
By Lilas___

47.6K 4.2K 5.8K

[Tsundere x Reader] One second she was just a simple nurse, tending to her patients and doing her job. J... More

Chapter 1 - Secrets
Chapter 2 - Bitten
Chapter 3 - Rise
Chapter 4 - Shot
Chapter 5 - Rebirth
Chapter 6 - Orders
Chapter 7 - Dispute
Chapter 8 - Research
Chapter 9 - Watching
Chapter 10 - Guilt
Chapter 11 - Distrust
Chapter 12 - Alarm
Chapter 14 - Stuck
Chapter 15 - Signal
Chapter 16 - Surrounded
Chapter 17 - Guns
Chapter 18 - Range
Chapter 19 - Interlude
Chapter 20 - Station
Chapter 21 - Pendant
Chapter 22 - Ex
Chapter 23 - Market
Chapter 24 - Honesty
Chapter 25 - Difference
Chapter 26 - Vent
Chapter 27 - List
Chapter 28 - Bandanna
Chapter 29 - Stranger
Chapter 30 - Hidden
Chapter 31 - Desperate
Chapter 32 - Hostage
Chapter 33 - Corpse
Chapter 34 - Tension
Chapter 35 - Depart
Chapter 36 - Tougher
Chapter 37 - Losing
Chapter 38 - Papa
Chapter 39 - Thief
Chapter 40 - Plans
Chapter 41 - Diversion
Chapter 42 - Escape
Chapter 43 - End

Chapter 13 - Run

1.2K 113 192
By Lilas___

This chapter is pretty long. Almost had to separate into two 😅

Violence Warning ⚠️

(Y/N) and Dell couldn't do anything to stop Jonathan and the survivors from initiating their plan.

The nurses were left tied up in the bathroom as if their fates didn't matter. And then they heard the fire alarm and knew it was too late.

Both ladies worked to get the ropes off as best as they could. It was hard trying to maneuver their hands around with ropes that were so tight. But after some time, Dell was able to loosen her enough to pull her hands out. It hurt but her wrists felt relief once they were out. Immediately she got to untying (Y/N) and undoing the gag in her mouth.

"We need to go now!" (Y/N) rushed as she pulled her hands free once the ropes were loose enough.

"Did they let the fiends in yet..?" Dell asked, but her question was quickly answered once they heard shooting.

Dell stumbled back as she looked terrified. She spent the first two days running from those things and narrowly losing her life in the process. (Y/N) had a pit in her stomach as she froze at the chaos that was happening again. But she turned back to her friend and took her hand into hers. "We need to find help."

"Who?!" As far as Dell knew, they got abandoned by the survivors and the Satellite soldiers were still untrustworthy.

Their options weren't great but they had a better chance if they got to the latter. Satellite may be bad but at least they were trying to protect them. "We need to find Drake or the Captain! Or somebody from their team."

"Are you sure?"

(Y/N)'s hand squeezed Dell's a bit tighter, as if to comfort her own self. "What choice do we have..?"

It may not be the greatest option, but it was the only way they could survive this. Even though (Y/N) will live, she just couldn't lose Dell...

Once they were in agreement, they left the bathroom and checked to make sure it was clear before entering the lab. But as they did, out came Wes from the men's bathroom carrying a female soldier on his back and he looked at the two with wide eyes. Drake came out behind him with an incapacitated man dragging behind him. His hazel eyes landed on (Y/N)'s (e/c) ones. He was a mix of confusion, disbelief, and anger. "What the hell! Where were you?!"

When she heard his angry tone, she glared at him. "Tied up in a bathroom, asshole!"

Wes quickly stepped in before the two can argue again. "We have bigger things to worry about, guys."

Drake tsked and gripped onto the survivor's shirt tighter and pushed him forward. The man grunted and stumbled on his feet. His hands were tied behind his back with the same rope they used on Wes.

"You wanna tell me what the hell is going on?" Drake threatened as he pressed his gun into the man's back.

"We know." Dell spoke up. "The survivors stole your guns and are planning to get to your trucks to escape. They're using the fiends as a distraction."

"Rose's keys..." Wes muttered as he realized.

"Fucking great..." Drake knew that there was something off about the survivors. Especially that older man, Jonathan.

The man yanked on his binds but couldn't break free from the Sergeant's vice grip. "None of us trusted you! You all are the reason for those things!"

"Do you wanna become one of them?" Drake sneered as he started pushing the man toward the door leading to the halls. The man quickly pushed back as a look of fear crossed his face. Drake took note of this and threw the man to the side. "Coward."

As Drake pulled his rifle off his back, Wes moved over to the nurses and started handing Cheng over to them. "Can you carry her? We'll keep you safe."

Both (Y/N) and Dell moved the soldier's arms over them to carry her from each side. Cheng was slowly gaining consciousness but the blow to her head made it difficult to stand on her own.

"What are you going to do?" (Y/N) asked as her anxiousness grew.

Drake pulled his pistol out of his holster and tossed it to Wes who already had the one the man stole. He switched the safety off his rifle and got into position at the door. "Find the team, clear out the fiends, then we're getting out of here."

The man on the ground struggled to get up with his arms tied behind him. He looked between the small group with wide eyes. "What about me?! You're just going to leave me here?!"

"Figure it out." Drake simply spoke as he nodded for Wes to get ready.

The scientist nodded and held both pistols up toward the door. As soon as Drake pulled the door open, three fiends nearby noticed them as started bolting toward them. Drake's rifle was loud as he aimed for their heads and shot them all down. As he moved out into the halls, Wes covered his back and killed two more fiends who ran toward them.

The two nurses shared a look and started following them with Cheng once they gave the clear.

Everything was flipped upside down in a matter of seconds. The fiends were coming from the other side of the wing that was blocked off. Many of the soldiers fell back to the from that point while they kept the main doors closed from the fiends on the other side. Rose was among the soldiers keeping the main doors shut and once he saw the small group emerge from the lab, he quickly laid down covering fire for them with his own rifle.

(Y/N) and Dell kept their heads down as they rushed over to where the other soldiers were. Drake and Wes followed behind them and worked to clear out the rest of the fiends in the wing. The last one was shot down and toppled to the floor but more would come soon.

Rose ceased fire and got up to help the nurses with Cheng. "Come on. Set her down here."

They followed and carefully placed Cheng down on the floor. The woman grimaced from the pain in her head.

Rose glanced back at Drake and Wes who joined them but kept their eyes peeled for more fiends. "Was wondering where you boys were."

"Getting double-crossed, sir..." Wes reluctantly spoke.

"I can tell." Rose turned back to check on Cheng who had a disoriented look in her eyes. He looked up to Dell and (Y/N), hoping for their help. "Status?"

"Oh um-" Dell looked over the woman. She had a gash on her head, similar to Wes' but bigger.

(Y/N) held up five fingers and snapped her other ones to get Cheng's attention. "Can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?"

But Cheng couldn't focus or see straight. She gazed between (Y/N)'s fingers and did her best to answer which wasn't much. "I- I..."

"She has a concussion. A pretty bad one." Dell deducted as she turned to Rose who was frustrated.

How could he let those people manage to get one over him? He should've known to check them as soon as his keys disappeared.

Drake stepped up impatiently, knowing that time wasn't on their side right now. "Captain, we need to get to the trucks before the survivors do. They have our weapons and likely our ammo too."

"Do we stick to the escape plan, sir?" Another soldier asked.

"We need to leave the area before more come. That alarm won't shut off." A third piped in.

Rose quickly thought to himself before he stood up. He looked between everyone and then laid his eyes on the main doors that were being held closed to prevent any more fiends from barging in. It's their only way out and he had a solution for it. "Does anyone still have a grenade on them?"

One soldier quickly patted their pants before pulling out a small round grenade from their pocket. Rose took it and approached the doors. "On my count, open the doors but just enough for me to toss this through."

(Y/N) eyes widened as she watched his actions closely. Drake moved to stand in front of her with his rifle trained on the door.

Once the Captain finished his countdown, the two soldiers holding the doors pulled them open just enough, and immediately the hands of fiends shot through to try and grab them. They avoided the hands and Rose quickly pulled the pin on the grenade and rolled it out between the many legs of the fiends. Because of the arms, they had trouble closing the door but Drake shot some rounds into them that made the arms either fall out or pull back.

Right as the door was finally shut, a loud boom reverberated from the other side. Both (Y/N) and Dell flinched from the loud noise.

He was glancing outside to see the pile of dead fiends on the ground from the explosion. "Alright, everyone arm up! We stick together and get to the trucks. No man gets left behind!"

He turned to Drake and gestured to the two nurses who were helping Cheng up to her feet. "Blackwell and Woodrow. You keep those ladies covered. Don't fall back!"

"Yes, sir!" Both men spoke.

(Y/N) adjusted Cheng's arm over her shoulder as Dell did the same. As they began following the team out into the halls, the female soldier groaned. "Don't drop me..."

"We won't." (Y/N) reassured as the two nurses began helping her walk.

As they moved toward the main door and past the room that was reserved for (Y/N), Drake's eyes fell on something inside that was being left behind. He quickly debated before running in to grab it and heading back to join up with the team.

The scene outside of the door was brutal. Such a small grenade managed to obliterate the group of fiends who were once banging their fists on the door. (Y/N) had to direct her eyes away after seeing after she mistakenly looked at a fiend who was now missing an entire leg with their guts spilling out. The ones who didn't die from the explosion the Satellite team quickly took out before proceeding.

Somewhere off in the hospital, they could hear gunshots and knew it was the survivors.

Rose took the lead as his team followed and covered each side they had. Occasionally a fiend would run out on them but would be quickly taken down with a shot to the head.

It was crazy seeing these soldiers kill the fiends with such ease. Rose coordinated them well and knew when to tell them to ease fire, start moving, stop moving, hang back, disperse, and regroup. She couldn't keep up with all the orders at all. She had to rely on Drake who would have to grab her shoulder each time an order came.

They began to reach a stairwell and Rose along with two other soldiers went in first to clear it out. Wes cane around the three ladies and lowered down to check on Cheng. "You doing okay, Dan?"

"I would if the guns weren't so loud..." She groaned.

"Just hang in there." Wes reassured, giving her a pat on the shoulder.

"Stairwell is clear! Let's move out!" Rose called and so the team continued.

They must have a certain route they're taking that (Y/N) noticed as well. Rose led the team through specific halls and stuck close to the furthest end of the hospital near where the parking garage should be. As they traveled down another flight of stairs while taking out a few fiends, (Y/N) could see the parking garage through the windows.

They pushed through a set of doors and entered what (Y/N) and Dell knew was the main lobby. They both shuddered when they spotted the bodies that littered the floor. Broken glass, toppled over carts, chairs in disarray. Outside through the front entrance was a police car crashed halfway through the revolving doors and the unfortunate driver lay deceased on the hood torn to bits.

"Update on position." Rose called to a soldier.

"North lobby, sir. The parking garage should be just ahead."

"Then let's waste no time. I don't want those idiots touching my trucks." Rose grunted and proceeded forward.

Just as they began to move, they heard banging against a set of doors behind them.

The doors were already pretty beaten up but gradually began to cave in from the number of fiends trying to get in.

It won't be long before that door caves and they're flooded with fiends. Rose estimated how far they were from the garage before he turned to Drake and Wes. "You two, take the nurses and Cheng to the trucks. We'll hold them off until we can catch up."

Wes quickly objected since this went against one of the Captain's earlier orders. "I thought we weren't supposed to split up, sir?"

"For now we are. We need our trucks, now go!" Rose ordered again and went to start getting the rest into position to hold off the oncoming fiends.

Drake met Wes' unsure eyes and nodded toward the garage. The Captain was right. They needed to get to the trucks before Jonathan and the survivors can make off with them.

(Y/N) looked back just as the door caved in and dozens of fiends came falling out. They tripped over each other as they spotted the soldiers. Rose waited until the perfect moment to order them to fire.

The gunfire became muffled once they left the lobby and pushed past the doors leading to the garage. Drake rushed forward to where the trucks were parked and spotted the survivors who were currently entering the first of the two.

"Get down." Drake called back to the nurses as he held his rifle up and began laying fire.

(Y/N) and Dell pulled Cheng over to cover. The survivors quickly ducked away behind the trucks but not before Drake managed to hit two. He quickly moved behind a pillar as Wes took cover behind a car.

Jonathan tsked as he took up cover behind the truck's hood and started shooting back at the two. (Y/N) and Dell kept their heads down as bullets went flying over them.

"This is crazy! This is crazy-" Dell repeated to herself, shaking in fear.

From all of the noise happening, several nearby fiends rushed toward the survivors. Both Drake and Wes held fire as the fiends tried getting at the survivors who focused their attention on them. Jonathan was the quickest at taking out two but a different survivor, the blond woman, was grabbed before she could raise her gun. The fiends growled as they yanked on her arm and sunk their teeth into her neck. She screamed in pain and was dragged to the ground. Jonathan killed off the second last fiend before aiming his gun at the first, shooting it in the head.

The fiend fell off the woman and she choked on her own blood. But without any parting words, Jonathan shot her point blank in the head which took the last three remaining survivors off guard.

"Get in the trucks." He grunted and raised his rifle back up toward Wes and Drake.

The Sergeant looked at the scientist and started silently communicating with him. He made a running gesture and aimed his hand at his head like it was a gun and Wes soon nodded along and moved back along his cover.

(Y/N) watched what they were doing and didn't have a good feeling about it.

Drake reloaded his gun and focused back on the ex-op. "You know those trucks don't belong to you. Neither do those weapons!"

"The way the world is becoming, anything is up for grabs." Jonathan sneered, his rifle firing a couple of shots into the pillar Drake hid behind.

He waited until the bullets stopped before continuing the distraction. "We're a government-backed corporation. Stealing our property and shooting at us can land you a hefty sentence."

"Does that even matter anymore?" The older man countered and glanced up to the remaining survivors who piled into the trucks. "Get that thing started!"

The survivors quickly inserted the keys and went to start the trucks. (Y/N)'s eyes met Drake's as he began to smirk. "Dumbasses."

The truck began to rev but after some time, it didn't start up. They tried again but once more, it didn't start.

Jonathan took his eyes off Drake for a second as an intense look crossed his face. "What's going on?!"

"It won't start!" The survivor exclaimed.

Wes gradually snuck up to Jonathan and had his pistols raised to get his shot ready. He stuck close to the truck to stay out of the survivors' eyesight and got ready to take the shot at the older man.

"You have the key." Drake started as he poked his head out to smirk at Jonathan. "But do you have the backup key?"

"Motherfu-" The older man swore before he realized Drake was looking behind him. He quickly ducked to the side just as Wes' bullets hit the space Jonathan was just in.

The scientist saw that he was discoverd and tried ducking back quickly but Jonathan lifted his rifle up and fired.

Drake's face fell as he saw his friend go down behind the truck, out of his sight. (Y/N) and Dell heard the shooting and looked up to see Drake rush out from his cover. His race was full of rage as he rained bullets all over Jonathan's cover. One of them managed to hit the man in the side before he could duck behind a car. The survivors went to help him but soon saw the rest of the Satellite team reaching the garage.

Jonathan held his side painfully and pushed to his feet as he held his rifle in one hand and shot back at Drake who jumped away.

All he could focus on was getting to his friend.

The rest of the Satellite team poured in with Rose leading them. He looked around and saw the nurses with Cheng in cover and ordered for them to be protected. He spotted Drake firing after Jonathan who began to flee, using the vehicles as cover to slip away.

Drake would've chased after him and put a couple rounds into his back but he needed to get to Wes.

The three remaining survivors knew when to give up after seeing the ex-op just abandoned them like that. With them being outnumbered now, they dropped their stolen guns and were ordered to exit the truck.

A couple of soldiers helped (Y/N) and Dell carry Cheng out of their cover and over to the trucks. (Y/N)'s eyes looked around until she spotted Drake rushing for where Wes had fallen. She quickly asked a soldier to take Cheng's arm for her and ran over to follow Drake.

The Sergeant reached the back of the truck where Wes had fallen and found the scientist still alive to his relief but clutching his leg that was bleeding.

Drake cursed to himself and went to go help him, seeing that he had several bullet wounds spread across the side of his leg.

"This hurts like hell, man..." Wes seethed through his teeth.

"I bet it does." Drake muttered in worry and went to help him up but moving just an inch of his leg caused Wes to grunt in pain.

"Fuck. Can somebody help me!" Drake called for his team.

But instead of a soldier like he was expecting, (Y/N) appeared and immediately got down to her knees to inspect Wes' leg.

She didn't waste a second to help them. This somehow took him by surprise.

"There's some grazes." She spoke as she carefully examined Wes' leg. "But you were hit twice in your thigh. One of the bullets didn't exit."

There wasn't much time to do a thorough inspection as they began to hear more fiends coming their way.

"Get to the trucks! We're leaving!" Rose's voice called out.

(Y/N) glanced up to meet Drake's eyes who was watching her, trying to get an idea of her. But once he heard his Captain's order, he gestured to his friend and (Y/N) helped him get Wes to his feet.

The scientist groaned in pain but had to endure it as they all rushed for the trucks.

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