By Zawww_w2

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Chapter 7


134 5 1
By Zawww_w2


Like a porter, I put the two boxes of tonics in my hands on the cluttered table. His previous office was still occupied by piles of papers scattered everywhere. At first I didn't know what they were so I didn't even notice, but now I can tell. Like the scripts my manager showed me this past week to get used to it. What piled up this whole office was the scripts.

"What did you hear from the director?"

A light question was asked, while my eyes were still scanning the script. Standing in front of the desk, he was checking something on the screen. Not to mention the director's unusual personality, even his attitude towards the madman was a bit strange. Under the guise of that gruff tone and harsh action, was a caring and warm heart filled with concern, I could feel it. Why doesn't he show it? Such unruly appearance does not seem to be the result of that unusual personality. At least he didn't hide his true feelings in front of me. That is to say, he was just acting so erratic in front of the person involved. I conclude briefly before opening my mouth. It's the madman who resists it. It seemed that he didn't want to receive that kind of kindness from the other party.

"He asked me what I used to seduce you. "

" So what did you say ? "

" I said I seduce you with 200 won. "

He slowly lifted his lips and looked away from the screen.

"Is that so?...Then?"

Then there was the secret that the director told me, he must be asking about it. The director told me to keep it a secret, but I didn't even consider it a secret. But of course I don't want to let him know that easily.

"Then what?"

When I asked coldly back, he laughed.

" Say, I'll halve the work today. "

What does he mean by work ? As soon as he mentioned that, he stepped off his desk and threw something in front of me.


It was CDs that he threw in front of me, by the looks of it, seemed to be around 10 CDs?. When I raised my eyes painfully remembering those bland short films, he laughed and added.

" After watching all of that, then you can read the script in the room. All of them, of course. "

"If necessary, there are tonics there, you can drink it and work. "

He stood at the door, jerking his chin back to the side of oriental medicine that the director gave. I opened my mouth when I remembered the director's threat that if I ate it, I would surely die.

" How long do I have to do this? "

I thought it would be confusing for me to choose not to say it, but after a while, the person with the drooping eyes threw me a smile.

" Until your done, of course. "

My eyes scanned the room once more. How many books even are there? Even if you exclude half of them from English, it would take a month to read them all.

" Oh, and I will bring more than this tomorrow too. "


" If you have something to say, say it. The work can be cut in half."

There was a strange sense of power that this madman had as he spoke, not only that, his smile.....If it was someone else in front of him, they probably wouldn't be able to refuse. If it weren't for my intuition warning me for 24 hours, I might not have been able to control myself and would tell him everything,

"Nothing to say?"

"How long do I have to finish the whole thing?"

The fake smile he had was gone, at least in my eyes it was. But why do I find it more like a smile?

"You can take a break anytime but, you must ask my permission if you want to leave after finishing for the day."

Just as he was about to leave, I quickly opened my mouth .

" Then let me go in advance today." I asked, because I saw him turn off his computer while leaving his desk.

That means he'll be leaving for a while...and it's a pain in the ass to call for him, However, he turned around as he grabbed the handle of the half opened door, showing a bright smile.

"No....I don't want to."


Sure, I was trying hard not to fall asleep in front of a boring movie, but when I looked at the clock I suddenly realized that it was already 2 am. I thought it was time to find him, so I lifted my stiff body that hasn't moved for a while. Tomorrow is the official day of school, so the manager told me to come early to advise a few things. Thinking back to tomorrow's appointment, if I go home right now, I can still sleep at least a few more hours. But the problem now is that i have to ask that damn mans permission to leave.... I opened the interface on my old phone , selected [Madman] and dialed. I waited for him to pick up the phone but then it only went to his voice mail informing me that this person wasn't available as their phone is off. I closed the interface and was about to put it back in my pocket but I came across something next to the desk. It was a black bag and it looked like it belonged to him.

So...He still hadn't completely left the store.

I walked out the door to confirm that he was still here but then I ran into a staff member just in time to pass by. I called him over and pointed to the room I just came out of informing him of where that 'madman' was, the employee replied,

"The Director is currently in the room with the client. "

Director? But that Madman said he only had shares here, so his position here is director?. I speculated, then automatically silently hated this word from this room. Somehow, it felt a bit unfair to think that he was probably drinking somewhere right now. But the staff's next explanation made me think again.

" He almost always entertains clients related to work here. "

Must be related to work..... is that why he worked until early in the morning. Suddenly I remembered the director's words. The statement that I thought was an exaggeration that the employees here said that he was busy at work turned out to be true. Isn't it the same every day? Either in the office, or going to receive guests.

It's rather unbelievable. He always put on that arrogant and cocky attitude, so I thought he would sit high up there and just give orders, drink expensive liquors at high-end bars and just splash money. No matter how i looked at it, he just looked like a rich young man who had never tasted failure, and only was able to achieve this position by riding his families cocktails....

But that room filled with scripts, movies and all sorts of TV related books made it clear to me, it was all just my prejudice. After all, who is he?...Inheriting a rich heritage, more confidence than others and always trying to do his best, I cannot accept such an easy answer. Suddenly the employee recalled and said,

" But, just now I was passing by and saw that the director was out. "

" Was is he going somewhere? "

" Yes, maybe he is... "

He confidently said it must be ' when suddenly ' he shut his mouth with a confused face. He seemed to know where he was going, but I didn't have time to ask why he hesitated.
First of all, I'm tired, I need to sleep.

" Where ?"

" I think he went to the place he usually goes to, but I can't tell you..."

He said this when another employee appeared and asked what happened. The original employee whispered something, I could only faintly hear two or three words in it.

' That place ' is not accessible ' ' with a smile... '

Probably somewhere that no one is allowed to access. However, the employee who arrived later said something for a long time, then pushed his colleague aside and approached me.

"Excuse me sir, you are Mr. Lee Baekwon that was working in the director's office, correct?, Then the director is currently on the rooftop. I'll show you the way."

A friendly smile appeared in front of me, but my eyes went back to the first employee next to me. Unlike his smiling colleague, he just stood there with his eyes closed. But the staff who wanted to show me the way stepped forward and urged me .

" Follow closely behind me. "

I turned around and followed behind, eyeing him with interest. Before he stood there, he must have sneered.

The rooftop isn't a place that's meant something to me in this life, except for the occasional skipping classes I used to climb up there in high school. But from the moment I arrived at the Dream building, this place entered my life again. I know I've gone too far to only now realize that the rooftop terrace is not good for me, but the smile of the staff as they approach me from behind makes my thought even more certain.

I've had two terrible encounters with that madman on the rooftop. As, I walked to the terrace decorated like a garden, a little nervous in my heart. Although I tried not to make any noise, the footsteps still sounded softly in the quiet night sky. Standing in the middle of the dark and misty terrace, I looked around and saw a bench to the left. A blurred figure of a person sitting there.

As I approached, I saw him leaning comfortably against the back of his chair, his head tilted back and him looking up at the sky. One arm crossed over the arm of the chair, making his body appear larger. Funnily enough he had a lollipop in his mouth that didn't suit his appearance. I didn't realise how ridiculous it was at first sight, but I regained my composure when I saw him so relaxed.

For a moment, I thought It was just something superfluous, but immediately, I moved forward and stopped a few meters away from him. Judging from the behavior of the staff member who brought me here as if he had arranged it, I don't know if the curses or the fists would be first. Perhaps this is the place where he goes every time he wants to rest and if disturbed, he will punish me without mercy with that smile. I had a similar experience when I was trying to ask for a cigarette. But this time it might not be just another punch. Still can't let him ruin my face, after being defeated...

" Do you want to eat it ? "

" Huh ?"

In the midst of the silent pressure, I asked him back like an idiot at the sudden question. Then he lowered his head and pulled the lollipop out of his mouth, I stepped back thinking he'd finally start to act violent. But he just held out his hand. While holding the candy that he bit into his mouth earlier.

"No smoking zone."


" It's Delicious too. "

I looked back and forth between his face and the candy. While i was preparing my body for a fight under the pressure, the opponent only gave me a candy in return.

"What's wrong, don't like sweets?"

I tried to open my mouth to him, who was spitting out a bit displeased.

"That's all?"

I added, looking at the empty space around me.

" Don't you dislike being disturbed here when being alone?"

I asked as he put the candy back in his mouth and smirked.

" Yes....Should I curse or maybe punch you first?. "


" So if you knew then why would you still come? "

" I'm not afraid. "

He looked like a harmless child when he bit into the candy. But that's just the appearance. Under the electric light, he was like a shining snake.

" It makes me excited to hear that. "

I frowned, thinking maybe fighting would of been a better option. To him on the contrary, the image of me made him laugh even more.

"That look."

Suddenly....I raised my tightly furrowed brows, but he pointed the candy at my face.

" I also like that rebellious look. Those eyes make me excited. "

He spoke in a gentle voice that did not match the frank words spewing from his mouth. The problem was that I also subconsciously lowered my eyes when I heard that statement. Although I quickly lifted it back up, I actually saw that the place in front of him was slightly swollen. This mother fu-....I had to spit out the curses in my heart, this shameless man just laughed and talked.

"No need to be so concerned. If you want, I can put it in your mouth to soothe it."

I am also a man, so I immediately recognized what he meant and looked him straight in the face. Even though I knew I would be swept up in his every move, I couldn't control myself.

" If you want it to be bitten off, just try me."

I threatened and spat out in a low voice, but all I could see was that the side's of his lips had curled up into a smile in reaction to my reply.

"Your mouth is very dangerous, so what about the back? Mm?, Is your back tight enough to bite me as well?"

" Don't make fun of me. "

" I've told you many times. I don't joke around. "

He stopped laughing and cut me off, twirling the lollipop in his mouth.

"You mean, you still don't understand that I said I was going to fuck you?...."

He said with a slight serious face

" Why do you think I said yes when you were asking me for help in the first place? Really expect me to believe that the price......your value will go up?"

The laughter was low in his voice and continued to grow slowly.

" I'm meeting you obviously because you make me horny. so It's only natural that I get 'excited' when I see you~."

Unlike his soft voice, his eyes were burning so much that I couldn't look away. His eyes seemed to be telling me that he really wanted to fuck me right here. Although I wanted to punch him, but standing in front of those powerful eyes, it made my heart shiver.

" There's no need to be afraid. I'll take care of that beautiful body of yours from now on. "

" Preserve your body first. "

Finally, I spat out and closed my eyes first. To be honest, I was suffocating to face him like that. Damned it...

" It's funny that you were the one who said you would give yourself to me, but now you provoked me with such an innocent response. "

Although it is true that I said I would let him do anything to me, but I really didn't even think about having sex at the time. Why not? Because I simply had a nervous feeling that every time I met him there was going to be a fight.

"With that in mind, how are you going to take revenge?"

I turned my calm face to the changed subject. I should have been delighted by that concern since I still needed to ask for his help, but I was unable to greet him after hearing those middle-aged uncle-like taunts in front of me. It's just that I'm annoyed that I decided to ask him for help... Come to think of it, I suddenly felt something was strange. Feels like I missed something. But what was it?. I was absorbed in my thoughts, when a voice called out to me.

I didn't hear much, but I seem to understand what he was trying to say. A brief mention of the smiley face is enough to understand that he was angered by something.

"Lee Yoohan."

When I raised my eyes, he spat out with a cold face.

" When you are with me, you should only focus on me. "


"So, I heard you will start going to class tomorrow. Any plans ? "

I knew what he wanted to ask. After all, he was the one who showed me Myeongshin's CCTV. Furthermore, he knew who was after the pause, the culprit who will hinder me.

" Not really. "

I replied tersely, he smiled and bit into the candy deeply.

"If I find out who's harassing you, I'll take immediate action. Isn't that right? So tell me what I want to know. Then I'll tell you."

Of course I thought he was referring to 'that' incident, to the conversation that I had with that uncle from earlier. I have no intention of making a fuss when I only know his name. I don't even consider it a secret.

" Nothing special. What the director said- "

" I didn't ask that."

He cut my words off and immediately intervened, what?. He brought back my memories of seeing me looking at him.

"The first man who fucked you."

"Why do you keep wondering about that? "

I asked out of curiosity about this unexpected persistence. Then, he flicked through the air as if thinking of an answer, and opened his mouth.

" I don't know, I just got annoyed. I'm not in a good mood you see. And You feel annoyed too right ? "

Huh ? I was about to ask again, but my instinct made me swallow back what I was about to say, a creepy feeling fell on the corner of my lips.

" The fact that I also fucked someone other than you. Don't you see that? "

No. I wanted to say but my answer fell back in my mouth. Standing up from his seat, he approached with a smile so deep that his dimples were visible. Stopping at a close distance, he slightly lowered his head and whispered.

" Tell me. How do you feel ? "

The faint sweet scent of the candy came over me, I raised my eyes and looked directly at him.

" I don't feel anything . "

At my answer, his eyes that were looking nearby lit up as if he were happy.

"I saw your profile pictures, You know what? All of your expressions are awkward, except for the expressionless face you have."

I replied, puzzled by this sudden change of subject.

" So what? "

" You will get more points on that from today's class, Would you like me to give you an instant changeable cure ? "

Then he handed the candy he was eating, out in front of me. The sweet scent of candy came as if it had reached the clue.

"No need... Ngh?!"

Immediately, the sweet taste of candy filled my mouth. But it wasn't the little lollipop that entered. While I was caught off guard, his lips suddenly came to pry open my mouth and he thrust his tongue inside with a sweet taste. I tried to turn my head away, but before I knew it, his arms grabbed my head and wouldn't let go. All I could do in that state was push him away with my hands, but while I was trying to move my head, his arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me close, filling the void so I couldn't push him away.


Struggling unsightly, the tongue in my mouth slid deep inside. Ironically, the first thing that comes to mind is how sweet it was....Really very sweet. The sweetness is so good that it makes me feel slightly light headed. Only the tongue stirred inside, and then the short kiss ended, but my lips still had the lingering sweet taste of him.


" Sweet?"

I raised my annoyed eyes at that question. When I saw his honest smile that gave off a child-like feel, I heard him add.

" When you want to arouse emotions, think of that sweetness...and think of this again~. "

I felt his body release my waist and pull back, feeling the lingering touch still on his belt, it was still hot. My body became slightly stiff because of his touch, I also felt a little excited because of it. Damn it, is it because I've been holding back for so long?. He noticed my reaction when I was still blaming myself, I heard him whisper in a low voice.

"Are you sure you don't feel anything?"



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repost since my books keep getting taken down. G!p y/n
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You guys know your roles. Don't ask me. I gave you the link. Don't complain that you can't memorize your lines because you don't have a copy. Questio...
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pls dont click i will die of embarassment if you do :sob: :vomit: :sob: :sob: