
By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

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A continuation of In Between, ShiverTooth meets the Bee Team and develops a little trouble with one of the me... More

<Chapter 1>
<Chapter 2>
<Chapter 3>
<Chapter 4>
<Chapter 5>
<Chapter 6>
<Chapter 7>
<Chapter 8>
<Chapter 9>
<Chapter 10>
<Chapter 11>
<Chapter 12>
<Chapter 13>
<Chapter 14>
<Chapter 15>
<Chapter 16>
<Chapter 17>
<Chapter 18>
<Chapter 19>
<Chapter 20>
<Chapter 21>
<Chapter 22>
<Chapter 23>
<Chapter 24>
<Chapter 25>
<Chapter 26>
<Chapter 27>
<Chapter 28>
<Chapter 29>
<Chapter 30>
<Chapter 31>
<Chapter 32>
<Chapter 33>
<Chapter 34>
<Chapter 35>
<Chapter 36>
<Chapter 37>
<Chapter 38>
<Chapter 39>
<Chapter 40>
<Chapter 41>
<Chapter 42>
<Chapter 43>
<Chapter 44>
<Chapter 45>
<Chapter 46>
<Chapter 47>
<Chapter 48>
<Chapter 49>
<Chapter 51>
<Chapter 52>
<Chapter 53>
<Chapter 54>
<Chapter 55>
<Chapter 56>
<Chapter 57>
<Chapter 58>
<Chapter 59>

<Chapter 50>

46 1 0
By HeatSeekerXBumbleBee

I look to Bee "Um, permission to speak with our guest and for a flight?"

Bumblebee nods "You don't have to ask, just gotta tell me where you're going. I don't think Bulkhead's gonna be able to fly with you though."

I laugh "No, after I talk to him."

He chuckles "Of course. Go on ahead."

I run after the two "Bulkhead! Wait up!!" I catch up to them when they're almost at the quarry.

Grimlock runs off to look for a good spot to start and Bulkhead turns to me "What's up, pal?" He asks.

I say "First off, great to see you again."

He nods "I can say the same. Glad to see you officially changed sides."

I look my symbol "Yeah, still getting used to it. Phantom symbol sucks."

Bulkhead taps his arms where his 3D symbol used to be "Yeah, I feel ya."

I look to him for a few seconds before looking away "I forgot what I wanted to talk to you about."

Bulk smiles "I'm sure you'll find it. Hey, wanna join in on smashing some rocks?"

I shake my hand "Not my thing. You guys have fun. Ima go do mine and head up into the sky."

Bulkhead steps back "Well I'll be seeing ya."

I nod "I should be back soon. I don't stay out too long."

I transform and fly up into the air, watching Bulkhead slowly disappear into a dark green blur in the quarry. I watch the sunset and fly around Crown City for hours. I was far away from the scrapyard. Before I knew it hit midnight. I started heading back which took me a few hours and I wasn't even back yet. I must have gotten far.

I heard a call from Bee "Hey, You coming back?"

I reply "Yeah. I went further than I thought. Sorry."

He remarks "All good. See you then." He hangs up and I continue flying.

Soon enough, I saw the sun nudging itself just above the mountains in the distance. "Morning already?" I ask myself.

I see a sign down below so I travel down into the forest so I could walk up to it. I read it and put the location on my GPS to figure how far I was. I was SUPER far. I was in the next country. I try to spark a groundbridge but it didn't work. I tried again and again but still nothing.

I groan loudly, slapping myself hard. "Ow...." I say, regretting it soon after. I call Bumblebee next "It's gonna take me a awhile to get back. I really went far."

"Well take your time, pal. Don't rush yourself." Bee assures.

I transform and fly into the air again. I keep flying and sure enough, it was 8am. I saw some birds come up and I watched carefully to avoid bird strike.

However, that didn't help "Scrap!!" I yell out as I feel my engine get hit. Weird enough, it didn't feel like a bird strike. It was on the outside if anything. And it didn't feel like a physical object, it felt like a light bullet; like the ones Cybertronians use? I keep flying, a bit faster this time but feel 2 more shots. One to the underside of my alt's nose, and the other to my wing. I yell out as I start tumbling to the ground. The adrenaline stopped me from thinking logically. I would have called Bee but I couldn't think to do it. So I just dove toward earth in a spiral dive. I transformed about 150 feet from the ground and then before I knew it, I hit solid ground, hard. Hard enough to knock me out. I prayed that it wasn't Steeljaw. I doubt it was but better safe then sorry.


I shortly woke up to my thoughts. I felt like I had fallen but I don't remember what from. Maybe a convict shot me down. I hope I didn't crash into a building. What was I doing again? Oh right! I was surveying Serenity Yard and—- and then what? I look at the blue ceiling above me. I sit up and rub my head. I look at my black and white color scheme to find any damage done. It looked like nothing had happened. I looked fine. I stand up but trip.

Someone catches me and I hear "Easy, sport."

I look up to see a fellow cop "Hey, Darkfall." I say.

He salutes "Greetings, ShiverTooth."

"Ease on the greetings. I'm no longer a commander. I'm equal to you." I smile.

He laughs "You have more experience."

I smirk "Dark, we strung people up with chains and used tasers and knives every day to interrogate people, you guys just ask questions and shove people behind bars."

We both laugh until we hear an attention getting cough. We both stand straight and our visors eject over our optics.

We hear a laugh "Guys, chill. Just me."

We relax. "Snowball!" I groan.

The white cop emerges from the shadows "Sorry. I get too hung up around that. How ya been?"

I say "Good. What happened to me though. I only remember falling...."

Snow answers "Yeah, um.... We—- think you got shot. We found you in an alleyway knocked out. No wounds or anything. We were going to bring you to the depot to let you relax and wake up but the High Council ordered that we go to earth to look for some convicts. We couldn't wait for you to wake up so we put you in the ship. We just landed not too long ago."

"Yeah like 10 minutes ago." Darkfall laughs at him.

Snowball hits his shoulder "Shut up, jackaft. But yeah. That's what happened basically."

I nod "Alrighty then. High Council knows best, I guess. How's cheif?"

Dark states "He's good. Getting ready to head out."

I agree "Then let's get ready. He'll expect us to have been for hours when he comes in to get us."

No perspective
Bumblebee and the team were out at sunset chasing a decepticon. Steeljaw at that. Sideswipe asks "You tried calling ShiverTooth? Maybe he can beat Steeljaw ahead and stop him!"

"I've tried contacting him. He must be in a place with little to no signal. Or he's out of range." Bumblebee says.

"I thought his com was one of a kind. You know, super long range?" Sideswipe whines.

Bee groans "Yeah I thought that too. Must be only for special occasions. His groundbridging ability isn't seeming to work either I suppose. Bumblebee to Bulkhead, sorry to cut your work out drive short but are you near Crown Peak?"

The wrecker answers "Yeah, what's up?"

Bee replies "We're after a perp headed your way and ShiverTooth isn't answering. Our con's name is Steeljaw and he wants to make Earth a decepticon homeworld. We've had a few fender benders with him. Be careful. He's nasty, and tricky."

"I don't like him already." The bigger bot states firmly. "On my way."

The autobots chased Steeljaw around the windy rode at the bottom of a hill. They tried their best to keep up with him. That was until Cybertronian cop sirens sounded and 3 hover cars came around the corner on another road. They transformed into bot mode and immediatly got out their weapons.

Bumblebee says "Transform! Avoid collision!" They all do and stop. The cops made their way over to them. Bee tries to reason "Autobots! Hey! Hello! Wish we could chat but we're after a fugitive."

The middle black one spoke "So are we, Lieutenant BumbleBee." He shut off his siren and showed his badge "Cybertron police." A clicking sound followed by beeps were heard as Bee's arms were nudged lightly. He looked down to see cuffs. 3 words were heard next "You're under arrest."

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