A life of endless beauty.

By MariaWest8593

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this is a fairytale, of a rewrite Once upon a time What if. More

chapter 1.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.
Chapter 23.
Chapter 24.
Chapter 25.
Chapter 26.
Chapter 27.
Chapter 28.
Chapter 29.
Chapter 30.
Chapter 31.
Chapter 32.
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34.
Chapter 35.
Chapter 36.
Chapter 37.
Chapter 38.
Chapter 39.
Chapter 40.

Chapter 2.

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By MariaWest8593

~>*Time skip*~> –[Storybrooke]– ~>*A Day, before the dark curse was broken ~>Amelia's POV*<~

(At the hospital, Paul, and Henry is wheeled in on a gurney as Annabelle, Axle, Emma, Ella, follows. Dr. Whale and several nurses attend to Paul and Henry.)

"Dad and Henry, can you hear me? Come on, Dad, and Henry. Wake up, please. Come on, Dad, and Henry. Come on. You both can do it." Emma said as I had tears in my eyes.

"Ma'am, let me take you to-" A nurse said as I got her away from Emma.

"No, we are not going anywhere!" I tell her as she nods, then continues to help Dr. Whale with Paul and Henry. 

"There's no pupil response. What happened? Did they fall? Hit their heads?" Dr. Whale asked as I was showing him a baggie that had the turner overs in it.

"They ate these. I think they're poisoned." I said trying not to cry even more.

"Their airways are clear. Did they vomit? Any convulsion or disorientation?" Dr. Whale asked as I shook my head side to side.

"They took a bite of these, and then they just collapsed. So, run the test for arsenic, or bleach, or Drano, or whatever could've done this to them!" Emma said as I nodded in agreement, I was terrified for Paul and Henry.

"they are showing no symptoms that would suggest neurotoxins. So, whatever's going on, this is not the culprit." Dr. Whale said as I needed answers.

"Well, what the fuck else could it be?" I asked as I was trying not to cry uncontrollable.

"I don't know. That's what I'm trying to find out." Dr. Whale said as I nod.

"They're going to be okay, though, right?" I asked as I looked at Paul and Henry, with tears in my eyes.

"Right now, we just need to stabilize them, cause he's slipping away. Is there anything else that you can remember? Any little detail?" Dr. Whale asked as I had enough.

"We already told you everything. Fucking, do something!" I shout as I was so mad.

"Look, I understand you're frustrated, Miss Stanley, I do. But I need something to treat. And, right now, there is no explanation. It's like..." Dr. Whale said as I dump out the contents of Henry's backpack onto a table. I see his book.

"Like fucking magic." I mutter to myself as I picks up the book and my mind is filled with memories from the Fairy Tale World, particularly the time, when I took my triplets, to the real world, When I come to couscous, Regina frantically rushes into the room.

"Where's my son, and brother-law?" Regina said as I was pissed.

"You did this." Emma said as she grabs Regina and drags her to a storage room. There, Emma throws her against a storage rack. Emma continues the attack, while Regina struggles to defend herself. Emma ultimately ends up pinning Regina to the wall.

"You did this!" Emma yelled as I got her away from Regina.

"What the hell are you doing? Stop this! My son-" Regina said as I made her shut up.

"They are sick, and Paul doesn't remember me, because of you! Those apple turnovers you gave, Ella and me? he and Henry ate them! they saved Ella and I from eating them." I said as I was so pissed at Regina.

"What? It was meant for you and Ella!" Regina said as I glared at her.

"It's true, isn't it?" Emma asked as I was still glaring at Regina.

"What are you talking about?" Regina asked as I rolled my eyes.

"It's true, isn't it?! All of it." I asked as I glared at her even more.

"Yes." Regina said as I was still glaring at her even more.

"We were leaving town. Why couldn't you just leave things alone?" Ella asked walking into the room.

"Because as long as you both are alive, Henry will never be mine!" Regina said as I rolled my eyes.

"He'll never be anyone's unless you fix this. You wake them both up!" I said to her.

"I can't! Only you can!" Regina said as I was confused.

"What are you talking about?" I asked as She knew that it was time to tell me the truth.

"You can save Paul with true love's kiss. And You can also Save Henry, by snapping your fingers, basically, using your magic." Regina said as I nod.

"But Don't, you have magic?" Ella asked as I looked at her then back at Regina.

"That was the last of it. It was supposed to put you both to sleep!" Regina said as I rolled my eyes and release my Grippe, on, Regina.

"What's it going to do to them?" Ella asked as I knew what it could do.

"I don't know. Magic here is unpredictable." Regina said as I knew that she has a point.

"So... So, they could..." Ella said as I nod.

"Yes." I said as I was worried for Paul and Henry.

"So, what do we do, Mom?" Axle asked walking into the room.

"We need help. There's one other person in this town who knows about this. . . Knows about magic." I said as I knew who I was talking about.

"Mr. Gold." Emma said as I nod.

"Actually, he goes by Rumpelstiltskin." I said as Regina nodded in agreement.

–[Fairy Tale World]–

(Regina is pacing in her chambers. The Huntsman arrives.)

"Where is he? The prisoner!" Regina asked.

"Escaped." The Huntsman said as Regina magically throws the Huntsman into the wall.

"A palace full of guards, and you let him escape?" Regina asked as she was mad.

"I did my best." The Huntsman replied.

"You failed. And do you know what happens to people who fail me, Huntsman?" Regina said.

"I'll find him. You needn't worry. Leave him to me." The Huntsman said.

"That won't be necessary. He's mine." Regina said as she sees King Paul through her mirror. She waves her hand, and King Paul is warped through a portal.


(King Paul is transported to a clearing in the middle of a forest. Lost, he begins to run in a random direction. The camera pans and shows that the forest he's stuck in is extremely vast. King Paul arrives at another clearing, where Rumpelstiltskin is waiting.)

"Lost, are we?" Rumpelstiltskin said as Paul rolls his eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Paul asked.

"I'm just here to help." Rumpelstiltskin said, as Paul thinks, he doesn't need help to find Nefertiti.

"Well, no need. I'll be fine." Paul said.

"No, I don't think so. This is the Infinite Forest. There's no way out. Well, except... My way." Rumpelstiltskin said as Paul was annoyed.

"I want nothing from you." Paul said as He looked at Rumpelstiltskin.

"Not even this?" Rumpelstiltskin said as he holds up a ring, and it looks like this.

"My mother's ring. It was just... How did you get it?" Paul asked as he was confused.

"The same way I get everything I want – magic. The same magic that allows me to do... This." Rumpelstiltskin said as he flips the ring and catches it in his hand. The jewel on the ring now glows, then he continues: "This ring is now enchanted. The closer you get to Nefertiti, the brighter it will glow. Interested?"

"Hand it over, please." Paul asked as he tried to take it.

"Ah! It's not something for nothing, dearie. Time to make a deal." Rumpelstiltskin said.

"No! No more deals!" Paul said as he draws his sword and attacks Rumpelstiltskin. However, Rumpelstiltskin simply catches the blade with his hand. Paul draws back again but finds that Rumpelstiltskin has disappeared.

"Over here." Rumpelstiltskin said as Rumpelstiltskin appears behind Paul, now armed with a sword. Prince Paul lunges at him. The two duel briefly, until Rumpelstiltskin disappears and reappears again.

"Persistent." Rumpelstiltskin said as the two continue to duel. Rumpelstiltskin eventually gains the upper hand and holds the sword against Prince Paul's neck.

"Had enough?" Rumpelstiltskin asked as Paul was glaring at him.

"Never." Paul said as he strikes back and ends up Cutting Rumpelstiltskin's face, which he magically heals instantly. Rumpelstiltskin again gains the upper hand and gets Prince Paul disarmed on the ground.

"Looking for this? So brave. So, gallant. So pointless. Bravery won't get you out this forest, dearie. Magic will. Trust me. This is a deal you want to make, because we both want the same thing." Rumpelstiltskin said as Paul was confused.

"What's that?" Paul asked confusedly.

"Why, you and your true love to be together, of course." Rumpelstiltskin said as Paul smiles a bit.


(I am leaving Granny's Diner and is headed to my car. Then I used my magic to make Paul appear in front of me.)

"Hey." Paul said as I had tears in my eyes.

"Paul, I'm so sorry, that I didn't believe you, and Henry in the first place. I hope you can forgive me." I said as he smiles and nod.

"I was wrong. About you, about me, about... Everything. I didn't believe in you, and I wish I had a good reason, why. But it's like I keep making these wrong decisions, and I don't understand why they keep happening. You know, ever since I woke up from that coma, my life hasn't made a lick of sense. Except for you... And what I'm feeling? It's love, Annabelle." Paul said as I smile and hugged him, tightly, and he hugs back while kissing my forehead.

"I promise, to save you, and Henry from the sleeping curse, and I'll save this whole town, by breaking the dark curse, that I cast." I said as he smiles at me, and we both lean in for a kiss and after, we both smiled at each other, then Paul disappeared, and I was sad.

–[Fairy Tale World]–

(In the forest, Rumpelstiltskin holds up a vial of the bottled 'true love'.)

"Behold. The most powerful magic of all... True love.  Ah! Careful. This is all I have left of it." Rumpelstiltskin said.

 "What do you know of true love?" Paul asked in confusion.

"Well, not so much as you, perhaps, but not so little as you might think." Rumpelstiltskin said as Paul was still confused.

"You? You loved someone?" Paul asked.

"It was a brief flicker of light amidst an ocean of darkness." Rumpelstiltskin said as Paul was curious.

"What happened?" Paul asked.

"She died. That's the thing about true love, dearie. It can slip through your fingers. It's the most powerful magic in the world. The only magic powerful enough to break any curse. It must be protected at all costs." Rumpelstiltskin said.

"I don't understand. What exactly is it you want me to do?" Paul asked in confusion.

"I want you to help me protect it by putting it in a safe place for me." Rumpelstiltskin said as he produces an egg-shaped container, which he puts the vial in.

"And where is that?" Paul asked in curiosity.

"Inside the belly of a beast, of course." Rumpelstiltskin said as he shuts the egg container and tosses it to King Paul.

"Why hide it?" Paul asked.

"Let's just say, I'm saving it for a rainy day." Rumpelstiltskin said as Paul nods.

– [Storybrooke, Annabelle/Nefertiti's POV.]–

(Emma, Regina, Ella, Axle, and I enter Mr. Gold's Pawn Shop.)

"Do my eyes deceive me, or is that the look of a believer?" Mr. Gold said as I rolled my eyes.

"We need your fucking help." I said in a pissed-off mood.

"Indeed, you do. It seems quite the tragic ailment has befallen our young friend. I told you; magic comes with a price." Mr. Gold said as I had enough.

"My husband shouldn't be paying it." I shout as my eyes glow dark red.

"No, you should, but alas, we are where we are." Mr. Gold said as I glared at him.

"Can you help us?" Emma asked as she felt bad for me.

"Of course. True love, Miss Swan/Stanley... The only magic powerful enough to transcend realms and break any curse. Luckily for you, I happen to have bottled some." Mr. Gold said.

"You fucking did?" I said shocked.

"Oh, yes. From strands of your parent's hair. I made the most powerful potion in all the realm. So powerful, that when I created the dark curse, I placed a single drop on the parchment. Just a little safety valve." Mr. Gold said as I smile.

"That's why, I'm the Savior. That's why I can break the curse, that I--. . . That Regina cast." I said as I was happy when I said that, but I couldn't tell my kids, that I was one who actually cast the dark curse.

"Now, you're getting it." Mr. Gold said as I smiled.

"I don't care about breaking the curse. All I care about is saving my husband and Henry." I said with determination in my voice.

"Which is why it's your lucky day. I didn't use all the potion. I saved some... For a rainy day." Mr. Gold said as I was determined to save my husband.

"Well, it's storming like a bitch. Where is it?" Ella asked as I just already wanted to save Paul and Henry.

"Where it is isn't the problem. Getting it is what should worry you." Rumple said as I had enough.

"Enough riddles. What do we do?" Ella asked as I knew what he's going to say.

"You guys do nothing. It has to be your mother." Mr. Gold said as I smile.

"But he's mine and my sibling's dad. It should be one of us." Emma said as I rolled my eyes.

"All due respect, But Paul is, Nefertiti's Husband. And it has to be her. She's the product of the magic. She must be the one to find it. And she is the savior." Mr. Gold said as I nodded in agreement.

 "I can do it." I said as I have tears in my eyes.

"Don't trust him." Regina said as I rolled my eyes.

"What fucking choice do we have, Regina?" I said as I was still in a pissed-off mood.

"That's right, dearie. What choice do you have?" Mr. Gold said as I knew what was coming.

"Where is this magic?" Axle asked as Rumple looks at me.

"Tell me, Your Majesty, is our friend still in the basement?" Mr. Gold asked as I was shocked.

 "Oh, you fucking twisted little imp. You hid it with her?!" I said as I was pissed.

"Oh, no, no. Not with her. In her. I knew you couldn't resist bringing her over." Mr. Gold said.

"Who is 'her'?" Ella asked.

"Someone, your mother should be prepared for. Where you're going, you're going to need this." Mr. Gold said as He opens a long box on the counter, revealing a sword and a scabbard.

"What the hell is that?" I asked as I think that I knew what it was.

"Your Husband's sword." Rumple said as I nod.

(2402 Words)

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