Never Let Go - Danisnotonfire...

By phangirlingweirdo

1.7M 65K 124K

- won first place in the summer 2015 x reader fanfiction awards - You feel like your life is one big existent... More

a/n: disclaimer
Introducing You...
Landlord Peasant
And So It Begins...
Don't Stalk Me!
Hello Internet!
Too Many Innuendos...
Twenty Questions
"My Rambling is... Cucumber?"
The Interview
"What is my life?!"
Abused... Bruised... Alone?
The Aftermath
Diagnosis and a Tour
Pizza and a Close Call
Annoying Cashier
Advice with Dan
Skyping Feels
Spaghetti and Damp Clothes
Stay with me...
Soggy Cereal
Artistic Attempts
Heart-to-Hearts in a Cupboard
Awkward... >.<
Llamaaaa :3
Guitar Hero
Danosaurs be craaazzzyyy
"A winky friendship is a good friendship."
Sherlock is Bae
Movie Marathon
Advice with Phil *cue jingle*
Shiz happens.
"You're ruining my liveshow!"
Waffles and Horror Movies
Awkward Experiences
Cooking and Arguments
Friends Again...?
Phan... Sorta.
The Inner Badass
Twister and Ice Cream
The Deep, Dark World of Tumblr
The Fairground
Looking for the Lion
The Postman ruins Everything.
Announcements and Turnips
Third Video!
Mario Kart and Liveshows
a/n: omg!
Shopping and Cereal
Stirfry and Complete Failures
Zoe's Party - Part Two
The Worst Party Ever?!
Twitter Troubles
Making Up and Strange Dreams
Phil's Date
Piggy Backs
Salted Caramel Brownies
a/n: 2k?!
The London Eye and Games
Phangirls and Embarrassing Phil
Anxious Thoughts...
Nostalgia and Vegetable Pie
Coincidence? I think not...
a/n: 3k! omw 0-0
Search and Find
Sudden Realisations
Morning Breath Kisses
Hiccups and Phone Conversations
Midnight Magic
Nightmares and Lucky Charms
a/n: 5k! :D
Cards Against Humanity and Codes
Decoding and Panicking
Sickness and Cuddling
Noodles and Theories!
The Big Reveal...
Cookies and Queries
Teasing ^v^
Decorating and Christmas!
Brighton Beach
Never Let Me Go
Bonus Chapter - Minty's Real Name
Answers to the Character Ask

Zoe's Party - Part One

14.8K 588 935
By phangirlingweirdo

Back to you!

"So how did it go?" Dan asks Phil when he comes in.

"How did what go?" Phil returns. A look of realisation spreads across his face. "Oh, that. Rubbish."

"Rubbish?" you ask, concerned for your friend.

"I don't want to talk about it," he snaps, walking out of the living room.

You and Dan exchange worried glances.

"We should probably just leave him alone," Dan says.

You nod silently and look at the time on your phone.

"6:30! Crap! We have to go in half an hour. I'm gonna get ready." you say, leaving the room.

"Yeah, me too. Have you wrapped the presents?" he asks.

"Yup. They're by the front door."

*le time skip*

"Dan, Phil! You guys ready yet?" you yell out of your room.

"Nearly!" Phil yells back, running down the hallway and trying to pull on some socks at the same time. One sock is black with white stars, and the other one has black and yellow stripes.

You grin at him. He seems to have cheered up since he came back.

Dan comes into view, his toothbrush hanging out of his mouth. There is toothpaste foam all around it. He waves at you and disappears into the bathroom.

You smile and close the door of your room, adjusting the sleeve of your black dress in front of the mirror. You loosen your bun a bit with your fingers (or fix your short hair) and twirl around, seeing what the dress looks like on you.

"It'll have to do," you sigh.

You never liked your body much. You were always called fat and ugly in school (go with it, I'm sorry), and could never find anything good to say about yourself.

Your door opens, making you jump. Dan walks in and closes it again.

"Hey," he says softly.

"Hey. Do I look okay?" you ask.

"Yeah, you look beautiful. As always," he replies, smiling at you.

You blush and tuck a loose strand of hair behind your ear.

"I, um, have something for you..." Dan says, handing you a box.

Your heart melts instantly. You take it, your hands shaking. You look up at Dan.

"Go on, open it," he says, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking at you expectantly.

You undo the clasp on it and prise open the lid. There's a silver necklace inside, encrusted with tiny diamonds. It's heart shaped with an infinity sign intertwined with it.

You take it out and hold it in the air, admiring the way it sparkles in the light.

A tear escapes from your eye as you remember all the nice things Dan has done for you.

"Don't cry!" Dan says, wide-eyed. He rushes over to you and envelopes you in a hug.

"Do you not like it? I'll go back to the shop and change it if you want!" he asks, biting his lip nervously.

You shake your head quickly. "N-no, I love it!"

He laughs at you and holds you closer to him. You snuggle into his chest, breathing in his familiar scent.

"Can I put it on you?" he asks, pulling away.

"Yes, please," you reply, wiping your eyes. You look at the mirror. "I'll need to do my mascara again. Whoops."

Dan chuckles softly as you turn your back to him. He fastens the necklace. He wraps his arms around your waist and puts his head on yours.

"Guys! Are you ready to go? We have to leave right now," you hear Phil's voice shout.

You pull away from Dan, grab your bag and walk out of your room. You'll reapply your makeup in the car.

"Are we going in Dan's car or getting a cab?" you ask Phil, picking up Zoe's presents.

"Probably getting a cab. What do you think, Dan?" he replies.

"Yeah, I think that would be better. Is that okay with you, Y/n?" Dan asks, putting on a coat.

You nod at him and smile. "Sure, as long as our taxi driver isn't pervy, like last time."

"No promises," he replies, smirking at you.

*le time skip*

You knock on Zoe and Alfie's door and step back, shivering in the cold night air.

After what seems like ages, a slightly drunk looking Marcus opens it.

"Oh hi!" he hiccups, grinning from ear to ear.

"Hello, Marcus," Phil says, giving him a 'man hug'. "Is Zoe there?"

"I th- hiccup! -ink so. Wait a minute!"

He slams the door in your faces, probably unintentionally.

You pull your jacket closer around you, desperately trying to keep warm. Dan puts his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him.

Just then, the door opens and Zoe appears.

"Hello, you three! Sorry about Marcus," she apologises.

"No, it's fine," Dan says, an amused look on his face.

"Oh, happy birthday!" you exclaim, handing her the presents.

Her cheeks turn a light shade of pink and she beams at you. "Thanks! Come inside!"

You smile back and follow her inside, clutching onto Dan's hand. You still aren't very good with crowds.

There aren't as many people there as last time, which you're glad about.

Phil heads over to where Carrie and Louise are. Dan walks over to the food table, pulling you along with him.

You see an array of food; salads, crisps, crackers, fruit, cake and pizza.

Dan reaches for some pringles, but you slap his hand away. He turns to look at you, confused.

"No one else is eating food. I think it's for later," you explain.

He pouts at you and gives you puppy dog eyes.

"Dan! Stop doing puppy dog eyes!" you exclaim, shoving him lightly.

"Well, let's at least get some drinks," he says, shrugging. "Everyone else has drinks."

"Okay. Do you know where they are?" you ask.

"Not a clue," Dan replies, grinning at you. "We'll just have to go on an adventure to find them!"

"Or," you say, "we could just ask someone."

He rolls his eyes at you. "You're no fun."

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