Maybe you're mine

By malecsd_magical_luv

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Malec au More



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By malecsd_magical_luv

Nothing gonna bad happen to our Magnus so don't worry readers🙄

Once Alec came to the hospital with Magnus he ran inside with Magnus in his hand. He shouted and put him on the structure. Alec was looking at Magnus while flowing the tears on his cheek until the nurse and other two entered into the operation theater.

Doctors are running into the room. Alec stood up in front of the room like a statue. Trevor looked at Alec and made him sit. He don't know what to say because he heard that they're married forcefully but Alec was sitting like he's going to lose his love.

Alec texted to Izzy after came into his sense because Raphael wants to know this but he don't have his number. The nurses are running outside and inside Alec asked each and everyone about Magnus but they're not in the situation to answer him.

Trevor tried to calm him but nothing works. He also worried about Underhill. Because he didn't receive any call from their team. Alec lifted his face and looked at Raphael, Izzy and Mayrse rushing into the way. Alec stood up and wiped his tears.

"Where's he?" Raphael shouted at Alec before held his shirt with a worried and angry face. "Raphael" Izzy shouted and pulled back his hands.

"He he's in the operation theater" Alec said weakly. His face looks pale. Mayrse looked at Alec worriedly. "Alec" She moved close to him. Alec hugged his mother. Raphael looked at him confusingly because he didn't except Alec would worry this much for Magnus.

But he looked at the room where the operation was going and stood up while looking inside through the door. He don't know how this was happened.

"He'll be fine Alec" Mayrse said rubbing Alec's back. Alec pulled back and shook his head "It's all happened because of me mom" he said brokenly.

Raphael looked at him more angrily but before he do anything Trevor said.

"No.. No mam.. It's not Alec's fault.. Magnus trapped by a criminals and one man shot him on his right arm.. But Alec killed him and we took Magnus to here.." He explained but Alec shook his head. It's look like something happened.

"Brother what happened why are you blame yourself?" Izzy asked looking at Alec. Raphael was getting impatient. "Tell me Alec.. Why they're tried to kill Magnus?" Raphael shouted at him. But he looked away when one nurse came and said

"Sir don't make any noise". Everyone waited for Alec's answer. "They're a drug dealers and murderers who killed four people include one police officer.. At last year me and some detectives went to catche them.. One detective shot one man and I was shot a girl who's in the same gang.. But other three escaped from us.. Then one time I received a text from unknown number that said 'I'll take your happiness from you like you took mine'.. I didn't get it at the time but now when again I saw Magnus there I found the man who sent a text was the same man I killed.. He was planned to kill Magnus because of me.. I can't live with a guilty if he died mom.. I didn't do anything.. I want him alive.." Alec said but not crying this time because he was feeling guilty and angry at himself.

Raphael looked at Alec and moved close to him. "If you gave a divorce when he asked nothing would happened Alec" Mayrse and Izzy looked at him shocked.

"They didn't know we're married.. They thought we're lovers.." Raphael looked away and moved from him. Because it's an acceptable reason. When the doctor come outside Alec was moved towards him and asked.

"Doctor how's he?" Doctor looked at Alec who was nervous and in fear. "We took the bullet which is stuck between his arm bone and flesh.. His bone was broken not completely but he can't move or work more than two months.. You took him here before he loss more blood so his blood pressure and condition was stable.. He need rest.. So don't get panic or fear.. You can see him after he opened his eyes.." The doctor said and patted his shoulder. He saw Alec when he was coming with Magnus shouted like the whole hospital could hear his voice. So he assumed that Magnus was his husband or boyfriend. Alec suddenly checked his pocket and turned to his family.

"What? Izzy asked but Alec shook his head. Trevor got call from Underhill. And he said they caught the three criminals who trying to escape under tunnel. Izzy and mayrse went to the house but Raphael was waiting for Magnus to open his eyes. Alec continuously checking Magnus five minutes once. Raphael noticed it but didn't say anything.

After five hours Magnus opened his eyes. He was at private room. Alec didn't went inside even though he's the one who checked him more than hundred times.

Raphael said to go to inside but Alec walked out of the hospital so that made Raphael confused yet angry. He got inside to see Magnus who looked at him with a smile.

"What the fuck are you did to yourself?" Raphael said moving close to him. He looked at Magnus right hand that was wrapped by bandages.

"Where's he?" Magnus asked because he knew Alec would feeling guilty and blame himself for what happened. Raphael rolled his eyes and sat on the chair next to Magnus bed.

"I don't know.. He went outside after known you're awake.." Magnus did say anything. They talked about the incident. Raphael didn't ask more questions because Magnus isn't good position to answer him.

But he can't sleep without knowing basic details. He worried about Magnus which is showing on his face. Magnus knew that because they're more like brothers. Magnus took a rest so Raphael sitting next to him because he don't want to leave him alone not in this position.

He looked at the door when Alec came with a bags. He realized Alec was went to Magnus home to take his clothes because Magnus should stay at hospital for a week.

After put a bags on the floor Alec moved close to Magnus who's sleeping. He checked his hand and watched him without making any sound.

Magnus looks pale and tired. Alec was suffering inside for the thought of how much that bullet gave a pain to Magnus. Because he's sensitive inside. He don't want to face Magnus now but Raphael moved the chair to wake up Magnus.

His mission accomplished. When Alec took a step back while gave a death glare to Raphael Magnus opened his eyes. He looked at Alec who's ready to turn to go out. "I thought you would never come to see me" Magnus said before chuckled lightly. He was surprised but didn't show it on his face.

"I um.." before he said Raphael stopped him "You're the reason for Magnus injured like this Alec" he said with an angry face. Alec looked at him confusingly. Magnus was looked at Raphael who act like an angry bird.

"Raphael it's not-" before Magnus say anything more Raphael said "He's good without you but you came again into his life and look at his state" he said that made Alec more guilty.

"Stop it" Magnus shouted that made both Alec and Raphael startled. "It's not happened because of him Raphael.. Don't ever talk to him like that again.. Alec I'm sorry for his behavior" Magnus said to Alec who's looking down.

"Can you help me to sit?" Magnus asked to Alec who nodded his head without any hesitation. Alec helped him to sit by putting his hand on Magnus back and another one on Magnus left hand. Raphael looked at them and smirked.

Magnus now only realized what his plan was. He was surprised because he didn't find out when Raphael suddenly scold Alec. Alec won't stand when someone say mean words to him but he thought it's his fault so he stayed silently.

Raphael knew it's not Alec's fault but he said everything to make Alec realize what Magnus was thinking about the incident. "Idiot" Magnus said so Alec looked at him surprisingly.

"What?" Alec asked at Magnus who smiled at him. "He knew it's not your fault Alec but he tried to say it from my mouth because he thought you would believe me" Alec looked at Raphael without any expression. Raphael showed his all teeth.

"Don't blame yourself.. It's my fault too.. They said 'the criminals killed all detectives except you' but I didn't think then who's text me.. So leave it.." Magnus said looking straight at Alec.

"But I'm sorry for not saved you from that shot" he said from his heart. Magnus looked at him and nodded his head with a smile and said "it's okay".

Magnus whined when he suddenly felt pain his arm. Alec looked at him concernly. Magnus was injured in his arm so they allowed two people to see him.

"Okay I'll pack my things and come here" Raphael said to them and stood up. Magnus nodded his head but Alec asked "Why?" Raphael looked at him disbelieved.

"What do you mean why? I'm going to take care of him.." Magnus laughed that made Raphael rolled his eyes. "Then why I'm sitting here?" Alec asked before stood up. Magnus looked at both of them.

"Alec it's okay he'll-" "shut up" Alec said before he finish his line. Magnus rises his eyebrows but Alec's not looking at him. "Raphael don't worry about Magnus.. I'll take care of him.. You can come any time to visit him" Raphael looked at Magnus who was sitting without say anything.

"If you didn't take care of him properly I'll break your bones" Raphael warned that made Magnus chuckled. "I know" Alec said because he knew their friendship. Magnus don't know Alec would do anything like this if he wasn't injured to came to save Alec but he don't want to think anything now.

Raphael left after talked to Magnus. Alec was slept on the small couche which is there in the room. Magnus was slide his head back and staring at Alec who's sleeping like a big panda..!

Sweet Alec baby and I loved Magnus and Raphael friendship so much😍

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