My Baby

By DontWorryAbtIt22

99.1K 2.3K 120

There would be many words to describe Roman Cecilio, but one would be: malicious. Don of the Italian Mafia wi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two😏
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thrity-Four😏
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four😏
Chapter Fourty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Seven

1.7K 40 2
By DontWorryAbtIt22

TW talks of past rapes

"Daddy, tell Mami to let me have the candy." Ansley says, scrunching her nose.

I knew I should've talked to Roman about what she wanted but everything happened and it slipped my mind.

Now that she's calling him her dad, I can't help but smile every time. I thought I would never be comfortable enough to be around another man again and try to give Ansley the father she deserves but then Roman came and swept me off my feet. I can not be happier than providing her with him and his love.

"I can't do that, baby. What your Mami says, goes." He tells her, making her huff and sit down.

Although I refused to believe that any man had good intentions on Ansley and I a few months back, I'm able to see clearly now. He's always been good with her even when they met.

"I saw that!" I yell after Ansley as she runs away giggling with a hand full of candy that Roman just gave her.

I shake my head towards him.

"You know I can't resist those puppy eyes." He defends with a small smile.

"Than close your eyes. She is going to be spoiled rotten by you." I tell him, raising my eyebrows as Luis walks into the dining room.

"Like you can say that, you give her anything she wants." He says, widening his eyes.

"I know but at least she'll be spoiled, not rotten. She didn't even say thank you." I point out, feeling Luis sit beside me.

He gives me a deadpan look.

"Hey, do you want to get enrolled into school?" I ask Luis, turning away from Roman.

"Yeah, I guess. You don't think I'm too far behind?" He asks, taking a bite of eggs.

"No, do you?" I ask, frowning slightly.

"I don't know. All the things I've learned is from you or I taught myself." He says, looking at his plate.

"Okay, if you feel comfortable I'll enroll you but if you start to have trouble than I can help you or I'll hire a tutor." I tell him, receiving a nod from him.

"I'll pay for it, mama. Don't worry about that kind of stuff." Roman says, making me roll my eyes.

Roman started paying me the moment I got here and started training but since I rarely leave the estate, I haven't spent any so I have money saved up.

"Jasmine, don't. I'll pay for it." Roman says sternly when he sees me open my mouth to argue back.

I sit back with a huff.
I'm home. Meet me under the Falcon bridge at 10. See you soon, little one.

I clench my jaw before dropping my phone back on the floor before trying to relax into the warm water.

Ansley is off messing around with Ralph, Luis is in the gym with Tanner. For once, I'm by myself and he ruined my peace.

"Hey, mama."

I groan, giving up with my calming bath. I pull the drain plug before standing and wrapping a towel around myself.

"What's wrong?" Roman asks, furrowing his eyebrows as he walks closer to me.

"Go look at my phone." I mumble before leaving the bathroom and to my closet. I put on a random shirt and a pair of shorts.

"No." Roman says sternly as I leave my closet.

"What do you mean 'no'?" I scoff, walking to the bathroom to put some lotion on my face and to brush my hair.

"You're not going, I'll send someone else." He says, looking at me like I'm crazy.

After everything he's done to me, I want to be the one that watches his life drain from his eyes. I want to be the one he sees before he's gone into the darkness.

"I'm going, Roman. You can't keep ordering me to do not do things." I huff, brushing out the end of my hair.

"Yes, I can. I am your boss, you do what I say." He almost spits his words.

I scoff, rolling my eyes as I turn towards him. "Are you my boss or are you my boyfriend? You don't get to be both at the same time because if you're my boss then you better have a damn reason why I shouldn't go." I narrow my eyes.

"I'm your boss, which mean I don't need to have a reason." He grits, not moving from his spot in the doorway as I try to leave.

"If you're my boss than why are you in my room? Why do I have a relationship with you? Why am I letting my daughter have a relationship with you?" I glare up at him, wanting nothing more than to shove him out of my way.

"You don't get to say these things because I'm giving you an order, you don't get to throw those things in my face. I am doing this because I am your boss and your boyfriend and I fucking love you."

My head jerks back in shock.

I must've heard him wrong because there's no way he just said that too me. Is that even possible? Learning to love someone after only a couple of months? Do I love him? Is that what I've been feeling? I can't tell, I've only ever loved Ansley. That's all I've ever known.

"I love you, Jasmine." He repeats, cupping my face in both of his hands.

"Roman." I say hesitantly.

"It's okay, you don't have to say it back. I love you enough that I can't bare if you don't come home. I love you enough to know that you seeing him will take a toll on you." He says, so softly but so passionate I feel my chest hurt by it.

"Please, don't go. Please." He pleads, his dark eyes fall into sadness.

"I need too. I won't be able to live with myself if I don't kill him. There is a hole in my chest," I grab his hand, forcing it to the middle of my chest, "right here. I have to kill him." I say softly as my face falls in empathy.

He doesn't want me to get hurt and I understand that but this urge of having Alejandro at my feet, watching him as he bleeds out, is too strong.

"Okay, okay." He repeats as a frown rests on his face, he quickly wraps his arms around my shoulders, squishing me tightly against his body as mine go to his waist.

"Ralph, Tanner, and I will be about ten yards away. If we hear you scream, I swear to god, he better hope you kill him before I get to him." His lips move against my head as he speaks with despair.

"What about Ansley?" I mumble into his shoulder.

"Luis can watch her. It'll be pass her bedtime by the time we're gone." He tells me and I nod.

"I love you, Jasmine."
Walking on the sidewalk that leads to underneath the bridge, I shiver and resist putting my hand on the gun rest in my waist band on my back.

I see his dark figure and the closer I get the better I can see him. I thank god that Luis looks nothing like him.

"Look at you." Alejandro says, licking his lips as I stop a few feet away from him. My jaw clenches as he looks down my body.

Alejandro is taller than me by a few inches, but he's built better. He has the muscles of a body builder. His brown hair lays messily on his head as if he ran through it too many times.

"You look good, little one. You've definitely gotten bigger but we can work on that, can't we?" He asks, tilting his head with a sick smile on his face.

"I'm not going anywhere with you." My voice sound's foreign to me as if I can't even recognize it.

He chuckles, taking a step towards me. "We'll see about that. Don't you remember all those times you've said you aren't going to do something?" He says with mocking wide eyes.

"What was it again? Oh, it went something like this, 'I'm not going down there.'  Well you went down there, didn't you? 'I'm not going to keep getting raped by you.' I hate to break it too you, you're not really good at not doing things." He says with a twisted laugh.

"I was a kid." I spit out angrily.

"A sexy one at that." He tilts his head, making me swallow down the bile rising in my throat.

"You're a sick, deranged, psychotic, rapist." I tell him, keeping my body stiff as he stands in front of me, moving a piece of my hair off of my shoulder.

"I know, little one." He says sympathetically. "You loved it though. You loved the attention of me and my friends."

Suddenly he grips my hair harshly, yanking my head back as my back arches from how low he pulls me.

"See, you'll do anything I say." He says tauntingly.

I push my hand into the inside of his elbow before bringing my knee to his ribs, watching as he lets go of my hair to hold his ribs as he stumbles back.

"I am not that little girl anymore." I grit, lifting my knee to hit his nose. Watching as he falls onto the concrete with a yelp.

"I wasn't yours to take!" I shout, kicking in between his legs. Enjoying the loud painful groan.

"I wasn't supposed to grow up like that!" I fall to my knees, punching him anywhere I know would be extremely painful.

"I wasn't supposed to be pregnant at the age of 9!"  I grab his neck in between my hands, feeling him start buckling underneath me.

"I wasn't supposed to lose 12 unborn babies before I was 15!" I growl, my vision blurring from the tears falling down my face.

"Ah...Ans...Ansley." He struggles to get his words out but the moment I heard my daughters name, I let go. Standing while grabbing my gun, pointing it at his forehead.

"You don't get to say her name." I hiss, pushing the muzzle further into his forehead.

"Do you know where your daughter is?" He wheezes, making my face drop. I don't waist another second before shooting 6 bullets into his head before sprinting towards the area Roman told me he would be.

When I get there, I see Roman sitting up slowly as Tanner lay's completely still on the ground. A sob leaves my lips as I watch a white van speed away.

I raise my gun, shooting round after round until my gun clicks but there was no use and I fall to my knees, Ralph is gone.

Do you know where your daughter is?

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