By s4dgirlszn

977K 26K 18.7K

In Which, Harmony Simmons agrees to a six month contractual Pr stunt with Jude Bellingham. More

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New book!


13.9K 369 406
By s4dgirlszn



I OPEN my eyes, shifting a little and feel an arm around me. I peer down to see Jude's arm wrapped around my waist and then I look to my left and see that I'm laying down on his chest.

My eyes widen when the realisation that I feel asleep on him hits me. I gently remove his arm from around my waist without waking him and then ever so slowly I scoot to the edge of the bed, discreetly trying to get out of it.

"What are you doing?" I hear Jude ask sleepily.

I turn to him, one leg in the bed one leg out. I'm practically hanging off about to fall out.

"I...didn't want to wake you up." I lie

He shifts so he's facing me. Grabs my arm that's in the bed, pulls me so I'm back in it properly.

"Aw, do you care about my sleep sweetheart?" He teases his signature smirk on his lips as he looks into my eyes. I'm trying to keep myself composed but the close proximity and the way he easily pulled me back into the bed is making my head foggy and heart race.

"No. Not your sleep specifically. I just care about sleep in general. I really like sleep. I'm a sleep advocate. I believe everyone in the world should get their correct hours of sleep." I blink rapidly. I'm nervous. He makes me nervous.

"You know..." He inches closer and I'm about to move back but he wraps an arm around my waist to stop me.

"You're cute when you ramble." He grins

"I'm not rambling." Roll my eyes

"Sleep really does matter to me." I voice

"Mhm." He's still grinning

"It does!" I hit him a little

"Sure." Grin is yet to disappear.

"You're annoying." I huff

"You're adorable." He smartly counters.

I try not to smile as I watch him remove his hand from my waist and get out of bed. He goes into the bathroom to brush his teeth and shower.

He's in there for twenty minutes and then finally comes out in nothing but a towel around his waist. My eyes nearly fall out of my head when he leaves the bathroom to grab his clothes to change.

He is something else. An absolutely beautiful specimen of a man. And what makes him even more attractive is his personality. Granted he wasn't the nicest when we first met. But when the ice started to thaw and the real him was exposed, how could you not be attracted to him.

He's one of the sweetest most caring men I've ever met. He truly does have a heart of gold when you get to know him how I have. It's impassible not to fall for him. I didn't see it before. How so many girls were hooked on him. But now I do. Now I know how easy it is to fall for him and how hard it is to stop yourself from doing so.

I'm still ogling him when he turns around and our eyes accidentally catch. I immediately look away but it's too late.

He doesn't say anything though. He just smirks and returns back to the bathroom to change.

"Hey, can I use your laptop!" I call out before he shuts the door. Still trying to pull myself together from the site I just saw that was amazing by the way.

"Yeah sure, passwords 1867 ." He responds before shutting the door.

I stand grabbing his laptop from the desk in our room and then return back to the bed. Punch in the pin, open up google and start looking for what I need to.

He comes out in five minutes, looking even better than before.

"You look nice." I compliment looking up at him.

"Oh yeah?" He smirks. That damn smirk of his.

"Yes." I roll my eyes.

"What you looking at?" He asks walking over to me and bending down, looking over my shoulder at the screen.

"Fashion design course." I shrug scrolling through it.

"You thinking of doing it?" He asks me

"Yeah." I nod

"I love styling, but I always kind of wanted to expand my knowledge on the design side of things. Learn more about it." I look at him and he smiles. Like a real genuine smile. Like he's proud of me. It warms my heart.

"You should definitely do it. You'd be amazing at it." He's still smiling and I'm melting. He's got the prettiest smile.

"Yeah?" I smile.

"Yeah." He confirms. Sealing it with one last smile.

"There's so many locations." I say

"Is there a London one?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah. But I think I wanna go to Madrid and study the course. Something different."

"Yeah, Madrid would be cool." He shrugs moving away from me a little. But still next to me.

"So...would you go right after the contract ends?" He questions.

I think about it a little. I'm not sure. But I don't think I will.

"No. I think I'll have a month or two settling back into life back home and then go." I tell him as I click on the course to fill out my details.

"Oh okay." He nods.

I look up at him. His face looks a little strained. Sad even. It shifts when he catches me looking at him.

"What does the birthday girl to be want to do today?" He asks sitting back down on the bed on his side.

"Mhm I'm not sure."

"Boat trip would be fun." I reveal

"Okay. I'll call the front desk, see if I they have one I can book." He smiles nicely.

"Thank you." I smile back.

"Let me go get ready, we have to meet everyone for breakfast at 9." I say as I stand. The course has been applied for so I give Jude his laptop back.

He nods.

I'm dressed and ready in twenty minutes. Jude grabs his phone, I grab mine and then we leave the hotel room.

We're walking to the table where my family and our friends are seated when Jude whispers something to me.

"Hold my hand." He says

"What?" I look up at him confused as we near the table.

"Hold my hand." He repeats


"Because we're meant to be in a relationship."

"Okay. But it's unnecessary to hold hands walking to the breakfast table. Couples walk separately." I argue back.

"Harmony just do it." He huffs.

"No." I deny

He grabs my hand anyways, interlocking his fingers with mine. I'm fighting back a smile. I can't say I don't like the feeling of his hand holding mine.

We're greeted with smiles from my family and smirks from our friends when we approach the table.

"You two look nice today." My mum comments as we sit down next to one another.

"Thanks mum." I smile politely.

"So what's the plan for today?" Aaliyah asks

"Harms wanted to do a boat trip. I spoke to reception just before we came here. She said there's a boat ride today at one. A few other people will be on there. So I booked it for all of us." Jude informs the group.

There's mumbles of enthusiastic okay's as confirmation.

I pick up the menu and look over it. Scrunch my face up because I'm not liking anything on the there.

"What's up?" Aaliyah asks

"Don't really like anything on here." I tell her

"Seriously harms you're so picky darling." My mum says with a small laugh.

"No because I swear, I've never seen someone so fussy with eating. She's the only person who's this bad." Aaliyah chimes in.

"Maybe when she turns twenty she'll be less picky." Iris jokes.

"Hey, maybe she'll eat mash potatoes too." Jude chips in and I'm not amused at the light hearted bullying I'm receiving at this table.

"I'm not that bad!" I declare. Glaring at my sister, best friend, mum and fake boyfriend.

"Oh you are." My mum counters

"I'm really not. In fact I'll prove to all of you losers I'm not. I'm going to order something from this menu. Something I've never tried before." I stick my nose up in the air proudly as I browse the menu.

Everyone looks amused. I can tell they don't think I'm able to do this. But they'll see.

"What are you going to order?" Jude asks leaning towards me to read my menu.

"This one." I point to it. No clue what it is. I think it's some version of a poached egg. Some mushrooms there somewhere. Toast on the side. Toasts good. I can deal with toast.

"You sure?" He looks amused.

"Yes." I say adamantly

"I don't believe you'll be able to eat anything that isn't nuggets." He teases.

"Well believe it." I state sternly and then snap my head towards the waiter that's just approached our table asking if we're ready to order.

I order my food loudly so everyone at the table can know I'm trying something different. Jude orders pancakes which I comment on, saying that it's not very adventurous.

In ten minutes our food has arrived and I'm regretting everything. The toast looks burnt, the egg looks soggy. And I'm not even a fan of mushrooms. Yet I have to save face, so I begin to eat it.

I take incredibly small bites that take a painfully slow amount of time to actually reach my mouth and chew.

Everyone seeing me somewhat eat is impressed, not paying me much mind once I've managed to put a mouthful of the food in my mouth. Jude isn't though.

Jude being the bane of my literal existence, watches me like a hawk as I try my best to knit pick my food and "eat" it.

I look over to him. His plates untouched.

"Instead of watching me you should eat your own food. Barely touched it." I observe.

All he does is chuckle.

"They're not for me." He picks my plate up, slides his one over to me and then places my plate down in front of him.

"What?" I ask

"I knew you'd never eat that. You didn't even know what it was." He laughs

"I've been to Mykonos before, a fair few times. So I've eaten this before." He points to mine—that's now his, plate.

"I knew the minute you ordered it you'd hate it. So I ordered you pancakes because I knew you'd either starve to death to save face or ask me for some of my food." He explains.

My eyes go soft. Butterflies are flapping around in my stomach due to his attentiveness and consideration. And the fact that he knows me so damn well.

"So, you ordered food for me because you knew I'd hate what I ordered and you wanted me to have something to eat?" I ask


"You did that all for me?"



"Why?" He repeats

"Yes why?" I ask

"Because I like to keep that pretty smile going." He winks at me.

I roll my eyes with a smile. "Thank you."

"Welcome, gorgeous." He grins as he starts to eat his new plate.

I look down at my pancakes with a devious grin. Ready to obliterate them but then I notice there's no syrup. I pout as I stare at them.

"Don't tell me you don't like these either?" Jude looks distressed before I've even said a word.

"No I do."

"It's just there's no syrup."

"Oh, here." He passes me a small gravy boat type thing of it.

"There's so much." My eyes are practically sparkling as i look at the syrup filler gravy boat.

"Yeah I figured you'd like a lot of syrup. You have a sweet tooth. Ice cream fiend and all." He laughs.

I look at him, grinning.

"You're pretty." I smile goofily. He's my favourite person in the universe right now.

"Eat your pancakes." He smirks nodding at my plate.

"Whatever you say." I wink playfully. I then turn to the pancakes I'm going to devour and smile widely.

After all of those pancakes it was destiny that while we're waiting to meet up with the group again in two hours, I fall asleep.

I'm talking deep sleep. Mouth open, drooling everywhere. I'm Incredibly displeased when Jude wakes me up.

"We've got to go." He tells me.

I glare at him. Annoyed. Mad. Tired. All of the above.

I'm about to shut my eyes again. Ignore his instructions. But Jude drags me towards the edge of the bed by my ankle. He the picks me up by my waist and places me onto the floor to stand on my own two feet.

"Up." He commands like some type of teacher. All annoying and in charge.

"Hate you." I glare at him as I walk past him to the bathroom, fixing my hair.

"So you've said." He laughs.

"Mean it just as much now as I did then." I fake smile grabbing my bag I pre packed for the boat ride.

"If only I believed that was true." He touches my waist before he opens the door to let me walk out first. I roll my eyes as I leave and he closes the door following behind me.

Now that I've actually woken up properly, I'm excited for the boat ride. There's only five other people aside from our little group, on here. Three girls and an elderly couple.

The elderly couple are lovely. My grandparents are sitting with them having a lovely long conversation. They've agreed to go for dinner together in the hotel one of the following three days.

The three girls who are around our age if not a little older are nice. Well two of them are. One of them is a mixed raced blonde curly haired girl called Liana. She's got freckles, hazel eyes and the prettiest smile and she's the nicest. And the other, is named Daniela. Tanned Brazilian girl with dark black hair and green eyes. She's also super nice and immediately greeted us with hugs.

The last girl of the group I learned is called Hanna. Blonde blue eyed girl. Tanned. She doesn't say hi to us girls at all. Instead she makes a b-line for Jude.

I notice after I've greeted both of the lovely girls who chlo, Aaliyah and I have decided to go to dinner with one night before we leave.

Although our two new friends are talking I can't focus. I'm concentrated on Jude and Goldie locks. She's laughing her head off, touching him whilst doing so. Flirting 101. He's laughing too. That's what bothers me.

How dare he? In front of my family. It's rude. I continue watching. I then see her hold out her phone, showing it to him. She's giving him her number for sure.

I excuse myself from the girls and immediately storm over.

"Come here. Now." I grab his wrist pulling him to the side. Before we're about to leave, Cinderella speaks up.

"Excuse me?" She says rudely. It was going so well. For her. Until she opened her mouth. Now. Not so much.

I whip my head around to look at her. She's already giving me a dirty look. I swear. I'm tired of all these little Jude Bellingham fan girls playing with me. One more and I'm going to have a murder charge.

"Yes." I snap back.

"We're talking." She looks me up and down.

I look her up and down. Laugh at her. She's pathetic.

"You're talking? To my boyfriend?" I cross my arms over her chest. Her eyes go a little wide. Alarmed.

"Oh I didn't—"

"Sure." I cut her off. She did know. In fact as Jude and I walked onto the boat hand in hand she looked me dead in the eye.

I turn back to Jude pulling him away successfully this time.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" I shout whisper at him.


"Look. You can do whatever you want. Date whoever. You can date Goldie locks over there if you really want to. Marry her even. Have kids. All of that lovely stuff. But don't you dare do that in front of my family!"

"Not when we're meant to be dating. Something you set up!" I jab his chest with my finger.

"Do what harmony?" He laughs confused.

"Flirt with a girl and get her fucking number!" I snap

"It's disrespectful to do in front of my family."


"You've ruined my birthday now." I turn away from him slightly.

All I hear is his laughter. I look back at him. Irritated that he's laughing and confused as to why he is.

"Why the fuck are you laughing?" I question fiercely.

"We weren't flirting. She was trying to flirt with me. I rejected her. And then she tried to get my number but I turned her down."

"Told her I had a beautiful girlfriend and that I booked this for her because her birthdays soon and she deserves the best." He smirks down at me.

"Oh." I swallow.

"Yeah. Oh" He grins.

"Sorry." I mutter. Once again I've let my jealousy get the better of me.

"All good. Can't help when you're jealous can you." He smirks.

"I'm not jealous." I deny.

"That whole conversation, you sounded jealous."

"Well your ears are broken." I blurt out

"No I don't think they are." He presses

"Oh shut up." I roll my eyes.

He laughs in response.

"Come on birthday girl to be. Let's go enjoy ourselves." He swings an arm around me as I smile. And I let him steer me back to the group.

I am so tired after the three hours we spent on the boat that I just want to sit by the pool and sleep. So we do just that. Chloe, Aaliyah and I lay on our deckchairs by the pool as the cool breeze blows on us.

"You and Jude were real cute today on the boat." Aaliyah speaks up and I sigh. Can't be bothered to have this conversation. Again.

"Don't start." I huff.

"Oh come on harms. You have to tell him. Why keep it a secret." Aaliyah let's out an exasperated smile.

I sit up on the deckchair, pull my sunglasses up so they sit on top of my head and look to her who's looking back at me expectantly.

"What would telling him even do?" I huff.

"Um, everything." Aaliyah says in a duh tone.

"For one, you wouldn't have to keep hiding the fact that you're obviously in love with him." She rolls her eyes.

"And, you'd finally know that he feels the same about you, and you two can stop being all weirdly in denial and awkwardly in love." Chloe adds.

I sigh, shaking my head.

"Guys. Even if we did get together. It would be long distance. I'd be in London, he'd be in Germany. That's hard. Long distance almost always ends up in people breaking up. If that happens we'd never be able to be around each other again. It would ruin the whole friendship." I say

"Okay but you don't know that for sure!" Aaliyah counters.

"Even if we don't. There will be something else to break us apart. You saw that girl today on the boat. She didn't even care that he had a girlfriend. With the amount of girls that throw themselves at him, can I really trust him to be loyal to me?" I question looking at both girls.

Chloe huffs, rolling her eyes. She sits up straighter so she can see me clearly.

"Look. I've known him for a year harms. In a year, we've become extremely close. I almost spend every day with him and Gio. I'm telling you right now, that man is madly in love with you. I have never ever in the year I've known him seen him treat, look at or talk to any of the millions of girls he's been with how he does you." She states.

My heart feels a little warm at that.

"He'd never do that to you. I know it. I know you have doubts about him. About him resulting back to who he use to be. About him not feeling the same way. But it's all unnecessary. Everyone can clearly see how much he loves and cares about you." Chloe finishes off.

Aaliyah nods in silent agreement.

I don't reply. I just offer a small smile, laying back down my my deckchair, to think about what Chloe has said. Maybe she's right.



@Aaliyahfields @chloeortolano


Harmoniesss boating 🛥️

View comments

username such a vibe

username cuteeeeee

username ugh third pic!!! I love my girls <3

username Jude looks so cute in the last pic

username Jude's living life bro
username he's got money a pretty gf and he's on holiday. Nothing but w's
username bro's winning in life

username your birthday trip looks sooo fun

username we NEED a vlog
username like pls I'm begging
username literally on my knees
username PLEASE

Judebellingham first pics my fave
username mine tew
username you're so obsessed with her 😏
username same bae

username you look SO good in the first pic

username 😍😍😍😍

— Guys please don't kill me
for where I'm taking this story
I promise it'll be worth it 😭😭
Trust me besties xoxo

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