The Walking Dead: Danielle Gr...

By _FirstEdition_

164K 3.3K 316

Follow Danielle Grimes on a Walking Dead journey like no other. An ex delta force, army confederate who stand... More

1. The Camp
3. Atlanta
5. The CDC
8. The Farm
13. The Prison
22. *
24. *
26. *
28. The Prison Part 2 *
29. The Big Spot
35. The Tracks
37. The Claimers
38. Terminus
39. Terminus Pt.2
40. The Church
44. The Road Trip
46. The Barn
47. The Barn pt.2
48. The Barn pt.3
49. The Barn pt.4
53. Alexandria
57. *
59. *
60. *
68. Alexandria Pt.2 *
72. The Wolves
85. Jesus
88. Hilltop
89. Hilltop Pt.2
96. Negan
97. Negan Pt.2
98. Negan Pt.3
102. Negans Visit
103. Negans Visit Pt.2
104. Negans Visit Pt.3
105. Negans Visit Pt.4
113. The Kingdom
122. The Garbage People
135. Oceanside
138. The All Out War
139. The All Out War Pt.2
156. A New Beginning
160. Six Years Later
162. The Whisperers
171. Training Day
176. The Cave
181. Home
Bonus Chapter 1.*
Bonus Chapter 2.*
Bonus Chapter 3. Jack
Bonus Chapter 4. Hospital
Bonus Chapter 5. Meet The Dixons


424 11 4
By _FirstEdition_

Danielle's POV

We decided to hold the meeting in our house and in the dining room. Rick stands at the head of the table look around at all of us. "We need to strike first." He says, his voice dough with emotion. "Before Negan is able to regroup. He has more men than us, but if we're smart we might be able to still use this time to our advantage. The Saviours are strong because of their numbers, according to our source they have three outposts. All of them within twenty miles. If we attack one, the others will come. So we need to cut them off, isolate them, make them vulnerable."

Maggie leans forward on her elbows, her folded hands pressed against one side of her face. "How do we do that?" She asks. She looks beyond exhausted. I still remember how bad the first trimester is and how much it took out of me.

Rick snorts and shakes his head. He scrubs at his eyes with the heels of his hands. "I have no idea." He replies honestly. "I was hoping one of you would have an idea." He says with a tired smile.

"We are manned out and gunned out, so we must out think our enemies." Ezekiel says sagely. The others all nod agreeing with him and I wonder if they know he basically just said the same thing Rick did but just in his Shakespearean language.

"Don't underestimate Negan." Daryl's voice rasps. "He's an asshole but the bastard is smart." I stand behind Daryl, resting my hand on his chest, rubbing it soothingly. Something is going on with Daryl and I have a feeling it has something to do with me.

"Daryl and Dani know Negan better than anyone." Rick motions to us. "Sis? Any input?"

I try to think of all I know about Negan and how it can help us. Daryl reaches up and covers my hand with his own, giving it an encouraging squeeze. I lick my lips, "Negan isn't going to wait for us to attack him. He will return to The Sanctuary, regroup and come back at us as soon as he can. The man is an egomaniac, he won't let this stand and his attack is going to be brutal. He'll need to make an example of us. Whatever we decided to do, we need to do it fast."

"Planning something like this takes time and we're all exhausted." Jesus jumps in. "We don't have time to be exhausted, we have to move now." Rick growls, meeting his gaze.

"Rick, Jesus is right. Maggie's pregnant and she needs to rest." I step in and Jesus gives me a thankful look for siding with him as Rick glares at him. Maggie steps in. "I know we're all tired, everyone's nerves are shot, but we need a plan before we go our separate ways. I know everyone is anxious to get home to their people. But we need to figure out how to stop them."

"Whatever we come up with, it is going to have to be big." Jesus says, his voice still tense. "We're short on weapons." Maggie tells him. "My blacksmiths are working day and night but it won't be enough-"

Rick cuts her off. "We are going to need more than spears."

"Perhaps if The Kingdom-" Ezekiel starts to say and everyone's voices start to rise and overlap each other. I grit my teeth as I lose my focus. Daryl squeezes my hand and I look down at him. His face grim as his stares up at me.

"We have a weapon." I say quietly thinking of an idea. I don't take my eyes off of Daryl's and it's clear he heard what I said. Everyone is still talking over each other and he turns back to the table. "Everyone shut up!" He calls loudly. Silence falls over the table though Ezekiel looks slightly offended.

"When The Wolves attacked us, they were a smaller number." I start off and Maggie frowns at me. "Yes, but they had surprise on their side." She argues, her voice slightly sharp.

I nod, my jaw tight. "They also had a herd." I lift my hand when Rick look ready to argue. "Not on purpose I know, but the truck they used to ram our fence drew the herd and we were trapped inside. We couldn't fight them, not while we were busy fighting the herd. In this world, fighting the dead will always trump fighting the living."

The corner of Daryl's mouth twists up and he smirks. "We trap them inside their Sanctuary." He rasps and I nod. Daryl chuckles and I can see the gleam of pride in his eyes before he turns back to the group. "They don't make their own food and they don't have a water source inside that fence. They probably have some reserves but not enough to last for long with the amount of people they got in there."

"So we don't kill them?" Maggie asks thoughtfully.

"Only one person has to die." Rick says firmly. "There aren't enough humans left in this world for us to kill everyone inside The Sanctuary. But, if we isolate Negan inside his Sanctuary with all his men, it will leave us free to take on the outposts. Line them up and knock them down, one, two, three, all at once before they can warn each other or send backup."

"We could clear out their armouries." Jesus agrees nodding. "Use it as a way to restock what we will lose."

Daryl leans back in his chair, his face thoughtful as he crosses his arms over his chest. "That herd is still out on the highway, we just need to turn it around."

"So how do we do it? How do you control the wasted in such a way?" Ezekiel asks curiously.

"We've done it before. We run it just like we did with the quarry." Rick tells him.

I frown at that. That means putting Daryl at the front of the herd alone, again. Subconsciously, I step up beside him, leaning into him. Without looking at me, he wraps his hand around my thigh as though he understand what I need.

Maggie nods. "But what about all those workers and Negans men?"

"We need to give them a chance to surrender." Jesus says decidedly. Rick nods, agreeing him. "So we go to The Sanctuary, we give them a chance to surrender Negan to us and evacuate. If they don't, we leave and bring in the walkers."

I clear my throat. "If we're going to give them a chance to talk, we are going to have to have some cover so they don't just gun us all down before we have a chance to finish talking."
Rick draws in a deep breath and nods as stares down at the table. Logistics likes this are his strength.

After a few moments of silence, Jesus speaks up. "What happens if they do surrender him? Do we just execute him?"

"YES!" Rick, Carol, Maggie and Daryl all shout at once. Ezekiel arches a brow but doesn't say anything and Jesus sits back in his chair uncomfortably. The guy has a good heart but sometimes it's not a good thing.

"Okay." Jesus agrees. "There is a lot to work out on how to do that without getting a whole lot of us killed, but let's say it works. We isolate The Sanctuary, surround it fifty feet deep in walkers. Then what?"

Rick sits forward. "Then we break into three groups and head for the outposts. And we take them, whatever is necessary, take them all out. There can't be anyone left to resist."

Jesus swallows but nods slowly. Rick looks over at all of us. "We go in force to The Sanctuary, then Ezekiel, Carol and The Kingdom take the first outpost." He says and Carol nods in agreement.

"Daryl and I lead our people. And..." he trails off looking at Maggie. "You can't be part of this but-" He looks at me. "Jesus and Dani can lead Hilltop. She trained them and they would follow her and Jesus if-"

"No." Daryl cuts him off, his voice a rough growl as he does. Rick looks at Daryl in surprise. Everyone but Carol and I look shocked that Daryl would disagree with Rick over anything. "What?" Rick asks in surprise. He glance at the others and I can see he doesn't like that Daryl questioned him in front of the others.

I can practically feel the tension radiating off of Daryl and I suck in a breath. However, Rick doesn't seem to realise his tension and plowed on like nothing happened. "Daryl, if she goes with Hilltop they can-"

Daryl cuts Rick off, leaning forward aggressively. "You ain't sending her off with another group." He warns roughly.

Daryl normally went along with the group but there are certain things that he takes very seriously and my safety is one of them. He seems more raw from the fight today and it has alpha Daryl on high alert.

Everyone around the table is tense, holding themselves still as they take in Daryl's anger. Even Rick doesn't know what to say. He's just staring at Daryl like he doesn't recognise him. Maybe he doesn't. Rick hasn't spent much time around Daryl since he got back and as much as I hate to admit it but there are things about Daryl that has changed. And if my brother isn't carful, then he might find out that Daryl isn't that willing to fall in line. Rick and Daryl are both alpha males but Daryl has always been willing to let Rick lead because he genuinely believes Rick is a better leader. If Rick pushes him, Daryl will push back.

Finally, it's Ezekiel who breaks the tense silence. "Daryl, you must know we are all comrades in arms, we would nerve risk each other's safety unnecessarily."

"Baby." I say softly but my voice comes out more tense than I realised. I take a deep breath and look down at him calmly but confidently. "It makes the most sense, it will-"

Daryl slams his palm down on the table hard enough the table jumps and sloshes liquid out of our glasses. It was my words that set him off but he's glaring at Rick. "I won't let you send her off with a bunch of strangers. She's staying with me."


My temper rises the surface and I suck in a harsh breath. Daryl isn't the only alpha in this relationship. "She is right here." I snarl. I understand Daryl's feeling protective but he isn't standing there talking about me like I'm not here. Like the final decision isn't mine to make.

Daryl whirls towards me, his anger flaring in his eyes. "And you ain't no better." He snarls at me. My eyes narrow at him as he continues. "You'll throw yourself in there to save everyone else and get yourself hurt in the process."

Rick holds up his hands as if he can calm him. "Daryl, we are all going to be taking risks-"

Daryl whirls on Rick. His hands clenched into fists at his side but there's still tension in his shoulders. All of Daryl's muscles are coiling. "And where will Michonne be in all of this?" He challenges, his voice grave with emotion. "What about Carl? Funny how your little family will be safe in all of this."

"Michonne is injured otherwise she'd be right there with me." Rick argues. "And don't forget she is my sister-" he points at me. "and there are more than just three people in my little family."

Daryl draws in a sharp breath. "But those three are your priority." His voice suddenly goes calm in his rage and I know things are going to go badly. "Just like Dani and Liam are mine. And ya said it yourself, if Michonne was fighting she would be right there with you."

"It's not your choice Daryl." I step in having enough of theses two arguing over me. Daryl whips towards me, he climbs to his feet knocking his chair backwards as he glares down at me. "The hell it ain't. I'm leadin' this parade of death ain't I? Ya ain't doing it."

"And you aren't going to tell me what I can and can not do. It isn't your choice and it isn't my brothers choice either. It's mine." I say firmly.

Daryl shakes his head, "I'm not going to sit by and let ya be first in line for The Saviours to take you out. And I doubt Hilltop will back ya up. No goddamn way!"

"Having three of our strongest fighters together is stupid, it's a waste." I argue but I can see my point doesn't get across. Daryl's jaw is set and his eyes hard as he stares down at me. "I don't want ya on your own for a chance for him to take ya." He says lowly to me and now I finally understand his real reason for wanting me with him.

He doesn't want Negan to take me.

I don't get to say anything as Rick does instead. "You left her on her own today though Daryl. I don't see what's the problem." At Ricks words, I knew that had been a huge mistake. Daryl looks like Rick has slapped him before his face transforms into anger. He shoves away from the table and storms out, slamming the door so hard behind him that it rattles the pictures on the walls.

"Dude." Jerrys voice comes from the living room.

"Shit." Rick mutters as he looks at me. "Why, out of all the things you could say to Daryl when you know how protective he is of me, especially when it comes to him, you say something like that?" I say, disbelief evident in my tone.

"Give it sometime, he'll come around." Rick mutters grimly making me and Carol scoff. "No he won't." I say firmly.

I know Daryl Dixon better than anyone and I know he will never come around on this idea.


Daryl's POV

I pace back and forth across the lookout platform. I had sent Aaron and Eric home to bed. There isn't a chance I'm going to sleep tonight. I'm too pissed. I'm too pissed at Rick for his willingness to risk his sisters life. I had almost lost her today and I could finally lose her if she's on the front line.

Mostly I'm pissed at my self. Rick was right. I had left her by herself today. I had let her stand there and let Simon point his gun at her. If we are going to fight again, I ain't risking her. Not for a second.

I scrub a hand over my face as a voice sounds out. "Do you feel better?" It's definitely not Dani. I turn around, a scowl fixed on my face and see Carol behind me.

"Don't ya gotta go? Be with your king?" I snap. I'm being an asshole but at this point I can't seem to stop. "They are solidifying the final details. We need to start preparing tomorrow. We go in three days. Rick didn't think it's safe to wait much longer." She informs me.

I nod but my jaw is clenched so tight I don't trust anything that would come out of my mouth. I'm still pissed.

"Do you trust her?" Carol asks as her cocks to the side. "What?" I snap. She makes a noise of disgust in the back of her throat and I know it's because I'm being an asshole. Carol has never been one to put up with my shit. I ain't going to scare her off by snarling and scowling like I do everyone else well....except for Dani.

"Dani." She says calmly. "Do you trust her?"

"More than anyone." I growl as I start pacing again. I do it to try and stop me thinking about what an ass I was to my girl. She didn't do anything wrong in there and I spoke to her like shit.

Carol leans against the top of the fence. "Then trust her. She won't do anything to put herself in harms way."

I snort and shake my head. "You've been gone a while." I growl. "She'll do whatever it takes to make sure I'm safe or the boys are safe. But it's not about that, I don't want him to have her."

Carol slowly nods in agreement. "I know but Dani won't let him take her." She says with conviction but Carol hasn't seen what I've seen. "She's different whenever he leaves." And it's true. I just can't figure out what's different about her.

Carol sighs and she shakes her head. She looks exhausted. The months apart had changed her. "I thought you wanted to be alone." I challenge.

"And I thought you wanted Dani." She says biting off the words unkindly.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" I growl stepping towards her. But Carol has never been intimidated by me, instead she crosses her arms over her chest. "It took you eight months to realise you wanted her and now your gonna drive her away? Because that's what you're doing Daryl."

I narrow my eyes but my heart starts pounding in my heart as something worms it's way through my anger. "She's my wife. My girl. She ain't going anywhere." I snarl.

Carol shakes her head. "You need to be careful Daryl. This is exactly the way you lose her, by pushing her. If it's not now, then it will later and you'll regret it." She argues.

"I'm tryin' to protect her!" I yell. "Goddamnit! I can't lose her!" I yell pointing towards the house. "That son of a bitch wants her Carol. You haven't been here, you haven't seen it! He'll do whatever he has to do to get his hands on her. She can't go anywhere near him." I feel like I'm choking on fear, uncertainty and rage.

The bastard has to die.

Carol goes to say something but I see everyone from the other community's moving towards the fence. I shake my head and brush past her, climbing down the ladder as she follows me. I strut past everyone and stalk to the house.

I storm up the porch steps and throw the front door open. I see Rick sitting at the island but I ignore him and rush down to mine and Dani's room.

I need to be with my girl.

When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I halt as I see Dani laying in nothing but one of my shirts. She hasn't done it up so I can see her lace panties but the shirt is just about covering her breasts. The sight of her just laying there like that makes me harden.

Her eyes were closed when I first walked down here but they open as I walk close to the bed. She gives me a soft smile as I stare at her heatedly as an idea forms in my head.

I step out of my boots before shrugging of my shirt and vest. I undo my belt as she eyes me curiously. I smirk at her and see her chest move more rapidly. I climb onto the bed at the bottom and kiss my way up her thigh. She gasps softly at the sensation.

I keep kissing upwards until I meet her chest. I pepper kisses all around before I suck her skin into my mouth making her hiss. I keep going until I'm satisfied at the purple mark I leave.

I glance up at her seeing her stare at me heatedly. I smirk before grabbing her wrists and bringing them to the headboard. She looks confused before I bring my belt to her wrists and secure them to the headboard. Her eyes widen as she tugs on the restraints.

"Daryl, what the-?" She gasps out breathlessly. I smirk down at her before I lean down and kiss her softly. She moans into my mouth before I pull back. I move back down her body, dragging my hand down feeling her soft skin.

When I reach her legs, I grab her panties and pull them down her legs, she lifts her hips to help me. I grab her thighs and spread them making her gasp as the chilled air hits her core. I lean down, licking a stripe from bottom up and her back arches.

Her legs spread even more and I don't hesitate leaning back in, sucking her clit into my mouth. She moans as I grip her thighs tighter in my hands, sure enough to leave handprints.

"Daryl." She pants out and a smirk tugs at my lips as I bring my fingers down and push into her. She clenches around me as her legs shake. I move my fingers in a 'come here' motion as I continue to suck her clit.

I glance up seeing her eyes closed in pleasure and her lips are parted as soft moans leave her lips. A smug feeling comes over me as I know I'm the one making her feel this good.

"Baby I'm-I'm cumming." She moans out and I quicken my pace as I suck her clit harder. Her thighs start shaking and her hips move in circles as she clenches around my fingers.

Her cum coats my tongue and I lap her up before I slowly pull my fingers out. She moans at the feeling before I bring my fingers to my mouth. Her eyes flare in lust as she sees the action.

I climb back over her, leaning my hands on either side of her. I lean down so my lips ghost hers and she groans in frustration. I smirk as I bring one hand to my jeans and undo them. She tries getting out of the restraints again and my shirt falls off of one of her breasts.

As I free myself, I lean down and suck her peaked nipple into my mouth making her back arch. Her legs move to wrap around my waist and I line up with her. Her eyes come to mine as I push in. She clenches around me tight making us both groan.

I hold still before I bring one of my hands to her throat, gripping it tightly. I lean down so my lips brush her ear as I start moving. She moans lowly as I move slow. "You are mine. Only mine. No matter what happens." I growl possessively in her ear.

Her back arches and she moans in pleasure at my words making me smirk as I bring my forehead to hers. I move my hips faster and she tugs on the restraints again to try and touch me. I smirk at her frustration as I brush my thumb over her nipple.

"Daryl untie me." She orders firmly but her voice still sounds weak. "Why should I?" I ask. She glares at me before a smirk tugs at her lips. Before I can ask why she's smirking I hear my belt snap and I'm rolled over onto my back.

I grip her hips as she lands on top of me, my dick still inside her. I look at her shocked but also in lust. She smirks down at me, biting her lip, as she holds a pocket knife in her hand. I look at her bewildered but also amazed.

Is there anything this woman can't do?

"Where the hell did ya get that?" I ask confused as she was lying naked and she was tied up. "I taped one to the back of the headboard." She says casually as she throws the knife on the bed beside us. A smile comes to my lips as I sit up, one of my hands moving to the back of her head bringing her lips to mine.

Her tongue slips through my lips as her hips start moving. I move my hands to her ass, griping the round globes tightly in my hands. I bring her closer to me and we both moan as her bare chest hits mine.

Her hand comes to my jaw as the other moves to the back of my head, gripping my hair tightly. She kisses me deeply as I feel her legs start shaking. "Ya gonna cum for me darlin'?" I whisper against her lips. She nods as her forehead comes to rest on mine.

Her hips move more frantically and I feel myself tighten as she clenches around me. Short, harsh pants leave her mouth as she comes undone. I groan into her mouth as I feel my cum coat her walls.

She moves her hips a couple more times before she slumps forward against me. I hold her tightly against me as we come down from our high. "That was sneaky with that knife baby." I break the silence.

She chuckles before she looks at me a smirk. "Do you expect anything less of me Mr Dixon?" She asks seductively. I smirk back, "No, Mrs Dixon, I don't."

I should've expected it to be honest.

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