was pretty tasty.

"Seeing you just biting into it just like that you don't know what it does to me" Camila whispered. She cried out when Lauren kicked her under the table. She smirked and rubbed at her leg. "You don't have to hide, you like them from me. I don't mind what you eat."

"I don't know it's like a guilty pleasure. I guess there not exactly healthy are they?" she said as she took another bite.

"Yeah, but one every now and then isn't going to hurt you," Camila said. "It's not like you don't get plenty of exercise and most days your job is pretty active. You certainly shouldn't hide anything here your home you should be comfortable eating whatever you like."

"I think it's a throwback from my mother she laid a lot of guilt on me about looking and acting a certain way" Lauren sighed. "But I don't feel like that here honestly I am comfortable to show all sides of me."

"Changing the subject do you want to come along to Henry's parent and teacher meeting on Thursday?" Camila asked.

"Will Shawn mind I don't want to upset him he has been really good lately" Lauren replied.

"Its fine we should all go any way we are all important in his life," she said, finishing her dinner.

"Then yes I would love to go thanks," Lauren said she was glad Camila included her in things like this she loved being involved in all parts of Henry's life.

"Right little man it's time you and I washed up some pots," Camila said as she picked him.

"Leave them babe. I will do them later let's just go do his homework and play games for an hour before bed," Lauren said. She knew Camila had a tough day and just wanted them to relax all together.

"Hey, I'm not arguing, are you Henry?" and he shook his head. She put him over her shoulder, and they all walked off to the family room.

Lauren came downstairs from bathing Henry and putting him to bed. She chucked the mucky clothes into the laundry and noticed the back porch light was on. As she walked into the kitchen, she noticed Camila sat outside on the porch steps. She grabbed a couple of glasses and got a bottle of white out the fridge. She poured them both a glass out before putting the bottle back in the refrigerator.

She noticed as she walked outside that Camila had the piece of paper from earlier in her hand. She was just sat there staring at it as Lauren reached over and passed her a glass of wine. "Decided if you're doing anything with that, baby?" she asked, sitting down next to Camila.

Camila looked at her and sighed "a huge part of me says to ignore it, but this one small part of me keeps wondering about them. Wants to ask her why I sat there for hours as a kid looking out the window waiting for them to come to get me for someone to want me. Why the only person that did come was a social worker when the family got fed up with me and sent me back like some unwanted gift." Camila screwed up the piece of paper, throwing it on the ground in front of her. She put her head in her hands. She was sick of wasting tears on this woman.

Lauren put her glass down and leant forward scooping up the piece of paper before it blew away. "I know you don't want to hear this, but the only way to find those answers is by asking this woman Sinuhe," Lauren said.

"I don't know, I will think about it, what if she has other family and it was just me she didn't want!" Camila whispered. "What if she thought I wasn't good enough and got rid of just me, she saw something in me that wasn't right."

Lauren got up and knelt in front of Camila lifting up her chin so she could look in her eyes. "Stop don't ever think that this is all on her you were a baby and nothing was wrong with you," Lauren said. "God, what I would do to that woman to ever make you feel just for one second that you weren't good enough. You are an amazing woman and mother. Henry couldn't have got better. You are ten times the mother she will ever be. And I never stop pinching myself, reminding myself how lucky I am you chose to share your life with me."

Camila burst forward and kissed Lauren on the lips pouring everything into it, wanting something familiar and safe. Lauren was her safe place. She didn't have to hide any emotion with her. She could taste the sweet taste of the wine on her lips as her tongue slipped past and into her mouth. Lauren's tongue welcomed hers. She opened her eyes to see Lauren watching her to make sure she was ok.

She pulled away "I want to get lost in you and forget everything let me to take you to bed" Camila whispered.

"Of course whatever you need," Lauren said as she got up. Camila got up and picked up Lauren in her arms. Lauren smiled "What are you doing?"

"Being romantic just go with it" Camila chuckled as she carried Lauren carefully inside. Lauren pointed at the door, and Camila walked back so she could lock it and put the alarm on. They walked through the kitchen and Lauren flicked the light off.

"Let me check the front door," Lauren said and Camila rolled her eyes.

"Babe you are killing the mood here the door is locked and alarmed I did it earlier" Camila sighed as she re-adjusted her arms for a better hold on her.

"Fine take me upstairs and have your way with me, but quietly" Lauren laughed.

Camila shook her head "the joy of having a kid" she chuckled carrying Lauren upstairs.

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