Come dance for me

By laflor777

17.5K 754 122

Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 12

518 20 1
By laflor777

Camila knocked on the door at Shawn's apartment. She hugged Henry. She was going to miss him. He had stayed at his dad's all weekend before, but she had never gone out of town. Lauren had assured her there was mobile coverage up there if needed it still didn't stop her worrying a little about it.

Shawn opened the door "Hey Camila, hi little man are you going to give mummy a big cuddle before she goes" he said. "We are going to have a cool boys only weekend."

Camila passed Shawn Henry's overnight bag and then squeezed him to her. "I love you, Henry. I'm going to miss you. Be good for daddy," Camila said. Henry took hold of her ears and rubbed them and then rubbed his face against Camila's. Camila chuckled as he wanted to go down, then running into Shawn's apartment. Camila dug a piece of paper out of her pocket with Lauren's number on "This is Lauren's number in case something happens to my phone" she said, handing it over to Shawn.

"Everything will be fine, Camila it's just a couple of days," Shawn said as he took the piece of paper.

"While I'm here I wanted to ask you if you have anything against me, introducing Henry to Lauren when we get back?" Camila asked.

Shawn looked at Camila and sighed "Is it serious? and do I get to know anything about her?" He replied. "It should be us Camila just think how happy Henry would be."

"Look I'm not going through this again we tried it doesn't work, and for the first time in ages I'm really happy please just let the idea of us go it isn't going to happen" Camila insisted. "As for is it serious then yes it's going that way it's not any of your business, but I have feelings for her. Her name is Lauren, she is a businesswoman has a string of dance clubs, she's a couple of years older than me, and technically she already met Henry when he had a meltdown in the store the other day."

"I've told you if you get stuck with Henry call me and I will come and help Camila," Shawn said looking a little annoyed that Lauren had been there for them instead of him. "How did you two meet then."

Camila was getting close to being done with twenty questions. "I didn't call her she just happened to be shopping there at the same time" Camila huffed. "What has this got to do with anything if you must know we met at her club she danced then we started talking, and it went from there. Right I'm going now I'm supposed to be at hers in twenty minutes!"

"Jeez, Camila, are you dating a stripper! From a tittie bar! What has gotten into you!" Shawn said.

"Fuck you Shawn!" Camila whispered hoping Henry didn't hear her. "She's not a stripper and what would it matter if she was you asshole! Plus never let her hear you call it a tittie bar it isn't, and she would go mad! Bye henry" she shouted as she walked away before she said something she shouldn't.

She slammed the door to her car as she got out at Lauren's. She wanted to let the conversation with Shawn go, but it was still on her mind. She walked down the drive towards Lauren's door and remembered what she had said last time. Right, Camila was looking forward to going with Lauren, so she was going to cast Shawn entirely out of her mind and enjoy herself, she thought.

She opened Lauren's door "Hi honey I'm home" she shouted as she closed the door behind her.

Lauren didn't have her usual heels on so Camila didn't hear when she appeared behind her. "Don't ever become a comedian, Miss Cabello, because you're not funny" she whispered in Camila's ear making her jump.

Camila's eyes went wide as she noticed the amount of luggage there was in the hallway. "Lauren, are we going for a weekend or moving there?" Camila joked. "I'm not sure these will all fit in my car."

Lauren burst out laughing "we are not going in that thing of yours I actually want to get there in one piece," she said.

"Are you at least going to let me help out with the driving I have a clean licence and haven't ever got a speeding ticket well not in the last few years" Camila said.

"Yes, you can help out with the driving if you're careful" Lauren sighed. "It should be fully stocked with food, so we don't need to take that."

Camila sidled up to Lauren "you do know you won't need all those clothes because I don't plan on letting you out of bed" Camila whispered. She pulled Lauren closer by her hips and kissed her.

Lauren smiled as she kissed Camila back "Don't start this or else we won't get anywhere. There is plenty of time when we get there." Camila pouted playfully and grabbed some of Lauren's bags and her keys off the side and headed out the door. She placed the luggage near the car and went and grabbed her one holdall out the boot of her car.

When Lauren finally came out of the house, Camila was sat in the driver's seat of her car with a big smile on her face. Lauren put her remaining luggage in the car and got in the passenger side. "If you get one scratch or dent in my car I will burn all your clothes," Lauren said shaking her head.

"You can be snack keeper," Camila said throwing a bag of food into her lap.

Lauren peered in "I feel a cavity coming on just looking at those" Lauren sighed as she placed them on the back seat. Camila clicked in her seatbelt and so did Lauren as Camila pulled out the drive. "Watch for the fence post!"

"I can see it! I hope you're not going to do this all the way" Camila said as she waved to her bug.

Two hours later they pulled up to the log cabin it was half the size of Lauren's house but still as impressive. There was an older couple sat on the porch swing as Camila parked the car. "Who's that?" Camila asked.

"That's the Hernandez's they look after the place for me make sure everything is working and kept tidy they have been doing for years there a lovely couple." Lauren got out to greet them, Camila was surprised when Lauren hugged them both. She went and grabbed as much of the luggage as she could manage.

"I see you have brought a friend this time Ms Jauregui," said the smaller of the two older women.

"Yes, Ally, Hailey. This is Camila, my girlfriend" Lauren replied. Camila nodded as she carried the bags past them and up the stairs. Ally nudged her partner Hailey as she was staring at Camila's backside. "Nice isn't," Lauren said to Hailey as she laughed.

"Lauren!" Camila shouted going red when she realised where everyone's eyes were.

"Well, don't wear such tight jeans if you don't want everyone looking, Miss Cabello" Lauren laughed.

Camila gave her backside a wiggle as she walked into the cabin. "You would be disappointed if I didn't," Camila said dumping the bags just inside the door.

"We fetched some wood but haven't chopped it yet, will you need us around" Ally asked.

"No, we can sort everything ourselves thanks, ladies" Lauren smiled.

Ally took Lauren's hand and squeezed it "pop in before you leave for a cup of tea with us," Ally said.

"We will thanks for everything," Lauren said as they walked back up the lane. Lauren grabbed the rest of the luggage and took it inside. Camila was stood in the middle of the floor, admiring the cabin. "There is a lake out back if you want to take a look," Lauren said, pointing to the back door.

Camila headed out the back door, and the view took her breath away, the sun hit the water just right. She walked along the small dock and looked out over the lake. This would be the perfect place to live, thought Camila as she breathed in the fresh air. She smiled as a familiar pair of arms wrapped around her waist "Nice isn't it" Lauren whispered. "I can leave you to it if you wish."

"Never" Camila smiled "There is only one thing more beautiful than this view."

"Cheesy but appreciated" Lauren smiled resting her chin on Camila's shoulder. They both stood there quietly appreciating where they were and being together.

Lauren sat in one of the chairs on the decking appreciating the view. Camila was chopping the wood up for a fire later. She had taken her top off and was just in a tank top and jeans. She sipped on a glass of her apple cider, watching Camila's toned muscular arms as she swung the axe. A slight sheen of sweat covered her upper body.

"I can feel your eyes on me, Ms Jauregui, enjoying yourself" Camila laughed as she placed another log. She swung and chopped it in two, throwing it on to the small pile next to her.

"Very much I don't usually get to be the one watching I'm usually being watched" Lauren purred. "There is enough if you wanna come to join me for a glass of wine."

Camila leaned the axe against the decking and threw the gloves to one side. She jogged up the stairs "I'm sweaty I will nip and get a shower first" Camila said.

Lauren grabbed her and pulled down into her lap "It's not the first time we have worked up a sweat together, Camila" Lauren whispered. She slid her hands up Camila's tank top, running her fingers over Camila's tight stomach heading towards her breasts. She cupped the cotton covered breasts as she kissed Camila's neck. Camila leant her head back against Lauren's shoulder to give her better access to her neck.

One of Lauren's hands slipped into Camila's waistband while the other caressed her breast. "Lauren, we are outside!" Camila mumbled, not wanting to protest.

"No one will see us this area's private, stop worrying and unfasten your jeans so I can make you feel good" Lauren whispered. Camila flicked open the button on her jeans and pulled down the zip. Lauren's hand continued its journey until it found the place it wanted to be. Lauren slid her fingers through Camila's wet folds.

"Fuck Lauren" Camila moaned as her body arched into the touch. Lauren dipped into her entrance, coating her fingers in Camila's arousal and returning to her clit. Her other hand worked its way into Camila's bra and pinching her nipple between finger and thumb. Camila writhed against Lauren as she was pushed closer to the edge. Lauren was mesmerised by her beautiful face as pleasure flowed through her.

Camila's moans got louder the closer she got. "Come for me, Camila, let me hear you!" Lauren whispered. Camila's body kept rhythm with Lauren's fingers.

Camila felt her body shake as her orgasm flowed over her. "Fuck Lauren I'm all yours" she cried out as her body continued to arch against Lauren as her orgasm slowed. Her body went limp, and she laid back against Lauren.

Lauren held her in her arms "Yes, you are Camila" she growled in her ear. "When you get your breath back I think I might need help scrubbing my back in the shower."

Camila turned in her arms, her lips resting against Lauren's neck "I can help you out" she smiled as she kissed her neck.

Lauren leant back against the sofa and smiled as she watched Camila virtually licking the plate. Lauren had cooked a lasagne for dinner, and it had been another hit with Camila. They relaxed in the lounge of the cabin. Camila had got the open fire going, and they both sat on the rug in front of it. Except for Camila's appreciative noises of her food all that could be heard was the crackle of the fire.

Well until Camila's phone went off, she put down the plate and picked it up. "Everything ok?" Lauren asked.

Camila smiled "Yeah just Dinah asking how everything is going and do we want to go on a double date with them when we get back" Camila replied. Lauren pulled a face "I don't know I think it might be a laugh, plus I get to show off my hot girlfriend." Lauren rolled her eyes, then Camila grabbed her, pulling her close "Smile" she said as she took a selfie and she kissed her cheek.

"What was that for," Lauren asked.

"It's proof because nobody believes me when I tell them about you" Camila smiled. Then she leant back and took another photo of Lauren on her own.

"And that one, dare I ask?" Lauren laughed.

"That one is for Henry, so he doesn't get any surprises when he meets you, he doesn't take well to surprises, so if I show him your picture beforehand he should be ok," Camila said. Camila took Lauren's hand "Thanks for being so understanding the other day, is there anything you want to ask me about meeting him?"

"I'm just glad I could help Camz," she said. "Do you think he will like me?" Lauren asked. It usually didn't bother Lauren what others thought of her, but Henry was different. He was important because she was falling for Camila and him liking her could make or break this relationship.

Camila noticed how Lauren chewed on her lip as she asked. "Honestly? Yes!, you're an amazing woman, what's not to love" she said.

"I hope you're right, Camz, because I'm getting used to having you in my life and if he doesn't..." Lauren sighed.

"Don't worry he will, he's very bright and knows a good person when he sees one" Camila reassured. "Be prepared to hear all about the weather. He knows everything there is to know about it and likes to tell everyone he meets. A lot of his language is repetition off video's he's watched and stuff he has read so he can be little hard to understand at times."

Lauren loved to hear about Henry. Camila was so happy and animated when she talked about him. "He sounds great Camz. I can't wait to meet him" Lauren said smiling.

"He could do with some more people in his life. I often wonder if he is missing out not having any grandparents," Camila said. "Shawn's mother passed away, and he doesn't get on with his dad, and you know what happened with my parents."

"Can I ask, have you ever tried to find your parents?" she asked as she took a sip of wine.

Camila took a sip herself before answering. "No, I figured why should I bother if they could just dump me and never bother to find me" Camila sighed running her finger around the top of the glass. "Most nights when I was younger I used to lay in bed and dream about them coming to take me back saying it had all been some huge mistake, but it never happened."

"It might not be that they just dumped you Camz there might have been other reasons, and they couldn't keep you," Lauren said. "Please don't think I'm defending them, you should've never gone through what you did."

"I know what you mean I had been about to give Henry up thinking I couldn't look after him how he deserved, but then I held him in my arms even though it was only for a few minutes and couldn't do it," Camila said tears threatening to fall. "What was wrong with me that they could still go through with it, why did I keep being given away, why was I so unloveable!"

"Camila! you're not, I don't know why they went through with it maybe one day you can find the answers you need" Lauren said pulling her into her arms. "Henry loves you, and I love you, so you're far from unlovable."

"Shit, I'm sorry, Lauren!" Camila said wiping her face. "This is supposed to be a dirty weekend away together, not me snotting all over you."

Lauren did that rich deep laugh that Camila loved so much. "Oh, that's what we are here for is it," she said as Camila smiled and nodded. "I better not disappoint then." She grabbed Camila and pulled her on top of her as she laid back against the rug. "Better?" Lauren asked.

Camila pretended to think about it and said "I don't know you still have too many clothes on for my liking" Camila whispered.

"Well, why don't you do something about that then," Lauren said smiling at her. Camila sat up, straddling Lauren's waist and pulled her top off. She was revealing that she had no bra on.

"Jeez Lauren I didn't know you had been sat there with no bra on," said a shocked Camila. She smiled and made a grab for her phone.

"You dare Miss Cabello, those kinds of pictures have a way of getting out" Lauren replied as she took the phone off Camila. She brought her leg up, so Camila fell forward she put her hands out and smiled down at Lauren.

"I need it for when I'm not with you" Camila insisted. She leant forward on her elbows and kissed Lauren, her tongue tentatively touching her top lip.

"Use your imagination I have and will give you many more memories for when you're alone" Lauren whispered.

"So is this enough of a dirty weekend for you we didn't even make it to bed," Lauren said a little out of breath as she rolled off Camila. She laid next to Camila, her head to the side, watching her how the light from the fire flickered on her skin.

"Damn, Lauren! I nearly passed out on that last one I don't think I can move now" Camila chuckled. Lauren certainly knew how to work her body god she ached but was deliriously happy. Lauren rolled on to her side, facing Camila and grabbed her wine. "So how many people have you brought here then?" Camila asked as she lay there cooling down.

"You're the first, I normally come here alone it's my sanctuary when everything gets too much," Lauren said as she sipped at her wine. "You talk as if there have been loads of women."

"When I first came to the club to drop off your underwear one of the staff hinted that I was one of many" Camila replied absentmindedly playing with Lauren's hair.

"Well maybe my staff need to mind their own business," Lauren said a little annoyed. "I like sex I'm not ashamed of that fact, and there were a few partners in the past but not great numbers. Before you, even when we weren't dating, it was Mani, but as soon as I met you, I put a stop to that."

"I wasn't judging Lauren. I hope you know that," Camila said, worried she had upset her.

"It's fine, Camz. I didn't think you were" Lauren smiled. She set her glass back on the table. "I'm not sure I still believe that you have never been with a woman before" she teased.

"Well I haven't I was so nervous that first night with you that I wouldn't be good enough, but you make everything so easy" Camila answered as she finally moved and took a swig of her wine. "I was coming off a massive dry spell before I met you, ever since I came out of prison, I kept going back to Shawn. Then two years ago I decided to stop going there because I didn't love him and it wasn't fair on either of us. When I dropped Henry before we came here, he started again with we should be together, but I didn't feel anything for him and was miserable when we were together that's no good for anyone. There's only one person I can see in my future now, and that's you!"

Lauren kept expecting to panic and want to run, but she didn't and do the exact opposite. She wasn't ready to say it yet, but the only person she saw in her future was Camila. She cupped Camila's cheek moving closer to her as she kissed her tenderly on the lips. Camila pulled herself on top of Lauren "Right your turn no one can call me a pillow princess" Camila laughed.

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