
By Lilas___

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[Tsundere x Reader] One second she was just a simple nurse, tending to her patients and doing her job. J... More

Chapter 1 - Secrets
Chapter 2 - Bitten
Chapter 3 - Rise
Chapter 4 - Shot
Chapter 5 - Rebirth
Chapter 6 - Orders
Chapter 7 - Dispute
Chapter 8 - Research
Chapter 9 - Watching
Chapter 10 - Guilt
Chapter 11 - Distrust
Chapter 12 - Alarm
Chapter 13 - Run
Chapter 14 - Stuck
Chapter 15 - Signal
Chapter 16 - Surrounded
Chapter 17 - Guns
Chapter 18 - Range
Chapter 19 - Interlude
Chapter 21 - Pendant
Chapter 22 - Ex
Chapter 23 - Market
Chapter 24 - Honesty
Chapter 25 - Difference
Chapter 26 - Vent
Chapter 27 - List
Chapter 28 - Bandanna
Chapter 29 - Stranger
Chapter 30 - Hidden
Chapter 31 - Desperate
Chapter 32 - Hostage
Chapter 33 - Corpse
Chapter 34 - Tension
Chapter 35 - Depart
Chapter 36 - Tougher
Chapter 37 - Losing
Chapter 38 - Papa
Chapter 39 - Thief
Chapter 40 - Plans
Chapter 41 - Diversion
Chapter 42 - Escape
Chapter 43 - End

Chapter 20 - Station

753 89 63
By Lilas___

      (Y/N)'s feet hit the smooth dark pavement and crunched some leaves underneath her shoes.

      She took a deep breath and glanced her eyes up to the small building that sat hidden in the trees away from Browford. It was an old-looking structure that had ivy growing alongside the foundation and boxes full of junk and old equipment stacked up along the sides next to the trash. Wires ran from the building and out to a tall metal tower a distance away that held a large antenna that was currently off. The metal was rusted and chipped from years of weathering but still stood tall above the trees.

      This was the radio station. (Y/N) sighed as she took in the familiar structure.

      A small team of soldiers approached the old building with their guns raised and Rose leading them. They got to the front door and he listened for any sounds of movement coming from inside. But nothing was heard. The place looked so old and cluttered that it could possibly be abandoned.

      He hoped that wasn't the case. If this place was abandoned, the equipment they need could be gone too.

     Rose grabbed the door handle and turned it to see that it was unlocked. He looked back to his team behind him who were ready to head inside upon his order. Every building could hold a fiend waiting to surprise them.

"We get in, make sure this place is clear, then get that radio working." He kept his voice low as he said this. The soldiers who were with him nodded. This station was their only bet.

      The two nurses watched them from the trucks where they sat on the bumper. (Y/N)'s eyes rested on the front entrance with a knowing look.

      The captain went to pull the door open but found that it was stuck. It creaked and kicked up some dust as it did but didn't open no matter how many times Rose pulled.

      (Y/N) did find the scene amusing and leaned closer to Dell to whisper to her. "The front door is jammed. They have to go around back."

"You're going to tell them that?" Dell asked as she smiled.

      (Y/N) shook her head and went back to watching. For those who weren't familiar of the station, getting inside would take a miracle. It did make her feel better seeing the building still had its known issues.

      Still, being back here... especially under these circumstances. It weighed heavy on the nurse's heart. It was bittersweet being back.

      So instead of letting the team figure out on their own, she decided to help the team get inside. Besides, there was something she needed to find anyway.

      Drake watched as she left the trucks and went over to Rose and the others who were trying to find another way inside. The male sergeant was helping Cheng guard the vehicles but he left her to go see what the nurse was up to now.

"You got to go around back. The front door is jammed." (Y/N) spoke as she approached the captain.

      Rose raised a bushy eyebrow and turned to her. "And how do you know this?"

      She crossed her arms and looked away. "I just do..."

      Drake watched her closely as he arrived at her side while Rose took her word for it and directed the team to head for the back.

      Following an overgrown brick path that led around the building revealed that the back of the building was more messier than the front. The boxes full of junk and old equipment grew more as it looked like a hoarded mess. An old red leather couch that was torn and soaked with rain water was propped up against the building next to other broken furniture like small tables and chairs. A raccoon was nibbling on a pizza crust from a trash can when it hissed at the group and ran off into the forest.

      (Y/N) watched the raccoon go as Rose climbed up some concrete steps to the back door. He checked the knob and saw that it was locked this time. But (Y/N) went over to a pot with a dead plant and felt around the hard dirt until she found a small silver key.

       The key was immediately noticed by the group. She climbed up the steps without missing a beat and inserted the key into the lock. Both Rose and Drake started to question the nurse's connection to this place.

"I'm starting to get a sense that you've been here before." Rose spoke as he moved to the side so she could unlock the door. "Am I correct?"

"I have." She muttered and unlocked the door, hearing the familiar loud creak it made as it slowly swung open. "Let's just get inside so you can do what you need to do..."

      There was something she wasn't telling them. Something that was bothering her. It reflected off her face and Drake could read it like an open book. 

      Rose watched the door open and looked inside to see the dark hall that led deeper into the station. He didn't want to push the nurse for an answer, at least not now. Contacting the facility was his top priority right now. So he thanked her for the help and escorted his team inside to find the control room.

      (Y/N) held the key close to her and watched the soldiers enter the station. Her thumb traced the ridges in the key as she turned away to look out into the hoarded backyard. Everything had long since been ruined by the weather and animals. It made the building look more like a junkyard than a radio station.  

       It's not what Drake had in mind for coming up here but the state of the place didn't matter as long as the equipment still worked. He reached for his rifle that was on his back and flicked the safety off. He walked up the stairs and glanced inside the building that was pretty dark so he turned the flashlight strapped to his rifle on as well.

"You coming?" He asked her, waiting for her response. If she knows about this place then she can be of help inside.

"Yea..." She pulled her eyes away from the yard and looked conflicted as she glanced inside the station. But as she shifted her gaze, she caught sight of something in the yard.

       Drake watched as she turned back and followed her gaze once more to an old vintage-looking pickup truck that was lifted with a car jack. It was a maroon color with white trimming that was covered in dirt and various scratches and dents. One of the side mirrors were close to falling off while the front left wheel was currently removed and placed on the ground next to it.

      (Y/N) instantly went from looking conflicted to surprised as she saw the truck. "T-They can't be..."

"Who-" Drake couldn't finish as she rushed inside the station. He quickly followed after her as she became almost frantic.

      Each room she passed, she looked inside and kept going until they eventually made it to the front of the building where Rose and his team were aiming their guns at something.

      Or someone.

"I'm going to ask you nicely to put that gun down now." Rose ordered someone, trying to alleviate the standoff they were in.

"You don't tell someone what to do in their own house, do you?" An old snarky tone spoke.

      When (Y/N) heard that voice, her eyes widened and she rushed forward. She escaped Drake's attempt at stopping her from getting in the middle of a standoff.

      The nurse pushed past the soldiers and got into the middle of them as her eyes met old ones covered in sunglasses. The unexpected man was skinny but had the attire of an old hippie. His long greying beard fell down his chest matched his messy long hair that needed to be brushed. But his size and age didn't stop him from holding a double-barreled shotgun at the soldiers who 'broke' into his station. But once he saw her, his whole demeanor changed.

"(Y/N)..?" He steadily lowered his gun as he took her appearance in.

       (Y/N) sniffed back her growing tears as she ran into the older man's arms and hugged him tightly. "Rockman!"

"How did you-" The older man known as Rockman spoke in disbelief as he hugged her back and lowered his shotgun.

       Once the gun was down, Rose nodded to his men to lower theirs. There was no need to have them raised now, especially since (Y/N) seems to know this man. But it still begs the question of (Y/N)'s connection to this place.

"Glad to see there won't be any trouble, I see?" Rose examined the hippie man. He didn't look all that tough.

"Not before I ask what you people are doing here?" Rockman questioned as he held (Y/N) close and kept a careful eye on the soldiers like a protective grandpa. He was thrilled to see her alive and well but the rest of these people looked like the men in black coming to shut him up once and for all. He saw those trucks rolling in and noted the suits they all wore.

      Rose lifted his hands to reassure the old hippie. "We're a part of Satellite enforcement and just here looking for some help. We're not planning to start trouble with you."

"That's what they all say! I bet you're here for the secrets I have on the government, aren't ya'?"

     (Y/N) shook her head at the cooky old man. "No, they're not here to shut you up."

      Drake lowered his own rifle as he watched the nurse reunite with this strange old guy whom she apparently knew. He went to step forward to join the rest of the small team when he heard a footstep behind him and then the barrel of a gun press against the back of his head.

      Rockman looked up and caught sight of this. He quickly interjected. "Dammit! Lower the gun, boy!"

      (Y/N) turned to Drake and saw the shotgun aimed at him. It was the same as the one Rockman had. Her eyes widened. "Kelly, don't!"

'Kelly?' Drake held his hands up as if he was surrendering but then quickly grabbed the barrel and shoved it upward. The man behind him didn't move as he glared at the sergeant but didn't make an attempt to shoot him upon the hippie's call.

     This 'Kelly' person had some resemblance to Rockman. They both had light skin and long hair except this guy was much younger with long shaggy black hair. They both had brown eyes and tattoos along their arms. But instead of this guy dressing like a hippie, he looked like he was just coming from a rock show.

      Kelly's eyes moved from Drake's and over to (Y/N). He looked her up and down in surprise but soon relieved as well. He listened to the old hippie and pulled the gun back but not without keeping his eyes on the new people.

      (Y/N) exhaled a breath she was holding in. The last thing she needed were these two giving the Satellite enforcement a reason to fight them. 

      Once everything was calm, she walked over, past Drake, and into the arms of Kelly who waited for her. He smiled and embraced her with one arm which left Drake watching the two with narrowed eyes.

"Didn't think you were ever going to come back." Kelly lowered down to whisper into her ear.

      Despite being glad to see him, (Y/N) leaned away. "Me neither..."

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