Come dance for me

By laflor777

17.9K 754 122

Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 16

543 23 8
By laflor777

Six months in the future.

Camila leaned against the wooden fence as she watched Lauren lift Henry on to the horse. Camila preferred to watch Henry and Lauren than actually riding herself she had been on a couple of times, but it wasn't her favorite thing to do. This was only the second time Henry had been, and it had taken Camila quite a lot of convincing to let him ride. As usual, Lauren was right, and he loved it, he adored her horse. He seemed to bond with it straight away. He had always loved animals. They don't expect as much from him as people do, no confusing social rules.

"Look he is a natural, look at his form," Lauren said excitedly as she lead Henry round on the horse. Moments like this made Camila feel so happy seeing Lauren so excited and Henry, happy she loved her little family. Yes, she finally had a family of her own this was what she had always wanted, she felt complete.

There was something about Lauren that changed when she was at the stables she looked free and fun-loving like a teenager. She felt the fence move as she leant against it and turned to see Mike, Lauren's dad stood next to her. She smiled and hugged him as they both stood watching Lauren and Henry walk around the enclosure. Camila had called Mike and told him they were at the stables today. She didn't think Lauren should miss out on her father just because she had a complicated relationship with her mother.

Lauren spotted him and smiled, leading the horse over towards them. "Hi daddy, it's great to see you," Lauren said looking at Camila. Camila held the horse while Lauren hugged her Father. "Don't let mother see you without a tie" she chuckled.

"I have one in the car," he said, laughing. He looked relaxed for a change with his shirt collar unbuttoned, out from under Clara's thumb. "And who is this smart young man?" he asked, looking at Henry.

"This is Camila's son his name is Henry" Lauren replied as Henry's hand shot out.

Mike reached up and shook his hand "A good strong name you have there. He looks like he belongs on that horse just like Lauren did."

"It's only his second time too," Lauren said proudly.

"More riding," Henry said as he picked up the reins.

"Yes, Sir" Lauren laughed as she walked off around the enclosure with an excited Henry. Camila was glad Lauren's horse was such a calm horse.

"Thank you, Camila," Mike said.

"It's ok you should get to see Lauren she misses you" Camila replied. She looked a bit nervous as Lauren started jogging and the horse started to trot. She trusted Lauren knew what she was doing as Henry's face lit up at going faster. "How is Clara?" Camila asked.

"She is fine when I said thank you I didn't just mean for today I mean for making Lauren happy," he said.

"That's the easy part. She is an amazing woman Mike. I've never met anyone like her. She has such a big heart I couldn't imagine being without her. We are going for a picnic on the beach after this, would you like to join us it would mean a lot to Lauren if you could," Camila asked, looking hopeful.

"I would love to Camila thank you, it will be nice I never got to take her as a child Clara wasn't a big fan," he said, looking a little sad. "We did use to sneak out to a burger place every now and then what she didn't know didn't hurt her" Camila laughed Lauren made out she never touched burgers she would remember this to bring up later she thought.

"Five minutes Henry and no faster please" Camila shouted "I'm just going to show Mike which beach we are going to, and he can meet us there." Lauren nodded and waved to let Camila know she had heard her.

Lauren sat back and leaned against her hands as she and Camila watched the Henry's playing in the sand a couple of metres away. Well, Mike was building sandcastles, and Henry was knocking them down and giggling.

Lauren turned to Camila and looked serious "I can't do this any more Camila" she said. Camila's head snapped around to Lauren, and she looked confused. "I can't live apart any more I want you and Henry to move in with me permanently. He has stopped over a few times now and seems happy I want my family with me all the time."

"Damn, Lo you nearly gave me a heart attack try starting with the moving in bit first" Camila laughed. "And it's a yes I want to be with you too." Lauren leaned in and kissed Camila on the lips, and a tear fell from her eye.

"It's not supposed to make you cry it's supposed to make you happy," Lauren said wiping a tear from Camila's cheek.

"I am happy I just finally have what I have always wanted a family" as more tears fell. "I never thought I would then my white knight came along" Camila smiled.

"I think we both saved each other I never thought I could love anyone like I did Tyrone and you broke down my walls and brought your amazing son with you," Lauren said. Camila kissed Lauren again after a couple of minutes, they parted.

"We need to stop before your father sees us making out" Camila chuckled.

"It won't be worse than what my mother saw" Lauren laughed. "I have told the girls that I won't be in this weekend. I want to get you moved in as soon as possible. I think seeing as Shawn has Henry this weekend we should take him Friday to pick out some stuff for his room I want him to feel safe and happy in his new room."

"Sure that sounds great no spoiling him though I know what you're like just practical things for his bedroom," Camila said. "Do you think we can get it all done in a weekend?"

"I don't see why not you don't have that much stuff we can hire a van plus if we can't get it all in one weekend there is no rush to sell as long as you're with me by the end of the weekend," Lauren said.

"We need plenty of time to christen all the rooms" Camila whispered winking at Lauren.

"Oh, we will be doing that, don't you worry, Miss Cabello, I have a lot of rooms" she smiled. "On a serious note though you will need to tell me what we need to make it safe for Henry I don't want him getting hurt. Maybe a lock on the kitchen door that way it will be safe from you too."

"Haha very funny" Camila laughed as she playfully poked Lauren in the ribs. "One day I'm going to cook up a storm for when you come home like a proper girlfriend."

"Please don't," Lauren said. "If you insist on being in the kitchen, why don't I teach you a few recipes."

"Ok, that sounds good," Camila said. "As for Henry, we just need some safety locks on the cutlery drawer, any chemical cupboards and just stuff like that make sure any keys are out the way." Camila rolled up her jeans to her knees. "Right I'm going to retrieve my son and give you some time with your father" Camila smiled.

Lauren grabbed her hand "Thank you for doing this today, babe" she said.

"You're welcome babe, I would do anything to make you smile," Camila said. She ran and picked up Henry "Last one in the sea goes to bed early" Camila laughed.

"Just remember we have a change of clothes for Henry but not you" Lauren shouted and Camila stuck her tongue out. Lauren went and sat on the sand next to her father. "Thanks for coming daddy today its been great."

"Thank you Lauren it's the most fun I've had in a long time" he smiled. He watched Lauren as she watched Camila and Henry splashing in the water. "I'm glad you found your happiness Lauren you deserve it." She took her dad's arm and rested her head against his shoulder. "Would you consider giving your mother another chance, persuade Camila to come to dinner again and maybe bring Henry."

"I don't need to persuade Camila she would say yes in a heartbeat because that's the kind of woman she is, even though Mother was rude to her if we do, you need to talk to her and make her understand we are together and it's staying that way. I've just asked her to move in with me, so it's serious I love her, and I won't have Mother put her down. I'm not sure on Henry I don't know if Camila mentioned, but he has Autism and needs preparing for new places."

"I promise I will talk to your mother and get her to understand then she can call you and sort something" Mike reassured. "I hope we can sort something out with Henry too if he is going to be in your life we would like to get to know him better." Lauren wasn't at all sure she wanted to subject Henry to her mother she would try and approach the subject with Camila but wasn't going to push it.

"Omg Henry it looks like Lauren needs a big wet hug" Camila shouted laughing. As Henry shot off running towards Lauren soaking wet. Lauren laughed; Camila knew she would never refuse a hug from Henry. He jumped into her arms, knocking her backwards, giggling and rubbing his nose against hers.

"Right you go have fun with your family I'm going back and hope your mother doesn't realise I have been on the sand" he chuckled as he kissed the side of Lauren's head and stroked Henry's hair. He stood up "Goodbye Camila" he shouted as Camila waved as she paddled in the water.

"Bye Daddy," Lauren said as he walked back up the beach. "Henry I will make your favorite pasta and tea if you help me get your mummy in the sea." Henry high-fived Lauren as they got up and ran towards Camila.

"What are you doing" Camila laughed as she tried to avoid them. Henry splashed her as Lauren went for her legs, making her stumble over into the sea.

"He sold you out for a plate of pasta" Lauren laughed as Camila emerged from the water completely drenched. She waved her arms around flicking water at Lauren.

Camila pulled up at Lauren's in the hired moving truck. She wasn't paying for movers when she was perfectly capable of driving the truck. She threw open the back and grabbed some of their stuff out and carried it up the drive. She put it down and opened the door "Lauren I'm here" she shouted into the hallway. No answer, Camila shrugged and walked down the drive for another armful of boxes. When she got back to the door, she shouted again "Hey your Highness am I doing this on my own or what" still no answer. Camila grabbed the last few boxes and shut the van door. The rest was going into storage.

She took this lot of boxes inside the house and put them down in the hallway. Suddenly Lauren appeared in the hall looking flustered "Do you still need a hand I was just finishing something" she said. Grabbing some of the boxes and brought them inside.

"Are you ok? What have you been doing you look all flustered" Camila asked as she fetched the last of the boxes in the house and shut the door. "You been starting things without me" Camila whispered as she put her arms around Lauren's waist.

"One track mind Miss Cabello" Lauren quipped.

"Hey, so have you Lo don't act innocent you're worse than me" Camila laughed. Lauren just shrugged Camila wasn't right often, but she was now. She pulled out a scarf and tied it around Camila's eyes. "I'm not sure we have time for kinky."

"Oh, there's always time for kinky" Lauren whispered in Camila's ear and slapped Camila's backside. "But no, not now," Camila wasn't sure if she was relieved or not. "I have been on the internet and want to show you something.

"The internet and you want to show me something are making me nervous," Camila said as Lauren steered her into the kitchen she thought anyway. She whipped off the blindfold, and they were in the kitchen. "A clue at what I'm supposed to be looking for, have you cooked something delicious?"

"The second thing that's always on your mind, food!" Lauren laughed. "I looked online, and the drawers have kid locks on them so does the fridge, and the oven has special gadgets on them so he can't turn it on, they were quite tricky to do it took Mani, and I ages to figure them out."

"Omg, you got Mani to help. I would have paid to see that" Camila laughed.

"The windows only open so far so he can't climb out and fall out," she said. The door's have alarm now so we have to press a button before we open them so he can't get out on his own." She grabbed Camila's arm and dragged her to the backdoor and out into the garden. "I had some guys secure the fence so he is safe to play outside and I added a few bits like a swing and trampoline that's quite fun Mani, and I spent ages on it."

"Not done yet there is upstairs now," she said, striding back into the house, Camila trailing behind her. She walked into Henry's room "I've not decorated it yet because I thought we could do that together, but there are more locks on the windows and the bathroom so he can't get in and hurt himself. And finally I have printed out a chart for the days of the week, so he knows when he is going to be here or at his dad's and not get upset and confused there are other things like days out and doctor's appointments we can add."

Camila sat on the bed as tears rolled down her cheeks "Damn Lo, I don't know what I have done to deserve you no one has ever done anything like this for us before" Camila said wiping away her tears.

Lauren knelt in front of her "Its the least I can do for everything you and Henry give me every day." she whispered. "I want to learn and understand his world and help you. Camz, I want to set an account up for him too for the future if he needs it and that is if! no one knows what's going to happen he may not need it. I want to take that worry away from you. I want you to know he will always be looked after."

"I'm speechless there aren't any words that are good enough to express what this all means to me, Lo," Camila said through a fresh flow of tears. "I love you!"

"I love you too, but I can't believe I forgot the best bit in a rush to get finished. This is a treat for all of us" she said, getting to her feet and pulling Camila off the bed and back downstairs. She opened the door opposite the gym. "This is the new family/ Gaming room," she said as Camila's eyes went wide.

"This is my room" Camila laughed as she dropped down onto a bean bag. "Lo, it must have cost you loads you don't need to spend all your money on us, now your mother will think I'm a gold digger" Camila laughed.

"I want to it doesn't do any good just sat in the bank, what's the point if you can't treat the ones you love," Lauren said. "As for my mother its none of her concern, talking about her. She wants to try again for dinner or rather, my father does. He also asked if we could bring Henry with us. I said I would speak to you. I didn't promise him anything."

"I don't know Lauren I can put up with her digs I'm an adult, but if she says anything rude to Henry I'm going to lose it," Camila said.

"I have called her and had a word, and she has promised to be on her best behaviour I told her it was her last chance and I mean it Camila" Lauren insisted.

"Ok we can try first sign of any nastiness, and I'm out of there," Camila said "Next week though this weekend is busy and it would nice to get settled before we face Clara."

"Good idea, right up you get we have Henry's room to decorate," Lauren said.

"Just one game and then we can do it," Camila said reaching for the controller.

Lauren shook her head "Games are for when you're finished not before, up" as she reached out her hand to Camila. Camila grabbed it and pulled herself up, following Lauren out the room sulking. "Sulky children don't get treats Camila."

Camila walked through into the bedroom after a shower. She had been covered in paint, but Lauren had barely anything on her. They had finished Henry's room, and it looked great, but they were both exhausted. Camila was still trying to process the day what Lauren had done and said she couldn't get her head around it. She was amazing no one had ever done anything like that the woman was perfect. She walked past Lauren, who was sitting on the bed, brushing her hair and smiled generous and gorgeous.

She walked into Lauren's wardrobe and started hanging up some of her own clothes next to Lauren's. It only took Camila a few minutes to put her stuff away most of it went on a shelf she didn't wear fancy stuff. She ran her hand over one of Lauren's white silky blouses it felt great. She dropped her towel and took it off the hanger. She slipped it over her. It felt so good next to her skin. She buttoned it up halfway.

She turned around to look in the full-length mirror. Camila has never considered herself sexy, but there was something about Lauren that made her feel that way. She stepped into a pair of Lauren's black heels. She didn't move in them it would ruin the image because she would look like Bambi on ice. Her hair fell over her shoulders as she stood there looking at herself. "What are you up to in there?" Lauren said. Camila ran her hands over her body.

"Camila! What are you...." Lauren said as she walked into the closet. Lauren walked up behind her "That looks good on you miss Cabello, very good" she whispered.

Camila couldn't get enough of Lauren's eyes on her. "You make me feel sexy Lauren the way you look at me" Camila whispered.

"You're incredibly sexy, Camila, you should feel that way" Lauren replied. Lauren unbuttoned the blouse and just let it hang open. "Just watch, see what I see, Camila." Lauren lightly slid her finger from Camila's neck down over her collarbone. She continued over her breast that red nail was gently dragging along her skin. Camila could feel her body reacting to the slightest touch as goosebumps appeared on her skin.

She took Camila's hand and repeated what she had done with Camila's finger. Lauren ran her fingers over Camila's stomach slowly "Your body is amazing you should love it" Lauren whispered. Her hand worked its way south "Don't close your eyes, Camila!." Lauren's fingers ran over her centre the dipped inside, Camila's lips fell open as a small moan escaped. Camila carefully moved her foot to give better access.

Two of Lauren's long fingers slid inside Camila, and she struggled to keep her eyes open. Her body rocked forward against Lauren's hand as her fingers slid over her clit. Camila's head fell back as Lauren continued to touch her. "I don't think I can keep my eyes open it's too much" Camila panted

"Please try Camila. I want you to see yourself come how beautiful you are, why I like sex so much, especially with you" Lauren whispered. Camila refocused her eyes on the mirror even though it was a struggle. Lauren slid the blouse off her shoulder slightly as she pressed her lips to Camila's shoulder. Her fingers kept their slow rhythm inside Camila, and more moans came from her lips. Seeing Lauren touching her did make it feel a lot more intense. As she got closer to her orgasm, she had to fight harder not to close her eyes and totally give in to Lauren's touch. She watched every movement of her body as Lauren pushed her closer.

"I need to come Lauren please" Camila begged. Lauren added pressure to her clit and sped up her movements. "Oh god" Camila cried, her breath ragged as she couldn't take any more and her eyes snapped shut as Lauren pushed her over the edge. Her cries burst from her as pleasure flowed through her whole body. Her legs gave away, and Lauren grabbed her, sitting them both down on the closet floor. Camila laid back against Lauren as she tried to control her breathing.

"Beautiful" Lauren whispered as she kissed Camila's hair.

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