Come dance for me

Autorstwa laflor777

17.9K 754 122

Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... Więcej

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 20

470 23 3
Autorstwa laflor777

Camila knocked on the door of Lauren's office she thought she would join her for lunch seen as she was having a slow day. A familiar voice shouted come in, but it wasn't Lauren's as she opened the door. "Hey Mani," she said as she stepped into the office. "Where is she? I was going to have lunch with her. She has been working so hard lately."

"She has meetings all day with some new suppliers. I'm afraid and has left me in charge," Normani said. "You're welcome to stay though I haven't had lunch yet, do I get everything you normally give to Lauren for lunch?" Normani purred.

Camila rolled her eyes and decided to play Normani at her own game. "Sure" as she dropped the paper bag on the desk and walked around to where Normani sat. She nudged her feet apart and stood between them and bent forward, grabbing the armrests of the chair close to Normani "what would you like first?" she said, biting her bottom lip.

Normani looked flustered "go sit back over there Lauren would kill me," she said.

Camila walked back over to the chair at the other side of the desk. "Such a tease Mani" she smirked as she opened the bag of food passing Normani Lauren's salad. "I know you are just a huge flirt now Mani and you don't scare me any more. Plus you would never break Dinah's heart you love her too much, and so do I."

"How do you know how I feel for Dinah," Normani said tucking into Lauren's salad.

"I'm her best friend we talk about things," Camila said as she picked up her burger. Normani looked like she was going to drool her eyes on Camila's burger. Camila sighed "Do you want this instead?"

Camila put it back in the wrapper and passed it over to Normani. "My appetite isn't as refined as Lauren's although I don't know if you know, but I have caught her once or twice eating a burger."

"Yeah I know she thinks I don't know, but her father grassed her up ages ago" Camila laughed. "Right I'm gonna go seen as you had my burger and I need something else now, see you later." She got up as Normani waved her mouth full of burger. She walked outside the club and she called Lauren after a couple of rings she picked up. She sounded like she was seriously out of breath "Hey babe, why are you so out of breath?" Camila asked she could also hear music in the background.

"I'm just rushing between meetings and running a bit late did you call for a reason?" Lauren snapped.

Camila sensed a bit of a tone and wondered why. "I was going to say I can get Henry from school if you're busy," Camila said.

"I would never be too busy for Henry or not turn up" Lauren snapped.

"Woah I wasn't saying you would babe chill out I just had a slow afternoon and thought I would save you the trouble never mind then I will see you at home," she said as Lauren hung up on her. Camila stared down at her phone what the hell was that about, maybe she was asking too much of Lauren in regard to Henry she would have to talk to her when they got back.

Lauren walked in the door with Henry all smiles as she tickled him, and he giggled. She put him down "Right Henry go in the lounge, and we will do your homework before dinner, take your shoes off first," Lauren said.

"I will go make a start on Dinner," Camila said still feeling a little put out by Lauren snapping earlier, she walked off into the kitchen. Camila sighed as she looked through the cupboards trying to decide what they were having for dinner. She felt Lauren's arms around her waist, Camila removed her hands "I have things to do" as she walked off towards the fridge.

"Can I have a minute to apologise for the way I spoke to you please, Camz?" Lauren said. Camila turned and looked down at her feet. Lauren lifted her chin "Hey, I'm sorry Camz, I was busy and stressed and I shouldn't have taken that out on you. Forget about dinner we will order in, come and help Henry and I do his homework please."

"I don't want to stress you out if helping out with Henry is too much just say I can arrange something else I know it can get a bit full on sometimes I have been there," Camila said.

"Never, unless you don't want me involved I love every moment with you and Henry I would rather cut my time somewhere else than not be with you two" Lauren replied m.

"Of course I want you always involved as much as you want just don't burn yourself out am sure once Henry is in bed I could help you de-stress" Camila smiled.

"That sounds like an excellent idea now come on let's go help Henry before he puts a game on," Lauren said as she kissed Camila.

Two weeks later !

Camila walked into the club. Lauren had organized a big birthday party for her. It was the first birthday party she had no one really bothered for kids in care well not Camila anyway. Lauren had gone all out, closing the club down for her party. She had said she wanted to make up for the years of no parties.

Normani met her and Dinah as they came in "Lauren is busy so let me pretend to be Lauren for now" she smiled as she offered Camila her arm.

"I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that" Dinah laughed. "I know some of what Camila and Lauren get up to!" Normani offered Dinah her other arm.

"I'm not sure you could handle both of us" Camila laughed.

"I'd give it a damn good try" she quipped as Camila and Dinah rolled their eyes."Come on birthday girl Lauren wants you right up front for this" Normani smiled.

Camila took Normani's arm "Do you know what she has planned?" Camila asked as they walked towards a chair decorated with balloons and streamers.

"Yes she has been planning this for the last few weeks, but she hasn't let anyone see it yet" Normani replied. She gestured for Camila to sit in the chair right in front of the stage she took Camila's hand and kissed it "Enjoy" she said winking. She took a seat next to Camila and Dinah sat at the other side.

Camila leant over towards Dinah "Do you know what Lauren is doing?" she asked as Normani passed her a glass of wine.

Dinah shook her head "No, Mani wouldn't say I tried everything to get it out of her" Dinah laughed. Camila looked over, and Lauren's parents were sat over to one side, and she waved at Mike. Clara had her usual scowl on as they waited. Shawn was sat at the bar, and she turned and gave him a wave she was glad they had got to this friendly stage, and he knew she was extremely happy with Lauren. She was glad he was now mature enough to come to things like this.

The lights dipped, and the spotlight came up on the stage, and Lauren walked out, and everyone cheered. Camila's jaw dropped as she took in the sight of Lauren. She had these black leather shorts and a bikini top on with thigh-high boots. She had straightened her hair, and it fell just below her shoulders. Damn when Camila thought Lauren couldn't look any hotter she proved Camila wrong.

Everyone quieten down as the curtains opened behind Lauren, and there was a pole. Camila looked at Normani, who just smiled. She had mentioned one to Lauren months ago and didn't think Lauren had been listening. Now she knew what had taken up Lauren's time last few weeks.

Lauren walked around the back of the pole and took hold of it, her eyes facing down as the music started. 'Tainted Love' by Marilyn Manson and Lauren looked up and walked to the side of the pole her body rolled forward as her other hand moved like she was swinging a lasso and her head snapped back. Lauren walked around the other side of the pole, repeating what she had just done.

She moved to face the pole, grabbing it with one hand as her hips rolled towards the pole. As she walked around the pole once and still holding on with one hand, she swung around it her feet leaving the floor. Camila's jaw hit the floor she had never imagined this. She hooked the pole with her legs and pulled herself further up. Lauren let go with her hands and let her body fall back, so she was hanging upside.

She used her legs to drop down the pole, and surprise gasps came from everyone watching. Camila felt a mixture of excitement and nerves as Lauren continued. She put both hands on the ground holding on to the pole with one leg as she stretched the other out behind her. Camila didn't want to miss a minute, but she had to see what Clara was making of it. Her face wasn't scowling any more it looked like horror she took it Clara had never seen Lauren perform. Not that Camila had ever seen Lauren like this and it excited her in more ways than one.

Lauren let go of the bar and flipped her legs, so her knees were on the floor. She took hold of the pole with two hands and pulled herself up, continuing to roll her hips in towards the bar and arched her back. She swung around the pole again with one arm and her back to it twice. She pulled herself up the bar again, and Camila could see the muscles in her arms as she held her body out to the side. Damn, that must have taken some strength and practice Camila marveled.

Her legs gripped the pole again as she did a controlled drop to the bottom of the pole. She stood up with her back to the pole as her hips and pelvis thrust forward. She took hold of the pole and walked around then made her way back up to the very top of the pole. She let go of the pole gripping it with her knees with her arms outstretched. Everyone gasped as she again dropped to the bottom with only her legs to grip the pole. Camila jumped she couldn't take her eyes off her.

She stood up with one hand on the pole and swung out with her leg out like a flying kick and everyone cheered. She landed behind the pole and looked down again as the music finished. Camila and everyone got to their feet as the place erupted with applause. Lauren stepped forward breathing heavy as she bowed. Camila looked over at Dinah, and she too looked like she was struggling to breathe.

She swept her hair out of her face and smiled at Camila and held her hand out. She grabbed the microphone "Can my gorgeous girlfriend join me on stage please" she managed to get out as she regained her composure. Camila got up nervously and walked around to the side of the stage as she climbed the stairs.

Lauren walked over and took her hand "Lo, I can't believe you did all this damn you're hot" she whispered. "I'm going to need a cold shower and you to bring this outfit home."

Lauren kissed her cheek "anything for you, Camz." She lead Camila to the front of the stage and grabbed the microphone "I would like to wish my beautiful girlfriend a happy birthday" as she leant forward and kissed Camila, everyone around them cheered.

Lauren stepped back as Normani passed her something. Lauren got down on one knee "Camila Cabello, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" she said. Suddenly everyone melted away, and there was just her and Lauren. She looked down at Lauren that beautiful face, her heart was beating out of her chest.

Her head was perfectly clear "Yes, a million times yes!" Camila said. The rest of the world reappeared as the place erupted again. Camila held out her hand and helped Lauren up. Lauren smiled. She had tears in her eyes as she slipped the ring on Camila's finger. Camila pulled her close, and they got lost in each other's lips. After a couple of minutes, Camila pulled away and took Lauren's face in her hands "I love you so much, Lauren Jauregui."

"I love you too, Camila Cabello," Lauren said as Camila wiped away the tears.

Camila took the microphone "I'm not one for making speeches, but some things need saying" she said looking at the sea of faces. "I want everyone to know how amazing this woman is, how big her heart is, and how incredibly generous she is. I don't know how lucky I got when Lauren stepped into my life. All my life I have been searching for a home somewhere I belonged and many have said home isn't a place it's a person, for me home it's Lauren. She took me in and my son Henry and accepted us for who we were, and now Henry has two mothers. He is one lucky little boy, and I'm one lucky woman."

Lauren stepped forward and hugged Camila as more tears flowed from both of them. "Do you mean that about Henry, you consider me his mother too?" Lauren whispered needing to make sure Camila had really said it.

"Yes, of course, I mean it, we are family you are his mother too," Camila said.

"Camz, I promise with all my heart. I will never let either of you down and love you both till my last breath."

"And I promise I will never hurt you, Lauren and love you till my last breath," Camila said.

Lauren turned around to everyone "Get yourselves to the bar, the champagne is on me!" she said into the microphone. She took Camila's hand and led her down from the stage well-wishers immediately swamped them. Lauren's mother and father approached "Mother so help me god if you say anything to ruin this moment. I will personally remove you from my club!" Lauren said.

"No need to take a tone Lauren I have no intention of ruining either of your nights," Clara said.

Camila held a hand up "before you speak can I just say its never been about the money Mrs Jauregui, nothing would change if we woke up tomorrow and it was all gone I love your daughter very much and just hope you can one day see that" Camila said.

"Lauren is a grown woman now, and if she thinks your the one she wants to spend her life with then I can accept that, you should call me Clara if you're going to be my daughter in law," she said.

"Mother!" Camila shouted as she flung her arms around Clara and winked at Mike laughing. Lauren smirked as again horror was written all over her mother's face.

Mike walked forward and hugged Lauren and then Camila "Congratulations to the both of you. I hope you are very happy together.

"Oh Lauren, do go put some clothes on it's not ladylike to walk around in what looks like your underwear," Clara said.

"I think Lauren should stay like that it's a very nice view" Camila smiled as she put her arm around Lauren's waist.

"I second that," Normani said making her way through the crowd with Dinah who looked like she was ready to burst. Dinah let out a shriek and grabbed Camila.

"I've recorded it for Granny, but she says you need to it again in the diner and that Henry is fine, so enjoy your night," Dinah said. "Now I need to see that ring" Dinah shrieked. Camila held out her hand as Dinah pulled it closer.

"DJ will you be my best woman there is no one else I would rather have with me on the day?"

"Of course I will, Milz," Dinah said as she burst into tears and hugged Camila.

"You have impeccable taste, Lauren," Normani said as she kissed Lauren.

"Hey watch where your hands go Mani that's my woman" Camila laughed.

Normani leant forward and hugged Camila "She's not married yet" Normani laughed.

"oh god Mani, have you been crying that's so sweet," Camila said.

"It was something in my eye," Normani said. "But I do love you both. You belong together. Now let's go get a drink before Dinah gets any ideas." Dinah smiled and hugged Lauren.

Next up was Shawn who stood there waiting patiently, he shook Lauren's hand. Then hugged Camila "I'm glad you found someone good enough for you Mila you deserve all the happiness and happy birthday too." he said

"Thank you it means a lot that you came tonight, and we can all be on good terms," she said as she kissed his cheek.

"Erm nice show Lauren!" he said his cheeks going red. "I'm going to go soon and relieve Granny of Henry there's no rush to pick him up tomorrow."

"Don't say anything to Henry about the engagement we want to sit him down and talk to him together" Camila said.

"Sure thing, Mila I think he is going to be so happy" he smiled and then walked off.

Camila sat in her birthday chair with Lauren sat on her lap. Shawn and Lauren's parents had left a while ago. The table was full of drinks that had been bought for them, and they were making their way through them. Lauren had to catch up seen as she had refused a drink before she had performed. They were both well on their way to being drunk, Camila couldn't keep her hands off Lauren.

"I can't wait to get you home, let me tell you what I'm going to do to you, Lo. You're sexy as fuck" Camila slurred as she kissed Lauren.

"Oh do tell," Normani said leaning over.

"Sorry, it's just for my wife's ears only" Camila smiled as she grabbed for another drink.

"It's all about you tonight Mrs Cabello-Jauregui, I'm going to make your toes curl" Lauren whispered. "If you stay awake long enough, that is."

"What did you just call me? Oh god I love it, it sounds right Mrs Cabello-Jauregui" Camila repeated.

"Oh I have a Bachelorette party to organise," Normani said l rubbing her hands together.

"Oh god Lauren, we will end up waking up in a strange place naked if you let Mani plan the Bachelorette party," Camila said.

"Mani will behave herself you will be fine, Camz," Lauren said.

Slave for love came on, and Camila got up "We need to dance to this it's the perfect slow dance" Camila said.

"Are you sure you can get up" Lauren laughed as she got off Camila's knee.

"I'm sure I can manage a slow dance," she said, taking Lauren's hand and leading her to the dance floor. She held on to Lauren and rested her head on her shoulder. They swayed with the music as Camila sang along as they moved. Camila melted into Lauren's arms as Lauren whispered how much she loved her.

"The sky is burning, A sea of flame. Though your world is changing, I will stay the same." Camila sang.

"I'm not scared any more Camz of anything the future brings because I know we can face it together" Lauren whispered.

"I will always be beside you, Lauren," Camila said.

Camila knocked back another drink "I need to tell the world I'm getting married. I want to shout it from the rooftops" Camila said as the others laughed. "I know," Camila said getting up and walking off towards the stage.

"Camz don't make me get up and fetch you," Lauren said she wasn't wasted like Camila, but she was drunk.

Camila climbed on to the stage on her hands and knees. She stumbled over to the microphone. "I'm marrying Lauren Jauregui, the hottest woman on the planet" Camila shouted there were only a few stragglers left in the club now. "I'm going to be Mrs Cabello-Jauregui and live happily ever after! I get to sleep with that gorgeous woman over there, and it's amazing."

Lauren got up and made her way over to the stage "Come on Camz before you say something I might regret I would rather my staff didn't know about my personal life" Lauren said. She held out her hand to Camila and Camila took it and made her way down the stairs. She slipped on the bottom step knocking Lauren back into a booth and landing on top of her. They both burst out laughing and Camila leant forward and kissed Lauren

"Thank you" Camila whispered. "For everything, I can't wait to be your wife."

"And I cant wait to be yours" Lauren replied "Let's go home." Camila got up and moved out the way so Lauren could get up. She took Lauren's hand, and they walked over to Normani and Dinah. "I have a car, and a driver outside we will drop you two off on the way back."

"Come on darling it's time to wake up now," Normani said as she gently shook Dinah. "I do hope your grandmother is not awake else I will be getting a lecture." She took Dinah's arm and followed after Camila and Lauren.

Damn the fresh air hit Camila like a truck, and she gripped Lauren's arm a little tighter. Lauren opened the door, and they all climbed in. She had a quick word with the driver, and they set off. Camila leant against Lauren, she reached up and started kissing Lauren's neck. She suddenly swung a leg over Lauren's and straddled her lap. "Camz, we aren't home yet!" Lauren warned as Camila's hands ran up her sides.

"I can't wait. I need to touch you, babe, I want to feel my skin against yours" Camila whispered "I loved you on that pole. You owned it. It made me so....."

Lauren put her finger against Camila's lips "I don't think you want to finish that sentence while Dinah and Mani are in the car" Lauren said .

"Don't mind us" Normani laughed.

"The way you moved" Camila slurred. Her hand slipped under the bra top Lauren wore. Lauren grabbed her hand and removed it.

"Behave, Camz, you don't have long to wait, and we aren't having sex in the back of this car," Lauren said.

"Please just let me kiss you then" Camila whined. She kissed Lauren's lips. Her tongue ran over her lip. She tugged on Lauren's bottom lip with her teeth and continued kissing her. Her tongue entered Lauren's mouth as she deepened the kiss.

The car pulled up, "Right out, you two" Lauren said. Camila was starting to get to her now.

"Have a good night!" Normani grinned as she helped Dinah out the car and shut the door.

She closed the hatch between them and the driver as he set off again. "You're such a bad girl Camila, you need to be quiet" Lauren whispered. Lauren popped the button on Camila's trousers and slid her hand down the front of Camila's pants. "I mean it, Camz, you need to be quiet if we are going to do this!"

"I promise, please touch me, Lo" Camila whispered. Lauren's fingers slipped inside Camila easily.

"Damn Camz, you're so wet" Lauren growled. Her finger slid over Camila's clit as she rubbed it. Camila buried her face in Lauren's neck as she moaned, trying to quieten herself. Her hips ground against Lauren's hand.

"What do you expect when you make all my fantasies come true" Camila purred. "Holy shit" she whispered as Lauren curled her fingers inside Camila and sped up. She felt Camila's nails dig into her back as Camila burst over the edge and slumped against her.

The car pulled up outside their home and Lauren opened the door "inside now Camz before we get in trouble for indecent exposure because I need you" Lauren growled.

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