My Baby

By DontWorryAbtIt22

136K 3K 133

There would be many words to describe Roman Cecilio, but one would be: malicious. Don of the Italian Mafia wi... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two😏
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thrity-Four😏
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four😏
Chapter Fourty-Five

Chapter Twelve

2.7K 79 5
By DontWorryAbtIt22

I watch as everyone piles in from the front door, waiting to see Jasmine, only to find Tanner carrying her limp body inside. My eyes widen as I take a step towards them.

"What happened?" I ask calmly.

I don't need people to think I'm treating her different, which for the most part I'm not but I don't know what goes through peoples heads sometimes.

"She's sleeping, Dustin fixed her up in the van and she crashed from pure exhaustion." Tanner chuckles, looking at the girl in his arms.

My jaw clenches from the way he's staring at her, I take a step forward and take her from his arms, nodding towards him.

"I'll take her to her room." I mumble to him before turning away with her soft body in my arms.

I couldn't help but look at her. Her face is so relaxed when she sleeps. She doesn't walk around with a scowl but she has a resting bitch face that's for sure.

I get to her door before freezing.

Would she want Ansley to see her like this? There's blood on her face and clothes, her hair is matted with blood. Jasmine tries so hard to not let Ansley see anything bad, she's be pissed if I let her see Jasmine.

I sigh before turning to the door down the hall, entering before gently laying her down on my bed.

There's parts of her clothing that have been cut to assist a wound and I can't help but wonder if I should change her or not.

Slowly but steadily, I grab one of my black shirts and pull her own shirt over her head. I try not to look but can't help but notice that she is wearing the same bra she always wears when she works out.

I put my shirt over her before taking off her shoes and pulling down her ripped spandex pants, fixing my shirt so it goes to mid thigh.

I gently put my comforter over her body before going to my desk in my room. I couldn't help but look over my shoulder a few times to check on her sleeping figure before I finally give up and turn my chair to face her.

I've never had anyone in my bed. I wasn't going to have a hookup in my bed, knowing I sleep in it every night.

So to have a women in my bed, let alone Jasmine in my bed, has me feeling some type of way. I can't tell if it's lust or pride, if it's a want or a need, but I want it to happen more. I want to see Jasmine in my bed every night, every day, waiting for me and only me.
A breathless groan makes me look up from my phone, only to see Jasmine slowly sitting up with a hand to her forehead.

I watch her carefully as she blinks a couple of times and look around the room before her eyes finally set on me and she stares silently.

"You did good." I tell her, watching as she continues to stare silently.

"The attack was from the Russians. A large and powerful gang joined the mafia, which was why we didn't recognize the tattoos. The gang is trying gain something so they partnered with the Russians because they know they are already trying to take down the Italian mafia."

The silence nearly echos in the room, making my ears nearly ring from it. It's like she's having a harsh time to understand what I'm say and to be fair, she did just wake up.

"So what? You trust me now?" Her hoarse voice sounds so painful, I nearly wince at it myself.

I grab a water bottle from the mini fridge by my desk and hand it to her quickly. I sit on the foot of the bed as she fills down the water greedily.

She's left breathing harshly after chugging the water and I couldn't help the small smile that rests on my face just by watching her.

"This is the second time you are on bed rest because of injuries from bullets by protecting my mafia, I think it's about time I start putting my trust into you." I say with a lopsided smile.

She slowly nods as I watch her body slowly melt into a relaxing position. It's fucking weird that I enjoy watch her get more and more comfortable around me.

"Where's Ansley?" She asks, letting her eyes scan the room as if she's memorizing the room.

"She's sleeping in your room. I have the monitor in here with me and the door is locked." I say casually before realizing what just came out of my mouth.

A monitor? Since when did I become this type of person? Someone that is always finding himself worrying about some kid, that isn't me- that wasn't me.

Jasmine nods before she grunts while moving her leg to the edge of the bed as if she was going to stand.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"I'm going to my room. I need to clean my stitches and shower, I need to check on Ansley. Did she eat before going to bed?" Jasmine asks, slowly standing before she finally just stands in front of me with her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, she ate, she brushed her teeth, I even tucked her into bed. She's fine, you need to take care of yourself. You can use my shower and I have stuff to clean stitches."

As I was talking, I stood up and started to gently guide her towards my bathroom with my hands in her hips.

"Fine, will you check on Ansley? Of course, you could just let me go check on her in my room and shower in my bathroom." She says while she basically huffs and puffs while dragging her feet.

"I'll go check on her, go shower. You smell like blood, sweat, and gun powder." I tell her as she rolls her eyes and shuts the door.

I take a deep breathe before going to Jasmine's room, quickly and quietly unlock and open the door.

The room is silent as I move towards the bed and turn on the lamp, only to see Ansley laying down, squinting her eyes from the sudden light.

"Roman, is Mami home yet?"

"Yes, she's taking a shower. She'll come see you when you wake up again." I tell her, sitting beside her when she reaches a hand out.

That weird feeling in my chest settles again at the words coming out of her mouth. She called this place home and it reminds me of a couple months ago when she would cry to go 'home'. Now she's calling this place her home and I'm weirdly happy about it.

"Can you lay with me?" Ansley whispers, looking at me with her mothers big brown eyes and I couldn't resist.

"Yeah, baby." I mumble, laying down beside her as she lays her head on my chest, making herself comfortable.

I nearly laugh at her as she throws both of her legs over my stomach, making her body bend weirdly but at least she's comfortable.

One of my hands plays with her hair as the other types on my phone. Tanner and Ralph texting me about how the mission went but of course, they can't be serious for one second so they're making jokes in between each texts.

After a couple of minutes of me trying to figure out each experience and if there were any trouble on their part, Ansley grunts and twitches slightly.

I glance down, rubbing her back before my body stills at Ansley's words that tumble out of her mouth.

"I love you, Roman."

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