Come dance for me

By laflor777

18K 754 122

Camila Cabello is supposed to meet her best friend Dinah Jane at a new club in town, but she gets stood up. S... More

Chapter One
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38: The Final Chapter

Chapter 2

674 29 11
By laflor777

Camila had been continually thinking about the other night, and she couldn't get Lauren out of her head, not that she wanted to. She really wanted to see her again but wasn't sure if Lauren was interested. She looked like she enjoyed herself, but Camila wasn't sure if it was just a one night stand to Lauren. It wasn't to her she didn't usually do that kind of thing.

Dinah, her best friend, had thought it was great she had been telling Camila to let loose for some time now. Maybe she should've just left it at that, but there was something about this woman that left Camila wanting more.

She stood outside the club where she had met Lauren, which also happened to be the club Lauren owned. She felt in her pocket for the underwear that was giving her the excuse for being back here. She doubted Lauren needed the underwear back. Camila had googled Lauren and found out she was very well off and a successful business owner. Apparently, she had a string of clubs that were all doing very well.

Camila took a deep breath and walked through the door of the club. It sure looked different in the daytime and very quiet. It was well decorated and tasteful for what these places usually looked like. Not that Camila knew she had never been in one before it was wrong to assume they were all greasy dives.

She walked across the room towards the bar; the barman looked up and saw her. "Sorry we aren't open till nine, you will have to come back then," he said as he continued to stack the shelves.

"I'm not here for a drink, can you tell me where Lauren Jauregui is, please?" Camila asked. She leant against the bar and watched one of the girls practising on stage. She moved so gracefully and had a lot of skill.

"She is through the back; her office is the large room on the right," he said, opening a case of expensive champagne like the one Camila had received the other night. "I will warn you though she doesn't usually see people without an appointment!" he said, turning back to stacking the shelves.

"I just want to return something she left at mine the other night" Camila answered. She moved her elbow as he started to clean the area of the bar she was leaning on.

"Oh, you're one of those! You're not her usual type" he smirked and pointed to the door at the back of the club. "Like I said her office is on the right through there." Camila nodded and headed to the door. 'One of those' thought Camila was she one in a long line of women. Maybe this was silly; perhaps she shouldn't have come here after all. Damn, she was here now and would look more of an idiot just turning around and walking back out again.

She carried on through the door why did it bother her this much that she might be another notch on this woman's bedpost. Maybe because she wouldn't mind seeing if it could go further and that seemed even more doubtful now, was she just kidding herself thinking she might be the one to change her mind suddenly. The article she had read on her mentioned she had previous long term relationships.

Well, whatever happened she was here now, and she was going to give the raven her underwear back and see what happens. She wouldn't get her hopes up because she doubted she was smooth enough to get anywhere with this woman.

She knocked at the door, and her nerves returned now her heart started to beat faster in her chest. This was ridiculous at any other time, Camila classed herself as a confident woman, but anywhere near this woman and she went to pieces.

She heard a voice shouting come in through the door, although it didn't sound like Lauren's voice. She shrugged and opened the door, she walked into the room and came face to face with a tall woman. "You're not, Lauren!" Camila mumbled.

"How very observant of you" drawled the woman. She stalked closer to Camila, and Camila backed off until the back of her legs hit a chair, and she fell into it. "I can be whoever you want me to be." She licked her lips. Why did Camila feel like she had just walked into the lioness's den?

"Sorry I must have the wrong room I was told this was Lauren Jauregui's office," Camila said desperately gulping for air the whole presence of the woman felt like it was suffocating her.

"No, this is her office. She will be back soon, unfortunately" the woman whispered. "Why don't I keep you company until she returns." She lent her hands on the armrests of the chair, effectively pinning Camila to it. She held out her hand "I'm Normani, Mani to my friends. Oh you're the brunette from the other night you sure look different in the day time," she said, looking Camila up and down.

Camila awkwardly shook her hand. "Camila Cabello, I can come back later I don't want to inconvenience you" she mumbled, pulling her hand back from Normani.

"She was right about you being in shape" Normani whispered as she peered down the front of Camila's shirt. Camila grabbed her top and pulled it from Normani's grasp, looking a little put-out.

"Lauren told you about the other night?" Camila asked, "did she say anything else about me like if she wanted to see me again?" She internally cringed how desperate did she sound one night with this woman, and she was turned into a lovesick teenager.

"Don't get your hopes up dear she isn't into conventional relationships, but she did enjoy the other night if that helps" Normani replied. "I could take your mind off her if you want or teach you some things," she said, biting her lip and running her hands down Camila's thighs.

"Erm I'm good thanks" Camila mumbled wondering if she should have brought her taser with her. "I'm going to get going I can speak to her another time when she's about."

Normani was just about to answer as the door opened and Lauren walked through. She took in the scene in front of her, shook her head and smiled "Put her down Mani, you're scaring the poor girl."

"We were just getting to know each other" Normani purred staring at Camila.

"Well I think that is enough for now, I believe Miss Cabello is here to see me," Lauren said looking at Camila and Camila nodded frantically.

Normani sighed, and her hand shot to Camila's jacket pocket. She pulled out Lauren's underwear. "She seems to be carrying some of your underwear around with her. I think she has a crush on you" Normani smirked.

Camila blushed and made a grab for the underwear. Lauren took hold of them "I do believe they belong to me!" she said. "If that is all Mani I believe you have work to do." Normani sighed, took one last look at Camila and exited the room.

Camila's body sagged into the chair in relief as Normani left. She looked up at Lauren, who seemed amused at the whole situation. A thought crossed Camila's mind "How did she know they were your underwear" Camila asked.

Lauren sat on the edge of her desk in front of Camila; she crossed her legs, and her skirt hitched up a little. Camila's eyes fell on her stockinged legs; god Camila had only had one taste, and she already felt hooked on the woman. Her mind was suddenly flooded with images from the other night oh how she wanted to be buried in those thighs again.

Lauren clicked her fingers in front of Camila's face to get her attention. "My face is up here, Miss Cabello" Lauren smirked. Camila blushed again at being caught staring. "Even though it's not any of your concern Mani knows what my underwear looks like because we used to date. You two were pretty close as I walked in if you're going there, Miss Cabello I would be careful she is a handful."

Camila looked at Lauren shock all over her face "No I was, no I'm not interested in her" Camila mumbled.

Lauren laughed "I was just teasing Miss Cabello; she would eat you alive. Now was there anything else or was you just being a good samaritan and returning my lost underwear?" Lauren asked. She picked up the underwear and leant over her desk, opened the drawer and dropped the panties in there.

Camila's eyes went wide at the view of Lauren's backside as she leant over the desk. Suddenly all Camila could think about was taking Lauren over her desk, her hands caressing that perfect ass. Camila scolded herself since when had she turned into a horny teenager, what was happening to her. She wondered if Lauren was doing this on purpose did she know what effect she had on her?

"Can I help you with something Miss Cabello have you finished leering at my backside" Lauren sneered. Camila looked down this was the second time she had got caught 'leering' yes Lauren had it right. "I have some time before my next meeting, and maybe I should help you out a little" she whispered as she got up and walked over to the door. Camila heard the click of the lock, and her pulse rose.

Lauren strode over to Camila "Get up" she said those intense green eyes staring at her. Camila was straight up and over to Lauren "I have been rather keen to see that body of yours again, Miss Cabello." Camila stood there like she was waiting for permission to touch a precious object, maybe she was! Lauren's hand grabbed at Camila's top and pulled her forwards. Her hand slipped up Camila's top and touched the warm, soft skin underneath.

This seemed to spur Camila on as she grabbed at Lauren's backside. Her mouth was attacking Lauren's throat, kissing and nipping at the smooth skin. "Don't mark me where it can be seen!" Lauren growled. "I have a meeting later and don't want everyone knowing my business." Her hand grasped at Camila's cotton-covered breast. "You need to buy better underwear these do nothing for you" Lauren gasped as Camila picked her up. She wrapped her legs around Camila's waist as Camila carried her over to the desk.

She laid Lauren on the desk and pushed up her skirt, revealing her prize. She deserved this for putting up with Lauren's jibes plus if her tongue were buried deep inside Lauren, she would maybe stop talking. The woman liked the sound of her own voice. Unclipping the stockings from the garter belt, she slipped her panties down her legs and threw them to one side.

She pulled the chair over and sat down, placing Lauren's legs over her shoulders. It was a fantastic sight, Camila leant forward, licking the evidence of Lauren's arousal off her inner thighs before nipping at the soft skin as Lauren moaned. Camila had never tasted anything as good as Lauren; she couldn't get enough. Her tongue was dipping inside, and she licked straight up to the top, flicking her tongue against the woman's clit.

Lauren moaned her hands were threading into Camila's hair. Camila grabbed her backside, sliding it forward to get deeper. Her tongue thoroughly explored Lauren. The noises Lauren made had Camila squeezing her thighs tightly together. Camila pulled her head back. She needed more contact she didn't want it just to be getting each other off. She grabbed hold of Lauren and pulled her into her lap.

Lauren looked confused, and Camila kissed her, she moaned at tasting herself on Camila's lips. The kiss seemed all teeth and tongues "Tell me what you were thinking about earlier as you gazed at my backside" Lauren whispered. Camila flushed red "Don't play shy I much prefer the confident take charge Camila tell me" she demanded.

"I imagined you laid over your desk and my hands on your ass caressing it before I slipped my fingers deep inside you..." Camila mumbled.

"Hmm what and then you would fuck me" Lauren whispered Lauren and the throb in Camila's centre increased tenfold at the words she used. "I'm not sure you're up to that yet Miss Cabello maybe work up to that because I wouldn't like a sloppy job done." Lauren flicked the button on Camila's jeans and slipped her hand inside "you do seem to have got yourself worked up though" she said as she pressed her hand against Camila's wet underwear.

Camila's hand slid down between their bodies, and she pushed two fingers deep inside Lauren her thumb, adding pressure to her clit desperate to prove herself. Camila kissed along her jawline. She felt Lauren's hand disappear down the back of her jeans, grabbing her backside. Her fingers slid easily in and out of Lauren; she felt amazing.

Lauren moaned louder as she ground her hips, pushing Camila's fingers deeper inside her. Camila added a third finger stretching Lauren and corkscrewed her fingers as she felt her walls tighten around her fingers. "Oh Miss Cabello, you do have some skill maybe I should let you fuck me over the desk" she gasped. Lauren started to pant as she got closer, her nails dug deep into the skin of Lauren's backside, causing Camila to gasp. Camila added pressure to her clit, and this pushed Lauren over the edge. Camila kissed her on the lips so no one could hear her calling Camila's name as the pleasure flowed through her body.

As her orgasm slowed, Camila leaned in and whispered "I really like you, Lauren" as she carried on kissing her neck. Lauren's body stiffened, and the next minute she was struggling to get off Camila's lap.

"I have just remembered my meeting it was brought forward, you are going to have to go sorry," said a flustered Lauren. Flustered Lauren didn't last long it went back to all business Lauren. She straightened out her skirt and picked up her underwear. "Did you hear me you need to go Miss Cabello now!" She opened the door and pushed Camila out of it, slamming it shut in her face.

All that went through Camila's head was what the fuck just happened? She ran her fingers through her hair in an effort to tidy it up. She looked around part of her wanted to knock on the door and demand to know what happened. She doubted that would go down well with her. Normani came round the corner, she looked Camila up and down then smiled. She stalked right up to Camila "Do you need a little help with that?" she asked, pointing at Camila's crotch.

Camila turned red how did Normani know she was horny, then she looked down and realised her jeans were unfastened. "No thanks" Camila stammered as she ran off down the corridor fumbling to fasten her jeans. All she could hear as she left was Normani's laughter.

Camila sat outside the club, resting her head against her steering wheel what had she done wrong. Everything had been going fine, they had been having a good time, and then bam Lauren had chucked her out. Plus she was no better off; she had nothing solid with her. All she wanted was to maybe go for a drink with her and see how things went.

Obviously, Lauren was only interested in her for sex and nothing else. Camila just wasn't like that she needed more, she wanted to get to know her.

Camila arrived at the florist, she wasn't sure what she had done but if she had upset Lauren somehow. So the only thing she could do was send her some flowers as an apology, and hopefully, that would lead to a conversation. She picked out some flowers and wrote on the card. She apologised and wrote down her number so Lauren could contact her if she wanted to talk about it. She slipped the card inside the envelope and wrote Lauren's name on it.

She put the card in the flowers and wrote down the address of the club for the florist. She passed them over, and he promised they would be delivered tomorrow she nodded and left. All she could do was wait she felt too humiliated to return to the club. Why did this woman's feelings mean so much to her already technically Camila had done nothing wrong well least she didn't think so. This was the easy way she wondered if Lauren would even see her if she turned up back at the club.

A couple of nights later, she sat in front of the telly with her son, Henry, who was fast asleep on her knee. She ran her fingers through his mop of brown hair. He looked so much like his father which wasn't a good thing for Camila. A constant reminder of the man who sent her to prison for something he did. Anyhow that was in the past now he had grown up considerably in the last few years. He had been a shitty boyfriend but a great dad she couldn't fault him there, and Henry adored him.

Looking down at her little boy she thought about all the struggles they had to get here, and she was proud of herself and also grateful to her best friend Dinah and her grandmother who had given her a room when they were sleeping in her car and made sure they never went hungry. Now she had a safe and stable home for Henry. Now she just had to sort her love life out which brought her thoughts back to Lauren Jauregui.

She had not heard anything from Lauren and at this point doubted she would. She was just about to carefully get up and take Henry to bed when her phone beeped with a text. It was probably only Henry's father Shawn checking on the arrangements for the next time he had Henry. She picked up her phone and looked confused when it was a number she didn't know. She opened up the message expecting it to be spam. She was pleasantly surprised, and her heart sped up a little when it was from Lauren.

Lauren: You did nothing wrong, Miss Cabello I was just busy and thank you for the flowers although they weren't necessary.

Camila shook her head; she didn't believe that for a minute. Camila felt a lot braver when she wasn't face to face with Lauren she needed to get some time to just speak with her and they could get to know each other better.

Camila: Ok! how about we meet for a drink?

Camila waited a few minutes, and no answer came, so she shrugged and picked up Henry and walked into his bedroom. Camila pulled the covers back and laid Henry gently into the bed. She heard her phone beep in the lounge. She kissed Henry and wrapped him in blankets tightly just the way he liked it. She sighed she had dropped lucky with such a fantastic kid she thought as she walked back into the lounge.

She dropped on to the sofa and picked up her phone, smiling as it was from Lauren again.

Lauren: I do not get many nights off; I could think of more enjoyable things I could do with you than chatting and drinking.

Camila: We could do that as well, what is the harm of having a drink and chat first? Or as your barman said I am just one of the many?

Lauren: I would like to know which barman you spoke too, and no, you aren't one of many. Fine, you can pick me up Sunday night at eight. I will send you my address.

Camila: Great, that's a date.

Lauren: No, it's not a date, Miss Cabello!

Camila laughed, well, this was progress she wondered what had changed Lauren's mind. She didn't care; she was finally going on 'not a date' with Lauren. She had never put this much effort in before or had this much grief, but something told her Lauren was worth it. Camila knew she was risking it, but she felt confident tonight not sure why so texted Lauren again.

Camila: So, what are you doing right now?

Lauren: I have just got out of the shower, and I'm about to do some paperwork why?

Camila: Oh nice send me a pic, you owe me after the other day sending me away all hot and horny.

Lauren: I do not owe you anything I never promised to get you off.

Camila: It's polite to return the favour after I made your toes curl.

Lauren: You're not that good Miss Cabello but fine I will send you a pic.

Camila waited impatiently for her phone to beep. She grabbed it as soon as it beeped and opened the pic. She growled when she saw a pic of Lauren's paperwork.

Camila: Not exactly what I meant!!!

Camila threw down her phone next to her. She bet Lauren was having a right good laugh to herself. She heard her phone beep again, and she was in two minds whether to pick it up or not. She was too nosy just to leave it, so she picked it up and opened the message.

Lauren: I stand under the hot water of the shower as it runs down my curves. Squirting some shower gel into my hands, I rub it into my breasts as the lather continues down my body. My nipples harden as my hands run over my stomach and down to my centre. My fingers slide easily into my warm, wet folds. I rub tight circles around my aching clit. Pleasure fills my body as I continue my rhythm

"Oh, shit!" Camila exclaimed as she read the text she hadn't expected that.

Camila: Omg I wish I were there then I could help you out in the shower.

Camila unfastened her jeans as she reread Lauren's message her face flushed as thoughts from the other night ran through her head. Her hand slipped past the waistband of her underwear, and she moaned loudly at how wet a few words from Lauren can make her. Her eyes close, and her mind takes control as she rubs her clit. She knows it won't take her long as she imagines Lauren fucking herself, pushing her fingers deep inside herself. Camila's body writhes on the sofa as she pants she needed to see her again.

Her body shakes as she comes whispering Lauren's name. Fucking hell Lauren is so hot she is driving her crazy. Her body slows down as she composes herself, hoping there is something else but great sex between them. She picks up her phone as she gets her breath back.

Camila: Thank you!

Lauren: Your welcome, I would never like to leave a woman unsatisfied. Now wash your hands and go to bed. Goodnight Miss Cabello x

Camila laughs, then notices the x at the end of the message. Woah none of the others had that at the end. Right she is not going to read too much into that she tells herself!

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