TANKHUN Fanfic | Mind Over Ma...

By AprilsSmile

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"In a world full of ordinary, Be the Tankhun." A side story to Kinnporsche the novel. Because we can't get en... More

1. Mind over matter
2. Escape plan
3. Escape plan cancel
NOTE: Not an update
Highlights: Chap# 4 & 5
6. No touching at all
7. Chaos in Tankhun's room
8. Tankhun, Pete, Vegas
9. Finding Tankhun!
10. Rock Paper Scissors
11. It's Vegas
12. Pete, the Panther
13. Fan-following!
14. Height of Patheticness!
15. Sleeping Tankhun!
16. Knock, Knock!
NOTE: Not an Update!
17. Sweet Revenge!
18. Amy X Tankhun
19. It's Kinn
Highlights: Have Fun!
20. High-five?
21. Heart issues!
22. Wild Vehement!!!
23. Emergency Party!!
24. The Weekend / Study Time
25. It's Arm
26. Perfect complement :)
27. Beauty's Smile!
28. The Library
29. The Freshmen
NOTE: Not an Update
30. Blue Fire
31. The shopping maniac
32. Group Project
33. The Club
34. Damn Letter!
35. V for Vicious
36. Welcome home, Sister!
37. The Nightmare!
38. Future Fiancé
39. Bustling Life
40. Drama Family!
41. sOOry!
42. Zeal and Zest!
43. Sneak out!!
44. Party Animals!
Highlights: 44. Party Animals!
45. After Party!
46. Confessions!
47. Obsession...!
48. It's Porsche
49. #TeamTankhun
50. The Blacklist!
51. D-Day!
52. The more the merrier!
53. Tankhun's Treat.
54. Selfies Maniac!
55. It's Kimhan
56. Beautiful Heart
57. Second place? maybe not!
58. Stutter Boy!
59. Reciprocate!
60. Official Romance!
61. The Basement!
62. MFC - The Trio
63. Tea...party!
64. The Little Devil!
65. Warmth...
66. Shades of Gray!
67. A Day so FINE!
68. Befriend!
69. It's Leonid
70. The Plan!?
71. The preparations!
72. Just keep Swimming!
73. Mini concert!
74. Affable Meeting!
75. Bon appetit
Highlights: chap# 74 & 75
76. The control room!
77. Bloody Chaos!
78. The closure!
79. Life did a 360..
80. Romantic action!
81. Love-Hate!
82. The melodious ride..
83. Disheartened!
84. Sir Kinn! Hot as.....
85. A for Amity.
86. Height of Goofiness!
87. Fallen star?
88. Anti-fragile!
89. Her...Escape Plan!
90. Mirthless smile ):)
91. Insomnolent.!.!
92. Maquillage
93. Wild Vociferous!!!
94. Finding Amy!
96. Demoniac Khun!
97. Rough and tumble?
98. Viva la vida
Highlights: Enjoy! ;)
99. The best is yet to come..
100. The Anchor
101. Beer and skittles!
102. Enchantment!
NOTE: Not an Update :)
103. ...bears the crown!
104. Near and Dear!
105. Crazy Peacock!
106. Young Master!?
107. The Date?
108. Amy the Queen!
109. The Midnight Mirage
110. Amy X Tankhun
It's A.S. Styles^^
Highlights: Mind over Matter

95. Tragic Heroine...

214 11 25
By AprilsSmile

Previous night...


Dong Dong ~

I opened the door...

My grip loosened up and the knife fell down. Before I knew it I shrieked in high spirits like a girl and dashed forward to my last night visitor.

"Aahhhh brother Vanilla! What a pleasant surprise!" I jumped to embrace him and he just laughed while catching me in time otherwise I would be kissing the floor. Haha

"So you remember me huh?" He asks in a cool voice and I step back to see his face.

"How can I forget this devastatingly handsome face!" I batted my lashes with a grin and he just rolled his eyes then ruffled my bangs.

"Silly girl!"

"Come on in!" I grabbed his cuff to pull him in excitedly.

"Okay okay!" He was laughing at my beaming face.

He first closed the door and then took up the knife before walking in.

"Don't give me a judgy look!" I took the knife and half threw it on the kitchen counter.

"I would not. Instead I admire your cautiousness. If a stranger came, don't hesitate to stab him in the chest or neck or literally anywhere. I will handle the rest."

"Sheeeshh bro! Don't give me goosebumps." I shudder and he chuckled to tease me.
But a part of me knew he meant what he said.

I asked him to sit in the lounge area and make himself at home and guess what he didn't - like every other guy. Now I can't help but wonder if something is wrong with my couch..

He just walked around, watching everything with an unreadable expression. I didn't mind him at all and went to the kitchen. We were talking, mostly he was the one asking questions about this and that.

He told me that he directly came here from a meeting and that means he didn't have his dinner yet. I glanced at the wall clock, it was past midnight. Careless brother!

I sighed and changed my plan. First, I put the donuts back in the box. And glanced at the water which was already boiling for coffee. I added some more water and put spaghetti in it.

I opened the fridge and took the tower of plastic containers out. I opened them one by one, feeling happy that I've chopped all of the vegetables I bought. It makes cooking much easier.

I kept glancing at him from time to time. First, he was just looking at everything, now he started to pick the objects up to have a closer look. Now I kinda feel like he came here just to make me nervous or to inspect my house thoroughly. As if he were looking for something illegal like drugs..

Thinking of drugs...
I walked to the room to take my medicine. He'll definitely ask about them, and I don't want to lie. Truth is since I left his mansion I'm not taking them.

To my glee it was the last pill that I put in my mouth, I threw the bottle in the waste bin and came back to the kitchen.

He glanced at me and I smiled while drinking water. I felt his gaze for a good minute but pretended to be oblivious.

I got a little startle when he unlocked and slide opened the balcony door in a swift move. I looked up, met his gaze, smiled a bit and turned to get the sauce pan.

'It's okay Amy, you're safe. He's your savior. Get your freaking self together.'

First I put the chopped garlic and onion in oil and waited a moment then I added tomatoes, carrots, capsicum, chilies and waited a minute before adding spices.

Lastly I add cabbage, ketchup and mix it all together. I'm planning to make it less spicy, almost mild just the way he likes it.

I was pouring cold water on spaghetti, when suddenly I felt someone standing right behind me. A cold wave ran down my spine and I clenched the edge of the counter.

"Can I see your bedroom?" He asked in his cold voice and I gulped down.

"Yeah sure!" I made myself calm and turned with a smile. "Even though there's nothing much to see." I added carelessly. He just nodded and went into my bedroom.

I sighed loudly, and wiped the cold sweat off my temples.

What the hell is wrong with you Amy!

I scolded my alarming subconscious that lately enjoyed keeping me on my toes and adding the spaghetti into the vegetable sauce. I mix it well and leave it to cook for a minute or two.

I entered my room and found him looking through my notepads.

"What kind of art is this?" He asked without even looking at me.

"These are ..umm.. doodles."

"Doodles? A funny name for all this time consuming work." He commented and I kinda agree..
"So what's it about?"

"Nothing.." His curiosity is making me uneasy.

"It must be about something...the way you filled three and a half journals with it." He pressed on 'something'.

Damn his sharp eyes!

"I do it cause..." I paused to think of a better way to put it "..well it helps with..." I bit my lips.

"Passing the time?" He suggested.

"Yes! Yes It helps with passing the time." I nodded a few times.

You can put it in that way but the truth is I do doodling because it helps with anxiety. A good way to keep myself busy, both mentally and physically. But there's no way I will tell him that.

"You have a good collection of colors.."


"Mac will love to see these."

"Yeah he did." I nodded and he raised his brows in question.
"When he came here, we played with colors."


"Umhmm and he explores the whole house.." just like you are doing right now.
The last part I just thought to myself.

His lips twitch and he picked up a jar full of black fine liners.

"Did you got them for free or what?"

"Haha no they're all used up, they don't work anymore."

"A pointless collection."


"You use all of these to draw those weird patterns?"

"You mean doodle, yes."

"What is behind this?" He touched the fabric.

"My dressing table." I avoid looking directly at him.

"Why did you cover it with a....bed sheet?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"I did the laundry and there was no room left to dry this up so I just hung it there hehe." I chuckled awkwardly.

Did I just lie? How did I even come up with the excuse..? Waoh Amy! You're getting worse day by day...

"Yeah I saw your clothes on the balcony. They're all dried up, make sure you bring them back inside."

"I will.. Let's go and eat." I hurriedly turned cause I don't want him to continue his interrogation any further. It'll only push me to lie to his face, that I don't want to.

"Amy!" He called in his cool voice.

"..." I stopped. Now what!

"Did you take your medicine?"

"Yes!" I tell the truth.

My eyes widened when he leaned and took out a bottle from the waste bin. Is he for real!

Okay! there's nothing disgusting in it, just some waste papers or tissues that I use to wipe the paint and wrappers. Because I like to eat snacks while working.

He opened the lid, looked inside, closed the lid and threw it back where it belonged.

"Good girl!" He smiled at me and for once I didn't know how to act.

Did he just check if I was telling the truth or not!? Right in front of me!

Thank heavens! I'm against the fib and deception otherwise it'll be hella embarrassing to face him once I get caught lying.

"Just come whenever you're done." I tried not to sound rude but I think I did, giving the way he looked back at me.


I tucked the hair behind my ear and put two plates on the counter. I brought spoons and forks, and put a water jug with two glasses.

I glanced around the kitchen which was still un-inspected by my mafia brother. There's nothing to hide from him, right!

I glanced around and my eyes stopped at a cupboard. Oh fish!

I hurriedly went to lock it. Then I put the key in my pocket. He's not going to check my pockets, right?

He took off his jacket, half threw it on the couch, under it he was wearing a half sleeve T-shirt. He went to the bathroom to freshen up; I waited.

He came back while wiping his face with my towel and put it at the back of the couch to let it dry.

He came to sit in front of me on the kitchen stool. For the first time I looked at his face, he looked tired, like really very tired. For a second I thought I was looking at the mirror cause I believe I looked the same. His eyes were a little red, I wonder when was the last time he got a proper sleep.

"You can gaze at me all you want but your food is getting cold." His voice pulls me back to reality.

Damn I was staring at his face!

"I wasn't..." I pursed my lips and he chuckled handsomely.
"Don't tease me!" I hit his arm and he stopped to look at me with an emotionless face.

That's when I realized what I just did. I glanced at my hand in shock. Did I just touch him? No slap him!! On his bare arm? That must have been hurt!

My hand started to shake wildly, and I have no idea how to stop it.

He reached out slowly to hold my hand. It didn't feel like burning.. probably because his hands were cold. He made me hold the fork, and dig it into my food. Unexpectedly my hands stopped shaking. Maybe because he diverted my attention.

"Sorry!" I tried to take my hand back but he didn't let go.

"Don't be.. I like it when you treat me like this..."


"I will only say it once so listen carefully!"

He looked me in the eyes and I sat straight to pay more attention.

"Except Pete and Macau, you're the only one who is allowed to treat me like this because you don't see me as a freak. You make me feel like some normal guy I can't be.."

"You're not a freak." I defended him against... himself?

"Then what am I?" He sounded amused.

"A lot more things..." I state flatly while twirl spaghetti and eat a spoonful.

"Like..." He did the same.

"For one! You're my brother.. you're handsome, rich, brave, businessman.." I was counting on my fingers, and the list goes on.

"..a monster?" He suggested and I curled up my fingers into a fist.

I stare at him for a good minute and one side of his lips twitch into a devious smirk.

"If saving my damn life on multiple occasions makes you a monster.. then yes you are a monster, the ruthless one, the cruel one."
My fists landed on the counter with a loud thud, even the utensils cluttered with the impact.
"My freaking favorite one." I felt angry for some unascertained reason.

"I'm flattered." He uttered shortly and I just glared at him. "This is tasty by the way,  just the way I like it." He said while twirling.

"You came this late at night just to get on my nerves..." I dared to say out loud and he glanced up with spaghetti hanging out his mouth in bewilderment.

I first looked at him intimidatingly then my sight went to the dangling spaghetti from his mouth and..

"Pfft!" Unintentionally I chuckled out. He slurped and I shifted my gaze with a smile.

"Your anger evaporated just like that! Mine stayed even after shooting someone in the head.." He enlightened me so coolly that I almost passed out.

"Now I know why they said not to talk while eating food." I muttered while making a face.

'Shooting someone in the head!!!'
Sheesh I almost lost my appetite!

"..." It took him a few seconds to get that and once he did, he threw his head back and laughed out like a freak.

"Oddball!" I deadpan him and lean forward to my plate.

"That's why I like you! You always speak your mind."

"Thank you?"

"Also...when you called me brother I felt so special. I like it when you dare to tease me playfully, and you are the only girl who is stupidly brave enough to take interest in me."

"That doesn't sound like a compliment, you know!" I made a face.

"What I'm trying to say is... You are unexceptionally ethical."

"Oh kay..." Am I supposed to be blushing?

"You are concerned if I had my dinner or not, even went all the way to cook for me this late at night. Thank you! For being one of your kind!" He reached out to ruffle my hair and I giggled like a silly girl.
"Always stay like this.." He whispered softly that sounds like a request to me so I nodded in a silent agreement.

'People will know us as a 'Duo of Lunatic Siblings' ; one psycho other maniac. Heehee.'

A funny thought popped up, and a light hit landed on my head. I saw him laughing and my mouth fell open.

"Did I say that out loud!?" I stupidly confirmed and he just chuckled while shaking his head in no.
"Fibster!" I pouted, he tried to sit back and almost fell off.

"Woahhh..." I reached out to break his fall by clenching his elbow.
"Hahaha brother Venust it's not a chair.!"

It was my first time seeing his eyes widened in shock. He looked embarrassed and adjusted himself on the stool.

Sweet heavens! I barely stopped myself from rolling on the kitchen floor while laughing at him.


It was like three in the morning when he got a call from Pete and left immediately. Before leaving he gave me a paper bag with some new kinds of pills in it.

It turns out he visited Dr. Top and asked him to prescribe some other medicine for me cause I complained about the last ones. Those practically worked like sleeping pills on me.*

I did the dishes, cleaned the kitchen counter, turned the lights off and went to change into comfortable clothes.

I wore two loose tank tops and knee length baggy shorts, tied my hair into a loose side braid without securing it at the end and went to sit in the lounge area to watch some TV.

I opened the paper bag and found one tablet and one capsules bottles. I take the tablet first then make a face at the orange colored capsules and swallow it with a glass full of water. Wuaakk!


I reached out to grab my cellphone and glanced at the clock.

Who will text me at 4 in the morning?

[Take the medicine.
Starting tomorrow!]

I tilted my head in confusion.


[Take the tablet in the morning and capsule in the evening.]

Huh!!?? I blinked in awe.


[You already have taken the last tablet from the previous medicine. Don't take the new one now, it'll be like a double dose and can be dangerous.]

Well that makes so much sense...

I blinked once, he knew that I took the last pill in his presence.

I blinked twice, I wasn't supposed to swallow that fanta-like capsule, not today at least.

I blinked thrice, that one pill was enough to knock me out for hours now that I took two more freaking...........


Without any delay I ran to the bathroom and tried to throw up. I put the first two fingers in my mouth, all the way to my throat. I gaged a bit but nothing happened.

I changed the strategy and drank as much water as possible in hope to throw it all out at once. I felt weird in my stomach, maybe it was supposed to hurt because of too much water.

I tried for what felt like forever and gave up tragically.

I sat on the bathroom floor, putting the blame on my living decisions.

What's gonna happen to me now?

I felt my sight getting blurry.

Is that the answer? Am I going to die in my sleep?

I get myself together and raise from the ground. Bathroom is the last place anyone will choose as a death spot.

I splashed water on my face to keep my conscience a little longer.

I ran to get my cellphone it was almost 5 freaking a.m when I texted Joy..

"I won't be coming to college.
Will be busy doing my art project.
Ask someone to take notes for me.
Someone with good hand writing. Hehe"

She's going to be surprised but I'll explain everything to her....If I survived.

I texted my little devil..

"Tell Dad everything about me if I don't call or text you in twenty four hours."

I don't want him to freak out so..

"I followed your crazy idea and took the medicine so I'm going to sleep for hours.
Talk to you later :)
Remember I love you a million"

Initially I planned to take that pill after college and sleep like a baby but now...


I felt too drowsy, my eyelids getting heavier. I tried my best to type..


I managed to sent the last text to brother Vegas.

'Please come to see me'. I begged  who knows whom.

Let's see if I'll be the one to open the door if someone rings my bell or....

I gulped down and stumbled to close and lock the balcony door. Next I went to the main door and did the same. Lastly I took a kitchen knife and locked myself in my bedroom.

If my consciousness is going to sleep like a dead log, I better keep my body safe and secure.

I grabbed my spinning head and tried to focus on my surroundings. I need to leave a note..

I grabbed the first marker I saw and scrambled on my wall.


I don't want brother V to get blamed for anything if I...

Damn it!

I crossed the word 'double' and wrote 'over dose' instead.

I threw the marker at the door, poor thing rolled on the floor and stopped near my waste bin.

My drowsy conscience was still sharp enough to think about the consequences. I sat on the floor to take out the empty pill bottle from the waste bin and placed it on my side table with the new medicines.

I sat on the bed and saw my room getting darker with each minute passing. My ear started to ring so loudly that I had to cover them with my hands but in vain.

My limbs are getting numb and I fell on my pillow. I stared at the ceiling or so I tried to.. remembering all my day long events.

I had a good day with my friends..
I'm doing awesome when it comes to studies..
Tankhun lost his mind as usual, but I was the reason so it's okay..
I've called my family and they're doing fine even without me..
Both Mac and Vegas come to visit me, and I cherish their company..

What else did I miss?

Yeah, that'll be pretty much it so I closed my eyes to rest them.

They said when you die your whole life flashes before your eyes.

I saw the shopping mall, it was last year when I was in America, visiting my family. It was probably my last day there when all of us went shopping.

I saw my mama's face. How she gets mad at me for not liking any of the pretty dresses she selected for me. How she was shouting when I ran to the boy's collection to choose clothes for myself.

And there was my little devil yelling at me for taking everything he was going to like. But it wasn't my fault.. both him and I had pretty much the same taste when it comes to clothes.

I smiled at my Dad who looked so done with his family. He was tapping on the counter with his credit card, ready to pay our bills once we're done fighting and embarrassing him.

I wish I was there or they were here...
I wish I wasn't alone at this gloomiest time of my damn peaceful life..

I felt sorry for my housemate Destiny. I wonder how she'll cope up with everything if I don't wake up.

I don't want to become her nightmare. On the second thought brother Pol will be there to console her, he's her BF after all.

It will probably be the first time I thought having a boyfriend is not a completely lost cause. (Sorry Dear Fiance)

In short I have no regrets whatsoever.

I managed to open my eyes to look at my blurry hands. I tried to focus on the butterfly I painted on my bruised wrist. It looks so beautiful and perfect. Maybe I should seriously consider getting a tattoo there. Hehe Mama will murder me if I did that after surviving.


There are no regrets but sadly an 'if' left.

What if I wasn't stubborn at being faithful and talked to my dad to ask him to break off the engagement!

Me and my so-called fiance never met so it would be so easy to move on, especially when there were no strings attached.

Naturally, Dad would've asked why I wanted that all of the sudden, or what's the reason behind this sudden change of heart..and many more questions.

Inwardly Sigh!

I don't want to lie on my possibly dead bed. I clench the bruised wrist with my other hand and a gorgeous face flashes before my eyes.

I wrote a text for him too but couldn't bring myself to tap on the sent button.

To answer all of my dad's questions I would have just given one name.

"Tan the crazy khun."

I whispered softly and placed the hand holding my wrist to the chest and drifted off into the deepest sleep of my not-so-peaceful life.

The last sound I heard was the bird's chirping at my window.

'Good morning  clueless world!'

The last thought I had was if I knew I'd be dying... I would have chosen a better outfit.

So this is it! I became a Tragic Heroine, causing my own downfall, after surviving the chaos of the infamous underworld.


Author's POV:

Minor family meeting at breakfast..

"So?" Macau looked impatient.

"I'm not sure what to say." Vegas sighed heavily.

"What do you mean? How was she?" Pete asked too.

"She's doing fine or so she's pretending to be.. I looked around her house and found no bug, no secret camera."


"I think I made a big mistake making her live in this hell. It felt like she lost her light. Our dark world sucked the life out of her."

"Don't say that. She'll be okay." Macau was positive.

"You saved her. She's alive today because of you." Pete touches the back of Vegas's hand as if sending some of his optimism to him..

Vegas shooked his head, realizing where he went wrong.

He knew from the beginning how interesting and unique she was, it was her charisma that made him covetous to keep her. At first he just wanted to interfere in Khun's crazy love life to madden him. But then he started to like her company. He even acted silly and started to jot down all the names she called him by.*

He remembered that one time he sat with Khun who was immersed in studying Amy's sleeping face and whispered something deep with a dramatic pause like...

"One like her could offer the most dangerous of all drugs

Now he perceived what Khun meant by that. He's addicted to her warm personality, her brightness - they all are.

"I saw some therapy journals." Vegas started. Both Pete and Macau changed confused looks so he explained.

"It's a thing only depressed people do. They draw some disturbing patterns to keep themselves busy both mentally and physically. It somehow helps them."

"But...but she's an art student. So maybe it's normal." Macau argued.

"No, it's far from being normal. She's a literature student. And that's not what I am worried about. I saw her talking to herself."

"I talk to myself too. It's nothing to worry about." Pete blinked a few times.

"She's keeping all the windows and doors locked. Her fridge was full of groceries as if she was stocking them for weeks. Also I found a paper cutter under her pillow."

"..." Pete went speechless.

"She came to open the door with a bloody knife. A number of times I saw her getting startled over nothing. Half of the time she seems to be lost in her thoughts."

Vegas looked agitated after witnessing and observing everything with his own eyes.

"She took the medicine just because I was there. In four days she left her house just two times."

"That's not how she's supposed to be living." Pete commented in concern.

"What about the bandana? On her wrist?" Macau asked the thing which was troubling him since last evening.

"That was nothing. I took off that stupid fabric and she didn't even noticed.."

"Really? Then why did she tie it in the first place?"

"I don't know! Beneath it was just a butterfly that she painted around her wrist."

Macau sighed in relief, Pete patted his back. Last evening Macau over did his exaggeration. He scared both his brothers by telling that Amy tried to attempt suicide by cutting her wrist. Also she was acting too good to be true.

"Physical health - bad.
Mental health - worse.
Yet when I asked how she was doing she said she's fine with a big smile."
Macau grabbed his head in perplexity.

"I will fix her. I don't know what is giving her hard times but I will reached to the roots of her troubles." Vegas's tone was cold but firm. He can do anything to save his sister.

"It means Khun was right to say that she's loosing herself in an unexplainable way.." Pete thought out loud. "We have to do something, Wegath!"

"We will. I have prescribed new medicines for her, let's hope she took them on time and recovered."

He said even though it was not enough to make him assured.

"I should've visited her sooner. Even yesterday if you didn't share what Khun says.. or Mac didn't whine  about her.. I probably won't go to check on her."

"It's because you think she's tough and brave enough to..." Pete paused "..in the end she's just a little girl..." He exhaled, leaving the thought unstated.


It was 10 something a.m. when Vegas realized that his man didn't reported him about her.

He called to ask himself and learned she didn't leave her house.

Without any delay he called Amy but got no answer. A moment later he called Macau - who was already in college - to go and see if she was there.

After waiting for what feels like hours he got a call from his little brother.

[She's absent today. Her friend said she's busy doing some art project.]

"What about the first brother? Is he there?"

He asked just in case. If Amy didn't go to college his crazy cousin would be the first to know. He will not get surprised if he already leaves the college to check on his bea... Urgh.

Vegas left the thought unvoiced.

[Yes he's here, taking classes.]

Macau uttered in annoyance.

[Crazy brother is attending all the freaking lectures, even noting down the lessons for Sammy. I'm suspecting he's planning to go to her house after college.]

Last night when he hold her hand it was a little too warm as if she has fever. Vegas thought for a moment. It's good for her to stay home and take a rest.

"Let him be. It's okay if he go to visit her."

[It's okay!!!?? Are you sure? It's our crazy cousin we're talking about..]

"Yes. First brother can give her company for today. It'll be better for her."

[...] Macau went silent then ended up agreeing.

If his brother said it'll be better for Sammy, then it will be, with no doubt.


Tankhun's POV:

Amy didn't come to college making me sad and others shocked. At first I didn't believe in Joy then she showed me her texts as a prove. Amy used her art project as an excuse, but it can be true because last week a girl from Art Club asked me to be her project model. Off course, I refused her at once. I was patiently waiting for Amy to ask me the same - she didn't. 

I had a repulsive thought 'what if she chose someone else?'. If she dare to do that, I will not sit back and watch. There'll definitely be a face-off between her and I. No kidding!

After coming back from the college I didn't waste a breath and went to take a shower. I chose the simplest attire to wear and impress her. Blue jeans with black shirt, the plain style she seems to like very much. I even ask Arm to tie a Kipper tie on me because I want to look formal.

It felt like a déjà vu - a planned one.

We stopped by a bakery to buy chocolate chip cake that I know she likes to devour with tea. I came to know her likes and dislikes after living with her in the minor mansion.

After that we stopped to buy flowers, the paper-made one. I was amazed to see how the bouquet of fake red tulips looked real and beautiful. Yes, I asked for the same ones I bought last time and couldn't get to give her.

On second thought, it all happened for good as she's allergic to flowers. The meaning behind red tulips will remain the same no matter if its the product of nature or just made out of thin papers.


Finally we reached the destination.

Pol was holding the cake and Arm was carrying the file which held the notes of today's lecture. As for me I was holding the bouquet while ringing her house bell.

Ding dong~
Ding ding dong~

"Look guys! it's working!" I shouted excitedly.

Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong ~

I couldn't stop but ringing it continuously to check if its working right or not.

"Are you planning to break it again?" Pol asked in his heavy annoyed voice.

I gave him side eyes and thought for a second. If it broke again then it'll be a complete déjà vu. Haha

D d d d d d ding ding dong~~~

"Why isn't she opening the damn door?" I kicked on the door lightly.

Don't tell me she's doing it on purpose! What if she didn't want to see me because of what I did yesterday?

I turned left and right to see my boys, both were looking at back me silently.

"Let's wait for a few more minutes.." Amr started.

"Then I will break it open!" Pol added.

I just nodded in agreement.

Ding dong~
Ding ding dong~

D d d ding ding dong~

"Khun!!" Arm pushed me aside and came forward, standing between me and the damn button.

I shot him a glare but didn't scold him cause my thoughts went astray. I don't know why but I think something is not right.

I'm feeling nervous, my creative mind started to play games with me.

"Arm hold this!" Pol gave the cake box to Arm and prepare himself to break the damn door.


He turned to his side and bumped his shoulder to the door.

Nothing happened.


Another failed attempt.

"Umm Pol boy! why don't you try this tinee winee." I took out the silver key and hold it up to my eye level.

"You have the key to her to house?" Pol's mouth fell open.

"Where did you get this?" Arm ask in a serious tone.

"Psycho Vegas stole her house key and made a duplicate for himself. Then my Pete stole his key to make a duplicate for me." A mischievous grin appears on my heavenly face.

"..." , "..."
My dumb and dumber went speechless hahaha.


We entered the house and it was dark and silent as if there was no one. As I said before something doesn't feel right. And I don't want to jinx my intuition.

Beside the main door was her kitchen and we silently walk there. We put all of our stuff on the kitchen counter and both my boys took out their guns.

Arm put his finger on the lip and motioned me to stay behind quietly in the kitchen.

I choose to listen to him for once and did what he asked obediently.

I watched him check the lounge area and the balcony. While Pol went to the room that was supposed to be Destiny's. Stupid!

They nodded at each other and went to stand in front of Amy's bedroom. We were familiar with the whole house except her bedroom which we didn't get to see last time. Tsk!

I came to stood behind them. Let me be clear, I am not scared or afraid, I am hella nervous. We don't know what is waiting for us behind the door.

"Amy!" I called out while putting my hands on my waist. Both my boys jump on their step.
"What?" I asked arrogantly when they were giving me some unpolite looks. Idiots!

"AMY!" I ignore their gaze as I don't have time to deal with them. I want to see my beautiful Amy immediately.

Before I could call out again a flat hand covered my mouth to stop me.

"Khun be rational! We don't know what or who is in there." Arm whispered near my ear, emotionlessly.

"As if I didn't get that much!" I gave him side eyes. "All I know is my Amy is not out so she must be in there." I mumbled in his hand and pressed hard so he could understand the situation and do something about it.

"Pol, you might want to break this one. I don't have the key for it." I flicked Arm's hand away and took a few steps back to give some space to my personal hulk.

Pol nodded at me like a good boy and turned to his side as he was about to collide with the door Arm hold a finger up to stop him.


Pol blinked once, I blinked twice.

Arm reached out to turn the door knob and we discovered that it was locked. He stepped aside while waving his hand to motioned Pol to continue his action.


With one loud hit, the door break open, hitting the wall inside. Both my bodyguards pointed their guns, alertly and stepped forward.

The next second, they froze - their gun holding hands in the air, they eyes widened.

I waited a moment to read the situation then moved my feet to see if they saw a ghost or what.

"K..khun!" Pol stammered in horror, Arm looked tense.

I stood on the doorstep and covered my nose. The air was stinking as if someone died there. The smell makes me want to throw up.

But for my precious Amy I looked inside and.......

And everything went blank. As if someone took all of my senses except sight.

Arm put his gun aside and dashed towards the bed where she was half lying on the floor. The dreadful smell was coming from the floor which was already dried but stained.

The smelly floor was the last thing I should be concerned about so I shifted my gaze to her...

Her clothes were disheveled, her hair was messy and she was....

My whole being crumbled when Arm reached out and held her bare arms to make her lay on the bed. My legs gave up seeing the white bubbles coming out of her mouth.

No no no no no no no..

I shook my head hysterically and felt Pol's giant hands holding me firmly. He was telling me to pull myself together. But how...?

I was going through a nervous breakdown when Arm was checking her pulse and stopped to give me an incomprehensible look. Still I caught the water appearing in his eyes.

"Please no!" I shook my head while pleading. My lips were quivering uncontrollably. And tears came out even before I started to cry.

"Arm?" Pol sounds horrified, his hand was shaking while pointing at the side table.

Arm left her hand, hurriedly grabbed the pill bottle and shook it in his hand.

"It's empty." Arm voice out, his voice was filled with dread.

Oh no!

Please no!

Hell no!

My eyes went to her arm which fell down the bed. Then gaze stopped at the butterfly which was embracing her fair wrist with its colourful wings.

"Is she..." I swallowed the ball of tears agonizingly "..dead?"



87: Fallen star?

17. Sweet Revenge!

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