The Fairytale (Harry Styles F...

By Princess_Styles_

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Claire is just an ordinary girl living in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire who decided to put herself out there. She... More

Chapter 1: Was that who I thought it was?
Chapter 2: Meeting again
Chapter 3: The Big Surprise
Chapter 4: Feelings
Chapter 5: And it Begins
Chapter 6: Cooperative
Chapter 7: Figuring it Out
Chapter 8: Finally
Chapter 9: Things are Better
Chapter 10: Melanie
Chapter 11: Telling her
Chapter 12: Connections
Chapter 13: The Secret is Out
Chapter 14: Will they meet again?
Authors Note READ READ READ!
Chapter 16: Maybe this is the beginning of my Fairytale
Chapter 17: Imperfections and Perfections
Chapter 18: The Date
Chapter 19: The Aftermath
Chapter 20 Back to the beginning
Chapter 21: Better or Worse?
Chapter 22: All we have is now
Chapter 23: Packing
Chapter 24: Day One
Chapter 25: Day Two
Chapter 26: Day Three Part 1
Hahhg. I Don't Even Know

Chapter 15: Our Love

145 9 2
By Princess_Styles_

-Harry's POV-

Zayn crashes to the floor. 

"What the hell! Zayn? What's wrong!!!!???" I turn to see Claire about to pass out herself.

"Babe? What's wrong. Please stay on your feet unlike him." I nodded my head towards Zayn.  Her mouth hangs open, in shock.

"I just introduced myself." She said, "Why is he judging me when he first met me? Am I really that ugly? What's wrong with me, Harry?"

 "You are perfect.  I just think he realized that we are here for her..." What did I just say!? She doesn't know anything!

"Wait.. You know?" She asks confused. 'She knows?' I ask myself.

"Are we talking about the same thing?" I ask. How were they even talking about Zayn in the first place?

"Melanie told me." She simply responds.  


-Claire's POV-

His face turns from worry, to confusion, to anger.

"Why were you talking about Zayn in the first place! Huh? Is he better for you? Do you love him? Whatever.  That's cool." He spat.

"Harry, I was talking about you." I choked out.

"Bull." He says fury spilling out of him.

"I was talking about you, you bastard! Then, the thought of you made her remember Zayn and she spilled everything." I scream at him.  His face falls into sorrow.

"Thanks for having faith in your girlfriend, Harry.  Thanks so much." I start to walk away, but he grabs my hand.

"What!?" His lip crash against mine, and I pull him apart.

"I thought I was supposed to be doing that with Zayn." I pouted, anger and sadness still filling my body from his assumptions.

"I was wrong, he is for Mel, and you, Claire, are for me."

I couldn't help but to smile. I lean in and whisper, "That's what I like to hear."  Pecking him swiftly on the lips.


-Zayn's POV-

I wake up to Claire and Harry snuggled up on the couch.

"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty," Harry mocks me, "how was your little nap?"

I clenched my fists. "I know why I'm here." I spit through my gritted teeth.

"Look Bro, I know I didn't tell you. But, we're here now. Tell her."  He was right.

"Thanks, Haz.  I'm sorry for freaking out." He smiles.

"What room?" I ask Claire.

"227." She states.

"Oh and Claire?" I ask, needing to appologize.

"Yeah?" She seems confused.

"Sorry, for passing out on you. Nice to meet you, I'm Zayn." I hold my hand out and she gladly takes it.

" Go get her." She says.


-Melanie's POV-

Claire has been gone for a long time now.  I wonder what her and Harry are doing.  I wish Zayn was here with me.

I miss his light brown eyes, his black hair in a quiff with a blonde tip.  I miss how he could cheer me up and keep me lively.  Plain and simply.

I miss Zayn.

I try to avoid the subject, and roll on my side, trying to sleep it off.

That's when I heard the door open.

"Finally! What took you so long?" I ask waiting for Claire to respond.

But, instead I hear a much deeper voice.  A familiar voice.  A voice that I have longed for, for much too long.

"I'm sorry I took so long, babe.  Just was busy on tour, missing you."

I rolled over seeing him. 

Zayn was here.


-Claire's POV-

"You are the best, you know that?" I asked him.  I believe I am starting to fall for this boy again.  Hard.

"I try to be." He smirks.

"I wonder what the two love birds upstairs are doing." I say.

"Probably making up for the time they had lost." He says, suddenly changing moods into sadness.

"What's wrong? Aren't you happy for them?" I ask.  What could he possibly be sad about right now?

"They are making up for that time, but we aren't." He says.  I get it now.

"What's stopping us?" I flirt.  I take his hand and lead him out of the hospital doors. 

Time for a date with Harry.



Alright, I am going to update quite a few times today! I have no homework, no volleyball, and no phone! So, this is all I am left to do!

I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! I am!

I want to dedicate this chapter to louistomlinsonlover0 

She says she loves my writing and it means a lot to me! 

Thanks for all of my readers and voters! All of you make me feel good about my writing! 

Comment what you think about this chapter! Finally Harry and Claire are starting to get close, with no distractions!

Vote, vote, and vote some more! Can't wait to update again!

Two Votes for the next Update?

Thanks Loves!

~~Emma .xxx

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