Come dance for me

By laflor777

17.5K 754 122

Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 9

551 21 4
By laflor777

Camila and Dinah entered the club. They had both come to see the new show. They had barely got in the place when Normani walked up to them. Dinah smiled, and they kissed. A few minutes later, they were still kissing "Do I need to get a hose?" Camila joked as they finally parted. Normani lead them over to a table fairly close to the stage. They all sat down, Normani grabbed a waitress and ordered a bottle of wine. "We can grab some drinks."

Normani laughed "Like Lauren would let you pay for your drinks, one of the perks of sleeping with the boss" Normani laughed. Camila felt a little awkward. She had always paid her way. Normani saw her face "Look Lauren has always been generous its one bottle of wine chill. Anyway, we all have to thank you for the other day she usually comes back in a foul mood after she disappears, but she came in happy the other day. So I presumed you went round what was she up to I have always wondered?" Normani asked.

Camila shook her head "Sorry not my story to tell if she wants you to know she will tell you" Camila smiled. There was no way she would go round breaking Lauren's confidence. It had shocked Camila what Lauren had told her could her mother be that bad? To kill her boyfriend or at least have a hand in it, no wonder Lauren didn't have anything to do with her.

Normani looked a little annoyed but just shrugged her shoulders. "Lauren is dancing soon she has come up with something that she has kept from everybody so my first time seeing it too," Normani said. The waitress popped the bottle of wine on the table, and Dinah poured it out. She had no problems with free drinks. Dinah held the glass out to Camila and Normani. "It's one glass Camila just drink it and enjoy yourself."

Camila took the glass as Normani turned to Dinah her hand stroking Dinah's thigh. Camila shook her head and turned around before the Dinah and Normani floor show began. The light went down, and there was just one spotlight on the stage. Camila nudged Dinah to let them know it was about to start. Lauren walked out she had so much stage presence, immediately getting everyone's attention. She introduced herself and told everyone a little bit about the new show then disappeared behind the curtain.

The curtain opened, and there was a large Martini glass on the middle of the stage filled with water. Lauren came out in a black nineteen twenties dress she looked amazing. She always did Camila thought, she didn't think there was anything Lauren could wear she wouldn't like. The band started playing, and Lauren's hips swayed in time with the music. She moved around the Martini glass and slowly dragged off her long gloves, throwing the down next to her.

One of the other dancers came out and collected up the gloves. She then danced around the glass a couple more times. Before unzipping her dress and letting it fall from her and stepping out of it. She had on the red and black bustier corset, Camila had seen her in the other day. She released the buttons holding up the stockings and leant against the glass. She kicked off her heels, Camila marvelled how she could walk in something so high. Her leg was coming up behind her as she peeled off one of the stockings. Then stepping round to the other side and removing the other stocking. Camila was mesmerised and couldn't take her eyes off Lauren.

She moved around the front of the glass, running her hands over her body seductively as she began to remove the corset to reveal a black thong and bikini top that didn't leave much to the imagination. The top looked like it was barely managing to keep Lauren's breasts inside. Camila's body reacted as she saw more of Lauren. It's a sight she would never get sick of seeing. A couple of the other dancers brought out some steps as Lauren made her way around to them. She climbed the steps to the top and slid into the glass. She laid against the side of the glass, kicking up the water spraying some of the stage. Then knelt in the middle of the glass and leant back pour water down her body.

The water ran down her breasts as she did this several times. It reminded Camila of the other night on the beach. Lauren turned to pour water down her back and over her backside. Damn Lauren was hot, and Camila wished all these people weren't here, but she would have to wait till later. Camila couldn't believe how much she wanted Lauren; it had never been like this with her previous partners.

Lauren laid back and swirled around in the glass, and the music slowed as the act came to an end. Lauren carefully stepped out the glass and glided down the stairs to massive applause from the crowd. Camila clapped and cheered as Lauren bowed, she ran her hands through her wet hair removing it from her face. Then she left the stage walking down the side steps. Camila was just about to get up to meet her and tell her how good the show was. When an older blonde walked up to Lauren and hugged and kissed her on the cheek, Lauren seemed quite happy to see her.

Camila turned to Normani, who was still all over Dinah and got her attention. "Who's that with Lauren?" Camila asked.

Normani looked around Camila "Erm I think she is an old friend not sure seen her around here a couple of times" Normani replied. She saw Camila's face "I wouldn't worry. I'm sure she is just an old friend."

Camila shrugged "I'm not worried I might go over there and say hi." Normani rolled her eyes and turned her attention back to Dinah. Camila got up and walked over to where Lauren and the mystery woman were. "Hey, great show," Camila said checking out the blonde stranger.

Lauren turned and smiled "Hi Camila. This is Alexa, she is an old friend and Alexa this is my friend Camila." Camila's heart dropped as Lauren introduced her as just a friend she held a hand out to Alexa.

"Hi Alexa, I'm just Lauren's friend," Camila said, the second part under her breath. Alexa looked at her hand like it was some poison and reluctantly shook it. Then there was an uncomfortable silence as the three of them just stood there. Camila was the first to speak; she had to get out of there; it was so awkward, and she was a little annoyed with Lauren. Plus clearly, Camila was intruding as neither spoke. "Well, great show I will see you later Lauren," Camila said forcing a smile before she left.

Lauren gave her a quick smile as she walked away. She noticed as soon as she left, they started speaking again. Camila was feeling a lot angry as she got back to their table. She grabbed her jacket. Dinah looked up "Are you ok Mila?"

"Yeah, I just need some fresh air will be back in a bit" as she strode towards the exit of the club. What the hell was that Camila thought as she walked out the door and leant against the wall outside. Camila thought they had made so much progress over the past couple of weeks, and Lauren acted like she barely knew her. She knew Lauren struggled with relationships, but they were more than friends at least to Camila. For one thing, Camila didn't sleep with her friends! Would it always be like this with Lauren something casual, especially around others? Maybe Lauren thought she wasn't good enough to be anything else.

All this upset Camila more so she walked to the corner and hailed a cab, she needed somewhere quiet to get her head straight.

Lauren walked over to the table with Normani and Dinah sat at it. She rolled her eyes as she sat down. "Mani for god's sake put her down" Lauren sighed. "Where is Camila?"

Dinah sat up "She said she was going out for some air, but that was ages ago." Dinah looked at her phone, but there was no message from her.

"One of the door staff said they saw her getting in a taxi, has she gone home, I was hoping she was staying till the end and coming home with me," Lauren said.

"I guess so she hasn't texted me, so I don't know" Dinah shrugged.

"Okay I will give her a text and see what she is up to, you may resume, but don't miss your slot Mani you're up in twenty!" Lauren said as she got up to leave.

Camila sat in Granny's Diner. She hadn't felt like going home. She nursed a glass of whiskey as granny pottered about in the kitchen. She didn't feel much like talking to anyone either. She flicked her phone to silent as it kept going off mainly Lauren and Dinah. She didn't want them worrying but was not in the mood to talk to them either.

Camila stared down into her drink as the bell on the door rang as someone entered Granny's. Camila glanced to the side as someone sat next to her at the counter. Camila swished the liquid around in her glass before sipping at it. "Like to tell me what I have done wrong, Miss Cabello, or should I guess?" Lauren asked.

Camila swallowed the remains of her drink the nerve of the woman taking that tone with her like she had done something wrong. "If you don't know I'm not sure I want to tell you" Camila huffed.

Lauren rolled her eyes as Camila poured herself another drink. She took the glass "I think you have had enough of that, don't you?" Lauren sighed. "Maybe if you stopped acting like a child and told me what was wrong we could sort this out."

Camila turned to Lauren her face burning with anger as she grabbed back the glass swallowing its contents in one go. "Fuck you, Lauren," Lauren bristled at the tone. Camila got up "I need the bathroom," she said she needed a minute before she said something she shouldn't. Lauren watched her disappear into the bathroom.

She turned back towards the counter and Granny was stood there looking at her. They had never been introduced, but it looked like they were about to. Granny pointed towards the bathroom "that girl is like one of my own, and I won't stand around and let anyone mistreat her are you listening, Lady" Granny-said. Lauren nodded as Granny continued "you might not want to hear this, but that girl is falling hard for you, and if you aren't interested in anything serious you need to be telling her!"

Granny leant forward on the counter. "She has been through a lot and doesn't need messing about, you need to take Henry into consideration too they come as a package deal, so again if that's not for you move on! If that girl has a smile on her face, we will be friends, and if not, you will find out what this old lady can do."

Camila walked back out into the diner and took in the scene in front of her. Granny stood up "Are you alright, Mija?" Camila nodded, "I'm out back if you need me," she said glaring at Lauren as she walked back into the kitchen.

Camila sat back at the counter and poured herself another drink. Lauren put a hand on hers "If this is about Alexa, there has never been anything between us, she is someone from the past. She is a business rival I was nice because I have to be not because I particularly like her" Lauren assured her.

"It's not that at all it's the fact you referred to me as just your friend, but maybe that's my mistake I thought we had something more," Camila said. Lauren noticed she was trying to hold back her tears, "I'm not good enough to have an actual relationship with."

Lauren looked shocked at Camila's words "you are more than good enough. It's me that isn't good enough for you, but I want to be" Lauren said. Camila shook her head were they going to keep going around in circles. Lauren took hold of her face turning it to her "I do have feelings for you things I haven't felt since Tyrone, and I don't know what to do" Lauren whispered.

"I don't want big declarations, but I do want you to acknowledge that we are together and not be ashamed of me in front of others" Camila sighed. "I told you I would never rush you, but I don't think asking you to tell people we are together is pushing you."

"It isn't Camz, and I'm sorry I ever made you feel I was ashamed of you. I want to be with you," Lauren said. "I want others to know we are together and how lucky I am to be with you and for lack of a better word I want you to be my girlfriend please!" Camila smiled "So let me take you back to mine and show you how I feel about you."

"Mmm I could do with getting you alone after your show tonight and doing all the things to you that ran through my mind while watching you up there" Camila whispered with a glint in her eye.

Lauren was about to reply when Granny walked back in "Camila take it out of earshot please before it gets to be something I don't want to hear, Goodnight ladies!" Granny called.

Camila laughed and went red. She had forgotten about Granny's amazing hearing. "Sorry Granny thanks and I will see you soon" Camila smiled as she linked arms with Lauren and they walked out.

Lauren leads Camila into her bedroom. She closed in on her and took Camila's hands, threading her fingers through hers. "I bought some spare toiletries for when you stay over, and I have made space in that drawer for you to leave clothes here" Lauren smiled. These small gestures touched Camila and kissed Lauren. "When is Henry next at his Dad's for the weekend?" she asked between kisses.

"The weekend after next, why?" Camila asked her hands running up Lauren's sides.

"I want us to go away for the weekend. I want you to know you're a priority to me, and I enjoy waking up next to you" Lauren whispered. Her hands slid down the back of Camila's pants and caressed her backside. "I have a little cabin in the middle of nowhere, and I want to take you there."

"Lauren you do know you don't have to do all this if it's going to stress you out I appreciate the drawer and toiletries," Camila said she kissed up Lauren's jaw and tugged on her ear lobe. "I would love to go away with you though spend two days just worshipping you. You are an amazing woman Lauren."

This was the first time Camila had seen Lauren blush a little. "It won't stress me out I want to do it and I want you, Camz. You challenge me, you listen, and you make me laugh. You take away the pain and replace it with happiness, and I want more of my moments to be filled with you."

"Damn Lauren, you turn my world upside down, and you go for from zero straight to sixty" Camila laughed.

"Someone reminded me of how special and unique you are, and I don't want to lose you" Lauren whispered. Camila felt like she was seeing the real Lauren in these moments, the one she hid behind her tough exterior.

"I just want to be part of your life Lauren and be there for you" Camila smiled. "This is your line normally, but enough talking and show me how you feel about me, and I will show you." Camila gazed at Lauren while her fingers unbuttoned her blouse. She let it slip off Lauren's shoulders and hit the ground her mouth on her neck. Camila chucked her jacket off as Lauren's hands tugged off her top. Lauren then undid her pants and pushed them down her legs as Camila kicked them off her feet.

Camila, in turn, removed Lauren's pants and backed her up to the bed, her lips never leaving Lauren's skin. They both fell back on to the bed and moved up the bed. Camila on top as she straddled Lauren's waist. Her hands caressed Lauren's breasts through her black lace bra. Camila's thumbs ran across her nipples "Fuck; you're so hot!" Lauren sat forward her hands, unfastening Camila's bra and throwing it to one side.

"You have an amazing body" Lauren said as Lauren's mouth covered Camila's breast with kisses. Those full lips sucked in her nipple, and Camila's back arched as she moaned. "I want to see every part of you" Camila cried as Lauren's thumb rubbed against the front of her panties. Camila struggled to remove Lauren's bra as Lauren was deliciously torturing her body.

She finally undid it and threw it off to one side as she took in the fantastic sight of Lauren's body. Her fingers gently touched Lauren's nipples. She was rolling them between finger and thumb till they got hard. Camila leaned against Lauren until she laid back on the bed and slid her panties down her legs. Lauren pushed down Camila's panties with her help and moaned as their bodies melted into one.

Camila brought her knee up and pushed against Lauren's centre; they both moaned. Camila could no longer wait, and two of her fingers slid easily inside her as her thumb pressed against Lauren's clit. "Oh, Camila" Lauren whispered as her fingers slipped inside Camila. Their bodies were moving together with the same rhythm pushing each other closer. Camila felt amazing as pleasure flowed through her she had known from the start Lauren was something special.

Her back arched as she was close to coming her other hand in Lauren's hair as she stared into those deep brown eyes. Her thumb was running tight circles around Lauren's clit until she pushed Lauren over the edge. She tried to keep her eyes on Lauren's face, but as her orgasm hit her, she closed her eyes. She panted Lauren's name over and over. She kissed Lauren till their orgasms slowed and she laid against her chest listening to the fast pace of Lauren's heart. "I need you to know I'm falling in love with you Lauren, but I don't expect you to say it back" Camila whispered.

She lifted her head and looked up at Lauren as a tear ran down her cheek. "Open your eyes and look at me, Lauren, I meant it when I said I don't need to hear it back. I know how you feel," Camila said. "Please don't get upset it was something I needed to say" Camila pleaded. Lauren smiled and kissed her lips "Are you ok?"

"Yes, I just can't ...." Lauren whispered.

Camila put her finger against her lips "In your own time!" Camila assured.

Lauren woke up, tangled up in Camila and smiled. She felt safe in Camila's arms like she didn't have to be the strong one. Camila kissed her on the forehead and smiled then suddenly leapt out of bed, grabbing Lauren's robe. She wrapped it around herself and dashed for the bedroom door. Lauren sat up "What's got into you, where you are going," she asked, looking confused.

"I'm going to make you breakfast, and you aren't going to distract me this time" Camila laughed as she ran off down the hallway.

"Camz, you will make a mess, and I know where everything is" Lauren shouted as Camila disappeared down the stairs laughing. She jumped out of bed and grabbed some pyjama's out her drawer. That kitchen was spotless, and she knew it wouldn't stay that way long with Camila in it. She strode down the hallway and could already hear the music blasting from the kitchen. She quickly descended the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

She spun Camila round and backed her up against the counter. "If you're going to do this, we do it together, I will not have my kitchen looking like a bomb site, Camz," Lauren said.

"Ok fine, but you have to let me do something and not just watch its only eggs" Camila moaned.

"That's a deal" Lauren replied as she moved to the cupboard.

"Oh I love this song, and it reminds me of you" she laughed. Lauren shook her head at how easily distracted Camila was. "It ain't my fault you keep turning me on. It ain't my fault you got, got me so gone, It ain't my fault I'm not leavin' alone. It ain't my fault you keep turning me on" Camila sang. She grabbed Lauren by the hips "you have me constantly turned on" she purred.

"I thought you wanted to make breakfast!" Lauren said rolling her eyes as Camila ground up against her.

"I don't know what I want when I'm around you" Camila replied. "I can't talk right now, I'm looking, and I like what I'm seeing. Got me feeling kinda shocked right now. Couldn't stop right now, even if I wanted
Gotta get it, get it, get it, while it's hot right now. Oh my God, what is this? Want you all in my business
Baby, I insist. Please don't blame me for whatever happens next" Camila continued to lip-sync.

"You're insane!" Lauren laughed.

"No I-I-I-I, can't be responsible, If I-I-I-I, get you in trouble now. See you're-'re-'re-'re, too irresistible, Yeah, that's for sure. So if I put your hands where my eyes can't see, Then you're the one who's got a hold on me. No I-I-I-I, can't be responsible, responsible, It ain't my fault (No, no, no, no, no, no, no)
It ain't my fault (No, no, no, no, no, no, no)It ain't my fault." "You have some spell over me, woman," Camila said.

Camila sank to her knees in front of Lauren and pulled down her pyjama pants. "Camila not in the ....." Lauren moaned the argument dying on her lips as Camila's tongue swiped through her folds.

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