Maybe you're mine

By malecsd_magical_luv

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Malec au More



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By malecsd_magical_luv

It's been a week after what happened, Magnus wouldn't let Alec allow to do anything. It's not a big deal but Magnus don't want to take a risk. He wants Alec to be safe and felt like he's a fully responsible for his husband. Alec was experiencing new care and he just loved it. He wants Magnus to stay next to him or on his lap all the time because now days he addicted to Magnus closeness.

Today was his checkup so both are went to hospital. Alec went to office whenever that department needed him. Magnus ordered him to take a leave for a week so he did. Magnus asked lot of questions to the doctor that made Alec surprised. Because Magnus asked medical related questions which is Alec don't know what's all about.

Magnus was studied everything about head last week. Alec didn't know he married a most caring person in the world. Because some questions made the doctor stutter maybe he don't know about that too. Alec tried hard to control his laugh at the moment.

After came out of the doctor's cabin after the doctor said Alec was completely alright. Alec turned and asked "How's the hell you know all about this?" Magnus shrugged his shoulder and said "I studied" Alec smiled at his cuteness. "You're unbelievable" Alec said so Magnus laughed at him by hitting his chest playfully. While they're walking hand in hand one doctor approached them in the hallway.

"Hey Magnus" that lady said with a wide smile. Alec rolled his eyes because he could heard a flirty tone. Magnus smiled nervously at her. She was studied school with him. "How are you?" She asked completely ignoring Alec who stood up next to Magnus. "I'm good and you?" Magnus asked holding Alec's report in his hand.

"I'm more than good.. Look" she showed his body right and left that made Alec even angry. Magnus take a look at Alec who's ready to burn her through his eyes. "Yeah see you" Magnus don't know talk more so he said that. But that made that lady face fell but she tried to smile. "Okay I think you've work to do and I'm working here as a cardiologist.. You can come here anytime" she was saying like she wants to meet Magnus again.

But Magnus has no interest on anyone other than his husband. Because he got a perfect man with or without knowing him. Magnus nodded his head at her. "And is he your brother?" She pointed at Alec who going to walk away but he looked at her shocked.

Even a blind man could say they're not look like brothers. Magnus also shocked but he knew about her she asked it to piss off Alec because she don't like him. Without saying anything Magnus pushed Alec on the wall and started kiss him hard after pulling his face down. He don't like someone give a nervous feeling to his husband.

He knew how Alec was surprised because he didn't get a kiss back. But Magnus didn't care he kissing him more hard by pressing his body. Alec groaned and held Magnus neck before kissing him back with same fast and rhythm. That lady was shocked and embarrassed at the same time. She didn't expect this but now she couldn't stand there so she started walk away.

Alec stopped Magnus who eating his lips like it's his favorite food. He looked at the lady who walking away from them. "Ms. Flora.. I think you got your answer" he smirked at her who looked away with a embarrassing face. Magnus laughed putting his face on Alec's chest.

"What a move" Alec said laughing with him.(AN: I'm also flattered at the move) "Jeez go to your home boys" that sister who checked Alec that day shouted while entering into one room. Alec and Magnus ran out of the hospital while laughing.

The next day Alec went to office and worked. At afternoon Magnus called him to ask how he's doing. Magnus was came home early so he took a bath and came out of the bathroom with a towel. Suddenly his phone started ringing he don't want to take a call after came home so he just started move his hips at the ringtone. His moves turn into sensually even though the phone stopped ringing. He waves his hands and danced while smiling.

He turned around and shocked when Alec stood up near the door staring him. "Um.. When did you came?" He asked tighten the knot of the towel but blushing. Alec started walking towards him. "I came when you started dancing" "Ohh" Magnus said looking straight into Alec's eyes who looked at him with black eyes which filled with desire.

"Alexander" Magnus said softly but that made Alec's heart skip a beat. The way Magnus called him was his kinky. He found that. And he also knew Magnus called him now to start what he planned.

Their eyes locked so they only remember each other at the moment. "I want to taste you" Magnus whispered while their lips touched slowly. Alec kisses him so passionately. Magnus was melting in that kiss. But before it turn into hot kiss Magnus pulled back and kissed Alec's nose while pushing him on the wall. He slid to knees.

Alec licked his lips because he know what's coming. Magnus started unbuckle Alec's pant without breaking eye contact. So Alec gulped hard at the intense look. After he freed Alec from clothes he licked his lips looking at Alec. "Stop that look" Alec said threw his head Magnus smiled and took Alec inside of his mouth.

Alec's one hand involuntarily gripped Magnus hair. He bit his lips to hold his moans but that's not helped him any way so started moaned. Magnus smirked and continued his movements hard and faster. Alec's lips parted his grip in Magnus hair tightened. "Ahh.. Fuck.. Your lips" he moaned trying hard to gather his strength to stand.

Magnus movement getting faster that made his stomach felt the different feeling. He threw his head on the wall while guiding Magnus head. "Magnus.. I'm-" Magnus got the warning but didn't move apart. Alec breathed hard and looked down at Magnus who tasting him. That made Alec moaned loudly.

"Fuck" he fell on Magnus when that made stood up while licking his lips. Magnus slowly put Alec on the bed. He was wearing only a shirt that tempting him more but he knew how tired Alec was because his eyes closed already. He lying next to him while staring him with a smile.


Alec woke up at dinner time because his stomach growling for food. He changed his dress after got a shower. When he came down he saw Magnus cooking. He walked towards him and hugged him from behind. "Someone drained my energy" Alec said and kissed his cheek more than five times Magnus chuckled.

"That's why I was cooking" he said looking at him in side ways. "I love you" Alec said in a sweet voice. That made Magnus heart feel happy and warmth. "Alec I want to say something" Magnus said nervously all of sudden. Alec turned him around "what's it?" He asked curiously. "Um.. I've to go to London tomorrow" Alec was shocked.

"How many days?" He asked and Magnus could heard the seriousness in his voice. "For one week" "Why didn't you say this before?" He pulled himself back and get ting angry. "Because I knew this today afternoon and I'll go for work.. If it's finished early I'll come soon" he said and moved close to Alec.

"Cook fast I'm hungry" Alec said walking towards the living room without saying anything about that. Magnus stood up looking at the way. He knew Alec was upset but not angry because he's not child to get angry for this. He was started cooking Alec's favorite food to make it up this moment..!

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