Undertale Oneshots (On Hiatus)

By DoctorBlu5

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Just some Oneshots I made. Please go to "REQUESTS OPEN" and "REQUEST IDEAS" to request a story. All character... More

Cheater!Male!Reader x Female!Frisk
Shy!Fem!Reader x Fem!Chara
Pirate!Male!Reader x Fem!Chara x Fem!Frisk
Prankster!Fem!Reader x Bully!Male!Frisk!
Mute!Magician!Male!Reader x Bullied!Fem!Frisk
Nerd!Male!Reader x Bullied!Fem!Chara
Suicidal!Male!Reader x Cheater!Fem!Chara x Fem!Frisk
Vengeful!Male!Reader x Cheater!Fem!Frisk x Ex-Girlfriend!Fem!Chara
Villian!Male!Reader x Hero!Male!Frisk
Forgetful!Male!Reader x Forgotten!Fem!Frisk
Abused!Immortal!Male!Reader x Abusive!Fem!Chara
Vampire!Male!Reader x Bullied!Male!Frisk
Neglected!Male!Reader x Brother!Male!Frisk
Suicidal!Male!Reader x Girlfriend!Fem!Chara x Bestfriend!Fem!Frisk
Distant!Male!Reader x Fem!Chara
Abandoned!BFF!Male!Reader x Male!Frisk
Male!Reader x Babysitter!Fem!Chara
Villian!Fem!Reader x Fem!Chara x Fem!Frisk
Magician!Male!Reader x Yandere!Fem!Chara
Male!Neko!Reader x Fem!Demon!Chara
Fem!Stripper!Reader x Shy!Protective!Frisk x Tsundere!Protective!Chara
Male!Worker!Reader x Male!Ex-BBF!Frisk x Fem!Flirty!Chara
Artist!Fem!Reader x Femboy!Male!Chara
Forgetful!Male!Reader x Orphan!Male!Frisk
Bestfriend!Male!Reader x Needy!Fem!Frisk
Stressed!Male!Reader x Yandere!Fem!Frisk x Jealous!Male!Chara
Introvert!Male!Reader x Flirty!Fem!Chara
Male!Reader x Femboy!Drunk!Chara
(AI Writes) Male!Reader x Fem!Frisk
Shy!Male!Reader x Dom!Fem!Frisk x Dom!Fem!Chara
The Crayon Song | Reaction Video
Fox!Hybrid!Male!Reader x Girlfriend!Cheating!Fem!Chara
BigBrother!Male!Reader x SmallerSister!Fem!Frisk!
HardToGet!Male!Reader x Male!Chara
Male!Reader x Fem!Tsundere!Frisk
Player!Male!Reader x Fem!Frisk x Fem!Chara
Player!Male!Reader x Fem!Frisk x Fem!Chara PART 2

SociallyAnxious!Male!Reader x Fem!Frisk

619 9 4
By DoctorBlu5

This was one I thought off the top of my head.

Dad_Of_Boy | Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about the request, It'll be the one after this one.


"We're more than happy to help you move into your new apartment, dearie," Toriel said with a smile as she, Sans, and Asriel helped Frisk move into her new apartment in the city where she'd be staying with a roommate. The main why was so she was closer to her job as the Monster Ambassador.

"Yeah, kiddo," Sans said with a chuckle. "Sans, I'm 23," Frisk said in unamusement. "You're still a kiddo to me," Sans replied with his usual big grin.

"Is this all of it?" Asriel asked, putting down a box in the living room of the apartment.

(The apartment. Your bedroom is the smaller one; replace the table at the end of the bed with a gaming desk)

"Yep!" Frisk said with a smile. "Oh, I can't believe you're going into the big wide world!" Toriel said happily, hugging Frisk tightly. "About time you moved out," Sans said with a chuckle.

"Mom... can't breathe..." Frisk said, muffled in Toriel's tight hug. "Oh, hehe, sorry dear," Toriel apologised, allowing Frisk to escape her tight hug.

"So where's your roommate?" Asriel asked. "Yeah. So we can check if they're a creep or not," Sans said.

"Guys! I'm 23! If they're a creep I can take care of them myself!" Frisk exclaimed. "We don't care how old you are. If your roommate going to be a problem then we'll deal with them," Asriel said as Toriel and Sans nodded. Frisk could only sigh, shaking her head.

However, the sound of a door closing was heard behind Frisk. She looked back and the others looked over as a guy who was half-asleep wearing pyjama shorts and shirtless looked at them before entering the kitchen.

"Uhhhhh. Did he just... wake up?" Asriel asked. "And topless?" Toriel asked.

The guy then poked his head out from the corner of the kitchen. He blinked a couple of times before looking at the boxes.

"Oh..." he said tiredly. He then walked out of the kitchen and entered his room to put on a T-shirt. He walked out of his room and yawned before standing next to the TV which was a couple of feet away from Frisk, Toriel, Sans, and Asriel.

"Uhhh, hey!" Frisk said with a smile. "I'm Frisk! I'll be your roommate!" she said happily, offering a handshake to the guy. "Y/n," the guy replied, shaking her hand.

"Have you just woken up?" Asriel asked. "Mhm. I usually wake up at this time," Y/n replied. "At 12?" Asriel asked, earning a nod from Y/n.

"Well, it's nice to meet you, Y/n! I'm Toriel! And this is Sans and Asriel," Toriel said with a smile, gesturing to them respectfully.

"There are only two bedrooms," Y/n said. "Oh, we're here just here to help this kiddo move in," Sans said with a chuckle. Y/n only hmpfed in reply.

"So are there any rules?" Frisk asked. "Clean up after yourself, knock on my door first before coming in, ask for my permission first, and no parties. As long as you don't cause any problems I don't mind what you do," Y/n replied, listing them on his fingers.

"Right, right," Frisk said with a nod. "Though, fair warning, I am socially anxious, so I'm in my room the majority of the time," Y/n said.

"You don't seem like it," Asriel said. "I'm sweating right now," Y/n replied, wiping his forehead with his hand now covered in sweat. He wiped his hand on his t-shirt, "I also only speak when spoken to and am very quiet. So noise isn't a thing for me. Anyway, I'm hungry and when I'm hungry I get agitated, so I'll leave now," he said before walking into the kitchen.

"I guess mental health problems are still a big thing," Toriel said with a small frown. "I'm sure he'll open up once he gets used to me being around. This must be a bit hard for him," Frisk said.


It was now evening, Frisk had just finished decorating her room which made her very proud. Hearing her stomach rumble, she decided to get something for dinner. So she left her room and walked into the kitchen. She looked through the cupboards and fridge yet all she saw was soda, potato chips, and a variety of items which were Y/n's. Frisk forget to bring any food with her which made her sigh.

Frisk was about to leave the kitchen until noticing something under a teatowel and a note on top. The note read "Noticed you didn't bring any food. Decided to make you some. I hope you don't mind it. - Y/n". Frisk smiled and lifted up the teatowel to see a chicken and stuffing sandwich with a packet of salt and vinegar potato chips and chocolate brownie.

With a smile on her face, Frisk left the kitchen and walked into the living room which it was empty. She sat on the sofa, turned on the TV, and began to watch one of her favourite shows whilst eating the dinner Y/n made for her. Frisk enjoyed the homemade meal as she watched the TV show; she made a note of thanking Y/n and possibly asking him to make her another one because of how good it tasted.

Once Frisk finished her dinner, she watched TV. She laughed at one of the moments and went to converse by looking at her left, but went silent when she realised no one was there.

"I guess I'll have to get used to eating dinner and watching TV alone. I could ask Y/n but I don't want to force him or anything," Frisk said to herself. She sighed sadly and went back to watching the TV in silence.

However, half an hour later, she heard a door open and close. She perked up as she heard Y/n walk into the kitchen. So she stood up and walked over to the kitchen. But she came to a stop and poked her head in to see what Y/n was doing.

Y/n was cleaning a few things up in the kitchen as the kettle brewed and the radio played music.

(This is something I like to do when I'm alone in the kitchen)

After the kettled had brewed, Y/n poured the hot water into the mug he had out ready. Whilst waiting for his drink to brew, he sighed and decided to look through the fridge cupboards for something to eat.

"Damn. I need to do my weekly shopping. Better ask Frisk if she needs or wants anything. I think she is in the living room," Y/n said to himself, looking inside the bare fridge.

Frisk quickly went back to the sofa and sat down. She positioned herself so it seemed like she was watching the TV the whole time.

"Uhh... Frisk?" Y/n asked with a nervous blush, standing at the end of the corridor. "Yes?" she replied with a smile, looking at him.

"I'm going to the store tomorrow. Do you need or want anything?" Y/n asked. "Well, food would be nice," Frisk replied with a giggle. "But just make a list or something, I'll put what I want on it," she said. "Oh, right... (stupid Y/n)" he mumbled before starting to walk off. Frisk frowned a little.

"Hey!" Frisk called out, making Y/n look back. "Thanks for the dinner. It was nice. I wouldn't mind having it again," she said with a smile. Y/n remained silent, "Okay," he said before walking off. Frisk was confused and got up to follow him.

Frisk followed Y/n into the kitchen where he was writing some things on a piece of paper. "What did you mean "okay"?" Frisk asked.

Y/n looked over at her, "Oh, sorry... it's just a thing I say unintentionally,". "You don't need to apologise so much. I know this must be hard for you with having a stranger in your apartment," Frisk said softly. Y/n didn't reply, he only looked away before grabbing his head.

"No... it's fine... I just... can't get my words out..." he muttered loud enough for Frisk to hear. She grew worried, "We don't have to talk. We can talk over text or something,"

Y/n looked at Frisk, "No. You're my roommate, I'll... get used to it. Just... give me some time to adjust,". Frisk smiled and nodded, "Of course. I don't want to make you uncomfortable or anything,"

"I'll get out of your hair now," Frisk said before turning around and going to leave the kitchen. "Frisk..." Y/n said, making Frisk look back at him. "Yes?" she asked. "Would... you like to come with me to town tomorrow?" he asked nervously.

Frisk smiled, "I'd love to. But why?". "Well, It'd be convenient to go shopping then and I like to go to the market every Saturday morning which is tomorrow," Y/n replied. "Okay! I mean, I'm free all weekend so I'd be more than happy to go with you," Frisk said with a smile.

"Thanks..." Y/n said with a nervous blush. Frisk continued to smile before nodding and leaving the kitchen.

~ Timeskip ~

"Here we are," Y/n said as he and Frisk stood at the entrance of the morning market. The market already had quite a lot of Monsters and Humans alike who were looking at the variety of different stalls.

(Frisk wore brown shoes with denim shorts and a white T-shirt. You wore whatever you wear for casual)

"Wow. How many stalls are there?" Frisk asked as they began to walk and look around. "Not many," Y/n replied. "But they make up for it for what they say," he added.

"What do they sell?" Frisk asked. Y/n then walked up to a stall with Frisk following. Frisk looked at the stall's table and saw an array of cheese.

"Cheese?" she asked. Y/n nodded, "This cheese is better than that crappy plastic stuff they sell in stores," he replied.

The stall owner then greeted them. Frisk watched as Y/n picked up a wheel of mature cheese covered in black wax. He paid for the cheese wheel before walking off. Frisk caught up to him.

"I don't get it. You're socially anxious but can handle that?" she asked. "I just don't like large crowds. I can deal with talking one-on-one, but any more than that I get uncomfortable," Y/n replied.

A random smell then made Frisk perk up. She sniffed the air and walked over to where it was coming from. Y/n raised his eyebrow and decided to follow her. Frisk then found herself at a stall which sold different types of baked goods. Her eyes sparkled as they settled on an array of pies behind a sneezeguard, they included; blueberry pie, apple pie, cherry pie, and her favourite, butterscotch cinnamon pie.

Y/n glanced at Frisk once he stood next to her and saw her eyeing the pies with delicious intent. He hummed before the stall owner walked over.

"What can I get you?" they asked calmly. Y/n nudged Frisk, waking her up from her trance. "Huh? Oh, umm, how much is that butterscotch cinnamon pie?" Frisk asked. "$14," the owner replied.

Frisk was shocked at how expensive it was. She truly wanted the pie and was going to pay for it, but she remember she didn't carry cash with her. Y/n, able to read people like a book, realised this and took $14 out of his pocket. He handed it to the owner who took the money and started to wrap the pie up. Frisk was surprised as she looked at Y/n who looked at the other baked goods.

"Here you go," the owner said with a smile, handing the pie over to Y/n. Y/n replied with a nod and took the pie before starting to walk off.

"You've got yourself a good boyfriend," the owner said. "O-Oh, he's not my boyfriend," Frisk replied with an awkward giggle before catching up with Y/n.

"You didn't have to do that," Frisk said. "No. But it never kills to be kind," Y/n replied. Frisk smiled to herself at Y/n's answer.

Y/n and Frisk continued to walk around the stalls, occasionally stopping to look or buy something. They even taste-tested a few things before buying them. Frisk would ask Y/n why it was expensive and he would reply because it was made by regular people, not corporations that mass produce things. He also noted it was a more "organic" way to get food, despite him not being one of those people.

After wandering around for a while, the two decided to end their shopping at the market and go to the supermarket. Once they arrived at the supermarket, Frisk took her time to buy anything she needed for the apartment. She bought food, drinks,... a random plant? Y/n questioned her with a dumbstruck face as she argued with herself whether to buy an Aloe vera or a Venus flytrap. But she ultimately decided on... both. One for the bathroom and one for the kitchen as she claimed the Aloe would be there for health emergencies and the Venus flytrap would kill any bugs.

The plant shopping was only the start of the shopping trip. Frisk was now arguing with herself again about which cereal to buy.

"Frisk," Y/n said, making her look at him. "Just pick a cereal. I don't eat cereal so just pick any," he said. "Oh, right," she said, looking back at the cereal and taking a box of Special J off the shelf; proceeding to put it in the shopping cart.

"I imagine your job pays well?" Y/n asked as they walked. "Oh! Yes! I'm the Monster Ambassador!" Frisk replied happily. "You are?" Y/n asked.

"You didn't know?" Frisk asked. Y/n shook his head in reply. "Don't you see the news?" Frisk asked. "Nah. It's full of negativity," Y/n replied as he shook his head again.

"Oh. Well, what about you? I can't imagine you having a job," Frisk said. "I work online. I'm a writer," Y/n said, surprising Frisk.

"Really?" she asked with a smile. Y/n nodded in reply. "What kind of writing?" she asked. Y/n blushed nervously, "Oh... just, stories,"

"I like stories. What kind of stories?" Frisk asked. "Just... random ones. But I'm kinda in the process of publishing one," Y/n replied with a small nervous smile.

"Really? What's it about?" Frisk asked with a smile. "I'll... tell you later," Y/n said, somewhat uncomfortable. "Oh. Right," Frisk said with a nod.

"Are you done shopping?" Y/n asked. "Huh? Oh, no," Frisk replied, making Y/n sigh in annoyance. "What was that for?" Frisk asked with a playful grin. Y/n smiled a little, "Nothin'. Just wishing I got a male roommate,"

Frisk gasped and put her hand on her heart, "My heart!" she acted heartbroken. Y/n rolled his eyes, "You remind me of my Mom. I mean, I'm sure you're old enough,"

"Hey! Are you calling me old!? I'm 23!" Frisk exclaimed. "Yes," Y/n replied casually. "Oh yeah? And how old are you?" Frisk asked with her arms crossed. "22," he replied. Frisk huffed, "Well, you know what they say, the older you are the wiser you are," she said with a smug smile.

"If you're wise then how do you change a car tyre?" Y/n asked. "I- uh-... shut up! You know what I mean!" Frisk said in annoyance. Y/n couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, "I have a feeling we'll be... good friends. If you want to," he said nervously. Frisk smiled, "I'd love to be friends. We're roommates, so we might as well be,"

"Right. Well, hurry your old-woman ass up so we can leave," Y/n said before walking off. "Hey!" Frisk called out and ran after him.


"Hey, Y/n. I've been meaning to ask. If you feel lonely here then why not get a pet?" Frisk asked Y/n who was now cooking dinner in the kitchen. "I would like to. But that would mean getting up early to feed it, and I'm just not into that," he replied.

"What's so bad about mornings?" Frisk asked. "Nothing. I just hate waking up in the morning. Like, when I used to live at home, my mom would just spark a conversation as soon as I woke up. I need like a couple of hours to fully wake up," Y/n replied.

"Oh, that's understandable. I mean, Toriel would always talk to me whenever I'm busy doing my make-up or heading to the bathroom. I'm just like, "Woman, I've just woken up, at least let me have some coffee first"," Frisk said. Y/n then looked at her. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing. Just, didn't know you wore make-up," Y/n said. "Are you flirting with me~?" Frisk asked with a smirk. "No," Y/n said bluntly, looking away. Frisk only went silent.

"What pet would you get if you could?" Frisk asked. "Dunno. A chill one? Like a reptile or something," Y/n replied. "How come not a cat or dog?" Frisk asked. "Dogs mean going outside and socialising in the park because there's nowhere else to walk them. And cats are smelly if they're indoors, but if they're not then they'll probably get hit by a car. Seeing how this is the city," Y/n answered.

"I suppose those are good answers. I forgot it's not the like suburbs where I used to live so you can't exactly let the dogs off the leash or let cats outside," Frisk said with a shrug. She then sat on the counter and watched as Y/n finished chopping the vegetables and putting them in with the soup he was making for dinner for both of them.

(Frisk is 5"7' and you're a solid 6 foot)

"So what's for dinner? You just kinda did your thing," Frisk asked with a smile. "Just some soup. Nothing special," Y/n replied with a shrug, stirring the soup in the pot.

Frisk hummed, trying to think of some conversation. "Could I ask you something?" Y/n asked. "Oh, sure!" Frisk replied happily.

"Why choose to live with a roommate? Surely with your job, you can afford your own apartment," Y/n asked. "Oh. Well, I didn't want to seem like some rich snob for living in a giant penthouse. Plus, I'd rather save up for the future or for things I need," Frisk replied.

"You don't seem like a snob," Y/n said, looking at her. "Aww, thanks!" Frisk said with a smile. "But I just didn't want to seem like one as all these politicians live in big expensive places. I just want to live as any normal person would," She said with a shrug.

"Uh-huh..." he said before looking back at the soup.

It then went silent. Y/n stared at the soup whilst Frisk hummed to herself, looking around with nothing better to do. She then looked at Y/n who was still staring at the soup. However, she then noticed he was looking at her from the corner of his eyes. His eyes darted away, knowing she was caught. So Frisk decided to leave him for now.

Frisk got off the counter and began to walk out. Once she left the kitchen, Y/n let out a sigh of relief. He put his hand on his forehead, feeling sweat on it. He wiped it away with some paper towels and sighed again.

"C'mon, Y/n. You need to calm down. I know it's not that simple but try to be more open. She's gonna be your roommate for however long. Just... calm down... you'll get used to it. You just need to be a bit open like mom and the therapist said," Y/n said to himself before continuing with the dinner.

~ Timeskip ~

Many months had now passed. First of all, Y/n had begun to more accustomed to Frisk living with him. It was uncomfortable for him at first, but the more time he talked with her the more he got used to having her around. There would be days when it was awkward for them, especially on weekends. Frisk would mainly spend time by herself with her friends coming over. They would ask to meet Y/n, but she would say he was anxious which saved the trouble of Y/n going out and meeting them.

However, whenever it was just the two, Y/n would be outside of his room more. He would mainly cook dinner for them or watch TV with Frisk who enjoyed his company. He would also go grocery shopping with Frisk which helped him with his social anxiety even more.

So, this brings us to today. Frisk just came back from work and sighed as she pressed her back against the door. Y/n, who was on the sofa, looked over at her.

"Hey, Frisk. You alright?" Y/n asked. "Yeah. Just... busy day at work," she replied with a fake smile, taking off her shoes. Y/n watched as she walked past him and enter the kitchen. Y/n turned the TV down a little and heard soft crying coming from the kitchen.

Y/n stood up from the sofa and walked into the kitchen. He saw Frisk crying to herself. So he walked over and hugged her from behind. Frisk was surprised but turned around and returned the hug. She tightly held onto Y/n as she cried. Y/n remained silent as he held her close. He began to sway side to side slowly, allowing Frisk to calm down and melt into Y/n's comforting embrace.

"Thank you..." she said, muffled into his chest. "What's wrong?" he asked. Frisk looked up at him, "Just a rough day at work..."

"Well, you're home now. And tomorrow will be better," he said with a small smile. Frisk smiled, "Thank you...". He nodded in reply.

"Could we have takeout tonight? I just wanna relax," Frisk asked. "Don't you want me to cook tonight?" Y/n asked. Frisk shook her head, "No. I wanna... relax with you," she said with a small blush.

"Oh, alright," Y/n said. He then pulled out of the hug and returned to the living room, sitting down on the sofa. He took out his phone and began to look through what takeout restaurants were open. Frisk then joined him on the sofa a minute later, dressed in her black pyjama bottoms and purple loose vest. She sat rather close to him but he just shrugged it off.

"So what do you want?" Y/n asked. Frisk sighed, watching the TV, "Dunno...", she then looked at him, "Chinese?". "Okay," he replied, looking at his phone. Frisk looked at the TV again before inching closer to Y/n who was busy looking at his phone.

"Umm... could I... move closer?" Frisk asked with a small blush. "Mhm," Y/n replied. Frisk moved closer to him where she was now close enough to hug his arm, yet she refrained. Y/n noticed how close she was and decided to put an arm around her, causing her to blush.

"Let me know if you want another hug. I'm here for you," he said. Frisk smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, "This is fine,"

Frisk rested in Y/n's hold as she watched the TV. Y/n asked her what she wanted and she replied with what she would normally have. Once Y/n had finished ordering the takeout, he put his phone down and watched TV with Frisk who began to smile, enjoying Y/n's company.

"What happened at work?" Y/n asked, surprising Frisk a little. "Oh. Just, some racist and greedy politicians. I exposed them and they had quite a lot to say," she replied. Y/n hummed, "Well, everyone knows politicians are greedy and can't handle the truth. They're too busy milking people dry,"

"Yeah... I thought the Surface would've been better when the Monsters left the Underground," Frisk said, a little saddened. "What is the Underground? You have yet to explain it," Y/n asked.

"Oh! Well, have you ever heard of that story with Monsters being trapped underground and a mountain where people disappear?" Frisk asked. "Somewhat," Y/n replied. "The Underground is inside Mount Ebbot where people disappear to. In the Underground was where the Monsters lived after getting trapped down there by Magicians many centuries ago." Frisk explained.

"Uh-huh... how was the Underground?" Y/n asked. "Oh! It was great! I could take you there to show you around!" Frisk said with a smile. "Like a date?" Y/n asked, raising his eyebrow. Frisk blushed and looked away, "N-No! Just, hanging out! Like friends do!" she replied, a little flustered.

"Okay. I suppose it would be good to get out of this city for once," Y/n said with a shrug. Frisk looked at him with a smile. She then looked back at the TV and positioned herself so she was leaning against Y/n with her legs folded at the side on the sofa whilst he had his arm still around her.

A comfortable silence then sat in. Y/n's warm embrace made Frisk subconsciously smile, she also blushed a bit by smelling his usual aroma and how good it smelled. For Y/n, his mind was going a bit crazy. He had never been this close to someone, especially a girl. So when Frisk repositioned herself, allowing Y/n to feel a bit of her soft skin, he couldn't help but blush nervously.

Half an hour later, a knock on the door was heard. Frisk got up from the sofa, leaving Y/n's warm embrace. She opened the door to see the delivery person, who she then thanked whilst taking the food. She closed the door, sat on the sofa, and placed the food on the coffee table. Y/n, meanwhile, went to the kitchen to get them some drinks. Once Y/n returned, Frisk moved closer to him again.

The two began eating their takeout dinner whilst continuing to watch the TV. They did converse a little, mainly about the show they were watching, but Y/n was too focused on eating to have a proper conversation. So when they had finished the dinner, Y/n cleaned up whilst Frisk decided to put a movie on whilst grabbing a blanket.

Once Y/n came back to the sofa, he sat down with Frisk who moved closer to him again. She started the movie whilst curled up in the blanket. Y/n only rolled his eyes with a smirk and watched the movie in silence. However, halfway through the film, Frisk looked at Y/n.

"Could I ask something?" she asked. "Hmm?" he replied with a hum, looking at her. "Have you... ever been in a relationship before?" she asked. "What kind of relationship?" He asked.

"Like, have you had a girlfriend? Or boyfriend?" Frisk asked. Y/n was silent for a moment, "... No,"

"Why do you ask?" he asked. "I... I just wanted to ask if..." she replied, moving her face closer to his. "Ask what?" he replied. "If... I could..." her voice softened as she began to whisper. "Could what...?" Y/n asked, whispering. "Kiss you...?" she whispered. Their faces were now directly in front of each other.

"What?" Y/n asked. "I... I don't want to ruin our friendship... and I don't want to put pressure on you. But... I've had this feeling of love towards you," Frisk confessed. Y/n didn't know what to say or do, he was leaning against the armrest of the sofa. Frisk was now face to face with him while hovering over his body.

"I... umm..." Y/n said nervously. "Frisk... I... don't know... I've never felt like this before. I mean... I like you, you're a great friend. I just... umm... don't know, I'm just, kinda nervous. I haven't been in a relationship before... mainly 'cause I'm so... nervous and scared of... ruining it and not knowing what to do..." he confessed as he began to sweat.

"Oh, okay..." Frisk said, moving away. She then stood up from the sofa and walked away. Y/n wanted to stop her, but he could only watch. He sighed once he heard Frisk enter her room and sat there in silence.

Meanwhile, Frisk sat on the end of her end and interlocked her hands as she twiddled her thumbs.

"Why... why did I do that? I could've just left it. Ugh... you stupid moron, Frisk... now our friendship is ruined, all because he comforted you. It's not like the stories where they confess and kiss, it's not how that works. And now he's probably stressing out about it after making him so nervous and uncomfortable." Frisk said to herself.

She sighed and laid back on her head. She covered her face with her hands, starting to go deep into thought whilst remaining silent.

As for Y/n, he was currently thinking about what Frisk said. He had a special place for Frisk as she was the first one to be patient with him and not push his boundaries. Yet he didn't feel like his boundaries had been pushed, he just felt so unprepared. He knew he needed to tell Frisk about it, but he felt like he couldn't move from the sofa.

Eventually, after a lot of thinking, Y/n stood up and walked to Frisk's room. He knocked on the door before slowly opening it. He peered in and saw Frisk face down on her bed. He walked inside, closed the door, and sat at the end of the bed.

"If you think you've pushed my boundaries or ruined it, you haven't," Y/n said, making Frisk look at him as he faced away. "I just... didn't know how to answer... I was so unprepared and... nervous. I've never been one to openly show my feelings. It takes me time to think about... life-changing things, and... you kinda sprung it on me..." he said.

"I'm sorry..." she said sadly. "Don't be. You didn't know-", "But I do!" she exclaimed, cutting him off. Frisk sat up near the head of her bed, "I know that you like to take things slowly and I was so caught up with my stress that my confession just... leaked out!" she confessed with a sigh.

It was silent for a minute until Y/n spoke up. "I'm willing to try," he said. "Huh?" Frisk asked. "This... whole relationship thing. The reason I'd never been in one before was that I was scared and didn't think I would be able to do the things normal couples do; like go out to dinner, buy gifts, and sleep in the same bed. I've always kept things to myself..." he explained.

Frisk moved closer and put a hand on his shoulder, "But you can't help that. We can't help how we feel. This is just how we Humans are. Just don't blame yourself for that because not everything is in our control," she said softly.

Y/n then caved in. He couldn't help but cry. Frisk immediately moved closer and hugged him. This time, it was Y/n's turn to hold Frisk as he cried. She stroked his back softly whilst whispering him reassuring words such as "Let it out" and "It'll be okay". His cries eventually turned to sniffles as he began to calm down, yet when he went silent he still kept hold of Frisk who was silent as well.

However, Y/n eventually pulled away, allowing him to free himself from Frisk's embrace. The two stared at each other in silence.

"Thank you..." Y/n said quietly. Frisk softly smiled at him, "I'm always here for you as well,"

Y/n went silent as his eyes darted around. They eventually settled on Frisk and he slowly sighed, "I... need some time alone...". Frisk nodded, "Take as much time as you need. I'm always here, okay?".

Y/n stood up from the bed and slowly left the room. Once he left, Frisk sighed, "What an awful night..."

~ Epolouge ~

After that stressful and tearful night, Y/n spent more time in his room again. Frisk was concerned, but she knew all Y/n needed was time and space to himself. Yet, their friendship was still intact. They would spend time together and act as if that night didn't happen. Spending more time with each other allowed them to be more truthful with each other.

This leads us to Christmas Eve. Y/n didn't put up decorations as he never needed to, but now he lived with Frisk, he decided to put some up. Y/n would also spend Christmas Day with his family, but he felt like he needed to spend Christmas with someone else. This "someone else" was Frisk as she was too busy to be able to spend Christmas with her own family. So Y/n decided to lighten her mood by doing the one thing she liked.

"Ugh..." Frisk complained, coming through the door of the apartment. She noticed the lights were off which weirded her out as they were usually on. But she shrugged it off and turned the lights on. She was then surprised to see the apartment full of Christmas decorations as when she left in the morning the apartment was still its usual self.

"Y/n?" she called out. Y/n then walked into the living room, "Yes?" he asked. "What... what's this?" she asked, looking around. "I overheard you couldn't spend Christmas with your family, so I decided to cheer you up by decorating. Which is something I never do. I hope it's alright. And before you ask about me spending time with my family, I told them the situation and they said they understand." he said with a small smile. "Is it okay?" he asked.

"Okay!? Y/n! This is really sweet of you!" Frisk said with a big smile. She then hugged Y/n tightly, "You're the best roommate I could ask for,"

"So, umm, do you have anything planned, or...?" Frisk asked, putting a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Well, I've made dinner. But, I'm happy about doing what you want to do after," Y/n replied.

"I just need to relax. Could we watch a movie?" Frisk asked. Y/n nodded in reply. "Could... umm... we also... cuddle? I know it's a weird request, but I just... need to hold something for comfort," she asked with a small blush. "Sure," Y/n said with a shrug, surprising Frisk.

"But, we could kill two birds with one stone. Go select a movie and I'll get the dinner," Y/n said. "Okay!" Frisk said happily.

Whilst Frisk selected a movie, Y/n went into the kitchen. "You can do this, Y/n. Just... tell her how you feel like you normally do..." he said to himself, taking the dinner out of the oven.

"I'm gonna change into something more comfortable!" Frisk exclaimed, running to her room and passing the kitchen in the process. Y/n chuckled and began to serve the dinner out on the plates.

Once dinner was ready, Y/n brought it into the living room where he saw Frisk wearing a purple crop top and black booty/yoga shorts. She smiled and waved at Y/n happily who returned the smile. After receiving her dinner, Frisk began to play the movie. Frisk complimented Y/n on his cooking like usual which made him thank her and smile to himself.

However, as the two ate, they both had the same ideas of confessing. But it would only be a matter of time to see who would confess to who. This was why Frisk was wearing such clothing instead of her usual pyjamas; all she wanted to do was confess to him and feel his soft touch on her body. Another reason was that it was quite warm in the room. Lastly, she couldn't help but feel drawn to the feeling of Y/n's warm body under his dark grey shorts and black t-shirt which had one of his favourite video game imprints on it.

After dinner was complete, Y/n leaned back on the armrest with a pillow underneath so he didn't hurt his back. Frisk happily laid on top of him with a blanket on top of her before she sighed contently. Her cheeks then flushed when feeling Y/n's right arm go over her waist which was revealed thanks to her purple crop top. Y/n was also blushing a bit as the feeling of Frisk's soft skin made him feel weird.

The two stayed in silence as they watched the movie Frisk put on. However, one of them still needed to speak up. So, with a slow exhale, Y/n decided to speak up and risk it for a biscuit.

"Frisk...?" Y/n asked nervously. Frisk looked at him, "Yeah?" she asked, a little concerned after hearing his tone. "I... need to tell you something..." he said. Frisk nodded, "I'm listening," she said softly.

"Y'know when... we had that whole... incident a couple of months ago? When we both cried?" Y/n asked with a small chuckle. "Yeah?" Frisk asked with an eyebrow raised. Y/n sighed, "I... I think I'm ready...". "For what?" Frisk asked.

"I hope I don't ruin our friendship, but I think I'm ready to... be in a relationship. I've thought about it long and hard, and... I thank you for being so patient with me. Any normal person would probably give up. But not you. And I really, really, appreciate that. I'm not good with words, so I won't ramble... but, I think I'm ready to be in a relationship and give it a go." Y/n said as Frisk listened in great detail.

Once Y/n finished, Frisk didn't know what to say. But, she did smile, "Well, I think you're being very brave for confessing to me. I was gonna do it, but it seems you beat me to the punch. Also... could I... kiss you?" she asked.

Y/n was silent but nodded subtly. Frisk slowly moved in, and, closing her eyes, she felt her lips press against Y/n's. Y/n had also closed his eyes, waiting for the kiss. When he felt Frisk's soft lips on his, it was like all his stress melted away. Frisk was no expert on kissing but she knew what she needed to do next. So, to move the kiss along, she moved her lips so they interlocked with Y/n's.

Y/n was surprised to feel how Frisk's lips interlocked with his and began to fall into a world of love. He wrapped both arms around her waist, pulling her closer. Frisk, in return, cupped Y/n's left cheek as the two kissed. The kiss was soft and slow whenever their lips would move to press against each other.

Frisk then pulled away from the kiss slowly after a solid minute. She and Y/n reopened their eyes and looked at each other.

"I... love you..." Frisk said softly with a whisper. "I... love you too..." Y/n replied with a whisper. The two smiled at one another. Frisk pecked him softly and slowly on the lips before resting on his chest. Y/n kissed her on the head and held her close, not wanting to ever let go.

In the end, Y/n and Frisk began dating. Though, they didn't exactly call it that as they would mainly stay at the apartment, have movie nights, and cuddle before sleeping in the same bed. It did get a bit frisky one night when Frisk teased Y/n by wearing a lingerie and he decided to punish her... by ignoring her. Frisk kept trying to tempt him, yet he refused and ended up making her so annoyance she stormed off to bed. Y/n apologised to her when he joined her in bed by cuddling her and kissing her (which they still weren't the best at) before explaining he didn't want to have sex until he at least had some protection.

Yet, truly, Y/n and Frisk just enjoyed each other's company and would continue to do so, not knowing what the future held for the couple.


Well, that was interesting. I didn't want to do any NSFW as there's been enough of it and this is a more serious oneshot, so I decided to hold off.

Anyway, thanks for reading! I'll see you in the next one!

Blu out.

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