Mothra - Ben 10: Omniverse (O...

By AlexNeko_990

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Mothra (Ongoing) ⏳ --- Lunaris Frost, or Luna has a lot questions, that are just left unknown to him. Why was... More

Meet My Character
Chapter One: The new Trio
Chapter Two: Undertown Chase
Chapter Three: Patrolling Night
Chapter Four: Spark Ignite
Chapter Five: Mutant Ants
Chapter Six: Heatwave
Chapter Seven: Screegit
Chapter Eight: Quartilloptus Soup
Chapter Nine: Told you so
S2|Meet My Characters
S2|Chapter Ten: Temporarily Back
S2|Chapter Eleven: Half Naked
S2|Chapter Twelve: Short Squad
S2|Chapter Thirteen: Mr. Smoothy Night
S2|Chapter Fourteen: Bullseye
S2|Chapter Fifteen: Meeting the Family
S2|Chapter Sixteen: Ninja Time
S2|Chapter Seventeen: Engagement Ritual?!
S2|Chapter Eighteen: Exploding Moon
S2|Chapter Nineteen: Forgiving Yourself
S3|Chapter Twenty: Aliens & Cryptids
S3|Chapter Twenty-One: Middle Ground
S3|Chapter Twenty-Two: 23 Reasons Why
S3|Chapter Twenty-Three: Prisoner Escaped
S3|Chapter Twenty-Five: Ducktales
S3|Chapter Twenty-Six: Saving Revonnah, Again
S3|Chapter Twenty-Seven: Incursean Invasion
S3|Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hybrid and the Revonnahgander

S3|Chapter Twenty-Four: Time Portals

156 6 1
By AlexNeko_990


[Mr. Smoothy's - Outside]

Teenage Ben had just switch minds with Young Ben.

"Awesome!" Young Ben said.

Max, Rook and Luna ran towards the Omnitrix Wielder.

"Grandpa, check it out! I'm a teenager!" Young Ben said, his voice is the same as 11 Year Old Ben.

"Ben? What is wrong with your voice?" Rook aksed.

"And why is it so high-pitched?" Luna asked. Spark mumbles out in confusion.

"Who are you two? How do you know my name?" Young Ben asked, looking at Rook and Luna.

"Easy, Ben." Max said, holding his hands up. "You must've taken a clonk to the noggin." He told him.

"Interesting." Eon said, appearing behind them. Everyone saw the time traveler. "A full temporal consciousness inversion. Not the effect I was going for, but it should still have the desired result."

"You're still here? I'll fix tha-" Young Ben said, about to slam on his Omnitrix, but stops. "Huh? New Omnitrix? Sweet!" He said, activating the Omnitrix, and see the group of Aliens. "Are all these aliens really mine? Best day ever!"

"Where is Paradox?!" Eon questioned.

"Pair-o-who?" Young Ben asked.

Eon groaned, frustrated. "The time-travelling busybody who shows up whenever you make a mess of the timestream." He said, pointing at Young Ben.

"Never heard of him, dude." Young Ben said.

"Oh, of course not." Eon said. "You haven't met Paradox yet. He'll go to the other one." He stated, and went away.


[Plumber's HQ - Lab]

Young Ben is currently sitting on an Exam Chair, as both Blukic and Driba were checking to see if there's a way to revert him back to Teenage Ben.

"This place is so cool!" Young Ben said, looking around. "What does this thing do?" He asked, pressing on a button.

"I wouldn't touch that." Blukic said.

The alarm blares.

"Or that." Driba said.

"How about this one?" Ben asked, pointing at the

"Definitely not that!" Both Blukic and Driba said.

"Please, Ben, if you would just sit still so we can figure out what is wrong with you-" Rook said, but got interrupted.

"There's nothing wrong with me. I'm awesome!" Young Ben said.

"There's obviously something wrong with him." Max said, entering the lab.

"Mr. Max, I'm pretty all of us knows that." Luna said. Spark mumbles out and agreement.

"He's not himself. He's-" Max stopped, seeing Young Ben not at the seat. "Where is he?" He asked.

Rook, Luna, Blukic and Driba saw the Young Omnitrix Wielder gone.

"Oh, not again." Rook said, looking at Max, shrugging.

Luna sighed. "This is getting ridiculous." He said, shaking his head.

The speakers came on. "Core Jettison in 10, 9, 8, 7-"

"Ben!" Max called, sternly.

"6, 5, 4, 3-"

Max went towards where Young Ben is seated at a chair, he pressed on a button, stopping the countdown.

"So, uh, got any games on this thing?" Young Ben asked Max, but was ignored.

"I'm gonna need you two to look after Ben until we figure out what to do." Max said, looking at both Rook and Luna.

"My apologies, Magister Tennyson. I have barely learned to deal with teenage Ben." Rook said. "Is there anyone else who has experience in dealing with this version?" He asked, gesturing at Young Ben.

"Yeah, sorry, Mr. Max. But taking care of this version of Ben, is gonna be a huge chore." Luna stated. "Is there anyone else who could help us?" He asked.

"I do." Gwen said. Her and Kasey were at the entrance.

Kasey is in a new outfit, he is wearing:
-White and Grey Sweater
-Beige Trench Coat
-Light Blue Jeans

Rook, Luna, Max and Young Ben looked towards the entrance, and saw the two.

"And me, on some level." Kasey said, doing a so-so gesture with his hand.
"Techno." Techno said, in his bracelet-disguise.

Gwen and Kasey had been told abut Young Ben's conditions.

"So, mentally, he's 11?" Gwen asked.

"That's unexpected." Kasey said.

"Gwen? Kasey? Is that really you?" Young Ben asked, he walks behind the two. "Gwen, you look... like you're still a dweeb!" He said.

"And you're still a doof-" Gwen said, but stops herself. "Easy, Gwen. Don't let him get to you. You're above this childish stuff now." She said, folding her arms again.

Kasey laughed a bit. "Man, I really missed the old "dweeb-and-doofus banter"." He said.

"Whoa, Kasey, you look hot." Young Ben said, seeing  Kasey.

Kasey blushes a bit. "Um, thanks?" He said to Young Ben, not really knowing how to respond. He lean towards Gwen's ear. "Should I be worried, that 11-Year-Old Ben thinks I'm hot?" He whispered-asked.

Gwen was confused. "Honestly, I'm not sure." She told the One-Quarter Xangruks.

"I still do not understand why you are here, Gwen and Kasey." Rook said.

"Five years ago, Ben told me to come and find him at this exact date and time. And also brining Kasey with me." Gwen said.

"Which is why I'm here." Kasey said.
"Techno." Techno said,
"And Techno." Kasey said.

"I almost didn't do it, but he seemed so serious." Gwen said. "It wasn't like him at all." She said, gesturing at Young Ben, who was making silly faces. "Well, not like 11-year-old him."

Young Ben spills a cup of coffee. "It wasn't me!" He said. "No, really. That wasn't me, Gwen. I don't know what you're talking about."

"You don't suppose his 16-year-old mind got sent back into his 11-year-old body?" Max asked. "Some kind of cross-time brain swap?"

"But wouldn't we remember that?" Gwen asked. "I mean, I remembered him asking me to find him." She said.

Max sighs rubbing his head. "I don't know. This time-travel stuff always gives me a headache." He said.

"Don't think too much about it, Mr. Max." Luna said, patting his back. "These kinds of stuff happens for a reason."

"Do you recall anything else?" Rook asked Gwen.

"Only that I'm supposed to take him to Mr. Smoothy's." Gwen said, pointing a thumb at Young Ben.

"Mr. Smoothy's?! Gross!" Young Ben exclaimed, and he fell.

"Whoa, I completely forgot about him not liking Mr. Smoothy's until his teenage years." Kasey said, looking at Young Ben.



The group are currently in the Proto-TRUK, as Rook drove towards Mr. Smoothy's.

"Mr. Smoothy's? Ugh!" Young Ben exclaimed.

"Believe it or not, you love this place." Rook said.

"You sure do, that and chili fires are your favorites." Luna said.

Kasey hummed and nodded. "I was the one who got you into it, during your teenage years." He said.

"It's true. We used to hang out here all the time." Gwen said. "You, me, Kasey, and Kevin."

"Kevin who?" Young Ben asked.

"Kevin Levin." Gwen said, a bit slowly.

Rook parks the Proto-TRUK next to the Mr. Smoothy's Store.

"No way! Now I know this is some freaky alternate messed-up universe!" Young Ben said, grossed out.

"Kevin changed! He's a good guy now. A really good guy." Gwen told him.

"Wait. You're not... You and Kevin E. Levin?" Young Ben said, scrunching his face. "Ugh!" He exclaimed, falling down and got back up. "That's even more gross than Mr. Smoothy's!"

"Oh, come on, Ben. I think they're good for each other." Kasey said, smiling.

"Ugh!" Young Ben groaned.

[Mr. Smoothy's - Outside]

The group went out of the Proto-TRUK, and stood below the sign of the logo.

"Well, you have brought him here. Now what is supposed to happen?" Rook asked, looking at the logo.

"Any ideas?" Luna asked, looking at Gwen.

"I don't know. Ben didn't tell me." Gwen said, looking at Young Ben.

"Maybe you should ask Kevin E. Levin." Young Ben said.

"Maybe you should stop being such a doofus!" Gwen said, bumping her forehead against Ben's.

"Dweeb!" Young Ben said.

Both Tennysons pushed their foreheads harder, both trying to get the apprehend.

Kasey laughed, as he watched the two. "Man, how much have I missed the banters." He said, shaking his head, smiling.

"Maybe I will scan the area." Rook said, grabbing his Proto-Tool.

"Hey, there's something there." Luna said, spotting something at the lowest point of the point.

"A sumo slammers sticker! That's my favorite one." Young Ben said, recognizing it.

"Etched right into the metal. What could do that?" Rook asked.

"The only person who recognized the sticker." Luna said.

"Ben?" Gwen asked, looking at the Omnitrix Wielder.

"Don't look at me. I didn't put it there." Young Ben said, looking at the sticker.

"I think you did." Gwen said.

"Or you're going to have done." Kasey said.

Gwen groaned. "Paradox is right. Time travel makes verb tenses so confusing." She said.

"Yeah, it's really hard to know whether to use past or present tense in this kind of situation." Kasey said.

"Paradox? You mean the guy that Eon dude was looking for?" Ben asked, looking at Gwen.

"You saw Eon?!" Gwen and Kasey asked.

"Never thought I'd hear that name again." Kasey said.

After some time of pondering.

"There appears to be something else on this vertical structure." Rook informed.

"Where?" Young Ben, Gwen and Kasey asked.

"Up there." Luna said, looking up at the streetlight.

Everyone follows, seeing the streetlight.

"I got this." Young Ben said. He slams onto his Omnitrix, and transformed into Diamondhead. He creates a pillar of Taydenite below himself, and lifts himself up.

"Anything?" Gwen asked.

"There's some numbers up here: "35.35-118.96" and some crazy, made-up word: Armo-drillo?" Ben(Diamondhead) asked.

"35 point..." Rook said, he got out his scanner. "They are map coordinates of the old abandoned sewer system under Bellwood." He said.

"The sewer system that was abandoned five years ago." Luna said.

Rook smiled at Luna, nodding. "Correct. Now it is right in the middle of Undertown." He said.

Ben(Diamondhead) lowers himself back down. "What's undertown?" He asked.

"You'll see." Kasey told him.


[Undertown - Pakmar's Store]

The group arrived outside of Pakmar's Store in Undertown.

They went into the store, and Pakmar immediately recognizes Ben.

"Oh, no. No, no, no, no, you don't!" Pakmar said, he went around the corner, and towards Young Ben. "There will be no destroying of Pakmar's place today! Ben Tennyson is not welcome here!" He stated.

"Whoa. Chill out, little guy." Young Ben said.

"Mr. Pakmar, all we need is access to your basement. After that, we'll be out of your store in no time." Luna told the alien.

"Plumber business." Rook said. "I assure you no harm will come to your establishment."

Pakmar sighed. "Pakmar has heard that one before." He said, and went towards the basement.

[Pakmar's Store - Basement]

The group are now in the basement, as Rook's Proto-Tool was scanning the location of the coordinates.

"This is the place." Rook said.

"So that "Armo-drillo" thing's here somewhere." Young Ben said.

"Ben, Armodrillo is one of your aliens." Luna told him.

Kasey grabs Young Ben's Omnitrix, he dials it until he saw the Talpaedan. "Here, Armodrillo." He said, showing it to him.

Young Ben slams onto his Omnitrix, and transformed into Armodrillo. He begins drilling down beneath him.

The basement was a bit of a wreck.

"You had to tell him?" Gwen said, looking at the three.

Kasey shrugs.

"Hey, check it out!" Young Ben(Armodrillo) said, from under the hole.

Rook, Luna, Gwen and Kasey went towards the hole, and looks down.

"There's more numbers down here on this pipe I just hit." Young Ben(Armodrillo) said. "One... oh... Uh-oh." He said, breaking the pipe.

Rook, Luna, Gwen and Kasey hurried out of the store, and into the Proto-TRUK.

Young Ben ran out screaming and with his arms in the air. But he made it back into the Proto-TRUK.

A stream of water came out, and Pakmar crashed into the windshield.

"Pakmar will send you the bill. Again." Pakmar said, sliding down.

"Mr. Max will handle it." Luna said.



The group are now out of Undertown, as they followed the coordinates they've found.

"There are more coordinates, all right. Not far, either." Gwen said, tapping on her laptop.

"So you think our Ben left these clues for this Ben five years ago? Why would he do that?" Rook asked.

"Why not do it? It's like a treasure map or something. I'm a genius!" Young Ben said. "But what did I hide for me?" He asked, trying to think.

"I guess, the best thing to do now is to follow the coordinates until we reached the end." Kasey said.

"Agree." Luna said, nodding.

[Time Skip]

As the group had went on a "treasure hunt", they eventually got to the end.

"You're sure these are the right numbers?" Gwen asked, looking at where they're going.

"Abso-tively, posi-lutely!" Young Ben said.

"There must be a mistake." Rook said, as they stopped outside of Mr. Smoothy's.

[Mr. Smoothy's - Outside]

Everyone went out of the Proto-TRUK.

"Why make us drive all over town and Undertown, following clues, just to lead us back here?" Rook asked.

"I know, it's odd." Luna said.

"It's crazy." Gwen said.

"But then again, this is Ben we're talking about." Kasey said. "So, to him..."

"It's brilliant!" Young Ben said. "Nobody would ever think to look for something hidden at the start of a treasure map!" He stated.

Gwen sighs. "Well, when you put it that way, it is kind of brilliant." She said, looking at the others.

"Yup." Kasey said, nodding.

The group went behind the Mr. Smoothy's Store. Rook was scanning the wall with his Proto-Tool.

"This looks like a job for that drillorama guy again." Young Ben said, he slams onto his Omnitrix, and instead of transforming into Armodrillo, he instead transformed into Big Chill.

Young Ben(Big Chill) pashed through the wall, and came back out holding a robotic arm.

The people outside screamed and ran.

"Sorry! Sorry to scare you! It's all good, people. Go back to your Smoothy's. Yuccha." Young Ben said. He turned towards the others. "I didn't see any more numbers in there. But look what I found inside the wall!" He said, showing them the Chrononavigator. He plays with it a bit, and scratches his back with it.

"So... what is it?" Rook asked.

"A robotic arm?" Luna asked.

Suddenly a portal opens up behind Young Ben, and Eon grabs the Chrononavigator from him. "Merely the key to dominion over all space and time. And thanks to you, it is now mine!" He stated, and laughs evilly.

Eon floats down, and stood in front of the group.

"It's amazing. Every timeline, every alternate reality. I can see them all, and they're all mine!" Eon said, holding the Chrononavigator.

"Eon, I am so gonna clean your clock." Young Ben said, he slams onto his Omnitrix, and transformed into Artiguana. "Arctiguana? Cool! Literally." He attacks Eon, freezing him, but the time traveler easily broke free.

Eon uses the Chrononavigator, and opens up a few time warps. His servants came out of it.

Gwen sends projectiles made of mana.
Kasey sends projectiles made of aura.
Rook attacks with his Proto-Tool: Blaster Mode.
Luna attacks with Spark(Multi-Tool),who is in Bow Mode.

Their attacks did nothing to Eon's servants, as they ran towards them.

"Ben?" Gwen asked.
"Got any ideas?" Kasey asked.
The two were looking at the Omnitrix Wielder.

"No worries, Gwen, Kasey." Young Ben(Artiguana) said. "I finally got an alien I know how to use!" He stated. He jumps into the air, making a slide out of ice, and froze the servants. "Done and done!"

"Oh, but there's more where that came from." Eon said, he used the Chrononavigator, again. More of his servants appeared.

Some of Eon's servants went towards Rook and Luna. The two heroes used their hand-to-hand combat skills, and fought them off. While also protecting each other.

Rook and Luna knocked back a servant towards another, they crashed into a seat.
Gwen uses her power, grabbing one and slamming him onto the other servants.
Kasey uses his Indigo Aura, and pushed a Servant back towards the other servants.

Young Ben(Artiguana) froze the servants.

"The holes in time they're not closing!" Gwen said, seeing them still opening.

Suddenly the holes in time moved.

"What's happening?" Kasey asked.

Suddenly a time portal appears in front of the group, showing both 11-year-old Ben and Gwen.

"Gwen?" Young Ben(Artiguana) asked, seeing Young Gwen.

"What?" Gwen asked.

"Not you." Young Ben(Artiguana) said to Gwen. "Her!" He said, pointing at Young Gwen.

"Ben? Is that you?" Young Gwen asked, seeing Young Ben(Artiguana). "And is that me?" She asked, smiling, seeing Gwen.

Another time portal appeared, this time with Paradox behind it. "Careful, children! Crossing over the time warps can have disastrous consequences!" He stated.

"What is this, timewalker?! You tricked me!" Eon yelled.

"On the contrary, I warned you." Paradox told Eon. "Stop this now or all of existence will be destroyed!" He said.

"No! If I cannot rule the cosmos, then I will be the one to destroy it!" Eon stated, he held the Chrononavigator up, and a thunder-storm appeared.

"The hand! Where is it?" Ben asked

"Well, duh! The evil bad guy has it!" Young Ben(Artiguana) said.

Ben activates his Omnitrix, and transformed into Wildvine. ""Well, duh!" Then Wildvine's gonna take it back!" He said, attempting to send his vines through the time portal, only for it to be ineffective.

Eon begins firing at Ben(Wildvine), who avoided it.

"Hey, leave him- me, alone!" Young Ben(Artiguana) demanded, he attacks Eon, freezing part of the time traveler.

"Rook, Luna you two take care of any stragglers." Gwen told the two.

"While, Young Gwen, Gwen, and I'll go and free Paradox!" Kasey said.

"Got it." Luna said, nodding. He turned towards Rook, smiling. "You ready, partner?" He asked.

Rook smiled at Luna. "Ready." He said, nodding.

"Me? But I can't-" Young Gwen said.

"Yes, you can. It's an Energy-Siphon Counter Spell." Gwen told Young Gwen. "Combibo potentia." She said.

"But the three of us will have to do it at the same time." Kasey stated.

Young Gwen gulps. "Okay, if you- I, say so." She said, looking at Gwen.

Kasey, Gwen and Young Gwen looked towards Paradox.

Kasey surrounds himself in a White Aura.

"Combibo potentia!" The three of them chanted, and aims it at Paradox, freezing him.

"We did it! I mean, I did it. I mean..." Young Gwen said, looking at Gwen.

"Same thing." Gwen said.

"We all did it." Kasey said.

Eon was standing in the middle of the time portal. As Ben(Wildvine) and Young Ben(Artiguana) attacks him. But both Omnitrix Wielders were pushed back.

Ben(Wildvine) reverts back to his human form. Max runs  towards him.

"Professor Paradox? We're open to suggestions here!" Ben said.

"You must anchor Eon to your respective time zones!" Paradox told him. "I would suggest clockwork!" He said.

"I don't have clockwork!" Ben said.

"Ah. Well, if activated at the same moment, your two Omnitrixes might synchronize." Paradox told him.

Young Ben(Artiguana) reverts back to his human form. ""Might"? Some professor you are!" He said.

"Well, it's better than "won't"." Paradox stated.

Ben ran towards Young Ben.

"One..." Ben said.
"Two..." Young Ben said.
"Three!" Both Ben shouted, and they transformed into Clockwork.

Both Bens(Clockworks), attacks Eon. And the time traveler disappeared.

Paradox jumps through the time portal, and towards the Chrononavigator.

Both Bens(Clockworks) reverts back to their human form.

"It worked!" Ben said. "Wait. No. I'm still in the wrong me." He said, seeing himself still in his 11-year-old body.

"Without Eon to anchor them, all the separate eras of time are progressively snapping back into place." Paradox said, putting on his Chrononavigator and walked towards the Bens.

"Which means in a few seconds, none of this will have happened, and we won't remember a thing." Young Ben said.

"You really are getting quite good at this, young master Tennyson." Paradox told Young Ben. "Pity you'll have to start over."

"Good seeing you... me... again." Ben said, looking at Young Ben.

"Yeah, me, too." Young Ben said.

Kasey went towards Paradox. "Hey, Professor Paradox." He greeted.

"Hello, master Kasey." Paradox greeted.

"So, if we're not gonna remember anything that happens today, anyway." Kasey stated. "I was wondering... How's Ultimate Kasey, doing? Is he still alright?" He asked, remembering Ultimate Kasey having a minor injury, the last time he met him.

"Yes, he's doing great." Paradox told Kasey, smiling. "Had another baby with master Tennyson, and deciding on a name, currently, as we speak." He said.

Everyone no matter from what timeline are shocked and surprised. "Wait, what-!"

Time Restoration... in Process
Time Restoration... Complete

[Mr. Smoothy's - Outside]

Rook and Luna who are in the Proto-TRUK arrived outside of Mr. Smoothy's, Ben was outside holding some smoothies.

"Is it just me, or does this day seem to be dragging on and on?" Ben asked both his partners, who are standing outside of the Proto-TRUK.

"I almost wish some universe-threat calamity would occur to alleviate this boredom." Rook said, grabbing three smoothies from Ben, and handing two to Luna.

"Almost, but not really." Luna said, shrugging.

Spark mumbles, and drank out of the smoothie that Luna was holding for him.

"Yeah, well, something's bound to happen sooner or later. It always does. Just give it some time." Ben said.

Suddenly a time portal appeared, and out came a future version of Ben: Ben 10K. "Ben! Where's Paradox?" He asked. "The Chronosapiens have gone rogue, and Maltruent's temporal beasts are on a cross-dimensional rampage!" He said.

Rook and Luna were still drinking their smoothies.

"This time-war is getting out of hand." Ben 10K said.

"Time-war? Awesome!" Ben said, punching the air.

Rook and Luna smiled.

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