
By Lilas___

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[Tsundere x Reader] One second she was just a simple nurse, tending to her patients and doing her job. J... More

Chapter 1 - Secrets
Chapter 3 - Rise
Chapter 4 - Shot
Chapter 5 - Rebirth
Chapter 6 - Orders
Chapter 7 - Dispute
Chapter 8 - Research
Chapter 9 - Watching
Chapter 10 - Guilt
Chapter 11 - Distrust
Chapter 12 - Alarm
Chapter 13 - Run
Chapter 14 - Stuck
Chapter 15 - Signal
Chapter 16 - Surrounded
Chapter 17 - Guns
Chapter 18 - Range
Chapter 19 - Interlude
Chapter 20 - Station
Chapter 21 - Pendant
Chapter 22 - Ex
Chapter 23 - Market
Chapter 24 - Honesty
Chapter 25 - Difference
Chapter 26 - Vent
Chapter 27 - List
Chapter 28 - Bandanna
Chapter 29 - Stranger
Chapter 30 - Hidden
Chapter 31 - Desperate
Chapter 32 - Hostage
Chapter 33 - Corpse
Chapter 34 - Tension
Chapter 35 - Depart
Chapter 36 - Tougher
Chapter 37 - Losing
Chapter 38 - Papa
Chapter 39 - Thief
Chapter 40 - Plans
Chapter 41 - Diversion
Chapter 42 - Escape
Chapter 43 - End

Chapter 2 - Bitten

1.5K 138 231
By Lilas___

"He has a WHAT?!" Remy was quickly hushed by both (Y/N) and Dell.

"Keep your voice down!" (Y/N) whispered as she looked around the food court to make sure nobody heard them.

      He pushed their hands away to speak again but kept his voice down this time. "I'm sorry but you can't just tell me that there are people walking around with guns and not expect me to react!"

"You think they have clearance to carry in the hospital?" Dell asked, worry in her tone. Not even the security guards here can openly carry handguns. The most they have are tasers and batons.

      (Y/N) glanced around the food court for any 'representative' in the area. If they even are representatives as they claim.

"Maybe they're cops?" Remy wondered, taking a bite out of his sandwich. "Only people I know who can carry firearms here are cops."

"If they were cops, they would be in uniform. These guys are wearing suits." Dell shook her heard.

      An idea seemed to form in Remy's head. He snapped his fingers as if his idea was an obvious answer. "Then they're agents! Secret agents pretending to work for Satellite."

      The two women thought it over and it did make some sense. It would explain the suits, the hidden guns, and the whole classified thing. But the whole partnership with hospitals across the country and Satellite's products becoming the go to here are still left unanswered.

"If they are secret agents then why are they here? There aren't any politicians or bureaucrats admitted here." It was becoming unbearable for (Y/N) to not know the answer. Not even the details about the partnership were clear.

"It would be strange considering we're in the mountains..." Dell hummed, tapping a finger against her chin.

"So we agree on secret agents using Satellite as a cover?" Remy asked as he looked between his friends.

       Their discussion was becoming more lighthearted to help ease their suspicions. But (Y/N) wasn't entirely convinced by that hypothesis. "For now, sure. But there's more to it. There has to be."

       The three finished their lunches and spent the rest of their breaks getting as much time to relax as they can. They still had many hours left before they got to go home and plenty of work still left to do.

        As (Y/N) left them at the nurse's station, she went to find Dr. Chaney who had already turned the corner when he saw her. "Ah, Ms. (L/N). Right on time."

"Did you need me?" She asked as she approached him.

       He gave her a smile and nodded. "I did, in fact. I need help assisting Ms. Jameson."

       Once she heard the name, she felt her heart jump. This wasn't going to be good.

        Before Chaney could turn in the direction of the room, (Y/N) quickly held out her hand to stop him. "I already got another doctor to attend to her. It was her daughter's request."

        Chaney seemed annoyed at the mention of their patient's daughter. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers. "And you didn't consult this with me?"

        (Y/N) fought the urge to roll her eyes again. "She was very adamant about changing doctors, sir."

"Christ..." He grunted. Soon he straightened up and motioned for her to follow. "Come on."

       Was he still planning to attend to Ms. Jameson? (Y/N) could smell a possible argument brewing.

       As she walked alongside him, he stole a few glances at her while she went over the information on other patients they had. Chaney was a man in his mid 30s so he had plenty of experience in the medical field already. (Y/N) was still pretty new, however. Only really have 2 years of experience and most of it was training. She had been assigned as his assistant earlier this year and while he's never really tried pursuing her because of her tendency to get annoyed quickly and how serious she can be about her job, that didn't stop him from at least admiring how beautiful she was. Maybe if she wasn't frowning so much, he would consider taking her to dinner.

"You know, you should smile more." He cut her off mid-sentence as she was going over the results of a patient's test.

       She looked puzzled at the comment as she turned to him. "I'm sorry?"

"You should smile more." He repeated, not seeing how offensive his comment was. "You're still a beautiful young lady. You shouldn't be so serious all the time."

        (Y/N)'s eyes widened. Where was this coming from? She didn't think she was a serious person nor does she need to smile if she doesn't want to. "Sir, I'm just doing my job. I don't need to smile."

"But you're a nurse." He counters with his same charming smile as if to explain her job to her. "There's no need for nurses to look so negative. You have to make your patients comfortable."

       She stopped walking to glare at him but he was already at Ms. Jameson's door and grabbing onto the handle. "Just think about what I said."

       If they weren't currently at work and not in a professional setting, (Y/N) wouldn't have a problem telling him off. She didn't need his sexist advice nor did she asked for it. While she may not be the most cheerful nurse here, she does show her patients care and respect and hasn't received any complaints yet.

       Now she understands why Ash wanted a new doctor. (Y/N) wanted a new one too.

        As she entered the room behind Chaney, Ash was sitting in a chair next to her elderly mother's bed. She was talking on her phone when she saw the two come in and hung up with an irritated look. "I thought I said-"

"We're just checking up on Ms. Jameson here." Dr. Chaney cut her off as he smiled smugly at her before turning to her sleeping mother.

       Ash immediately turned to (Y/N) who only shook her head and went over to the computer that was in the room. She sat in the desk chair and did her best to zone out of anything to do with the tension between the doctor and her patient's daughter. It was like the two tried to stay on topic about Ms. Jameson but slide comments would be thrown here and there that only seemed to anger Ash by the second.

"Ms. (L/N), could you please schedule an x-ray for Ms. Jameson here? I would like to get some scans done on her hip to make sure there are no inner problems." Chaney carefully felt the older woman's injured hip that hasn't been healing correctly.

"Good to see you actually doing your job." Ash remarked as she kept her eyes on him.

        He glanced up at her and smirked. "Hopefully I'm not disappointing you, Miss."

"Well, you already did." She wasn't referring to the current job at hand, that was clear.

        (Y/N) bit her lips to prevent herself from grinning at the comment. She didn't know she needed to hear Chaney getting some due resistance until now. He wasn't so charming after all.

"May I have a chat with you in the hall?" Ash stated as she stood up, not giving Chaney a second to answer. "I don't want to wake my mother up."

        The doctor sighed as nodded. He glanced at (Y/N) who pretended to be focused on the computer but really she was paying close attention to them. "Nurse, can you take over for a second?"

"Hm? Oh, sure." (Y/N) nodded and turned to stand as Ash left the room with the doctor. She looked serious. The kind of woman Chaney didn't like.

       Before she left with him, (Y/N) showed her support. Mouthing 'Get him!' to which Ash nodded with a flip of her hair.

       If only (Y/N) could be the one telling that creep off. It would be so satisfying.

       She sighed and went over to Ms. Jameson who slept quietly on the bed. The nurse did her usual checking of her temperature and used a stethoscope to listen to her heartbeat. The older woman did feel a little colder than normal and her heartbeat was a few paces weak. Was she ill?

"Ms. Jameson?" (Y/N) gently spoke to try to wake her patient up. "Ms. Jameson?"

       Poor thing must be tired. She'll have to run some tests to make sure she hasn't caught any flu. So (Y/N) turned back to the clipboard in her hand and proceeded to write the information down.

       The room grew quiet with only the sounds of the nurse's pen scribbling across the paper and the hustle and bustle of the halls outside.

        As she wrote, she could hear the faint breathing of the older woman that started to pick up a little. (Y/N) checked and saw she was still asleep. The nurse moved to lean against the bed and check the monitors hooked up that displayed her patient's vitals. She we so focused on jotting down the information that she didn't see Ms. Jameson's eyes opening up slightly in a yellowy milky color. Her frail head slowly turned to the young nurse who stood beside her and her breathing grew deeper.

        As (Y/N) read over the machines, she heard a shout come from outside in the halls. She immediately looked in the direction of the saw and could see security guards posted on the floor begin to run in that direction. Many others in the halls turned to the shout as well as murmurs began to spread.

        But just as (Y/N) turned back to the machine, she noticed her patient grabbing the railing of the hospital bed with an uncharacteristic strength that an old woman shouldn't have.

        (Y/N) immediately became concerned as she turned to her. "Ms. Jame-"


        (Y/N) screamed and fell back when the old woman suddenly pounced at her. The two fell to the ground with Ms. Jameson on top of her who bared her teeth and slammed her arms against the stunned and terrified nurse.

        (Y/N) tried to hold her back, grabbing her skinny wrist and using her strength to push her off but Ms. Jameson managed to pull her wrist away and grab onto (Y/N) roughly before sinking her teeth into her arm.

        The nurse screamed in pain as she could feel the old teeth break through her skin. Her fight or flight kicked in and she pushed against the old woman's chest to shove her off.

        Security immediately came into the room upon hearing the nurse's distress. They looked confused to see her backing away from the old patient who was recovering from the shove. Ms. Johnson grunted and shakily pushed herself up and creaked her head toward (Y/N) like a rabid animal.

        Before Ms. Johnson could pounce again, security quickly grabbed her and held her back. She struggled in their grip but ultimately couldn't put up a fight against the two guards.

"More! I need more!" Her old scratchy voice shouted.

"Calm down, ma'am! You're going to hurt yourself!" The security tried to say.

        (Y/N) was breathing heavily as she backed away against a cart that her back bumped into. A medication bottle fell next to her that she looked down at.

'Satellite Pharmaceuticals' was written across the label.

        After attempts at calming the old woman down were futile, doctors immediately came in and gave her a shot of anesthesia. In an instant, the old woman grew tired and fell limp in the security guards' arms.

"This is the third attack today..." One doctor spoke. "What is going on..?"

        (Y/N) shakily stood up as her eyes remained on the old woman. The doctors finally noticed her and her bleeding arm and quickly rushed to her aid. "Someone get this nurse checked out!"

"She- She bit me..." (Y/N) muttered, still in shock from it all.

         The nurse was quickly ushered into the hall and led to a different room to get her arm looked at. When others saw her, she heard their gasps and concerns. How could an elderly woman be able to do such a thing?

        Drake and his partner both stood off to the side as they observed the whole situation. They can see the worry begin to spread as the hospital began to pick up on the attacks happening.

       The first one was deemed as just some drug-induced homeless man, the second was a middle-aged guy who became aggressive out of nowhere, but now some frail old woman?

       Drake's eyes followed (Y/N) as she glanced down at her bleeding bite mark before she was taken into an empty room to get it checked out.

"We need to radio Rose." His partner spoke in a hushed voice. "I think something's happening."

"Yea..." Drake nodded as the two turned to leave.

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