The Violet Witch | The Vampi...

By Your_Next_Door_Idiot

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No one knows what happens when you die. It's a mystery that has always been. So when my time came, I accepted... More

Luna Blacksmith
Summer before the beginning 
Act 1 - The Beginning
1.1 The Beginning
1.2 Night of the Comet
1.3 Friday night bites
1.4 Family Ties
1.5 You're undead to me
1.6 Lost Girls
1.7 Haunted
Haunted, Part 2
1.9 History Repeating
1.10 Turning point
1.11 Bloodlines
1.12 unpleasantville
1.13 Children of the Damned
1.14 Making moves
1.15 A Few Good Men
1.16 Little Mischief
1.16 part 2: Answers
1.17 A day in
1.18 Uncle John
1.19 Miss Mystic Falls
1.20 Isobel
1.21 Founder's Day
Act 2 - Now the fun begins
2.1 The Return
2.2 Brave new world
2.3 Bad Moon Rising
2.3 Part 2: A long Overdue Reunion
2.4 Bringing forth someone lost
2.5 A date
2.6 Revealing the long hidden Truth
What happened while Luna and Damon were gone !!! Important !!!
2.7 Masquerade
2.8 Making New Allies
Quick important question
2.9 Discovery and Slater
2.10 The Full Truth
2.10 Part 2: The Sacrifice
2.11 By the Light of the Full Moon
!!!Twin Flame Voting!!!
2.11 Part 2
2.12 Meeting the Best Friend
2.13 The Message
2.14 The Dinner Party
2.15 The Making of a new Hybrid
2.16 The Last Dance
2.16 Part 2
Soulmate List !!!Spoiler Warning!!!
2.17 Preparations
2.18 The Sacrafice
Act 3 - A new Story Unfolds
3.1 The First Werewolves Collected
3.2 Chicago
3.3 Mason and Hayley
3.4 Returning Home
3.5 Soulmates and Outfits
3.6 Soulmates and Ester

1.8 162 Candles

2.9K 165 11
By Your_Next_Door_Idiot

A/N: I honestly can't bother to write about her telling them about the supernatural, so imagine it however you would like.

I just left the Gilbert residents after talking to Jeremy about the supernatural. We didn't tell him much, just the basics, and how to protect himself. I was now on my way to the Salvatore's because one of my favorite characters from the show is finally here! I am so excited to finally meet her.

As I entered the Salvatore boarding house I searched for their minds, finding them in Stefan's room. As got closer to his door I could hear Damon talking to Lexi.

"What a surprise." I could hear Damon's voice.

"Surprise? I think the wring brother went back to high school." Lexi told him.

"How long are you here for?" He asked her.

"Just for Stefan's B-Day."

"You mean you didn't come all this way to see me?" Damon asked teasingly.

"That's it, Damon. After a century I finally realized dearth means nothing without you." She teased him back. "Do me."

"Oh, why are you so mean to me?"

"Eh, have you met you? You're not a nice person." Lexi told him.

"Well, It's because I'm a vampire."

"But you're only the bad parts."

"Teach me to be good," Damon asked her, leaning on his arm. In a flash, Lexi was out of bed and on the other side strangling Damon.

"I'm older and that means stronger." She told him threateningly.

"I'm sorry." Damon choked out.

"Don't ruin my time with Stefan." Before it could escalate I made my presence known.

"Kinky." Lexi's head flashed to me, confused as to who I was and how she didn't notice me enter. "You know Damon, I knew you were kinda weird, but not this weird." Lexi let go of his neck.

"Ha, ha, you hilarious," Damon responded to my comments sarcastically.

"Who are you?" Asked a confused Lexi.

"Oh, where are my manners." I held my hand out for her to shake. "I am Luna Blacksmith. Friend of Stefan and Damon. And the only person that has any control over Damon's actions." I gave her a sweet smile. She returned shaking my hand.

"I'm Lexi Branson. It's nice to finally meet you. Stefan mentioned you earlier. Thanks for helping him." She gave me a warm smile.

"Of course. How about we become friends."

"I would love to" We talked some more, but I had to leave not long after.

I went home to get my gift for Stefan and my gift for Lexi. As I got to the Salvatore boarding house I only caught the end of their conversations.

"It doesn't matter. If I start now again, I would just. I don't know." Stefan's voice rang in my ear.

"Happy Birthday baby Salvatore," I yelled, making my presence known. Stefan smiled at me.

"Thanks." Said Stefan as I hugged him. "I'm not even gonna ask how you knew." He said with a smile.

"A lady has her ways baby Salvatore." Stefan rolled his eyes hearing the nickname, while Lexi was amused.

"Luna, this is my best friend Lexi." Stefan introduced us not knowing we had already met.

"Oh, we met," Lexi informed Stefan standing up and hugging me.

"We met earlier on when I came by. She was choking Damon." I explained. Before Stefan could ask any further I cut him. "Now it's time for gifts," I told them excitedly. Stefan smiled at that taking a seat with Lexi on the couch. I sat on the other one. "Now. I know it's Stefan's birthday, but Stefan is my friend, and I care about him. To know you have helped him so much Lexi makes me more than happy to give you this gift." Stefan and Lexi were confused. Lexi more than anyone. But they weren't worried I was going to do something bad as I had a warm smile on my face.

I waved my hand over the living room table separating us. Violet mist appeared and disappeared just as fast, leaving a small violet box. Lexi was amazed at the display of magic. She didn't know I was a witch, nor had she ever seen magic like mine. Stefan on the other hand was confused about what the gift could be, and that's when it struck him, he looked at me with wide eyes. He didn't want to get his hopes up, so he waited until I had finished.

"Please, open it." I nodded at Lexi. Hesitantly she reached for the box taking it in her hands. She opens it slowly. Her breath fought in her throat. I was not one, but two daylight rings in it. They both looked at me. Both becoming teary.

"Why?" That's all Lexi could ask. Her voice was small and filled with emotions. Stefan was just in shock.

"Because. Stefan has had a hard life. His guilt and hunger have consumed him more than once. But through all of that, you have been there to help him. You deserve this gift Lexi, and don't you ever doubt it." They both stood up and we embraced in a hug.

"But why is there two?" Stefan asked as we broke the hug. Lexi looked back at the box and there were two rings.

"You do remember my little gift of knowing things, don't you Stefan?" I asked. He nodded while Lexi was confused. "I sense your confusion, Lexi, what I mean is that I have the gift of knowing the past, present, and future." Before I could finish my sentence Lexi cut me off.

"You're a seer." Wonder in her voice. "I have never met one, but I have heard of you." There was a bright smile on her face.

"Yes, I am," I said returning her smile. "And I have seen that you have a certain someone in your life," I said a little teasingly. Lexi blushed nodding slowly, looking at the rings. "You have helped so much, that I believe it is finally time for you to have a daylight ring," I told her, a sweet smile on my face.

"Is there anything I can do for you? Something I can do to repay you?" Lexi asked me.

"Before you leave I would like to talk to you, and ask for your help with something," I told her, I could tell Stefan had already figured out I was talking about Vicki.

"Of course. Anything." Lexi exclaimed happily. We hugged again until she remembered something. "Stefan. You had a gift for Stefan as well." She said reminding us of that as well.

"Ah, I saved the best for last." This intrigued them both. "Stefan. For your entire vampiric life, you have been something known as a ripper. But no more. For my gift to you." I flicked my wrist, making it become consumed by violet smoke. As the smoke left, a bottle was in my hand. In it, you could see a red liquid. "The cure for being a ripper," I explained dramatically.

They both just stared at me, tears in both their eyes.

"What?" Stefan asked. His voice was low and filled with emotions. He couldn't believe it. He has been plagued by his ripper side for about 145 years. And now, in front of him is the cure. He hadn't noticed the tears streaming down his face. He couldn't. The world was a blur to him. He couldn't think or hear anything. The only thing he could hear was her words repeated in his head 'The cure for being a ripper'. So he did the only thing he could. He slowly went up to her and hugged her. Lexi joined in as well. As we were hugging Damon came downstairs.

"What's happening here?" He asked confused by why everyone was hugging.

"We are hugging. Because Damon." I started saying breaking up the hug. "In my hand, I have the cure for your brother's ripper side," I explained as softly as I could.

Damon couldn't believe it. For as long as they have been vampires, his brother has been a ripper. It was one of the biggest reasons for how their relationship got so bad. He didn't know what to think. He was happy for his brother. At first, he didn't believe it. But seeing Stefan and Lexi in tears told him this was no joke.

"How?" That is all he could ask.

"A ripper is born when you have something that is consuming you." I started my explanation gaining their full attention. "In your brother's case, it was his guilt. He felt guilt more than anyone and that guilt tended to consume him. This was all made worse when he became a vampire and his emotions were heightened. The guilt became too much and mixed itself with the hunger. As your guilt was never-ending, so became your hunger for blood. This potion will remove your guilt. Remove that hunger that comes with it. Erasing your ripper side." By the end of my explanation, even Damon had tears in his eyes.

After composing himself Stefan walked up to me. "I'm ready."

I didn't say anything, I just held my hand in the air and shook the bottle making it glow violet for a second. As I handed the bottle to him, I could feel his nervousness. I simply placed my hand on his shoulder and gave him a warm and encouraging smile. And without a second thought, he downed the bottle.

His veins glowed purple for a split second and he could feel the tension in his body disappear. For the first time, he was truly at peace.

"And for the final test." I looked at him, and nothing but happiness shined in his eyes. I flicked my wrist letting it be covered in my violet mist. As the mist disappeared a blood bag was in my hand. "Drink," I told him, handing him the bag.

He was still nervous. As he was about to drink some, everyone was looking in anticipation wondering if it worked or not. As the blood hit his lips and tongue, he didn't feel it. He didn't feel the desire to drink all of it. He felt calm. She did it. She cured him. Stefan stopped drinking and started laughing softly, tears streaming down his face.

"It worked." Was all he said, his voice still fragile. Like that of a small child.


It was now later on in the day. After Stefan was cured we all hugged again. As me and Lexi left the room we could see Stefan and Damon hugging. Like a real brotherly hug, filled with love.

I was outside the boarding house waiting for Damon.

"You called." I heard him say.

"Yes. I have something for you." I went to the back of my car, Damon right behind me.

"Oh, what is it?" He asked excitedly. As I opened the trunk he could see there was just some dead guy.

"This my alcoholic friend is how we are gonna get the council off your backs." He just smirked at me.

"Good, now I don't need to find someone else myself." He said. So he wasn't going to use Lexi? What changed?

"You know, in the original timeline, you used and killed Lexi." He just gave a neutral look. "What changed?" I asked softly, having a small suspicion it was about that hug they shared earlier.

"I'm not even surprised you know about that." Said Damon. He had a look on his face, I couldn't tell what he was thinking, and that was a first. "When you cured Stefan's ripper side I felt something I hadn't in a long time. I felt happy for my brother. And hearing you talk about how Lexi has been there for him when I never was. I just couldn't make myself use her, not when it would hurt Stefan." He had a somber look on his face.

"One day you and Stefan will be close again. Like you were when you were human." I started off telling him softly, gaining his attention. "It could be in some weeks or years. But it's best to start as soon as possible fixing your relationship. The sooner the better. You are brothers after all, and most importantly immortal. Instead of hating each other for another century and a half, you could spend that time as brothers."

"You're right." He turned to look at me. "I guess it's time for the Salvatore brothers to become brothers again." We smiled warmly at each other at that.


The party was fine. We partied and had fun. But parties aren't my thing, so after we tricked the council with the vampire I made, I went home.

Before Lexi left I asked to talk to her. I explained everything about Vicki and asked her if she could help her with control and getting her life on the right track. She was more than happy to do so after what I had done for them.


Somewhere unknown

"She made a cure for his ripper side," a male voice said perplexed.

"I know." Said the unknown female voice. Delight filled her voice. "And I believe, she is finally ready."

"I think so too." The unknown male voice said, agreeing.


Third pov

As Luna slept, her wrist glowed a golden color. Golden tendrils wrapped themselves around her left wrist. As the golden tendrils left her wrist a mark could be seen. I was like a tattoo of a small fox. It glowed with a golden hew, and after a few seconds, it lost its glow.

Somewhere unknown in the world, a body lying in a century-long slumber gained a small tattoo as well. But not of a fox, but that of a star. A symbol of magic.

A/N: Hello everyone, I hope you all liked my chapter. What did you all think about the ending? Remember, if you would like to see something happen in the book, don't hesitate to tell me.

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