This Love

De Delena--Forever

117K 2.1K 370

Nina and Ian are both falling for each other. They want to keep this a secret from their friends and family... Mais

Two Can Keep a Secret
Letting them know
All Night Long
Welcome to Paris
When in Paris
I love you's
One Goodbye
The Big Question
The Accident
First Night Home
Snowed In
Home for the Holidays
Christmas Eve
Christmas - Part 1
Christmas - Part 2
A Lot of Love
The Treehouse
It's a...
A New Town
Our First Home
Baby Talk
When in Rome - part 1
When in Rome - Part 2
Home Again
I do
HoneyMoon - part 1
Honey Moon - Part 2
Oh Baby
Welcome Harlow
Coming Home
Vampire Stalkers
Another baby?
New Zealand - Part 1
New Zealand - Part 2
Bungee Swing
Back Home
Rain, Love, Friends
What I Love About You
Lake Day
Goodbye and Hello
Everything is Good

Date Night

1.6K 33 2
De Delena--Forever

Ian's POV

Nina and I walk through IKEA looking at furniture for the baby.

"Now we have a crib and dresser picked out, I want a mirror and a book case, but I'll get that with pottery barn." Nina pulls out her phone.

"We still going there when we pay for the bed and dresser here?" I hold her purse as she bends down to look at something.

"Yes. I wanna get it all done today." She stands back up and grabs my hand.

We walk up to the register and pay for the bed and dresser.

"Did you find everything you were looking for today?" The girl named Kate says.

"Yes, thank you." I tell her.

"Is this your first baby?" She smiles.

"It is." Nina smiles back.

"Aren't you guys on that show they film around here? The vampire diaries?" She hands me my card back.

"We are, hi. I'm Ian. And this is Nina." We shake her hand.

"My sister she loves you both. So much." Kate smiles big.

"Would you like us to sign something for her?" I say.

"Yeah that, she would love that! Uhm, I don't have anything you could sign." Kate says with disappointment.

"I think I can help with that. I'll be right back." I let go of Nina's hand and walk towards the exit and outside.

The paparazzi run up to me.

"Hi guys, do any of you have a picture of Nina and I? An autograph picture?" I look around at them.

"I do! Yeah here!" One of the guys says.

"Ahh, thanks so much! I'll get you back!" I smile as he hands it to me.

"No no it's fine. I have plenty." He smiles and shows me the rest.

"Well here let me sign a couple of those for you." I pull out a sharpie I keep with me.

"Thank you so much Mr. Somerhalder." The guy shakes my hand and I walk back inside with the other picture.

Nina and the girl are talking as I return.

"Back, and here you go. What is your sisters name?" I ask her before signing.

"Her name is Macy." She tells me.

"Here you go." I hand her the picture.

"Thank you. She's going to freak out." Kate looks at the picture.

"Have a great day!" She tells us as we leave.

Nina and I walk back to the car. I open her door and she gets in.

"Okay, pottery barn and then dinner!" I say as I sit down.

"I'm starving so I'll hurry at pottery barn." Nina looks out the window.


Nina's POV

After we leave pottery barn we head over to Cheesecake Factory.

"Are they closed? It's a Thursday night." I look at the empty parking lot as Ian parks the car.

"They are open." Ian smiles.

"But.." I say but Ian gets out of the car and opens my door for me.

"But, I got the manager to close for tonight. For you and I. So we could enjoy one night without being interrupted." Ian takes my hand and kisses me.

We walk into the restaurant and the manager takes us to a table. Rose petals laying around the table and candles lit up around it.

"Ian, you.." He puts his finger over his lips.

"Shhh Nina. Sit." Ian pulls my seat out and I sit down.

We order our food and Ian places his hand on mine.

"I love you." I say to him.

"I love you, too." Ian smiles.

"So how did you get them to close for the night?" I ask Ian.

"The manager has a daughter who watches the show, and she's seen us in here before. Her 16th birthday is coming up and I told him we'd come. I mean, if you're okay with that." Ian smiles at me.

"Yes. I'm fine with that. I love our fans." I take a drink of my tea.

"It's so weird not having people starring at us and asking for pictures." I say looking around the restaurant.

"I could get used to this." Ian says with a smile.

"I like the quietness." I add.

"Do you want a cheesecake?" Ian asks and waves the manager over.

"Can I get 2 slices of your cheesecake?" Ian points to it on the desert menu.

"You sure can, I'll be back with that soon. Any refills on your drinks?" The manager takes our drinks.

"That cheesecake is already making my mouth water." I laugh.

"Oh, I have another surprise." Ian pulls out a card and hands it to me.

"What's this?" I say and open it up.

"A baby moon. Like a honey moon. But a baby moon. I figured we should get away before the baby comes. So before the wedding we are going to Italy. We leave in 2 weeks." Ian shows me the plane tickets.

"Ian this is so sweet." I stand up and hug him. He pulls me into his lap.

"What about after the wedding?" I look at him.

"We are going on a lovely honeymoon. I've got all that planned out too. It's another big surprise." Ian smirks and kisses my cheek.

The manager walks back over with the drinks and cheesecake.

"Thank you, sir. For letting us do this tonight. We really do appreciate it." I smile at him.

"No problem. I see you both in here a lot." He smiles.

"Yeah it's one of my favorite places to come and eat." I smile again.

"Well enjoy your deserts." The manager walks away.

After dinner Ian and I head back outside to the car and head home.

Ian's POV

"Ready for bed?" I ask Nina when we walk upstairs to our bedroom.

"Not quiet." She smiles and puts her hands around my neck.

"I love you, Ian Somerhalder." She kisses me on the lips.

"I love you, Nina almost Somerhalder." I smile and kiss her back.

I walk over to bed and we crawl in under the covers. Nina lays her head on my chest and I wrap my arm around her.

I feel a kick on my side.

"I thought she only kicked in the morning?" I look at Nina.

"I guess she's up playing tonight." Nina smiles.

"I still can't get over that we are having a baby." I kiss her head.

"I know, I think I get more and more excited everyday cause it's one day away from her being here." Nina says.

"I wish she was already here. I'm very impatient." We both laugh.

"Soon." Nina whispers and kisses my chest and lays her head back down.

"Soon." I repeat. "Goodnight Nina." I turn the light off and shut my eyes.

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