Chapter 21: Better or Worse?

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-Harry's POV-

She has her thinking face on. All that's running through my mind is regret.

Why couldn't I just let it happen as it happened. Now she's over thinking it. And running possibilities through her head.

Bad Possibilities.

-Clare's POV-

I knew he still had a career to attend to. But, I never thought about what would happen when he had to return.

And this just scares me. Last time he left, I never heard from him again. He never called, texted, emailed.. Nothing.

I also get nervous because I still remeber all those girls that I read about in the magazines. What if he gets careless again.

Will I still be his number one priority? Even across all those miles?

In order to keep things the way they are, I'm going to have to trust him- Have to do something that I still haven't been able to do.

For two whole months.

-Harry's POV-

I can't just sit here in the awkward silence anymore.

"Claire?" She lifts her head up and I see her eyes, teared up.  All her emotions are displayed to me in her eyes.

She bites her lip - a quality that normally appear attractive, but tonight, it makes me feel like she's nervous.

"Look, it's only two months. This could still work." I work my thumbs into small circles on her back and lay her head on my chest, trying to soothe her.

She looks up at me a single tear gliding down her cheek. "Only? That's a long time."

I hear her words crack with pain as they make their way out of her mouth.

"And Last Time-" She continues, as I hear her start to fall apart.

"Listen, Claire. I'm not giving up now. Things are not going to work how they did last time. I won't let them." She looks me in the eyes -- but this time, I see hope.

"I Promise."

-Claire's POV-

"I Promise."   

As I look into his eyes, somehow, I can tell that he is telling the truth. This Time, he means what he says.

I am going to put  my complete trust in him. Why? Because I know I can.

And This Time, nothing stands in our way.

-Harry's POV-

"Okay. I trust you."

I sigh in relief. "Thank You, Babe."

She smiles. "Now," I pull her close to me and lean in whispering,"Let's make this last week worth it."

She rushes her lips into mine and they move in sync.

After it all ends, she gets up and walks into the kitchen.

"Where are you going?" I yell.

"Hold on! I'll be right back." She responds.

After waiting for about five minutes, she returns in sweatpants and a big shirt with her hair tied up. She has a big bowl of popcorn, a blanket, and a movie in her hands.

"What's this?" I ask, pointing to the movie.

"The notebook!" She smiles and puts the movie into the dvd player. She dims the lights down and snuggles into my side.

I throw the blanket over us both and we begin to munch on the popcorn.

Things are finally where they need to be.


Well, It has been longer than I wanted it to be for this update, but it is finally here!

I hope you all liked it and you'll have to see how this week goes!!

6 Votes+ for update!  Also drop a comment! Tell me what you think!

Please check out some of Hazzas_Boo_Bear 's books! She's really talented and one of her books has me as the main character! Update that one soon, Bailee!

Thank You all!

~Emma <3

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