daddy jaehyun II Jaehyun Jung

De jaehyunspeachparty

78.7K 1.4K 92

It all started with Miga, the first daughter of Y/N and Jaehyun. It tells the story of how Jaehyun builds a f... Mais

i.ii. (m)
i.iii. (m)
i.v. (m) (m)
i.x. (m)
i.xiv. (a)
i.xv. (a)
i.xvi. the birth of Sunoh
ii.ii (m)
ii.iv. (m) - Date Night
ii.v (a,m) (a,m)
ii.viii. (a)
ii.xi. Miga's birthday (m)
ii.xvii. (m)
Christmas Special 1 - Are you on Santas good or bad list? (m)
Christmas Special 1 - A letter to Santa Claus
Christmas Special 1 - An early present (m)
Christmas Special 1 - Look at the Christmas tree
Christmas Special 1 - About naughty boys (m)
Christmas Special 1 - After Christmas Party (m)
Christmas Special 1 - A little surprise
Christmas Special 1 - Spa Weekend (m)
Christmas Special 1 - Cookies, Cookies, Cookies
Christmas Special 1 - Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas (m)
Christmas Special 1 - Christmas with the Jung's
ii.xxi. happy new year!!!
ii.xxiii. (a)
ii.xxiv (a)
ii.xxv. (a)
ii.xxvi. (a)
ii.xxviii. (a)
ii.xxix. (m) (m)
ii.xxiii. (m)
ii.xxxv. (m)
xxxvi. (m)
ii.xxxvii. (a)
ii.xxxviii. (a)
ii.xxxix. (a/m)
ii.xli. (m)
ii.xliii. (m)

Christmas Special 1 - Sisterly love

310 9 2
De jaehyunspeachparty

"And then Auntie Mia will take care of you." Jaehyun was just driving home with Miga. Shortly before Christmas, your sisters were visiting and they wanted to meet their nephew now also once. Mia, your youngest sister, was finally 18 years old and was allowed to visit you without her mother's permission. Your other sisters Audrey and Victoria paid her everything and you've been looking forward to them for days. Jaehyun picked Miga off at the kindergarten, but he had to return to an event in the evening. Mia was so nice and offered to babysit.
"Who is Mia?" Miga kicked her little feet and looked at her father.
"You know, your mommy is also a big sister, just like you. Only she has three little sisters." Jaehyun explained and parked in the garage.
Jaehyun and Miga went up to the apartment and were greeted by your sisters.
"Oh my god, Miga, you grew so tall." Your sister Victoria lifted her up and pressed her a firm kiss on her cheek. Miga looked surprised at her father. She barely knew her aunts. Mia, your little sister, lived with her mother in America, Audrey has richly married two years ago and lived in Cape Town and Victoria was the second oldest who lives with her girlfriend in Australia.
It sometimes saddened you that your sisters were scattered around the world. But through the difficult relationship with your mother, everyone wanted to be far away from her. So it pleased you more that everyone was here to visit you.
"Hi Miga, can you remember me?" Audrey came to the little girl and stroked her cheek while holding Sunoh. Miga looked at the, for her unknown, woman and then at her father again. Then she started to cry because everything was a little too much for her. Jaehyun took her in his arms and tried to comfort her.
"Hey, it's all good. These are your aunts." He had to laugh a little, but Miga was probably just a little tired. She didn't go to kindergarten for very long, and sometimes she was pretty exhausted afterwards.
"You will not have much to do today, Mia. Miga is already tired." You smile and stroke the head of your daughter.
"Before I forget, Kun recently forgot something he needed here. He'll send someone over to take it home to Kun. I hope it's okay, Mia." Jaehyun had to spend the evening on a show that he hosted and therefore couldn't be at home.
"No problem at all." Mia nodded and smiled shyly.
"I hope he doesn't send Lucas over." You are admonishing your husband. You liked Lucas, but you do not trust him with girls.
"No, I think he'll send Yangyang or Xiaojun over." You nod reassuringly because you think that are good guys.

After explaining everything to your little sister, you went to dinner with your other sisters. You didn't want to leave Mia alone too long. But it was nice to go out again in the evening.
"How long are you going to breastfeed?" Audrey asked as you pushed the fish on your plate in front of you. He smells so weird and you suddenly didn't feel like to eat him anymore.
"Don't know, maybe 3 months left?" You don't look at your sister but continue to examine the fish.
"We should then go somewhere, maybe to France, we visit the grave of our father and get drunk in the vineyards." Victoria was very excited about the idea.
"Oh Mia can drink then too, in France you can drink from the age of 18. That will be so much fun." Audrey was just as excited about the idea.
"What do you think about it? We can get drunk, like in the old days." Victoria smiled and took a sip of her red wine.
"Yes, I will not drink anything." You only half listen, because the smell of the fish disturbed you so strong and you think about whether you should order something new.
"You silly, we will not be going unless you stop breastfeeding your son." Audrey laughed and rolled her eyes, but Victoria realized there was something else behind it.
"Y/N, is everything okay?" Her voice became serious and she looked at you worriedly.
"Yeah, sure." You shrug and take a sip of your water. Even Audrey looked irritated between you back and forth.
"Honey, is it possible that you are pregnant again?" When Victoria uttered the words, you almost choked on the water.
"What? Why do you think so?" You try to lie as best as you can. But they were your sisters, they knew you.
"Sweetie, you don't want to get drunk with us and you smell on the fish for ten minutes." Victoria recognized it and Audrey looked at you wide-eyed. You could not lie to your sisters, they would always know.
"Good, I'm pregnant again." You sigh and set aside your cutlery.
"But you look very unhappy." Audrey put her hand on your forearm and stroked her skin with her thumbs.
"No, it's not like that. I got pregnant too early and I'm in a risky pregnancy. This is all dangerous for the child and me. Only Jaehyun and I know ... and you two now. We don't want to tell anyone before I've made the three months. I've just known it myself recently and we're still both in shock. I'm pretty worried." You look back and forth between the two and you were nervous. Especially since Audrey had been trying to get pregnant for a year, but it never worked out.
"Hey, everything will be fine." Victoria smiled cheerfully and stroked your hand. Audrey said nothing and tried to avoid your look. You somehow feel guilty and because you did not plan to have a child again and Audrey tried everything to get pregnant. You are not talking anymore about it, because Victoria realized that it was uncomfortable for both of you. Nevertheless, the evening was nice, but you didn't want to burden your little sister with your children for too long and you decide to go home earlier.
You unlock the door and your sisters followed you. The lights were on but dimmed. You didn't want to wake anyone, so you went to the living room. But here you hear unusual sounds and especially a male voice. You look at the sofa and see a lean figure leaning over something.
"Mia?" You throw into the room and suddenly she sat up and the figure was someone very well known.
"Xiaojun?" You look confused to the two and see how they tried to cover their naked bodies with a blanket.
"Oh my God." Victoria was behind you now.
"I hope you have prevented, Mia! Mum kills us if you come home pregnant." Audrey's eyes were full of panic. Xiaojun quickly tried to find his clothes together.
"I'm so sorry, I ..." He was completely red in the face with shame. Victoria couldn't stop laughing and Xiaojun tried to put on his clothes quickly.
"I'll go, I'll call you." He said to Mia and disappeared quickly from the apartment.
"Okay, I think we'll go too. Come on Mia." Victoria took control before you could say anything.
When Jaehyun came home, you still didn't realize it. After showering, he climbed over you and kissed you.
"I think Xiaojun slept with my little sister." Jaehyun looked at you in surprise and then started to laugh.
"And you were worried about Lucas." He lay down next to you and started to laugh again. And somehow you also relaxed. Your little sister was 18 years old. She knew what she was doing now.
"How was your evening?" Jaehyun snuggled closer to you and stroked your stomach, but you twitched.
"Y/N, when can I finally touch your belly?" He sighed and his eyes were sad. Jaehyun was right, you block completely.
"I'm sorry, only, this pregnancy is so different." You turn to your husband and stroke his chest.
"You said that with the pregnancy with Sunoh too." He tried to reassure you, but you both knew that this time there are many risks associated with pregnancy.
"My sisters know it. They recognized it somehow." You tell him and Jaehyun tightened his grip on you.
"What did they say?"
"I think Audrey is sad, she's been trying to get pregnant for so long." You look up at him and he realized that you felt guilty.
"She and her husband will have a baby soon and then all will be forgotten." You nod, because he was right. He kissed you gently and then you fall asleep in his arms.

You enjoy the last few days with your sisters and also Miga could finally get to know her aunts. Mia didn't come from time to time and you had the feeling that she continued to meet with Xiaojun. On the last day, you just decide to do something with your little sister. You were only there for her in the first 10 years of her life and then you just left her. You feel bad, because you should have been there for Mia.
You visit with her a small cafe near your apartment. Miga was at Jaehyun and you had Sunoh with you.
"He is so cute." Mia held him in her arms and rocked him.
"Yes, I could watch him for hours." You smile and watch the two for a while.
"Mia, do you already know what you do after school?" You try to do a little small talk. But she just shrugged.
"I thought I'd take a year off, maybe I'll travel around a bit. I make some money with Instagram anyway." You look at her in surprise. She was really pretty, so it didn't surprise you that she was successful on Instagram.
"Maybe I'm going to Seoul here." She smiled and looked at you with wide eyes.
"Xiaojun is more than just a holiday flirt?" You wink and take a sip of your coffee.
"Yes, he is cute and he looks so good." She blushed and started to giggle. Somehow you thought it was really cute.
"Mia, I don't want to ban you from Xiaojun, but I just want to tell you a relationship with an idol isn't easy." You look at her seriously. You never could have been a good big sister to her, but you could help her here now.
"But you and Jaehyun are so wonderful together, and Miga and Sunoh are so cute too." She looks down at your son and smiles. Sunoh responded to that and also started to smile and his dimples appearing.
"But our relationship is hard work, you have to deal with Saesangs, fans, companies that don't want you to be together. It's the world against you and you can only do that if your love is strong enough." Mia looks up at you after your speech. You feel bad because you didn't want to scare her.
"But you're still young and that's only the case when you make the relationship public. Enjoy the time with him, love is great." You smile peacefully and you realize that Mia relaxed again.
"If we find a new apartment and house soon enough, then you could live here." You wanted to move out in any case before the birth, because with two babies that would be too stressful.
"What really? Isn't that too much?" Mia's eyes grew big again and a big smile appeared on her face.
"Mia, I've never been a good sister. I left you far too soon because I couldn't stand it anymore with Mum, that's the least I can do." You lean to her and look her deep in the eyes. It was important to you that she took your offer seriously.
"I just want to get away from Mum ..." Mia's voice trembled and you could understand it.
"But why are you looking for a new house? The apartment you have is absolutely beautiful." She distracted from the topic and you were glad about it. No one of you liked talking about your mother. You wonder if you should tell Mia the truth, but you didn't want to exclude her. After all, your other sisters knew it, too.
"Mia, you can't tell this anyone else okay?" Your voice became quieter and you look around you, that no one could hear something.
"I will not reveal anything, I swear." You nod to her words and you lay your hand on your stomach.
"I'm pregnant again." You look up to your sister who is beginning to shine.
"Oh my god, you have another baby. That's wonderful!" It pleased you that Mia was so happy, but you were still careful.
"Mia, the pregnancy is not planned. I got pregnant too early, far too soon after the birth of Sunoh. There are many dangers involved, it may hurt me, or even worse, my baby." You look sadly at Sunoh and you hope that you could soon be so happy when you got pregnant with him.
"Hey, everything will be fine." Mia tried to find the right words, but you couldn't hear it anymore. You smile, but don't say anything.
"But if I lived in your apartment, could I possibly work as a nanny for you?" Mia smiled and you thought it was a good idea.
"Hmm, that wouldn't be so bad, but I have to discuss it with Jaehyun." Mia nodded and understood, but you agree to stay in touch.

When your sisters left, many tears flowed. It was hard to let them go again. You barely remembered when you were all together last time. Miga was sad too that her aunts were leaving. But you were glad that they could come a few days before Christmas. And somehow you were glad that they knew that you were pregnant again. As you look behind them, you feel Jaehyun putting his arm around you. He knew you had a hard time letting them go. You were so grateful that he was there and so you take his hand and put it on your stomach. Jaehyun looked at you joyfully and starts gently stroking it. You were finally ready for this child and for the first time you could be happy about it.

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