Come dance for me

Oleh laflor777

17.8K 754 122

Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 18

454 21 4
Oleh laflor777

Camila was excited today was Lauren's birthday. She carefully climbed out of bed she had ten mins to get Henry before he burst in here and she couldn't get things ready. This morning was family time and tonight was adult time Camila was excited for both. Camila pulled on her sweats and crept out the bedroom. She opened the door to Henry's room and walked up to his bed. He started to shuffle "Right today is Lolo's birthday, so we need to make it special we have to be quiet, so we don't wake her until we have made breakfast," she said.

She held her finger to her lip as she scooped him up and headed downstairs. She sat him on one of the stools and placed some crayons and paper in front of him. "Why don't you draw a nice picture for Lolo," Camila said. "Mummy has to make breakfast, and if I make a mess, Lolo will be moody on her birthday.

Camila was keeping it simple, just a bowl of fruit and some toast. With Henry busy, she got the fruit out to cut up. She put some on a separate plate for Henry and placed it near him. She put it in a bowl and poured some yoghurt on top. This was the first time she had ever done anything like this for anyone. She heard some noise "Shit" she said Lauren was getting up and she wasn't ready.

She cringed as Henry shouted "Shit, shit" several times.

"Henry don't say that mummy said a naughty word," Camila said. "Help mummy go sit on Lolo, so she doesn't get up, go on dude."

She helped him down off the stool "Shit" he shouted again as he ran off upstairs. Camila shook her head she was going to pay for that slip if Lauren heard. She popped some bread in the toaster and put the rest on a tray with some juice. Damn this was stressful as she grabbed the cards and presents and put them on the tray too.

"Camz, what are you doing?" Lauren shouted from upstairs.

"I will be up in a few minutes" she shouted back as the toast popped. She quickly buttered it and placed it on the plate. She collected everything together, including Henry's fruit, so he didn't eat Lauren's. She grabbed the flowers she had bought and placed them on the tray. She looked around that seemed to be everything. Camila picked up the tray and carefully carried it upstairs.

She walked into the bedroom to the sight of Henry literally sitting on Lauren's back as she lay face down on the bed. "Camz, why is Henry sat on my back cursing, and I presume he got that word from you!" Lauren mumbled.

"Uhm, Happy birthday babe and yes sorry it slipped out," Camila said red-faced. "He takes things very literally when I asked him to keep you up here, say happy birthday, Henry."

"Today is going to be sunny with a ten per cent chance of rain" Henry shouted.

"Ok then" Camila laughed as she put the tray down on the bed and lifted Henry off Lauren. "Nice work now you can sit on the bed," she said.

Lauren turned over and sat up smiling "Well it's never a dull moment," she said. Camila lifted the tray over and placed it on Lauren's lap.

She kissed Lauren "you reconsidering us moving in yet?" Camila asked.

"Never" Lauren replied as she kissed Camila back and a pair of small arms wrapped around their necks and he pushed his face between theirs. They both laughed and kissed him on the cheek.

"One minute I forgot the cake," Camila said as she dashed off down the stairs. Lauren opened her cards while Camila was gone as she hugged Henry. There was one from her parents with a cheque in it from her dad he was so sweet he always sent her one. Then she opened Henry's card he had made himself, and it brought a lump to her throat when he had written his name in it.

"You're such a clever boy," Lauren said. This was so different from last year when she had quickly glanced at her cards as she had headed off to work; it had been no different from any other day, now she felt special and loved. Camila appeared back in the bedroom with a cake and a lit candle in it.

"Happy birthday babe we love you so much" Camila gushed. "Make a wish," she said, leaning forward so Lauren could blow out her candle.

"I don't need anything I have everything I want right here" she smiled. Lauren blew out the candle "We can have some later, a cake isn't for breakfast" Lauren said as Camila pouted. Henry had bought her flowers and chocolates that Camila had helped pick out. Then she opened Camila's present it was a locket with pictures of her and Camila on one side and Henry in the other. It was engraved with "we love you always" on the back.

"It great Camz, thank you" she handed it to Camila to put on for her. She ran her fingers over it "thank you."

Camila grabbed her phone "Henry come over here family selfie" as Henry squeezed between them. "No pulling faces, smiling Henry" Camila laughed. They all smiled as Camila took the picture "That's a good looking family" Camila chuckled. "Now silly one," she said as they all pulled faces.

"I'm just nipping to the bathroom," Lauren said as she managed to get off the bed around all the stuff. As the door closed, Camila put her finger to her lip as she looked at Henry.

She got the knife and cut up the cake "it's Lolo's birthday, cake for breakfast won't hurt once" she said. She cut three pieces off and passed one to Henry as she started to tuck into hers.

Lauren could hear giggling outside as she washed her hands "What are you up to Camila Cabello?" she shouted through the door.

She opened the door "Quick Henry run and take your cake she can't get both of us, I will take one for the team" Camila laughed as Henry sprinted off the cake in hand giggling his head off.

Lauren stood in the doorway, trying to look mad as Camila tried to finish her piece of cake. She dashed around the bed and knocked Camila on to the bed as she held the cake at arm's length. Lauren laid on top of her "You're a big child Camila Cabello good job I love you." Lauren grabbed the last bit of Camila's piece of cake and put it in her mouth.

"I will get you back tonight just wait Ms Jauregui" Camila laughed as Lauren swallowed the cake. Camila leant up and kissed her "Nice you taste so sweet. Oh god Lord sticky hands is back" Camila laughed as Henry came into the room he had frosting all over his face and hands. "I think you should give Lolo some birthday kisses and hugs."

"Don't forget mummy" Lauren called as she stopped Camila from moving as Henry dived on the bed. The room erupted into squeals and giggles, and Lauren thought this was most likely one of the best birthdays she had ever had.

A few hours later Lauren was about to make a call she didn't want to make. A few of her bar staff had rung in sick, and there was one new girl left. Lauren knew there was no way she could leave her on her own she would have to stay and tend bar with her. Now she had to phone Camila and cancel their plans for tonight.

Camila picked up the phone after a couple of rings "Hey Lo when you coming home I'm all lonely here" she said.

Lauren felt awful she knew Camila had things planned for both of them. She was only supposed to go in for a couple of hours. "I'm really sorry Camz, but I have to stay a few of the bar staff rang in sick, and I have to stay and tend the bar" Lauren replied. There was silence on the other end of the line Lauren knew she was still there she could hear her breathing. "I will make it up to you. I promise, you know I would rather be there with you."

"It's fine. I will see you later," she said as she put the phone down. Lauren listened to the dialling tone for a few seconds before she switched it off. She put the phone down on her desk as she sighed. She hated disappointing Camila, but there was nothing she could do. She grabbed an apron and stuck the phone in her back pocket as she left her office.

Camila sat sulking in the games room, she had a game on but wasn't really concentrating on it. She was gutted Lauren wasn't coming home until late she had dumped the meal she had made them in the bin. It wouldn't be any good warmed up when Lauren got home plus she usually wasn't hungry when she got home. She had tried hard to make something nice for them, and it actually was edible.

She threw the controller down on the bean bag. She had two choices she could sit here and feel sorry for herself or she could get changed and keep Lauren company and salvage some of their night. She opted for choice two and headed upstairs to get showered and changed.

Camila arrived at the club forty minutes later. She wore the red dress she had worn on the night they had met. She didn't own a lot of dresses, and Lauren liked it. She knew it wasn't right, but she loved walking passed the huge queue outside a perk of being the owner's girlfriend. The security lifted the barrier and let her straight in. She whipped her hair back as she walked to the bar. She wore it down with loose curls.

She took a seat at the bar and watched as Lauren restocked the shelves. God that woman looked great in anything she wore tight jeans and a top with the club's name on it. That was one of the things she liked about Lauren even though she was the owner she didn't mind getting her hands dirty. "Nice ass, you have there fancy getting me a drink sexy" Camila called to get a reaction out of her.

Lauren turned around with a look of thunder until she realised who was sat there. A smirk on her face as she walked towards Camila. "What can I get you?" Lauren said playing along with Camila's game.

"A glass of red please," Camila said "and your phone number," she said as she winked. Camila slid some money across the bar.

Lauren pushed the money back to her "This one is on me, what brings you here tonight?" Lauren asked.

"Well I was supposed to be having a nice meal with my girlfriend, but she ditched me for work, so I thought I would come here and pick up a nice barmaid," Camila said. "You're just my type so how about it do you get a break soon?"

"I think I can sort something out for such a sexy woman like you" Lauren whispered. "Lacey, I'm taking a break, there is something I need to attend to if it gets busy grab Mani she is about somewhere." Lacey nodded as Lauren stepped out from behind the bar and took Camila's hand and headed to her office.

Lauren locked the door to her office and took hold of Camila "You know what that dress does to me Miss Cabello" Lauren growled. She threaded her hands into Camila's hair as she kissed her. Camila slipped her hands down the back of Lauren's jeans, grabbing a handful of her backside. "This dress needs to come off."

"Not tonight it's your birthday it's all about you babe," Camila said. "It's a shame you had to work I planned quite a night I was going to start it by greeting you with nothing on" she whispered as Lauren moaned. She kissed her way down Lauren's neck. "I had even brought something special home from work, but that will have to wait till another night now. She unfastened the front of Lauren's jeans and pulled them down.

She knelt and slipped Lauren's panties down. "You could have been on your third or fourth by now if we were at home," Camila said. She kissed the front of Lauren as small moans escaped from her lips.

"Don't tease I don't have long" Lauren whispered as she felt Camila's warm mouth against her. "Damn" Lauren cried as Camila's tongue dipped inside her. She grabbed the edge of the desk as Camila went to work on her clit. Her tongue kept dipping into her entrance before attacking her clit again. "Shit I'm so sorry I couldn't come home" she panted.

"God, you taste so good" Camila moaned. Camila ran her hands over Lauren's flat stomach. Then back to her backside as Lauren rolled her hips forward. She felt one of Lauren's hands in her hair, holding her against her. Camila didn't plan to go anywhere; she would quite happily stay there forever. Camila added pressure to her clit, licking tight circles around it until Lauren's hips bucked against her. Camila sped up as Lauren got close and pushed her over the edge, Lauren tugged on her hair as her orgasm flowed through her.

Camila smiled against her stomach, leaving a trail of soft kisses along it. Lauren pulled her up and moaned as she tasted herself on Camila's lips. "You are so good to me" Lauren whispered, "sorry I ditched you I will make it up to you," Lauren whispered.

Suddenly there was a pounding on the door "Lauren don't do it, it was a tiff you will get over it" Normani shouted through the door.

"Mani I'm a little busy not now," she said.

"That's what I'm worried about you need to stop you can't throw away the good thing you have going" she shouted back through the door.

"For fuck sake, let me see what she is going on about," Lauren said pulling up her panties and jeans fastening them up. She walked around to the door as Camila adjusted her dress and sat back in Lauren's office chair. Lauren opened the door "What the hell are you going on about?" Camila waved at Normani, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Shit it's you, Camila!" The new girl at the bar said you had gone off to your office with a hot brunette and I knew you had argued earlier" Normani said.

"And what you think I would cheat on Camila when have I ever cheated on anyone?" Lauren said looking offended. "It wasn't an argument we just missed out on our night, and Camila was gutted so was I but I would never cheat on her, ever!"

"Aww, Mani was you coming to stop her for me that so sweet" Camila smiled.

"She didn't need to stop anything I wasn't doing anything I was with you," Lauren said.

"Although now she is all wound up again," Camila said l.

"Take your time I will cover the bar" Normani winked as she walked off. Lauren slammed the door and stood there looking pissed.

"I know you wouldn't cheat on me babe it was a simple misunderstanding, now come here and let me cheer you up," Camila said. "I like that new girl, Hot Brunette!" Camila smiled as she patted her lap.

Lauren and Camila emerged after twenty minutes and Lauren was in a considerably better mood. Lauren walked back around the bar "Go get ready Mani you're on in half an hour" she said as she popped a bottle of champagne.

Normani put her arms around Camila's shoulders "tell her I didn't mean it please I hate when she is in a bad mood with me" Normani sighed.

Camila stroked her arm and smiled "She's not mad. She is winding you up."

Lauren passed her a glass of champagne and leant forward and kissed Normani "we are fine now take your hands off my woman and go do some work" Lauren smiled.

"You do look damn good tonight" Normani purred as she walked away. Lauren shook her head and passed a glass to Lacey then Camila.

"I think some of it was my fault," Lacey said m as she took the drink from Lauren.

"Lacey, this is my girlfriend Camila," Lauren said as Camila leant over the bar and shook her hand. "Don't worry. Mani should know better we have been friends for years."

Camila picked up her glass and tapped it against Lauren's "Happy birthday babe" Camila said.

"Are you sticking around until I finish" Lauren asked.

"Yeah, that's unless one of your other girlfriends is showing up" Camila laughed as she sipped at the glass of champagne.

"Hilarious Miss Cabello," Lauren said. Camila smiled and turned around as Normani came on stage. Lauren leant closer to Camila "I think I will make her close up tonight as punishment" she whispered as Camila laughed.

Lauren walked into the house she had managed to get home early. Ever since her birthday, she had been trying to get back earlier so she could at least see Henry before he went to bed. She looked at the clock seven, and it was too quiet. Camila and Henry were supposed to be home. She dropped her bag down on the side and kicked off her heels. She walked into the lounge and Camila was sat on the floor holding an ice pack to her mouth. She saw Lauren and held her finger to her lips and pointed down to Henry asleep on the floor next to her.

She covered him with a blanket and tiptoed into the hallway with Lauren. Lauren moved the ice pack from Camila's face to reveal a fat lip. "What happened?" she whispered as she gently pressed the ice pack back to Camila's lip.

"I think he is coming down with something, he always lays on the floor when he is sick," Camila said m. "The lip he did by accident when he had a meltdown I was trying to stop him from hurting himself, and his foot shot out and caught me."

"You should have called me. I would have come straight back and helped you," Lauren said as Henry started crying from the lounge. They rushed in, and he was laid there red-faced tugging at his ears. Lauren scooped him up "I think it might be his ears he is pulling them a lot there is some child painkiller in the cupboard grab it and I will take him upstairs," Lauren said.

Lauren climbed the stairs and decided he would be better in their bed where they could keep an eye on him. So she walked into their bedroom and laid him gently in the middle of the bed. She sat next to him and put her hand on his head. He did feel quite hot. Camila appeared in the doorway "Are you sure about having him in here I can stay with him so you can get some sleep babe" Camila said. She sat next to Henry and managed to get some medicine down him.

"Yes of course, I'm sure I want to help Camz and be here for you both," Lauren said. Camila stroked the side of his face.

"I'll be back in a minute," Lauren said as she headed off downstairs. Camila continued to stroke his face as he got a little calmer hopefully the medicine would kick in soon and help the temp and the pain. Lauren returned with a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel. "Get him to lay on this it will help ease the pain," she said as Camila lifted him up and Lauren slipped it under his head.

Camila continued to stroke his face "he has loved having his face stroked since he was a baby it always makes him sleepy" Camila said. Lauren smiled and headed into the bathroom to get changed out of her work stuff. As Henry drifted off, Camila got up and walked across to the window. She wiped a tear away from her eye. Autism was so frustrating sometimes. It made things so much more difficult she had to guess what was wrong all the time when he was ill.

He couldn't tell them where it hurt she could only hope she could tell from the signs he gave her. She looked across at him he looked so peaceful now, and she hoped he could sleep it would help.

Lauren came out of the bathroom and smiled at sleeping Henry and noticed Camila had been crying. "What's wrong, he is going to be all right. We can take him somewhere if you are worried" Lauren reassured. She put her arm around Camila and pulled her close.

"I know he is going to be ok. I just get so frustrated that he can't tell me what's wrong like other kids do," Camila said putting her arms around Lauren. "He just struggles more than he should."

"But he has two amazing parents who are always there for him and will help him through the struggles" Lauren whispered. "Who will be his voice until he can do that for himself ."

"And now you're part of that team Lauren I want you to know how important you are to us," Camila said. Lauren kissed the top of her head.

"I couldn't be happier to be part of that team Camz, you two are all I have ever wanted" Lauren whispered. "Let's get some sleep while Henry is sleeping; he might be up again later." As they climbed in bed one each side of Henry.

Camila walked into the lounge and smiled at her two favorite people were fast asleep together on the sofa. Camila had just got back from work she'd had to nip out to sign some paperwork and left Lauren at her home with Henry for the first time on her own. Not that she didn't trust her until now it had just never come up before.

They had been to the pediatrician earlier that morning and Henry had an ear infection and would need a few days of antibiotics. She sat down in the armchair and chuckled about how they had woken this morning with Henry sideways in the bed, and of course, Camila had the feet end. Lauren had his arms laid across her face, Lauren must be getting used to cuddly sleepers now she thought to herself. She covered them up with a blanket and couldn't resist taking a photo of them.

They looked so sweet Henry laid against her his hand still on her ear. Camila sat back down in the chair maybe she would have a nap, too it had been a busy night.

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