By s4dgirlszn

1.3M 32.7K 24.4K

In Which, Harmony Simmons agrees to a six month contractual Pr stunt with Jude Bellingham. More

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18.8K 486 219
By s4dgirlszn


— JUDE —

WE ARRIVE in Mykonos six hours later. I look down and see a sleeping Harmony on my chest. All cute and at peace, smiling softly. She looks so cute I really don't want to wake her, but unfortunately I have to. So I brace myself for the aggression I'll be facing once she does wake up.

"Harms." I whisper gently shaking her awake.

"Mhm." She groans shifting a little. Sinking herself deeper into the seat and nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck even more.

"We're here, we have to go." I whisper but again no response.

"Harmony, come on." I shake her again. Nothing.

Everyone starts to get their things and get off the plane to collect their luggage. Harmony and I are still on the plane.

"Fuck sake." I whisper to myself.

I huff and then curl my arms under her so I'm carrying her. Carefully I manoeuvre myself out of my seat, harmony firmly in my hold, grab my things and her Christian Dior tote bag with one hand and move towards the door of the plane.

Aaliyah amusedly chuckles as she watches me walk down the stairs of the plane with her best friend in my arms sleeping away like a newborn baby.

"I need to take a leaf out of her book. Girlies got professional footballers carrying her out of private jets." She grins eyeing us.

"Harms." I shake her awake and this time she opens her eyes, stretching her arms out like a cat does after a nap.

"Hi." She beams

"You're smiling at me?" I say as I look at her skeptically, gently putting her down so she can stand up.

"Yeah?" She replies yawning a little, as she walks towards the luggage, grabbing her suitcase and mine and handing it to me.

"Why are you smiling at me?" We trade off our bags. I take my suitcase from her hands and she takes her tote bag from mine.

"What?" She asks confused

"I just woke you up from your nap. You hate when I wake you up whilst you're sleeping. You threaten my life when I wake you up. Why aren't you doing that? Where's the threatening? Where's the curse words? What's going on?" I say frazzled

"Can you relax?" She laughs

"I'm in a good mood." She shrugs nonchalantly, walking away to follow the others who have started to enter the airport.

I stare after her in shock. She's actually the most unpredictable girl I've ever met. It's part of her appeal for sure.

After all of the airport necessities and the twenty minute drive to the hotel, we finally arrive. We're met at the entrance with Harmony's mum, her sister, husband and kids.

She excitedly goes to greet all of them, hugging her two and four year old niece and nephew the longest before she circles back round to all of us to introduce us to her family.

Her family greet Gio and Chloe and then it's my turn and I'm shitting it because I want to make a good impression.

"Jude, this is my sister Iris." She introduces. I give her a warm hug and smile. She's very nice and inviting.

"Named after a plant." I highlight

"Yeah. This one's constantly jealous about it." She pokes fun at her sister, teasingly.

"No because why the hell did mum call you iris when you don't even like plants and flowers and shit." Harmony rolls her eyes.

"Because I was born first dummy." Iris teases

"Wasted name mate." Harmony laughs

"Your names nice harms." Her mum joins in grinning at both of her daughters.

"Eh." Harmony jokes and her mum playfully scowls at her. Just watching them I like their dynamic. They're like three sisters rather than mother and her two daughters.

Iris introduces me to her husband and kids. We share a few jokes back and forth that include teasing harmony which she hates but secretly loves because I see her smiling.

Harmony's mum walks over to me whilst I'm having a conversation with her eldest and pulls me aside.

"Harmony showed me the pictures of the private jet. The birthday decorations were so lovely Jude." She smiles

"Thank you Ms Simmons, just wanted her to have the best, you know." I smile

She nods touching my shoulder gently.

"You can call me Rose."

"Another flower name." I grin

"Yeah, harmony's fuming that she's the only one without one." Rose laughs

"I think harmony suits her really well. Very unique. Good, since she's a unique girl." I laugh

"Oh she's unique alright." Rose grins

"And bloody hard work." Rose adds

We both start laughing and then harmony walks over and joins us so we hold in a laugh, looking at each other.

"What are you two laughing about?" She quirks an eyebrow.

"Nothing." I lie looking away.

"Mum?" She turns to her mother

"Nothing darling." She playfully nudges her.

She looks between us. Skeptical. I can tell she doesn't buy it.

"You two look like you're getting on." She's fishing for answers. Bothers her that we won't tell her what we were laughing about. It's the nosey side of her peaking out.

"We're best friends now."

"First name basis and all." Rose states. I see where harmony gets her humour from.

"Okay." Harmony shrugs trying to act unbothered but it's killing her to not be in on the so obvious inside joke.

"Let's check in." She instructs walking to the front desk.

Her mum and I share a look, laughing a little before we follow her.

Harmony and I are the last two to check into our rooms. She tells the lady at the front desk her name and then waits to find out what room she's in.

"301." The lady smiles nicely and harmony thanks her smiling back.

I then give my name waiting for the lady to tell me my room number.

"301." She says with a smile and I don't think I've heard her correctly. Harmony's eyes widen.

"Sorry?" I say

"That's my room number." Harmony states

"Yes. You two are sharing a room." The lady smiles

Harmony starts to nervously laugh. I feel a little nervous myself. I'm actively trying to stop myself feeling the way I do about her and now we have to share a room.

"Oh no—"

"Is that not okay?" Her mum asks looking between us. She was the one to book it.

"Sharing would be romantic after all." Gio pipes up and i glare at him. He's been throwing me under the bus since I told him about my feelings.

"Perfect vibe for your girlfriends birthday trip." Chloe adds and now it's harmony's turn to glare at her. I swear this American couple is actively trying to ruin both Harmony and I's lives.

"Very cute." Aaliyah slots in, smirking.

Harmony sighs rubbing her forehead. "No mum it's fine. Perfect." Harmony fake smiles.

"Okay, good." Her mum replies.

The lady gives us our hotel key cards and then we walk away.

The group all say goodbye to each other and then walk off to their rooms. Aaliyahs room is a few doors away from ours and so is Chloe and gio's so we all walk together to the lift. Our suitcases have already been sent up.

"Please please please!" Harmony begs as she holds onto Aaliyah's arm.

"Girl no." Aaliyah groans


"I want my own room." Aaliyah rolls her eyes.

"But I can't share with Jude!" She points at me as if I'm not standing right next to her in the lift. I chuckle a little at her dramatics.

"And why's that Harmony?"

She snaps her head towards me sending me daggers. I don't know how I became the bad guy in the space of five seconds but with harmony anything's possible.

"Because. You're annoying." She rolls her eyes. Unconvincing delivery from her. Not impressed.

"Mhm. Sure I am." I grin

"If you can't control yourself around me, just say that." I tease.

She ignores me turning back to Aaliyah.

"Please!" She begs again

"Sorry birthday girl. No." She taps her nose as she walks out of the lift.

"Good luck." Aaliyah grins as she walks to her room. Chloe smirks at Harmony whilst Gio winks at me before they go to their room that's down the hall. Only harmony and I are left.

She holds up the key card to the door and it unlocks and then she opens it. The room is absolutely massive. Little living room with a couch, flatscreen tv and a king sized bed. Decent sized bathroom too, with a walk in shower and marble surfaces.

"Wow." Harmony stares in amazement.

"Yeah." I agree closing the door behind me.

She walks over to the bed. Stares down at it and then looks at me.

"There's one bed." She states

"Yep." I nod

"Two of us. One bed." She looks a little nervous. It's cute. She doesn't need to be. I wouldn't ever do anything to her without her consent. So she can relax. I'm respectful.

"Yes." I nod again

"You. Me. A bed. One bed." She's rambling now. It's what she does when she's freaked out.

"Good observation." I laugh.

She looks at me. Eyes wide. Deer like. "I'm going to go and sort this out we can't do this." She goes to walk to the door but I grab her arm and pull her back gently so she stops.

"Relax Simmons. We're adults. It's fine." I assure.


"I will keep far away from you. I promise. Scouts honour." I place my hand on my heart.

"It's not funny." She slightly pushes me.

"Why are you freaking out so much? You think you'll end up jumping me in my sleep because you can't control your needs?" I tease poking her. She swats my hand away irritated.

"I just think it'll be weird. We haven't shared a bed before or even a room." She looks at her feet.

I lift her chin up gently so she's looking at me.

"If you're really uncomfortable I'll sleep on the couch. Okay?" I say softly. I care about her a lot and would never want her to be uncomfortable.

"No, we can share a bed." She sighs

"I'm being silly. It's fine." She laughs, her shoulders drop a little showing she's more relaxed.

"Okay." I smile

"We should divide up the room though." She says walking to the bed.

"So, my side your side." She points to the bed

"Okay." I nod

She walks to the wardrobe and I follow her as she opens the doors.

"My side your side." She maps out.

I nod again. Just going along with whatever she says because I'd follow any instruction of hers.

"My side." She points at all of the chest of drawers.

"And mine?" I ask

She shrugs

"You can't take all of the drawer space harmony." I huff.

"Yes I can. I'm a girl. I need it more." She justifies sitting herself down on the bed.

"What? That's so stupid."

"You're stupid. She retorts.

"No harmony you can't just take all of the space. I have clothes I need to go in there too." I tell her.

"That's why you have the wardrobe!" She groans

"You're insane. I bend down to my suitcase and unzip it. Take a few of my jeans out and start putting them in the draws.

"Jude!" She shouts

"Sorry, too busy putting my stuff in the draws." I shout back as if I can't hear her.

"Stop you're taking up all of the space." She complains

"I've used two draws."

"Two draws too many!" She retorts

I ignore her and continue. And then all of a sudden as I'm about the get more clothes she jumps onto my back like a frog. Arms hooked around my neck.

"Harmony what the fuck!" I yell

"Get away from the draws." She shouts back

"Harmony get off me." I laugh. She's insane.

"Not until you move all of your stuff out. It goes in one draw or nothing!" She says

I stumble back a bit to the bed and she drags me down so I fall back and so does she. She rolls out from under me.

"You're so mentally ill. Do you know that?" I'm breathing heavily as I look over to her. Her own chest is heaving up and down.

"Yeah, I've been told a few times." She shrugs and I laugh.

I reach over and push some of her hair that's in her face to the side.

"The prettiest girls are always the craziest." I look at her

"Stop complimenting me. You're not going to get that draw space." She scowls.

"Can't we compromise? Two draws and you get to have most of the wardrobe space?"

She contemplates my deal.

"Okay." She beams shooting up from the bed.

She's unbelievable. I sometimes think she picks fights just for the fun of it.

"Can I pick outfits for you?" She asks.


"Please." She brings out the puppy dog eyes that I really can't refuse. Specifically because they're hers.


She walks closer to me just so I can see the puppy dog eyes in double effect.

"Please Jude." Grabs my hand. It's one of my weaknesses when she grabs my hand.

"Fine." I huff fighting back a grin.

She beams pulling me by my hand so she can start.




Harmoniesss hey Mykonos 🇬🇷

View comments

username pic of Jude is soooo cute

username parents in Mykonos ahhhhh

username the whole group in Mykonos? Purrrr

username okay but we need to see the picture Jude took of you on the camera
username needed more than water
username needed more than air

username I'm so excited for the content

username Mykonos vlog???
Harmoniesss perhaps 😏

username no because it's so needed
username cute little couples vlog fr

Judebellingham psycho
Harmoniesss what happened to the pretty part 🥺
Judebellingham I don't need to say it you know you're pretty x
username I'm in love with you guys
username I want this dynamic with my future bf
username awwwwww

— don't like this chapter
it's so crap but it's a filler
and I wanted to update
for you guys today x

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