This Love

By Delena--Forever

117K 2.1K 370

Nina and Ian are both falling for each other. They want to keep this a secret from their friends and family... More

Two Can Keep a Secret
Letting them know
All Night Long
Welcome to Paris
When in Paris
I love you's
One Goodbye
The Big Question
The Accident
First Night Home
Snowed In
Home for the Holidays
Christmas Eve
Christmas - Part 2
A Lot of Love
The Treehouse
It's a...
A New Town
Our First Home
Baby Talk
Date Night
When in Rome - part 1
When in Rome - Part 2
Home Again
I do
HoneyMoon - part 1
Honey Moon - Part 2
Oh Baby
Welcome Harlow
Coming Home
Vampire Stalkers
Another baby?
New Zealand - Part 1
New Zealand - Part 2
Bungee Swing
Back Home
Rain, Love, Friends
What I Love About You
Lake Day
Goodbye and Hello
Everything is Good

Christmas - Part 1

2.3K 41 3
By Delena--Forever

Nina's POV

It's 6:00. I turn back over and rest my eyes on Ian. He's sound asleep. His breathing soft. He's even cute when he's asleep. 30 more minutes and we can meet downstairs to open presents. I put my hand on his cheek. His eyes open. "Morning baby." I whisper to him. He blinks a few times. "Hi beautiful." He smiles. "Merry Christmas." I kiss his lips. "Merry Christmas baby." He pulls me into his arms. I rest my head on his chest. "Is it time to go down stairs?" He stretches his arms and leans up against my head board. "No not yet. At 6:30." He looks at the clock and nods. I sit up and crawl over him. I walk over to my closet and pull out a present. I walk back over to the bed and place it in Ian's lap. "What's this?" He picks it up. "Your first present." I smile and sit down on his lap. "Open it." I lift it up with his hand. He starts unwrapping it. He opens the box up. "Nina. Wow." He pulls out the camera. "Nina you, wow. This is amazing. Where did you find this?" "My dad has a friend with a camera shop and he actually had one of these. I told dad to ask his friend if he could go ahead and take it and I'd pay him when I got here. I gave dad the money yesterday." "Nina I love it. Thank you baby." He kisses me softly on the lips. "You're welcome." I smile at him. "Gosh. This is awesome." Ian looks around at the LEICA m3 camera. He loves antique cameras. I climb out of his lap and throw my Christmas pajama on with the grinch on it. Ian laughs. "What?" I look at him. "The grinch?" He tilts his head. "Yes. The grinch is my favorite. You know this." I say to him. "I do know this. But I didn't know you had grinch pajamas." He wraps his arms around me. "I wear them every Christmas morning." I kiss his neck. "Which reminds me." I hold up a shirt with the grinch on it. "I got you a shirt to wear with me." I slide it over his head. "You're not funny." Ian looks at himself in the mirror. He starts laughing. "I love it." He smiles at me.

I hear a knock on the door. "Nina come on. Let's wake mom and dad." Alex says through my door. "Okay we're coming." I open the door and Alex is already heading down the stairs.

We stop at my parents door and Alex counts to 3. "Three!" He opens the door and we all run and fly on to the bed. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" We shout. Mama rolls over and stares at us and dad throws a pillow but missing us.

"Good morning my lovely kids." Mama smiles and puts her glasses on. "Nina hand me my robe." I get up and walk over to the door where the robe is hanging. "Go on into the living room." Dad tells us as he stands up. I grab Ian's hand and we walk into the living room.

"Oh my gosh." I say as I look at the presents under the tree. I look at the fireplace and see are stockings. Mama, Dad, Alex, mine, and Ian's. I point to it and show him. Ian smiles. "My own Dobrev stocking." He squeezes my hand.

"Okay Alex its your turn to hand out the presents this year!" I push him to the tree. "Hold on! I want to get pictures of you guys before we open them!" Mama comes running into the living room with her camera. "Okay kids stand up next to the tree." I grab Ian and we stand next to Alex. Ian puts his arm around my waist. "Say Dobrev Christmas!" "Dobrev Christmas!" We smile.

Mom takes about 10 more pictures and then Alex hands out the presents.
"Let's see this last one is Nina's." He passes it to Ian and Ian sits it down beside me. "Stockings well do last." Mama says. "Okay let's open!" I shout.

"Mom! These are awesome!" I laugh and hold up my new unicorn house slippers. Ian takes them and looks at them. "Did I get a pair?" He starts laughing. "I'll order you some son." Mama says with a smile.

"Gosh mama Dobrev you didn't have to get me this." Ian holds out a new lens for his canon camera.

"Okay mama and dad open your gifts from us." Ian slides his hand down my leg and stops on my knee. Mama and dad open their gifts.

"Nina!" Mom and dad yell at the same time. "No way! Baby are you kidding me?" My dad holds up 2 plane tickets and mom holds up the brochure to Hawaii. "Nina honey, thank you!" Mom stands up and hugs me. "Ian you both are the sweetest." She hugs Ian next.

Alex opens his gift from us next. "Hurry up you grandma." I yell at him. "We aren't keeping the wrapping paper." I joke to him. "Ian next year we are putting his gift in a bag." I laugh. "Shut up Nina." Alex laughs.

"Nina and Ian wow. Thanks!" Alex shows mom and dad where his trip is too. "Finish your classes and you're on your way to Fiji!" Ian says. "Who's the 2nd ticket for?" Alex holds it up. "Maybe you can get ahold of one of those girls and ask them." I wink at him and he throws a pillow at me. "I'm kidding. But you can invite Lucas or whoever okay?" I walk over and he hugs me then he hugs Ian. "Thanks guys. Really."

"Okay! Breakfast! I'll get it started." Mama heads into the kitchen. Dad stretches out on the couch. "Ian and I are going to go upstairs and pack." I lean over dad and kiss him on the cheek. "Merry Christmas dad. Thank you." I tell him. "Merry Christmas neens. I love you." He smiles.

Ian and I head up to my room and I lay out our suitcases. "Now we have the extra suitcase to put these presents in." I start packing that suitcase up. Ian folds all the clothes we packed and lays them in the other suitcase.

"Breakfast is ready!" Mama yells up the stairs.

Ian and I bring down are suitcases to get ready to leave. My mom walks over and hugs me tightly in her arms and then pulls Ian in with me. "You guys I'm going to miss you." "Mom you can come visit anytime." I pull back from her grip. "Yeah Mrs. Dobrev you can come visit when ever." Ian smiles and kisses her on the cheek. "Nina call us when you get to Louisiana. Gosh I'll miss you." My dad walks over and pulls mom to the side. "Nina I love you. Ian take care okay? Thank you guys for coming in. Well miss you!" Dad hugs me and shakes Ian's hand. "Where's Alex?" "Coming!" Alex slides down the steps on a sled. "Alex! Not in the house!" Mom yells at him. "Bye neens. Thanks for the Christmas present guys." He throws his arms around us. "Bye Alex. Same to you, come visit when ever!" We wave bye to everyone and head out to the car. I see my mom crying and my dad shutting the front door.

"Moms crying. I hate when she cries when I leave." Ian pulls me into his arms and kisses me. "She'll be okay. I bet she'll be down in Atlanta by next month." He smiles.

We get to the airport and board the plane quickly.

"Excited to see where I grew up?" Ian says and grabs my hand. "Of course I am. I can't wait to see your mom again too. And meet your dad finally." I kiss his cheek. "Dads super excited. He loves you already." Ian looks out the window. "I'm going to try and sleep, I feel a little nauseous." I look at Ian and lay my head on his chest. "Okay baby, I'll wake you before we land." Ian says and kisses my head.


Ian's POV

I read on my iPad as Nina sleeps. The flight attendant brings me my water. "Can I get a bottled water for her? She'll be waking up soon. I'm not sure if she'll feel any better yet." I tell her. "Of course. Be right back." I look down at Nina and see her twitch a little. "Hey, neens." I run my hand down her arm. She rubs her eyes and looks up at me. "Hi." She sits up. "Oh no." "What?" I move her hair out of her face. "I need to get to the bathroom." Nina stands up and I walk with her to the bathroom. I knock to make sure no ones in. "Okay." Nina walks in and closes the door. I stand up against the side. "Everything okay?" A lady in a suit asks. "I think she's just a little sick from flying. Or eating. I'm not sure really." I tell the lady. "Well I'm a doctor, if you need anything feel free to ask for me. My name is Lesley Monroe." I shake her hand. "I'm Ian Somerhalder and she is Nina Dobrev." I smile. "I'll let you know if we need you." Lesley walks back through the curtain and takes her seat. "Nina?" I tap on the door. "Ian." Nina says as she walks out. "You okay baby?" I grab her hand. "I don't know. I think I'm getting the flu." I put my hand on her forehead. "Nina you're burning up. Come on let's sit back down." I lead her back to our seats. "I'll be right back." Nina sits down and I walk to Lesley's seat.

"Hi, Lesley. Uh can you come check her out. She's burning up." Lesley stands up and I show her to where we are sitting.

"Hi Nina, I'm Lesley. I'm a doctor. I hear you aren't feeling well. Care if I check you out?" Nina nods her head. "When did you start feeling sick?" Lesley takes out a tongue depressor and ask Nina to open her mouth. Nina says ahhhh. "Uhm, probably a few days ago. But today's the first day it's actually hit me. It comes and goes?" Nina shrugs her shoulders. "Do you ever get sick when you fly?" "No never." Nina looks up at me. I mouth "you'll be okay." I look around and surprisingly no one is looking at us. "Hmm, well it could be the flu. I'd hate to ask you to see the emergency room when we land since it's Christmas." I look at Lesley. "No it's fine. I could take her." "Okay, I will text my friend as soon as we land to let him know you guys are coming." Lesley puts her supplies back in her bag. "Thank you Lesley." I shake her hand and she walks back to her seat. "Baby I hate that you're sick. Especially on Christmas." I pull her into my arms. "I'll be okay. Really. I'm just tired." Nina lays her head back on me. "Well we're almost there. Do you want this water or do you want a sprite?" "I don't think I can keep anything down." She mumbles. I run my fingers through her hair. "I love you Nina. I'll get you to the doctor once we land." "I love you too."

As soon as we land I get the driver to rush us to the hospital.

We walk into the ER and I sit Nina down before checking her in. "Uh hi Lesley Monroe called to get us in with Dr. Sawyer." I tell the lady at the counter. "Hi, yes. We will let him know you are here. I'll need you to fill out these papers." The lady smiles and hands me a clipboard with papers. "Thanks."

I sit back down next to Nina. "They'll get us back soon." I kiss her and she smiles. "Did you tell your mom w head to stop?" Nina lays her head on my shoulder. "Yeah she said they will be waiting for us at home." I look at the papers and start feeling them out. "Nina can you write your Social down." I hand her the pen. "Thanks love." "Nina?" A tall man walks out of the doors. I stand up and grab Nina's hand. "Hi she's Nina. I'm Ian." I shake his hand. "Hi Ian, I'm Dr. Sawyer." He leads us into the hall and down to a room at the end. "Nina have a seat up there." He shuts the door. "Let's see, Lesley said you are having flu like symptoms?" Dr. Sawyer shines a light into Nina's eyes. "Yeah, but I'm not sure its that." Nina says. "What do you think it is then?" Dr. Sawyer looks at her. "I..I don't know." "Okay, well let's see. I'll take you with me to run some test. Ian do you mind staying here and finishing those papers?" I nod my head. Nina stands up and kisses me. "I'll be back." She smiles.


Nina's POV

"Dr. Sawyer. I actually might know. I just, I can't tell Ian like this." Dr. Sawyer looks at me. "Well you can tell me Nina and we will keep it between us. I just want to help you feel better." He smiles. "I Uhm, I'm late on my period. Like a month or so late." His face expression changes from a smile to a concerned look. "Well Nina then we need to give you an ultrasound." I nod my head. "Come with me." He places his hand on my shoulder and leads me to the elevator. "When was your last period?" He asks. "I wanna say about a month ago. I've just been so busy I haven't kept track of it. But when I was younger my periods were always off. I'd go 2 months without one. So it could be that again." He nods his head. "It could be. But let's make sure okay?" "Okay."

We walk into the ultrasound room. "Put this gown on and I'll come back in a few minutes."

I put the gown on and pull my phone out of my jeans. I search for Julianna's number and hit dial.

"Hello?" I swallow when she answers. "Jules.." "Nina! Merry Christmas babe! What's up?" I look around the room. "I'm at the doctor actually. We think I have the flu or something." I lie. "Aw babe I'm sorry! Is Ian with you?" "Yeah he's here. I miss you Jules. I need to see you soon okay?" "Of course Nina. Soon! I love you." "I love you too. And merry Christmas! I just wanted to hear your voice. I'll call you later okay?" "Okay babe. I hope you feel better."

"Okay just lay back. This will be a little cold at first." Dr. Sawyer puts this cream on my stomach. "Alright let's see."

I turn my head to look at the computer screen. "Alright here's the uterus." He keeps moving the little wand over my stomach. "And.." He pauses. "Nina." I look at the screen again. He stands up keeping the wand on my stomach. His finger points to the screen. "Nina, this is your baby." My baby. My baby. "My baby?" I stare at the screen. "It looks like you are about 10 weeks in." I feel my eyes fill with tears. "Can you...please get Ian." Dr. Sawyer stops writing and looks at me. "Nina is everything okay?" I nod. "I...I can't be pregnant. I..I don't know what to even think right now. I just..oh my god. There's a baby. In me." I place my hand on my stomach. "Nina I'll go get him and you can tell him okay?" I look up at him. "Wait." He stops walking. "I..I don't want to tell him this way." I look at the screen. "Can I get a picture of the baby?" Dr. Sawyer walks back over. "Of course. One minute. Just lay back down" He places the wand back on my stomach. "Okay. Well wait on those to come out." He hands me a towel to wipe my stomach off. "Can we keep this a secret. Can we tell Ian I do have the flu? I want to surprise him later with the news." "Of course Nina, yeah." Dr. Sawyer smiles. There's a knock on the door. "Yes?" Dr. Sawyer says. "Hey, it's me." Lesley walks in. "Hi Nina." She sits next to me. "It's not the flu." I smile. Lesley looks at the screen and her jaw drops. "You're pregnant?" She smiles. "It looks like it." I say. "Wow that was one of my guesses on the plane but I had no idea it could actually be that!" She hugs me. "Are you telling Ian?" "I am tonight. I'll figure out a way." I smile. "Aw Nina."

"Here's your pictures." Dr. Sawyer hands me different angles of the baby. "You're exactly 10 weeks. When you get back to Atlanta you will need to set up an appointment with your doctor." I nod. "Congratulations Nina. And Merry Christmas." We walk back down to the room Ian is waiting in. "Oo. Uhm don't let any one else find out. I don't want the whole world knowing yet." I tell Dr. Sawyer. "Your secret is safe with me." He smiles and opens the door. Ian stands up. "Are you okay?" He takes my hands. "It's the flu but he's prescribed me medicine we can get tomorrow. Let's just get home okay?" I smile at him. "Thank your Dr. sawyer." I shake his hand. "Merry Christmas guys." Dr. Sawyer smiles as we leave the room.

"Alright let's get to your house." I tell Ian as we walk back outside. "Thank God it isn't as cold as Toronto." Ian squeezes my hand.

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