The Avenging Saiyan | Legend...

By UnmatchedPictures

6.1K 85 17

Saved From Certain Death By Captain Marvel, Baby Saiyan Masaru Katsuo, Is taken in by and trained by the aven... More

1-3:Masaru's Agility.
1-4:Masaru's Life After Amnesia
1-6:Ms Frost
1-7:President X
1-8:Fugitives Of The Law
1-9:Three V The Entire State?
1-10:Final Battle
1-11:Central Station
1-12:Central Station 2
1-13:Best Friends!
1-14:Uncontrollable I
1-15: Uncontrollable II
1-16: Start Of It All
1-17: Withdrawls.
1-18: Lunchroom Boxing!!!
1-20: Spider-Man/S1 Finale
2-1: Rock Up During A Lock Up.
2-2: Differences
2-3: Vegetable
2-4: Aw Shit
2-5: Moth To The Flame
2-6: Shit Happens
2-7: HvJ
2-8: SvN/J
2-9: The Phoenix 5
2-10: Three V One/S2 Finale
3-1: Aftermath
3-2: Uhh...Kinda Confused On What To Call This
3-3: Kiss Help
3-4: Land Of Savages I
3-5: Land Of Savages II
3-6: Lizardo! I
3-7: Lizardo II
3-8: Lizardo III
3-9: Lizardo IIII
3-10: Lizardo V
3-11: More Knowledge!/S3 Finale
4-1: Date Issues
4-2: Doom For Doom
4-3: Information
4-4: Aid
4-5: Training
4-6: Further Power
4-7: Arrival
4-8: Failed
4-9: 1v1 I
4-10: 1v1 II/S4 Finale
5-1: Mourning
5-2: Information on The Future
5-3: Gather
5-4: Arrival Of Aliens
5-5: Nappa's Best Day Ever
5-6: Death
5-7: No Chance
5-8: Saiyan V Saiyan
5-9: Androids
5-10: Mas v Droid
5-11: Super 13
5-12: Spirit Saiyan/S5 Finale
6-1: Age Of Ultron
6-2: Constantly Evolving
6-3: And So...
6-4: Ultron Meanwhile...
6-5: No Choice...
6-6: Attack Of Wakanda
6-7: Ultron Vs The Avengers
6-8: One V One
6-9: Three V One
6-10: Battle/S6 Finale
7-1: Seduction Go Crazy
7-2: Inheriting Enemies
7-3: Ass-Gard
7-4: Tested
7-5: Recruitment
7-6: Taken
7-7: Search
7-8: Failure Again
7-9: Arrival
7-10: Duo Of Power
7-11: Rise Of Heroes/S7 Finale
Movie: Story Of Trunks

1-19: Wrestling!!!

64 0 3
By UnmatchedPictures

Inside A Wrestling Arena.

Public: Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw! Bone Saw!

Bonesaw has just gotten done beating someone's ass.

Man: One, two, three. That's it!

Ring Announcer: Who's the man? Ladies and gentlemen give it up for Bone Saw McGraw. For $3000 is there no one here man enough to stay in the ring for three minutes with this titan of testosterone? Who? I know who. The Flying Dutchman.

With Peter.

Check-In Girl: Next. There's no featherweight division here smallfry. Next.

Peter: No, no. Sign me up.

Check-In Girl: Okay. You understand the NYWL is not responsible for any injury you may and probably will sustain while participating in said event and you are indeed participating of your own free will?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yes.

Check-In Girl: Down the hall to the ramp. May God be with you. Next.

Inside The Ring.

Ring Announcer: Are you ready for more?

Bone Saw McGraw: Bone Saw is ready!

Ring Announcer: Will the next victim please enter the arena at this time? If he can withstand just three minutes in the cage with Bone Saw McGraw the sum of $3000 will be paid to...

He backs up to Peter.

Ring Announcer: What's your name, kid?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: The Human Spider.

Ring Announcer: The Human Spider? That's it. That's the best you got?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Yeah.

Ring Announcer: Oh, that sucks. The sum of $3000 will be paid to the terrifying, the deadly the amazing Spider-Man!

The Fold comes up revealing Parker.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: My Name's the Human Spider.

Man: I don't care, get out there.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No, he got my name wrong.

Man: *pushing Peter out* Get out there, moron.

In The Avengers Base Masaru is eating nachos, he looks at the wrestling match.


Bitch 1: Bone Saw will eat you up and spit you out, little man.

Bitch 2: I hope you brought your mommy. We'll break you! You'll need someone to cry to.

Bitch 3: I'm gonna rip all eight of your feeble legs off one by one.

Flying Dutchman: Oh, my God! Oh, my legs! Oh, God. I can't feel my legs.

Public: Kill! Kill! Kill! Cage! Cage! Cage! Cage!

Peter enters the arena.

Ring Announcer: Will the guards please lock the cage doors at this time?

The cage comes down and then locks.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Hey listen! This is some kind of mistake. I didn't sign up for a cage match! Unlock the thing! Take the chain off!

Bone Saw McGraw: Hey, freak show! You're going nowhere. I got you for three minutes. Three minutes of playtime.

Peter then dodged a lot of attacks, then climbed up the cage, deciding on taunting Bonesaw.

Bone Saw McGraw: What are you doing up there?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Staying away from you. That's a cute outfit. Did your husband give it to you?

Masaru: That voice...Peter?! Son of a bitch I'm always saving this fuck face!

He gets up and runs out.

Bonesaw tried reaching for Spider-Man but ended up falling down.

Bitch 2: Kick his spider ass!

Bonesaw then used a club and a chair to hit Spider-Man. Just then a flash of blue knocks the weapons out of his hands.

Peter thanks to some repetitive kicks, was able to defeat him and win the fight.

Wrestling Arena Guard: One, two, three! That's it! That's it! Winner!

Ring Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the new champion, Spider-Man!

Public: Spider-Man! Spider-Man! Spider-Man!

Spider-Man Looks up and sees Masaru who winks and vanishes. Spider-Man smirks, peter is later seen infront of the promoter who puts down $100. Peter takes it and waits expectingly for the rest.

Wrestling Promoter: Now get out of here.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: A hundred bucks? The ad said 3000.

Wrestling Promoter: Well, check it again, webhead. It said three grand for three minutes. You pinned him in two. For that, I give you 100. You're lucky to get that.

If anything he should get more the hell.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I need that money.

Wrestling Promoter: I missed the part where that's my problem.

Peter leaves, a guy with a bag walks in and throws it at the promoter.

Wrestling Promoter: Hey, what the hell?

He takes out a gun and aims it at the dude.

Dennis Carradine: Put the money in the bag.

Peter walks toward the elevator and hears.

Dennis Carradine: Hurry up!

He pistol whips the promoter and after a second runs out.

Wrestling Promoter: Hey! He stole the gate!

Policeman #1: Stop that guy!

Wrestling Promoter: Stop him! He's got my money!

Peter moves to the side letting the guy through.

Dennis Carradine: Thanks.

He leaves, a cop runs over and looks at Peter.

Policeman #1: What the hell's the matter with you?

Policeman #2: Let him go! Cut him off in the lobby and call the cops!

The promoter walks over to Peter.

Wrestling Promoter: You could've taken that guy apart. Now he's going to get away with my money.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I missed the part where that's my problem.

Still one of the best quotes to this day.

The promoter scowls at Peter and leaves, Peter eventually catches the elevator and dips out.

Masaru appears infront of him scaring him.

Masaru: You wanna explain to me in detail why the hell you where fighting Bonesaw McGraw?

Peter: I needed money to...(quietly) impress mj.

Masaru: Sorry what was that I had bullshit in my ear?

Peter: I wanted to impress MJ!

Masaru: Peter if she doesn't love you without money what makes you think she'll love you with it?

The elevator goes silent.

Peter: That was deep.

Masaru: Really?

Peter: Yeah.

Later Peter and Masaru walk and see a lot of people surrounding something...or someone. He walks over.

Cop: You gotta get back.

Man: I can't see.

Man: What happened?

Girl: Old dude, man.

Cop: Come on, folks.

Cop: Keep moving, please. Keep moving.

Man: Let's go!

Man: What happened?

Girl: Someone got hurt.

Masaru and Peter makes his way through the crowd.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.

They make it to the edge.

Policewoman: Stay back. Stay back!

He spots who it is.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: That's my uncle!

Masaru: BEN! What happened?

Policewoman: Carjacker. He's been shot. We just called the paramedics. They're on their way.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Uncle Ben? Uncle Ben. Uncle Ben?

Masaru: Senzu-

Plot: Nope.

Masaru: Damn it!!

Ben Parker: Peter.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I'm here, Uncle Ben.

Ben Parker: Peter. M-Mas...aru...

He ultimately dies.

Policeman: They got the shooter. He's headed south on Fifth. We got three cars in pursuit. All right, folks. Come on, move back.

Masaru out of anger bursts into the air. Peter runs off into an alley suiting up.

After learning to swing Peter jumped infront of the car, and proceeded to break the front window of the car.

Seeing Peter distracted Carradine, and he drove into the gates of abandoned warehouse, breaking them. After this, Carradine hid inside of the warehouse.

Dennis Carradine: Who's there?

After hiding in the warehouse, he then came to his senses that someone else was with him inside the warehouse.

After fighting with the killer, oh wait I'm sorry...AFTER BRUTALIZING BRO. As in slamming him into two glass windows via Peter, and beating on him via Peter and Masaru.

Dennis Carradine: Don't hurt me. Just give me a chance. Just give me a chance!


Peter Parker/Spider-Man: Did you give him a chance? Did you? Answer me!

Peter pushed him to a wall, realizing that the killer was the same man whom he let escape the robbery.

Policeman #1: Stop that guy!

Dennis Carradine: Thanks.

Dennis Carradine: See you.

He was about to shoot Peter when he let his guard down, Masaru injured him in self-defence. The man, frightened by his superhuman strength, realising he wasn't human and backed away before tripping over a pipe and fell out of the window, killing him upon impact.

A light shines on the boys as they look down at carradine's body it's the pigs, 12, the po-po, the coppers or the police.

Police: Freeze! We've got the place completely surrounded.

They managed to escape from the police before they could catch them.

That night, Parker sat on top of the Chrysler Building, reminiscing about what had happened. He then went home and embraced May, both being heartbroken about the loss of Ben.

At Aerospace.

General Slocum: Good evening.

Project Coordinator: General. Good to see you. Our exoskeleton's got real firepower, general.

General Slocum: Well, if it does what you say it can, I'll sign that contract tomorrow.

Men: He's clear! Let's go!

General Slocum: I assume you're confident about this test.

Project Coordinator: Absolutely, Captain Curtis is our top pilot. Now, what about your commitment to Oscorp?

General Slocum: Nothing would please me more than to put Norman Osborn out of business.

Dude what did he even do to you?

Captain Curtis: Preflight complete. Mark.

Man #2: We are picking up an unidentified object closing fast.

Captain Curtis: What the hell is that?

Man #2: Can you see anything?

Captain Curtis: Oh, my God!

The Green Goblin bombs Quest Aerospace, killing Slocum and others.

The Next Day.

May Parker: Can I fix you something?

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: No, thanks. I missed him a lot today.

May Parker: I know. I miss him too. But he was there.

Peter Parker/Spider-Man: I can't help thinking about the last thing I said to him. He tried to tell me something important, and I threw it in his face.

May Parker: You loved him and he loved you. He never doubted the man you'd grow into. How you were meant for great things. You won't disappoint him.

A while later, Parker found out he had kept his wrestling suit. However, after seeing his previous suit design, he perfected it with his original idea for the suit.

Peter remembers these words...

Ben Parker: With great power comes great responsibility. Remember that, Pete. Remember that.

Taking Ben's words into heart, Peter then decided to wear it to conceal his identity and fight crime as a vigilante/superhero known as the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. He stopped various crimes, including a bodega robbery, a jeweler robbery, and so much more.

At The Bugle...

J. Jonah Jameson: "Who is Spider-Man?" He's a criminal, that's who he is. A vigilante, a public menace. What's he doing on my front page?

Betty Brant: Mr. Jameson, your wife is on Line One, she needs to know if you...

Ted Hoffman: Mr. Jameson, there's a page six problem.

J. Jonah Jameson: We have a page one problem, shut up.

Ted Hoffman: Right.

J. Jonah Jameson: Well?

Robbie Robertson: He's news.

Ted Hoffman: Th-They're really important clients, they can't wait.

J. Jonah Jameson: They're about to.

Robbie Robertson: He pulled six people off that subway car.

J. Jonah Jameson: Sure, from a wreck he probably caused. Something goes wrong and this creepy-crawler is there. Look at that, he's fleeing the scene. What's that tell you?

Robbie Robertson: He's not fleeing, he's probably going to save somebody else. He's a hero!

J. Jonah Jameson: Then why's he wear a mask, hmm? What's he got to hide?

Hop off his sack dude...

Betty Brant: She just needs to know if you want the chintz or the chenille in the dining room.

J. Jonah Jameson: Whichever one's cheaper.

Ted Hoffman: Mr. Jameson, it's like this. We double-booked page six. See, so both Macy's and Conway's both have three-quarters of the same page.

Robbie Robertson: We sold out four printings.

J. Jonah Jameson: Sold out?

Robbie Robertson: Every copy.

J. Jonah Jameson: Tomorrow morning, Spider-Man, page one with a decent picture this time. Move Conway to page seven.

Ted Hoffman: There's problem at page seven.

J. Jonah Jameson: Then make it page eight and give 'em 10 percent off. Nah, make it 5 percent.

Ted Hoffman: That can't be done.

J. Jonah Jameson: Get outta here!

Robbie Robertson: Problem is, we don't have a decent picture. Eddie's been on it for weeks, we can barely get a glimpse of him.

J. Jonah Jameson: Aw, what is he, shy? If we can get a picture of Julia Roberts in a thong, we can certainly get a picture of this weirdo. Put an ad on the front page: "Cash money for a picture of Spider-Man." He doesn't want to be famous? Then I'll make him infamous!

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