Piano and Paintings | Yoonkoo...

By minkittenz

4.7K 385 62

'Two Damaged People, Trying To Heal Each Other Is Called Love' The tale of a Pianist meeting the Painter on... More

⪼ Introducing ⪻
⪼ Prologue ⪻
⪼ Burn...? ⪻
⪼ Not Easy To Die ⪻
⪼ Those Mad Eyes ⪻
⪼ Feeling Of Love ⪻
⪼ Unexplainable Feelings ⪻
⪼ Dear Min Suga ⪻
⪼ Smile ⪻
⪼ Admiration ⪻
⪼ Under The Starry Night⪻
⪼ Attempted Murder ⪻
⪼ Tears ⪻
⪼ Dear Yoongi Hyung, ⪻
⪼ Secrets ⪻
⪼ What Is Love? ⪻
⪼ Painting ⪻
⪼ Broken Hearts ⪻
⪼ Letter ⪻
⪼ Living Corpse ⪻
⪼ End Of Season 1 ⪻
༺ Introducing ༻
༺ Past Love ༻
༺ Lost ༻
༺ Vulnerable ༻
༺ Letter ༻
༺ The New Butler ༻
༺ The Reunion ༻
༺ Declaration Of War ༻
༺ Settling The Matters ༻
༺ Back Home ༻
༺ Unfolding All The Truth ༻
༺ Yearning ༻
༺ Plans ༻
༺ Birthday Surprise ༻
༺ Happy And Happy ༻
༺ Love ༻
༺ Home ༻
༺ Once Again All Alone ༻
༺ The Secret Door ༻
༺ Suicide Attempt ༻
༺ Only Love Can Hurt Like This ༻
༺ Pouring Out ༻
༺ The Magnum Opus ༻
༺ Jungkook's diary page: 2 ༻
༺ Dark Past ༻
༺ A Big Family Reunion ༻
༺ Jungkook's Diary Page: 3 ༻
༺ The Three Most Painful Words ༻
༺ Farewell ༻
༺ Forgotten ༻
༺ Black Swan ༻
༺ Amygdala ༻
༺ Revival Of The Memories ༻
༺ Love Is Not Over ༻
༺ Bloom ༻
༺ Marks ༻
༺ Paint Him ༻
༺ Euphoria ༻
༺ Ending Words ༻
≪ Epilogue ≫

༺ Gone ༻

83 6 0
By minkittenz

"I am back" Seokjin announced as he removes his shoes and enters the house. 

"Kook?" Seokjin calls out but no reply, Seokjin furrows his brows and looks around before entering the living room where his eyes went to Taehyung and Jimin who were sitting on the couch with sweat dripping down their foreheads. They looked so confused and scared that Seokjin visibly shivers at their condition. 

Taehyung and Jimin both lift their head to look at Seokjin who blinks feeling nervous and scared all of a sudden.

"W-What is going on...? W-Where is J-Jungkook??" Seokjin questions as Jimin sighs heavily before lowering his head. Taehyung gulps and fiddles with his fingers making Seokjin even more nervous than before. 

"WHERE IS JUNGKOOK?!!" He yells as Taehyung looks at him. 

"He is gone Hyung..." Seokjin's eyes grew wide with his heart dropping.

"Jungkook left Busan"


"Show me your hands!" Namjoon harshly tugs on Yoongi's hands causing him to groan in pain, he had grown extremely skinny with bruises coating his pale skin. His face was all blue and black. 

"You should be able to perform now" Namjoon comments as he examines Yoongi's hands. Yoongi stays silent, he is once again losing his will to live. He refuses to look at Namjoon who used to look like an angel but now he is nothing more than a devil. Yoongi takes his hands back causing Namjoon to raise his brow. He lifts his head and looks at Yoongi who was staring at his lap. 

Gritting his teeth Namjoon grabs his jaw and makes Yoongi face him. It hurts. 

It hurts everywhere. 

In his heart,

In his body,

In his head. 

Every fucking where!

Yoongi looks back at Namjoon with blank eyes. 

"You're gonna perform tomorrow! No matter what!!" Namjoon yells as Yoongi continues to stare at him blankly before he suddenly chuckles. That empty chuckle sent chills down Namjoon's body but he refuses to show that and furrows his brows. 

"Perform?" Yoongi looks at Namjoon and spits at him. Namjoon's eyes nearly pop out of their sockets as he looks at Yoongi with disbelief and anger. 

"I am willing to die Namjoon but I swear to god..." Yoongi brings his face forward as he slowly lets out the words that exploded Namjoon's volcano.

"I will never play for anyone else unless it Jungkook" 


I am sorry hyung... 

 Jungkook was in his car as he drove towards Seoul at full speed, tears flowing down his face as he internally curses at himself.

Fuck you Jungkook! Fuck you for leaving him!  

Jungkook was visibly shaking but he refused to stop the car and rest for a bit. He drove continuously, his phone was ringing again and again. He knew it was Seokjin so he ignored it. 

He has no time to pick the call up and hears Seokjin's ranting. 

I am so sorry Yoongi Hyung... I am so bad!

Jungkook sobs yet he refuses to slow down. 

Just hold on Hyung... I am coming...


"I heard everything Seokjin Hyung... so I am going... please don't come after me and take care of Jimin and Taehyung... I will be back soon" Seokjin reads out the small note Jungkook left in his room. Jimin gulps and looks at him with teary eyes while Taehyung side hugs him. 

"I am going" Seokjin stands up causing both Taehyung and Jimin to stand up as well. Jimin slowly goes to make his way towards Seokjin before he grabs his arm and shakes his head in no. 

"Don't go Hyung... let him be... let him make up for the mistakes he has committed..." Jimin says as Seokjin scoffs and looks at him. 

"Mistakes?! Jungkook did nothing!" 

"EVEN IF HE DIDN'T LET HIM BE HYUNG!" Jimin yells back. Taehyung and Seokjin were taken aback not expecting that kind of outburst. Tears flow down his cheeks as he looks at Seokjin.

"For once Hyung... if you stop him this time... we might actually lose him... forever" Seokjin's heart dropped as he looks at Jimin who was now a crying mess. Taehyung instantly approaches them and grabs Jimin's wrist before pulling him away from Seokjin. Seokjin's throat was dried out as he watches them both leave upstairs. 

Seokjin falls limp on the floor as he looks at his hands, tears dropping down on them, his vision blurry with his mind in chaos.

We might actually lose him...


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