daddy jaehyun II Jaehyun Jung

By jaehyunspeachparty

78.7K 1.4K 92

It all started with Miga, the first daughter of Y/N and Jaehyun. It tells the story of how Jaehyun builds a f... More

i.ii. (m)
i.iii. (m)
i.v. (m) (m)
i.x. (m)
i.xiv. (a)
i.xv. (a)
i.xvi. the birth of Sunoh
ii.ii (m)
ii.iv. (m) - Date Night
ii.v (a,m) (a,m)
ii.viii. (a)
ii.xi. Miga's birthday (m)
ii.xvii. (m)
Christmas Special 1 - Are you on Santas good or bad list? (m)
Christmas Special 1 - A letter to Santa Claus
Christmas Special 1 - An early present (m)
Christmas Special 1 - Look at the Christmas tree
Christmas Special 1 - About naughty boys (m)
Christmas Special 1 - Sisterly love
Christmas Special 1 - After Christmas Party (m)
Christmas Special 1 - A little surprise
Christmas Special 1 - Spa Weekend (m)
Christmas Special 1 - Cookies, Cookies, Cookies
Christmas Special 1 - Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas (m)
Christmas Special 1 - Christmas with the Jung's
ii.xxi. happy new year!!!
ii.xxiii. (a)
ii.xxiv (a)
ii.xxv. (a)
ii.xxvi. (a)
ii.xxviii. (a)
ii.xxix. (m) (m)
ii.xxiii. (m)
ii.xxxv. (m)
xxxvi. (m)
ii.xxxvii. (a)
ii.xxxviii. (a)
ii.xxxix. (a/m)
ii.xli. (m)
ii.xliii. (m)


335 13 1
By jaehyunspeachparty

"I'm afraid." Your forehead was close to that of your husband. You look into each other's eyes and are lingering in bed for a while. You could hardly sleep the night, you were always startled with sweat and your heart could never calm down. Jaehyun kept waking up through you, hugging you and trying to calm you down. But it all repeated it over and over again. Jaehyun felt terrible because you had to go through all of this because of him. He wanted to take the pain away from you, but there was nothing else he could do but hug you.
"I wish I could go with you." He stroked your cheek and his eyes never let you go. Your lawyer said that Jaehyun's presence in court would only provoke Suji. Wrong conclusions could be drawn and that's why Jaehyun's statement was recorded on video.
"Me too ..." You take a deep breath and try to forget the pain.
"But I will think of you all the time and if you need me, call me immediately." He looks into your eyes seriously and you nod.
"Me too ..." You take a deep breath and try to forget the pain.
"But I will think of you all the time and if you need me, call me immediately." He looks into your eyes seriously and you nod.

When you saw Suji in court, you immediately wanted to run away. You missed your babies and you wanted to go to Jaehyun. But instead, you sit next to your lawyer and just wait for you to be called to testify.
"Ms. Jung, please come forward." Your heart was racing when the judge called you. The way forward seemed long and your lawyer starts questioning. You already knew all of this because he had already prepared you for it. But when Suji's lawyer came to you, your throat tightened.
"Ms. Jung. You said earlier that the publication of your pregnancy was a humiliation. You are a young woman, you live with two children who you raise almost alone and your marriage is not going so well either." The lawyer took a few steps towards you.
"I don't raise my children alone and my marriage is going well." You don't understand what he was trying to do.
"But it is shown differently in the media."
"Objection!" Your lawyer called, but the judge continued to admit it.
"But the media always say something wrong." You knew it couldn't end well.
"Oh, was that maybe a lie with your miscarriage?" The lawyer grinned slightly and you got angry.
"No! It was one of the worst things I had to go through. Jaehyun and I really wanted this baby."
"Is that really true? Why aren't you pregnant again?"
"Objection," your lawyer called again.
"Accepted," said the judge, and Suji's lawyer continued your questioning.
"Maybe ... could it be that you were overstrained? Mr. Jung wanted to start his solo career and so you aborted the child?"
"WHAT? NO! I wouldn't do that." You were so angry. How could anyone say that?
"Objection," continued your lawyer.
"Hey, no one resents you. You already have two children, Jaehyun wants to continue his career ..."
"Objection," your lawyer called again.
"And there you simply aborted the child, only the information was already published there."
"Objection, he is harassing the witness", your lawyer screamed all over the room and finally his appeal was accepted by the judge.
"No further questions." Suji's lawyer turned away from you and you could go back.
"Don't worry, we'll do it." Your lawyer smiled encouragingly and patted you on the shoulder. But you were done. It was like being humiliated a second time.
Next up was Jaehyun's manager also known as Suji's new boyfriend. It was incredible, he took all the blame. He firmly stated that she knew nothing about it. The only thing he couldn't say was his motive behind it. Why should he do such a thing, he had no reason to do it.

"I didn't think he was taking all the blame." You sigh and sit at the table while your lawyer checked his phone.
"Ms. Jung, could you please call your husband? He really wants to come here, but Suji's statement has not yet been made." He sighed and looked desperately at you. He was also not happy with how the case developed. Suji was a real psychopath and could just wrap the people around her finger. So you went out of the room and dial Jaehyun's number. It didn't take a second and he was already taking off.
"Y/N! How can she?! Abortion?!" Jaehyun was incredibly angry. For him, the thing was simply unbelievable. There were several journalists watching the case and publishing everything, so Jaehyun was always up to date. Dispatch even had a live ticker for it.
"Jaehyun, you can't come here." These words were so difficult to say, but you knew that this was not about feelings, but about winning a case.
"Miga and Sunoh are already dressed, I can go over there straight away." You hear Sunoh babbling in the background because he has been very talkative lately, even if he could only say a few syllables. How much would you like to be with him and hear him speak.
"Please, it looks bad anyway. She'll just turn it around so that you still want something from her."
"Hmmm ... I don't want to leave you alone." Jaehyun sighed and at the moment you wouldn't want anything more than to have him with you.
"Stay with the kids. They haven't seen you lately. I'll go to your house after the trial." These words were so heavy but it didn't help. Jaehyun wasn't happy either, but he understood that it was just a tactical move and you had to submit.

After the break, Suji was interviewed. Of course, she claimed to have known nothing about it. She said that she knew nothing about it. She said that Jaehyun and she had an intense love relationship before you and one cannot simply forget such a connection and that it was you who would not be able to cope with it. It was clear that she would interpret it that way. But it still annoyed you that she could tell it so convincingly. When your lawyer interviewed her, he tried to push her a bit.
"We have a statement from Mr. Jung who says that there was never a relationship between you while he was with Ms. Jung." He took a few steps towards her.
"He has to say that. Y/N had threatened him to take the children away." She crossed her arms and looked over at you.
"Isn't it more like you want Mr. Jung to separate from Mrs. Jung?"
"Of course. Jaehyun and I love each other." You could not believe what she imagined, and it becomes increasingly clear to you that Suji was crazy.
"Mr. Jung said in his statement that he had no feelings for you. Never."
"That is not true!" Suji grew louder and you could see how she struggled with her composure. Your lawyer knew her weak point and that was Jaehyun.
"Why had he tried several times to file a stalking lawsuit last year?"
"Objection," Suji's lawyer tried to intervene, but the judge refused to let him.
"It wasn't Jaehyun, she was." Suji pointed at you and you notice how her facade started to crumble.
"But it was Jaehyun, he made the statement and filed the lawsuit. He was at the police several times because of it. Should I really read extracts here now?"
"Objection," Suji's lawyer stood up and looked almost aggressive.
"NO! He didn't do that." She was so angry, and it was incredible to see her in that state.
"Yes! And you knew that. You knew that Mr. Jung would never divorce Mrs. Jung and you became angry and decide to take revenge."
"And that's why you decide to publicly defame Ms. Jung. Publish her pregnancy and start a public hunt for her in the media."
"Objection. He hassles her."
"Declined." The judge was curious to see what would come next.
"YES AND? She took everything from me. First Jaehyun and then my job! The little that is reported about her in the media doesn't hurt anyone." And when she said the words, she was shocked that she had lost her composure.
"No further questions." When your lawyer turned around, he looked at you and smiled. He was clearly satisfied and so were you.
After all, statements were made, the judge withdrew to consider his judgment. During this time, you could hardly stand still. Your lawyer tried to reassure you because he was quite happy with the result of Suji's questioning. When you were called back into the courtroom, you almost fainted and you feel so sick. You wish you could just throw up here and you wished so much that Jaehyun would just be there. You want to hold your children in your arms and not sit here.
"This case went on a very personal level. Love is something that leads people to something that they may not want. But the laws are different and public defamation is taken very seriously in Korean law. As much as her heart was broken, Ms. Kim, the law doesn't give them the right to destroy Ms. Jung's public reputation. Suji Kim, I hereby declare you guilty." In the following, Jaehyun's manager was also found guilty. You couldn't believe it, it was finally done. Suji and her boyfriend have to pay you a big amount of money and this case will always appear in her criminal record.

When you got home, you immediately fell into Jaehyun's arms. Tears of joy rolled down your cheeks. Finally, you could be with your family again. You take Sunoh who started smiling when he was back with you.
"Ma-ma," he babbled, and his hands gripped your face.
"Yes, mummy is back." You spread kisses all over his face and he started giggling.
You order something to eat, sit down and enjoy the time as a family. You were so incredibly happy to be back with your loved ones. After the children were in bed, you sit outside with Jaehyun and tell him everything about the case.
"I'd get another glass of wine. Do you like too?" Jaehyun kissed you and got up.
"No, I'm still feeling sick. At first, I thought it was just my nervousness, but somehow I'm still not feeling well." You sigh and you reach for your stomach. And suddenly Jaehyun froze and started smiling.
"Do you think it worked already?" And when he asked you that, you could see the possibility.
"I don't know. I think I have another pregnancy test in the bathroom. Should we check?" You had stopped using contraception for a few weeks now and you got pregnant relatively easily, maybe it was really possible. Jaehyun took your hand and his face was bright.
"Come over." He pulled you up and you go to the bathroom. You look for the test and when you find it, you pee on the strip immediately.
"I hope he is positive." Jaehyun put his arms around you and kissed you.
"Me too ..." You smile and were very excited and when the minutes are up you take the test and read the result...

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