Genshin oneshots~

נכתב על ידי c_hilyxx

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These are just a bunch of random oneshots of my favorite ships and some adventure stories from Genshin Impact... עוד

My First Love [Zhongli x Childe]
Marriage [Zhongli x Childe]
Confession [Xiao x Aether]
Destined Lovers [Xiao x Aether]
Burst of Love [Kaveh x Alhaitham]
Keys [Kaveh x Alhaitham]
Happy Endings [Thoma x Ayato]
Contract Broken [Thoma x Ayato]
Misinterpretation [Cyno x Tighnari]
Snowy Journey [Cyno x Tighnari]
Maple Leaf [Kazuha x Heizou]
Suspect to Lover [Kazuha x Heizou]
Adventure Time! [Bennett & Razor]
War [Kaeya & Diluc]
A Visit To Snezhnaya [Zhongli x Childe]
Understanding Love [Kaveh x Alhaitham]
Change [Raiden Shogun/Ei x Yae Miko]
A Swimming Adventure [Kazuha x Heizou]
The Singin' Childe [Zhongli x Childe]
Coincidence [Xiao x Aether]
A Love For Windblume [Kaeya x Albedo]
Stepping Out Of The Comfort Zone [Thoma x Ayato]
Give In To Love [Itto x Kujou Sara]
Accidentally In Love [Eula x Amber]
Flirty Librarian [Jean x Lisa]
H-huh?! [Yelan x Shenhe]
The Maid Dress [Kaveh x Alhaitham]
Protection [Cyno x Tighnari]
Stars [Scaramouche x Mona]
Camping [Kazuha x Heizou]
Heartbreak [Ayaka x Lumine]
Experiments [Kaeya x Albedo]
Intimacy [Heizou x Scaramouche/Wanderer]
Seized by the Abyss [Xiao x Aether]
Oops... I said that? [Kaveh x Alhaitham]
Bottled Up Feelings [Cyno x Tighnari]
Distracted [Zhongli x Childe]
I care about you [Cyno x Tighnari]
After A a Rainbow [Scaramouche/Wanderer x Mona]
The Pain of Immortality [Klee & Qiqi]
Her [Beidou x Ningguang]
Not Again... [Kazuha x Heizou]
His Hidden Side [Xiao x Aether]
Sleepover [Ganyu x Keqing]
Battle of the Bands (5WIRL)
He's My Idiot [Kaveh x Alhaitham]
Back With Me Again [Aether & Lumine]
I need you... [Kaveh x Alhaitham]
Superstars (DCKZ)
I've Got Your Back! [Chongyun x Xingqiu]

Eye Contact [Thoma x Ayato]

740 9 1
נכתב על ידי c_hilyxx

Note: Modern AU time! Brief rundown: Ayato is a barista, and Thoma is a life guard. This will be a beach setting, so I will call it Falcon Coast but imagine it a bit more modern. 

Thoma POV: 

The water stretches across Falcon Coast like a little layer of paradise, the sun shines brightly, wrapping it's warm rays around my body. I bring the binoculars towards my eyes as I scout out into the ocean, keeping a close eye on the people in the water. It was late afternoon, the sun wasn't as strong as midday so I removed my sunglasses, I stare at myself in the small mirror in the lifeguard stand, there were small red marks on my nose, "I probably should get bigger sunglasses..." I chuckle softly to myself. Suddenly, a blood curdling scream was heard, "SHARK!!" I quickly climb down from the lifeguard stand and grab my megaphone, I run down towards the waterside while yelling "EVERYONE GET OUT OF THE WATER, I REPEAT, GET OUT OF THE WATER!!" I throw the megaphone aside and start to help the children get out, dragging the elderly out, and helping grown adults get to a safe distance on the shore. My eyes quickly skim the water to check nobody else was there, my eyes fall on a man with sky blue hair trying to swim to the surface, as I was about to step into the ocean, the shark's tail rears up and slams on top of the man, my eyes widen in horror, I realise my rescue boat is all the way by the life guard stand, shoot... no time to lose. I run into the ocean, diving down into the cold and quiet waters, I swim deeper and deeper until I see the man unconscious, I kick my legs and breast stroke forward until I'm within arms reach, I grab onto his waist with one arm and swim up to the surface using my free arm, I gasp for air as soon as my face comes out of the water, I heave the man up making sure his face is out of the water, I swim as fast as I can back to shore before the shark can attack for a second time. I carry the man bridal style back to the lifeguard stand, I place him gently on the sand and I fetch my first aid kit, I take a good look at him, sharp jawline, gentle looking face, and a good build... I shake my head a little, stop it... don't be gay on the job Thoma... I check the man's pulse and breathing before performing CPR and treating his wounds. I keep close watch of the man carefully, ensuring his safety, soon enough his eyes slowly open, they were a hue of lavender purple, the air leaves my lungs for a moment, it was...captivating... too memorising... I snap back into reality and cough abruptly, "u-um sir, are you feeling better?" I ask trying to stay calm, "yes I'm quite alright thank you, I owe you my life, I'm Ayato and you?" he extends his hand for me to shake, I shake his hand "I'm T-Thoma" I help Ayato to his feet. "Thoma... mm, I feel like we'll be bumping into each other often~" he says with a slight edge, he turns around and gives me a little wink before walking off farther and farther away, leaving a trail of footprints behind.

Soon, the sun begins to descend, Ayato was on my mind all day, his eyes...his face...his body... I slap my cheeks and take a few deep breaths. I lock up the lifeguard stand for the day and quickly get changed into my red T-shirt and black shorts, I rake my hand through my golden blonde hair before heading back to my apartment just opposite the beach. I bring my casual clothes with me to the shower, I stretch a few times before removing my clothing and washing off the sweat and saltiness of the ocean off my body, I let the warm water melt my soul and put me into a peaceful state. "hmmm...mmm...dadadada..." I hum to myself as I scrub my body with soap, soon the bathroom was filled with a lovely smell of cherry blossom. Moments later, I come out of the shower dressed in my casual clothes, I chuck together some strawberry, banana, and mango and whizz it up into a fruit smoothie, I lean back on the couch and down the whole smoothie in one go, putting it in the dishwasher as I finish. I lay in bed that night, wide awake, something about that man... it's really special, I do hope I see him again soon... I close my eyes, and let my thoughts wash away. The sun spills into the room through the blinds, "mm... good morning..." I mumble to myself as I stretch my back and arms, I get up and change into a light blue shirt with cloud patterns with dark blue shorts, I head down to the street and walk into the nearest cafe. "Good morn-" I began then suddenly paused, my eyes meet a familiar pair of lavender coloured eyes, "Ayato..." his name rolls softly off my lips, he was dressed in a beige shirt, tight black pants, leather shoes, and a green apron around his waist, "Thoma~" he says softly in return, "h-haha it's nice to see you again!" I say enthusiastically while trying to keep my heart still, "indeed... my savior" he says with that same edge, I blush. "... um... I'll have a... flat white please and thank you" I say awkwardly trying to hide my face, I place the money on the counter while Ayato takes the order, I quickly make my way to one of the tables and scroll through my phone, I wonder if this guy is on Instagram... I click the search bar and type out "Ayato", instantly his account shows up, I grin smugly to myself, I click on the name. The account consists of many images of himself in Inazuma, but they were all posted 2 years ago, "Huh..." I say quietly to myself, "your order Mr Thoma~" a voice calls, bringing me back down to earth. "Thanks" I grab the cup before heading out into the bright sunshine, I sip on the coffee slowly while walking to the public library.

The glass doors automatically open as I step into the cosy library, a warm soft atmosphere consumes my body, I find an empty space on the table, I sit myself down placing the cup beside me, I notice some writing on my cup, huh... I pick the cup up to read it, "you're gorgeous... call me tonight~ ph: +xx xxxx xxx"  my heart thumps hard in my chest, did he just... call me gorgeous? No way! I laugh quietly to myself, before a librarian hisses at me to be quiet, I keep the cup with me, even if it was empty. I take a random book off the shelf, 'The Notebook' hm, interesting. I spend the rest of the morning finishing the romantic plot, savouring the gossip, exploring the ups and downs, when I look at my phone again, it was around 3PM. I tuck the book back into the book shelf before heading out for a light jog around the neighbourhood, the feeling of the warm Mondstadt breeze caressing my face as my feet pound down on the hard concrete, and the sound of my own breathing was the only thing I was focused on. The evening eventually falls, I watch the cars go by my apartment window as everyone returns from their shifts, my eyes widen as I suddenly remember, I dig out the empty coffee cup from my clothes, the ink is slightly smudged but still readable. I pull out my phone and punch in the numbers and press call, I bring the phone to my ear, hearing beep noise after beep noise... my heart beats rapidly in my chest, before finally, "Hello?" a voice says into my ear, "Hey... this is Ayato right? It's Thoma" I say biting my lip feeling a little nervous, his tone immediately brightens, "oh Thoma! It's you..." he and I continue to talk, we talked about our hobbies, interests, and exchanged stories from our lives. At the end of the evening, we struck up something of a nice friendship, "bye, see you tomorrow on the beach!" I say as I end the call, I felt happy, butterflies flew in my stomach like a snowstorm, I smiled to myself as I stare at my phone again, imagining an "I love you" text showing up on my screen, it doesn't, of course, but that thought has me fizzing in excitement. 

The next 3 years pass by in an instant, but not one day out of the 1095 days did I NOT spend time with Ayato, our friendship grew closer and closer, we were meeting up everyday. Either by the beach, in the cafe, or in the library. We even went on a 7 day trip to Liyue together, enjoying the aspect of a new culture, experiencing new things and seizing opportunities. Ayato laughs heartily as he looks at me with a glimmer of hope and faith in his eyes, "I haven't laughed this much in ages... thank you Thoma, I'm grateful that you came into my life" my heart soars upon hearing these words come from him, deep inside, I knew I had to come clean right now, I take a deep breath. "Ayato..." I say in a nervous but firm tone, Ayato looks at me concerned, "did I... say or do something wrong?" he tilts his head to one side, I shake my head, I take another deep breath before saying, "y-you've been the best friend I could ever ask for and I'm forever honored to have met you and have this friendship experience with you, however... I'm starting to have feelings for you, my heart wouldn't control itself around you and I-" Ayato places a finger gently on my lips, "Thoma..." he begins softly, "from the moment my eyes met yours that day when you saved me on the beach, I fell in love with you, I could see that you were a very dedicated, loyal, and responsible young man, I've been keeping my eye on you ever since..." my face breaks into the biggest grin ever as I look at him full of affection and genuine care. "Would to go out with me?" he asks while looking at me with innocent and hopeful eyes, my heart jumps again as I eagerly accept his offer, I hug him tightly, feeling his body against mine as the feeling of exhilaration passes through my veins, "m-may I kiss you...?" I whisper softly into his ear, a light pink blush dances across his cheeks as he slowly nods, I take his face gently in my hand, feeling his sharp jawline against my palm.  I bring my lips close to his, his warm breath brushes against my face, I lean in and press my lips gently on his, Ayato wraps his arms around my neck pushing me more towards him, deepening the kiss. Time seems to slow down and almost stop as the two of us get lost in each others kiss, a few moments later I pull away slowly, a feeling of joy, a feeling of love spreads throughout my body. "Heh, I might start calling you 'hot lifeguard' now" Ayato says jokingly, I blush a bit before saying, "well then I'll start calling you the sexy barista whenever you're on shift" I nudge him playfully, he ruffles my hair "don't you dare~" he says chuckling softly, "oh? make me!" the two of us end up rolling all over the floor in a messy heap tackling and wrestling each other. Soon the little 'quarrel' of ours was over, I lay out like a starfish on the floor staring at the ceiling, "*sigh* what a day..." I squeeze Ayato's hand gently as I feel a little squeeze in response.

The next morning Teyvat's News decided to interview me, I sit down on the little black stool as the camera team positions the camera and lights, Bennett comes in with a microphone addressing the viewers before stepping aside, "so Mr Thoma, you've become quite a popular lifeguard down at the beach after the shark attack 3 years ago, how has life been for you?" I give a big smile to the camera before answering, "Well... other than the regular lifeguard activities, it has also given me the opportunity to meet more people and teach our younger generation how to be safe in the water" Bennett nods and asks me to recount the shark attack incident from 3 years ago in my perspective, I recall everything in great detail, my feelings and thoughts. Bennett asks me a final question, "if you could deliver a message to our viewers here, what would it be? Anything at all..." I feel a great sense of pride rise in my chest, I look right into the camera with warm soft eyes, "Be fearless, seize every open opportunity! Be resilient and persevere through challenges, because after a thunderstorm...there will always be a rainbow" Bennett nods in approval as he wraps up the shoot, "that was well said Mr Thoma" he says off camera, "thanks!" I give him a bright smile as I exit the room. I stare out at the cloudly skies, "my rainbow was Ayato..." I say quietly as I walk into the distance, proud.

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