Mothra - Ben 10: Omniverse (O...

By AlexNeko_990

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Mothra (Ongoing) ⏳ --- Lunaris Frost, or Luna has a lot questions, that are just left unknown to him. Why was... More

Meet My Character
Chapter One: The new Trio
Chapter Two: Undertown Chase
Chapter Three: Patrolling Night
Chapter Four: Spark Ignite
Chapter Five: Mutant Ants
Chapter Six: Heatwave
Chapter Seven: Screegit
Chapter Eight: Quartilloptus Soup
Chapter Nine: Told you so
S2|Meet My Characters
S2|Chapter Ten: Temporarily Back
S2|Chapter Eleven: Half Naked
S2|Chapter Twelve: Short Squad
S2|Chapter Thirteen: Mr. Smoothy Night
S2|Chapter Fourteen: Bullseye
S2|Chapter Fifteen: Meeting the Family
S2|Chapter Sixteen: Ninja Time
S2|Chapter Eighteen: Exploding Moon
S2|Chapter Nineteen: Forgiving Yourself
S3|Chapter Twenty: Aliens & Cryptids
S3|Chapter Twenty-One: Middle Ground
S3|Chapter Twenty-Two: 23 Reasons Why
S3|Chapter Twenty-Three: Prisoner Escaped
S3|Chapter Twenty-Four: Time Portals
S3|Chapter Twenty-Five: Ducktales
S3|Chapter Twenty-Six: Saving Revonnah, Again
S3|Chapter Twenty-Seven: Incursean Invasion
S3|Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hybrid and the Revonnahgander

S2|Chapter Seventeen: Engagement Ritual?!

223 10 8
By AlexNeko_990


[Jewelry Store - Outside]

In Bellwood, Fistina had stolen some jewels from a Jewelry Store.

Ben, who had transformed into XLR8, fought against Fistina. The alien's head flew towards a wall, from Ben's tornado move.

The Proto-TRUK arrived, three figures came out. Zoe, Rook and Luna.

Luna is in his human form, he has his hood up. Spark sat on his shoulder.

"Well done, Ben. Now to take her in." Rook said, he walked towards Fistina's head. "It should... only take... a moment." He said, struggling.

Luna and Zoe looks at each other, they giggled, seeing Rook having some trouble. Spark laughs.

Zoe walked towards Rook, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Here, Blonko. Let me." She said.

Rook steps aside, and Zoe stood in front of Fistina's head. The female Revonnahgander easily took out Fistina's head from the wall.

"Go, Zoe." Luna said, clapping and cheering, for his best friend.
"That is quite impressive, sister." Rook said to Zoe.

"Oh, it is no trouble at all." Zoe said, carrying Fistina's head beside her.

Zoe had came to Earth earlier than Chloe, since only one of them can come back to Earth, for now. The two sisters decided on Zoe, since that way Chloe can spend more time with Rayona, and Zoe can come back to Earth early. To the both of them, it was a win-win.

"Is she even going to fit in the truck? She's huge!" Ben(XLR8) said.

"Huge?! I am not huge." Fistina stated. "For an Acrosian, I am quite dainty." She said.

"Ben, it is no good to be commenting on a lady's size." Zoe said, shaking her head.

Both Rook and Luna saw Fistina's body going to grab the Omnitrix Wielder.
"Ben, look out!" He warned.
"Behind you!" Luna warned.

Ben(XLR8) saw Fistina's body, he tries to avoid it, but the body steps on his tail, stopping him.

Zoe took out a small round-shaped device. She threw it at Fistina's body. The device expands, forming a magenta-colored coil around Fistina's body, immobilizing it.

Fistina's body fell, and Ben(XLR8) is also crushed under it.

"Oh, very effective, Plumber." Fistina said to Zoe.

"Immobilizing bombs, always comes in handy." Zoe said, and winks at Fistina.

Ben(XLR8) grunts, he reverts back to his human form, and climbs out. "Why'd you knock over that jewelry store, anyway?" He asked Fistina.

"I adore pretty things..." Fistina stated. "Such as you, little woman. I like the way you move." She said to Zoe.

The five heroes looks at each other. They decided not to comment on what Fistina said. But Zoe gave Fistina another wink.

"Huh." Ben said, he saw what was on TV.

The TV was showing, Julie Yamamoto in the headline: Rising Young Star In Tennis. "Julie's back in town. Why didn't she call?" He questioned, looking at the TV screen, a bit saddened.

Zoe, Rook and Luna walked towards the Omnitrix Wielder.

"Something to ponder after we deliver the prisoner." Rook said.

"Come on, Ben. Let's get back to the Plumbers HQ." Luna suggested.

"Hey, Fistina, you in any hurry?" Ben asked, looking at the criminal's head.

"No, I have a nice view." Fistina said, in Zoe's side.

"Just one stop, Rook." Ben said, and went towards the Proto-TRUK.

"Well, looks like we won't be getting back to Plumbers HQ, for a while." Zoe said.

"Well, Zoe. I think it's best we deal with whatever stuff Ben is going through first, than we can head back." Luna said. He looks at the male Revonnahgander. "What do you think, Rook?" He asked.

Rook sighed. "It will have to do." He said to Luna, smiling.

"Zoe, Zoe... a beautiful name." Fistina said.

"Let's get going." Zoe said.

The three walked towards the Proto-TRUK, where Ben is waiting.


[Tennis Court]

At a tennis court, Julie is seen practicing tennis.

A gentleman, Hervé, kneels on one knee, taking photos of Julie.

Kasey, stood next to the gentleman, as he cheered for his cousin. He whooped. "Go, Julie!" He cheered.
Techno is currently in his cap-disguise.

Julie momentarily smiled at Kasey, before focusing back on her tennis practice.

"Excellent, Julie. Effortless." Hervé said. "You are even better on the hard court!"

"You're rockin' it, Jules!" Kasey said, giving his cousin a thumbs-up. He looks at Hervé. "How's the pictures coming along?" He asked.

"Fantastic." Hervé said, giving Kasey a thumbs-up.

Suddenly everyone's attention were directed at a ship, descending down onto the tennis court, slowly.

In mid-air, Ben went out. "Hey, Julie!" He called, and jumps down. He grunts, as a tennis ball that was shooting out of the machine, hits him.

Kasey laughed. Julie smiled, and turns the machine off.

Ben avoided another tennis ball. "Why didn't you tell me you were home?" He asked, walking towards Julie.

"I've been busy, you know, living my life and all." Julie said, resting her racket on her shoulder. "How are you?" She asked.

Hervé walks towards Julie, and starts speaking French.

"Dude, my girlfriend and I are talking here." Ben said to Hervé. "Who is this guy?" He asked Julie, pointing a thumb at him.

Kasey walked towards the group, he stood on Julie's other side. "He's Hervé, Julie's new boyfriend." He told Ben.

Julie smiled, and hugs Hervé's arm.

Ben is shocked at the information.

"And, yes, I'm here, too. Thank you, for noticing." Kasey jokingly said, rolling his eyes, but was smiling.

"Your new boyfriend?" Ben asked, looking at Julie. "Julie, how could you? And, Kasey, why didn't you tell me?" He asked, looking towards the One-Quartet Xangurks.

"Hey, hey, don't look at me." Kasey said, raising his arms. "I've only found out about it, when I came back from London." He stated. "And, well..." He trailed off, looking at Julie.

"Don't bring Kasey into this." Julie told Ben. "Besides, I'm not the one who broke it off. You were." She said to the Omnitrix Wielder.

"No, I didn't." Ben said. "Did I?" He asked, confused.

"You do remember the last time we spoke, right?" Julie asked.

Ben scratches his head, thinking. After a bit of thinking. "Hmm. Maybe I did break up with you." He said, holding his chin. "I was wondering why you never called back."

"Uh-huh." Julie said, nodding. "But now I've got a boyfriend who puts me first, so..." She said, and the two begin walking away. "Bye."

Ben hurried in front of the two. "Julie, wait. Let's talk." He said.

"All has been said that can be said. After that, what is there left to say?" Hervé asked, and he speaks French, again.

"Really? This guy?" Ben asked Julie, gesturing to Hervé.

Kasey steps in front of Ben. "Come on, Ben." He said. "Julie's moved on. Hervé is a great boyfriend to her. I mean, he puts her first, and is also really into her tennis. Why can't you just accept that?" He asked.

Ben opens his mouth, wanting to say somethin, but couldn't.

Julie and Hervé smiled at Kasey, appreciating what he's doing.

Julie puts a hand on Kasey's shoulder. She looked towards Ben. "You had your chance." She told him.

The three continue on their way.

"Julie, I said..." Ben said, he activates his Omnitrix, and slams onto it. He transformed into Bloxx. He jumps in front of the three and forms a wall. "Wait!"

"Make your point, fast." Julie said.

"I promise I'll always put you first... unless, you know, the galaxy is in danger... like, a whole lot of danger." Ben(Bloxx) said.

"Ben, I hate to break it to you. Well, actually, not really." Kasey said. "But that's not putting her first." He stated.

"...Oh, come on. I can change!" Ben(Bloxx) said.

"Ben! Oh, thank the Proteans!" Ester said, standing on the roof. "Come quickly." She said, and jumps down towards the group.

Ben(Boxx) reverts back to his human form. "Ester?" He asked, seeing the Half-Kraaho.

"The Kraaho need your help! The hot spot is under attack." Ester told Ben.

Ben looks back at Julie, who wasn't looking his way. And at Kasey, who shrugs at him.

Ben looks down a bit, before looking at Ester. "Let's go." He said, and starts making his way towards the Proto-TRUK, where Zoe, Rook and Luna were waiting.

"What are you doing, Ben? Bring your sidekicks." Ester said, gesturing towards the three.

"What? I'm not-" Julie tries to say.

"No argument. Gwen, Kevin and Kasey should come, too." Ester said, stretching out her arms, and grabs the three.

"Well, I am Kasey." Kasey said.

"I'm not Gwen." Julie stated.

"Who are you, then? Can you fight?" Ester asked.

"I'm considering it." Julie said.

Ester brought the three onto the Proto-TRUK.

Rook starts the engine, and begin flying the ship to the Hot Spot.



Everyone are in the Proto-TRUK.

Ben, Rook and Luna were at the front. While the rest were at the back.

Zoe is sitting next to Hervé.

"Julie, this is Ester." Ben introduced. "Her tribe is living in Undertown these days." He said.

"Undertown?" Julie asked.

"Um, short-version, a hidden town for aliens." Kasey told Julie, he is sitting next to his cousin, who was standing.

"More like Undertown-adjacent. Hotties only." Ester said.

"Uh-huh." Julie said.

"I'm Kasey." Kasey introduced himself to the Half-Kraaho, politely. "Ben's childhood friend, since we were 10."

"Nice to meet you." Ester said to Kasey, smiling politely.

"And Julie's my-" Ben was going to introduced, but stops. "Well, I guess it's complicated right now."

"It is not so complicated." Hervé said, moving in front a bit.

"If again you block my view of the pretty white one," Fistina said, referring to Zoe's Plumber Uniform. "I will mash you like potato!" She told Hervé.

"Y-Yes, ma'am. Uh, pardon me." Hervé hurriedly said, sitting back.

"You are a petty thief. Your attentions are unwarranted and unwanted." Rook stated.

"But feel free to compliment me more, after." Zoe told Fistina, winking at her.

"Oh, she winked at me." Fistina said, slightly fangirling.

"Zoe, quit flirting." Ester said to the female Revonnahgander.
"You have more time to flirt, after." Luna told Zoe, in a sing-song tone.
"Oh, this is gonna be good." Kasey said.
All three of them smirked.



Rook drove the Proto-TRUK down the hole, which is the entrance to the town.

The group flew pass a bunch of areas, and eventually they reached a tunnel, where Rook changed the Proto-TRUK into a truck, and continue driving.

"I said before I'd be a good neighbor, and I'm not about to go back on that." Ben told Ester.

Julie and Kasey leans forward, looking in front.


Eventually everyone got to the Hotspot, and got off the Proto-TRUK, except for Fistina since she's a criminal.

Ben and Ester ran ahead.

"Yeesh. What did this?" Ben asked, seeing the condition of the hotspot.

Some Kraahos were fighting someone, and the person broke free, revealing to be Looma.

Looma saw Ben. She drops a structure and a Kraaho she was holding. "Ben Tennyson, my beloved!" She said.

"Princess Looma?" Ben said, surprised.

"Ben Tennyson!" Looma said. She jumps down towards the level where everyone else were. "Good battle, beloved." She said, running towards the Omnitrix Wielder.

Ben tries to run, but Looma caught him and hugs him. "Hey!" He said.

Standing a few feet behind the three. Rook, Luna, Kasey, Zoe and Julie were watching.

Luna has his hood down, and Spark is sitting on his shoulder.
Kasey's companions, Techno, is now wrapped around his wrist like a bracelet.

"I am much too warm. My fur is a proven liability here." Rook told both Kasey and Julie, as he starts to sweat.

"Yeah. This place is hot." Zoe said, fanning herself with her hand, as she starts to sweat.

"Yeah, and that's why this is not an ideal place for the two of you." Luna said. He took off his jacket, and wraps it around his waist. He changed into his Alien Form, and uses both his upper wings to give both Revonnahganders some shade.

Rook smiled at the Half-Necrofriggian.

"I'll give us some heat resistance." Kasey said, he surrounds himself, Rook, Zoe, Julie and Hervé in red aura.

Luna looks at Spark, who is on his shoulder. "How about you go rest in the Multi-Tool." He said. Spark nodded, and zipped into the Multi-Tool.

"Get her, Ben! Come on!" Ester said, wrapping some of her limbs on Looma, and jumping on her.

Looma hits Ester away, who collides with a wall.

""Beloved"?" Julie questioned, looking at Ben, who was on the ground and close to them.

"I didn't know Ben is engaged." Zoe said.

"More accurately, "betrothed."" Rook said.
"It's a Tatramand custom." Luna added.

"Yeah, let's just say Kevin happened." Kasey said. Julie nodded in understanding.

Looma ties to catch a Kraaho, who jumps away. She grunts in frustration, picking up a boulder and throws it at him, which he avoided.

"Ohh. Ben's engaged... to that?" Ester asked, pointing at Looma.

"Pretty much." Luna said, shrugging.

Looma threw away a structure, and found a Kraaho. She picks him up, and was about to punch him.

"Sorry, Looma, but whatever this tantrum's about-" Ben said, activating his Omnitrix, and slamming onto it. "-Armodrillo's gonna stop it!" He said, and drills into the ground towards Looma.

"Back at ya!" Looma said to Ben(Armodrillo) excited, she punched the ground, sending a shockwave towards him.

The shockwave went under Ben(Armodrillo).

"Quit trashing everything!" Ben(Armodrillo) told Looma.

Looma was seen grabbing a Kraaho, she lets him go as another jumps on her and jumps away. "But I need a good one!" She said.

"I was wrong to ask your fiancé for help." Ester said to Looma. "As leader of the tribe, it's up to me to stop you." She stated.

"Leader?" Looma asked. "Ooh, that's the best one." She said, and ran towards Ester.

Zoe, Rook and Luna ran in front of Ester. They no longer have red aura around them.

Both Revonnahganders attacks with their blasters.
The Half-Necrofriggian blew out a huge gust of wind.
Their attacks pushes Looma back.

Ben(Armodrillo) attacks Looma with his drill, but it did nothing.

Looma laughs. "That tickles! You guys, stop!" She said, and punched Ben(Armodrillo) back.

Ben(Armodrillo) was sent flying back towards the three, and they crashed.

Rook and Zoe sat next to each other, resting against Ben's(Armodrillo's) side.
Luna rests against Rook's front.

The four held their heads.

"This isn't working." Ben(Armodrillo) said, looking at the three.

Ester ran towards Looma, wrapping her limbs around the Tatramand.

Looma grabs Ester's limbs, lifting her up and threw her towards Julie and Kasey, knocking the two down.

Ben(Armodrillo) reverts back to his human form. "Julie! Kasey!" He exclaimed, he went towards them.

Kasey was laying on the ground, he felt his left shoulder hurting, he exclaimed a bit in pain, and holds it with his right hand.

"Kasey, are you okay?" Julie asked, she was on the One-Quartet Xangruks' right, sitting up, looking at her cousin worried.

"Yeah, I'll be fine." Kasey said, trying to sit back up, but was struggling a bit.

Ester was on the ground, a bit away, her limbs wrapped around herself.

Ben went towards Kasey, and helps him up. Which surprises the One-Quartet Xangruks.

"I'll be okay." Kasey told Ben, before he surrounds himself and Julie in green aura, slowly healing the both of them.

"Just what the heck do you think you're doing?" Ben asked, looking at Looma.

"I'm planning our wedding, beloved." Looma told him.

"You'll wreck an entire village for that?" Ben asked.

"Oh, at least." Looma said. "It's Tetramandian custom that the bride-to-be must collect five items.
Something conquered,
something bruised,
something severed,
something blue,
and something white."
She said, holding up a finger each time.

"Looma, you need to put this right." Ben told the princess.

"Well, even at a royal wedding, there should be something of the groom's side." Looma said. "And I thought conquering the whole Earth would be really ostentatious."

"I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but I really hate Tatramand customs right now." Kasey said.

"You're hurting people!" Ben said to Looma, gesturing at the hiding Kraahos.

"Mm-hmm. I thought one of these Kraaho, who you already defeated, could be something conquered." Looma said. "But the steamy little runts aren't that easy to corner!" She said while smiling.

"You obnoxious..." Ester said, standing up, she grunts trying to free herself.

Looma looks at Zoe, Rook and Luna. "Ooh! Something white." She said, seeing Zoe.
"And something blue. And there's two of them." She said, seeing both Rook and Luna.

Both Revonnahganders are sweating from the heat.
Luna was trying to get back up, but he was still recovering from the impact from that was caused by the Omnitrix Wielder crashing to them.

"Princess, we are Plumbers." Rook said, he was sweating from the heat. He looks down at Luna, who was sitting against him, still trying to recover.

"We are not wedding favors." Zoe said, she was also sweating from the heat, and in front of the other two.

"Now you can be both." Looma said, going to grab Zoe first, since she is closer.

Suddenly the entire Proto-TRUK bursts, and the cause was Fistina. She sends her fist towards Looma, punching the Tatramand away making her drop Zoe.

Looma and Fistina begins to fight each other.

"Ugh. Just how many girls are in your life?" Julie asked, looking at Ben.

"At this point, I haven't got a clue." Ben said.

"Uh-huh." Julie said, with an angered expression

"Very reassuring." Kasey said, with a deadpan expression.

"You will be flat!" Fistina yelled, trying to punch Looma, who dodges.

"And you'll pay for forcing me to fight another girl!" Looma said, she stops Fistina's punch. "If you call this a fight!" She punches Fistina, pushing the alien back. "You have strength, but no skill!" She said, grabbing one of Fistina's hand, and breaking it apart from her. "Something severed." She said, picking up the fist.

"Looma, you can't-" Ben said, he was interrupted.

"Of course I can! I'm the bride." Looma said.

"Well, if you won't listen to reason..." Ben said, he activates his Omnitrix, and slams onto it. He transformed into Humungousaur. "Maybe you'll listen to Humungousaur!" He stated.

Ben(Humungousaur) roars and went to fight Looma.

"Not now, beloved." Looma said, stopping Ben's attack. "It's bad luck for us to injure each other before the wedding." She lifts the Omnitrix Wielder up, and threw him towards a wall.

"Ben!" Kasey exclaimed, seeing his bestfriend's face stuck in the wall.

Looma looked towards where Rook, Luna, Kasey, Zoe and Julie are. She took out  her sack, and puts them into it.

"No! No, no, no!" Hervé said, going towards Looma, kicking her leg, which did nothing. "You will let go of Julie, tout de suite!" He said.

"What are you supposed to be?" Looma asked, looking at Hervé. She looks down, and saw a camera. "Ooh, a photographer!" She said. She grabs Hervé, and puts him into the sack.

Looma's vehicle arrived, it fired at the Kraahos, who ran away. She got onto it. "Good battle, Ben." She told the Omnitrix Wielder, and went away.


[Inside the Sack]

Inside the sack, where Rook, Luna, Kasey, Zoe, Ester, Julie and Hervé are.

"Now I know how Santa's toys feel." Julie said.

"Yeah, stuck inside the sack, for the entire ride." Kasey said.

"Rook, Zoe, how are you two feeling?" Luna asked, his front was leaning against Rook's front, due to the size of the sack.

"Both Zoe and I are still recuperating." Rook said, looking away and blushing a bit, at how close he was to the Half-Necrofriggian.

"If you two want, I can use my freeze breath, and help speed up the process a little." Luna suggested. "But, the only problem is, since we're all in this sack, you guys are also gonna be feeling cold." He said to the others.

"I can use my powers, and gives some of us some cold resistance." Kasey said. He is sitting next to Julie. "Everyone okay with that?" He asked, and everyone makes a sound of agreement.

"Okay." Luna said, he lightly breathe out a cold air, slowly making the inside of the sack a bit colder.

Kasey has everyone, except for Zoe, Rook and Luna, surrounded in a red aura.

Rook and Luna were blushing, since the two were very close to each other, almost face to face.

Both Kasey and Zoe were smirking, looking at Rook and Luna.

"Could whoever it is please move their elbow from my kidney?" Zoe asked, she was sitting next to both Ester and Julie.

"Sorry, Zoe. Still working on these knots." Ester said, trying to break free.

"Anyone seen my gym bag?" Julie asked.

"It should be around here somewhere." Kasey said.

"Zut alors! That Ben is the stinker." Hervé said. "If it were not for him-"

"You know, Hervé, Ben never asked to be a hero, but at the end of the day, he does a lot of good, so cut him a break." Julie told Hervé.

Hervé doesn't know what to say.

Ester untied herself. "You sure you're broken up with him?" She asked, looking at Julie, who looks away.

Kasey pats his cousin's back.


[Ben's Home]

Outside of Ben's home, Looma was talking to Ben's mother, Sandra Tennyson.

Rook broke the sack, using his Proto-Tool: Knife Mode.

Rook, Luna, Zoe and Ester stood. Kasey, Julie and Hervé were still on the ground.

"Whew! It was getting close in there." Julie said.

"And a bit cold." Kasey said.

Rook, Luna, Zoe, Ester and Hervé ran out of the way. Kasey and Julie were still sitting on the ground.

"Mother, they're getting away. Forgive me." Looma told Sandra. She went to attack Rook, Luna, Zoe and Ester with her hammer, but the four avoided it.

Looma was about to attack again. Ester tries to stop her, by wrapping her limbs, but was stopped and thrown towards the others.

Both Rook and Zoe went to attack Looma, but was stopped by the Tatramand, who grabbed their legs.
Luna and Ester tries to attack Looma, but also had their limbs grabbed.

Kasey and Julie stood back up.

"Oh, hi, Julie and Kasey. It's been a while." Sandra greeted, seeing the two.

"Hey, Mrs. Tennyson." Julie greeted.
"It's nice to see you again, Mrs. Tennyson." Kasey said.

"Sandra." Sandra told the two. "I'm confused. Aren't you Ben's girlfriend?" She asked Julie.

"It's a long story." Kasey said.

"What?" Looma asked, dropping the four aliens. "I have a rival?!" She questioned.

Ben and Fistina arrived on a vehicle. Everyone stood back up, and saw them.

"Go away, beloved. You cannot be here." Looma told Ben, grabbing Hervé and throwing him at the Omnitrix Wielder, knocking him away.

"That is a very strange female." Fistina commented, looking at Looma.

"Can I pick 'em or what?" Ben said, he stood back up. He activates his Omnitrix, and transformed into Ball Weevil.

Ben(Bee Weevil) wraps Looma in plasma goo, trapping her in it. He pulls the Tatramand towards him, and jumps onto the bindings.

"Mom, you should probably go inside." Ben(Ball Weevil) told Sandra.

"Yes. We'll be in shortly." Looma said.

Sandra shrugs and went back inside, closing the door.

"Are you completely out of your mind?!" Ben(Ball Weevil) asked, looking at Looma. "This ritual is over." He said.

"It is..." Looma said, she broke free from her restraint, and grabs Ben(Ball Weevil). "Until I destroy this human insect!" She stated, pointing at Julie.

"Watch it, bridezilla." Julie, looking at Looma, with an angered expression.

"Yeah, that's my cousin, you're talking to." Kasey said.

Looma sticks Ben(Ball Weevil) into his own plasma goo, and throws him against the wall on the house, sticking there.

Fistina's hand that is on the ground, starts to fly. Looma stops it.

Fistina went to fight Looma, but was knocked away. Also, knocking Rook, Luna, Zoe and Ester back.

Kasey and Julie were still standing.

"Bad enough I have to put down my own rival." Looma stated. "Me... a Princess!" She stated, pointing at herself. "If any of you interfere, your puny planet won't survive my fury!"

"You would not attack a helpless female." Rook said.

"I'm not completely helpless." Julie said, looking at her gym bag.

Kasey chuckled. "Right, we have some tricks up our sleeves." He said.

Julie whistled, and Ship came out of the gym bag.

"Time to wake up, Techno." Kasey said, looking at Techno, who was around his wrist.

Techno woke up, he went back to his original form, and went next to Ship.

Both Ship and Techno rub against each other.

"Ship, ship, ship!" Ship said.
"Techno, techno." Techno said.

Both Techno and Ship looks towards Looma, and they both growled.

"Ship, Battle Mode!" Julie said.
"Techno, Ranger Mode!" Techno said.

Techno jumps towards Kasey. While Ship jumps towards Julie.

Techno merged with Kasey, forming a Ranger Suit that resembles a Power Ranger.

Ship merged with Julie, forming a Battle Suit that is much bigger.

"Good boy." Kasey said to Techno.

"Still a big Power Ranger fan, huh?" Julie asked, looking at her cousin.

"Naturally." Kasey said, he floats surrounding both himself and Techno in white aura.

Looma grins excited.

Hervé woke up. "Julie, Kasey, this is no time to be putting on the dog." He told them.

"Little fools!" Looma said, she sends a blast towards the two cousins.

Ship made two blasters appeared, they blasted an attack.
Techno changes the right arm into a blaster, both him and Kasey combined their attacks.

Their attacks collided.

"Julie, Kasey, be careful!" Ben(Ball Weevil) said, trying to break free. Rook, Luna, Zoe and Ester went towards him.

Julie and Ship went to attack, but were knocked away.
Kasey and Techno flew above, firing attacks at her but got blocked.

Fistina went towards Looma to fight her, but was knocked away.

"Sic her, Ship!" Julie said.
"You too, Techno!" Kasey said.

Julie puts her fist side-by-side.
Kasey floats above his cousin, pulling his right arm back, preparing.

Both Techno and Ship extends their limbs, punching Looma and sending her back.

"Good fist." Fistina told the two. "Hurrah!" She cheered.

[With Ben, Rook, Luna, Zoe and Ester]

Rook and Ester were seen trying to pull Ben(Ball Weevil) off, but to no avail. Luna and Zoe stood at the side.

"Change back!" Ester told the Omnitrix Wielder.

"Can't!" Ben(Ball Weevil) said.

"Then detonate the stickyball!" Rook said.

"And my parents' house with it?!" Ben(Ball Weevil) exclaimed.

"Well, this a sticky situation." Zoe said. She realized what he said. "No pun intended." She added.

"Rook, try breaking Ben free by cutting the plasma." Luna suggested to the Revonnahgander.

Rook smiled at Luna. "Yes, that could work." He said, he got out his Proto-Tool, and start cutting the plasma.

[With Kasey, Techno, Julie, Ship and Looma]

Looma slams onto the ground, causing a shockwave towards the two.

Hervé begins taking pictures of the fight.

Julie jumps over, and landed behind Looma.
Kasey flew, and floats.

Kasey surrounds himself and Techno in red aura.

The four punched Looma, sending the Tatramand a few feet back.

Looma regains her balance, she rushed towards the two with her hammer, and attacks them.

Both Kasey and Julie crashed into a car, but they grabbed is and throws it at Looma.

Looma hits them away with a tree. Both Kasey and Julie fell onto the ground.

Looma slams her hammer onto the ground, sending a shockwave. This time, hitting both cousins.

Loom went towards the two, grabbing them, and threw them towards the front yard.

Everyone tries to went towards the two cousins. Rook, Luna, Zoe, Ester and Fistina were pushed back from a blast.
Hervé was at the front, but was easily knocked back by Looma.

Techno and Ship de-merges from Kasey and Julie.

"Get some rest, you two." Kasey told the two.

"One moment, and the gifting ritual can resume." Looma said, standing in front of the two cousins. She was about to attack them with her hammer, but fortunately they dodges.

Kasey backflips back towards where the others are.

Ester extends her arm, handing Julie her tennis racket. Julie saw wat was happening, she nodded and grabs it.

"Please, allow me." Kasey told Rook, who handed him Ben(Ball Weevil) who is stuck in a mini plasma ball. He constructed a baseball bat using yellow aura. "This might hurt a little." He told Ben(Ball Weevil) winking.

"Uh-oh." Ben(Ball Weevil) said.

Kasey threw Ben(Ball Weevil) into the air, he hits him with the bat and towards Julie. "Go for it, cuz!" He shouted.

"Julie!" Ben(Ball Weevil) called.

Julie hits Ben(Ball Weevil) towards Looma, knocking her back towards another home's garage door.

Ben(Ball Weevil) who has crashed into a car, reverts back to his human form. "Did it work?" He asked, and fainted.

[Some Time Later]

Some time has passed, and Looma is now standing in front of the others.

Luna is now in his Human Form, and is wearing his jacket.

"I am no longer worthy of Ben Tennyson's hands." Looma said. She kneels. "From this moment forth, you are his betrothed." She told Julie.

"Wha... Huh?" Julie said, looking at Ben confused.

Ben has a smug look.

Looma grabs Ben into a tight hug. "Tell your mother for me, Ben." She said. She lets go, and lifts him up. "I couldn't bear to see her disappointment."

"Sure thing." Rook said, a bit strained.

"The Princess is taking defeat better than I had imagined." Rook said, looking at the others, crossing his arms.
"Agree." Luna said, nodding.

Looma lets go of Ben, and went towards Julie. "Next time I see you, I'll crush your skull like an egg." She said, winking and leaves.

Julie looks at Ben, raising an eyebrow. Ben shrugs.

"And, there it is." Zoe said.

"That more like it?" Ester asked Rook.

Looma got back into her ship, and flew away.

"Well, there goes that." Kasey said, standing next to Julie.

"Ship, ship, ship!" Ship said.
"Techno, techno!" Techno said.
Both companions went towards Ben, wagging their tails..

Ben laughs seeing the two. "Hey, Ship! Techno!' He greeted, patting their heads. "Guess that's two I owe you's for a change." He said to the two.

"So, you want to go over to Mr. Smoothy's?" Ben asked Julie.

"Look, Ben, just because I saved your butt doesn't mean we're soul mates." Julie told him.

Ben chuckles, looking way for a bit. "Okay, I see that." He said, looking back at Julie. "Friends?" He asked.

"Always." Julie said, she pats his shoulder, and went towards Hervé. "See you around, Ben." She said, waving at him, and went towards Hervé. "Do you want a Mr. Smoothy?" She asked.

"I would prefer Fruit n' Smoothy. Mr. Smoothy tastes like feet to me." Hervé said.

Julie laughs. "Thank you!" She said, and they both left.

"She doesn't like Mr. Smoothy?" Ben said, confused. "Women, I'll never understand them."

"No, you will not." Rook said.

"Well, I better get going." Kasey told Ben. "I catch my flight back to London, tomorrow. But, I'll be back soon." He said.

"See you around, Kase." Ben said, holding out a fist.

"You too, Shortstuff." Kasey said, bumping his fist with Ben's, and smirking. Ben frowns a bit. "Let's go, Techno." He said, looking at him.

"Techno." Techno said, changing into a cap, and landing on Kasey's head.

"Call me, if you need anything." Kasey told Ben, before floating into the air, by surrounding himself in white aura.

"I got to go. Lots of cleanup at home." Ester told Ben, and starts walking away.

"Let me help." Ben told Ester.

"You better!" Ester said, grabbing Ben's arm. "B-T-W, I happen to love Mr. Smoothy." She said, and they walk away.

"Hey, Rook. You wanna go watch a movie?" Luna asked, looking at the Revonnahgander. "Today has been a long day, and I need a break." He said.

"I-" Rook was about to say, but was interrupted.

"Of course." Zoe said, pushing Rook towards Luna. "You two go have fun, I'll handle the rest here." She told them.

Rook looks back at Zoe, scratching his head a bit, before looking back at Luna smiling. "Of course. What do you suggest?" He asked.

The two begin walking away.

"Anything's fine, as long as it's not romance." Luna said, grabbing Rook's arm. "I have enough drama for one day."
Spark(Multi-Tool) mumbles out an agreement.

Zoe smiled, looking at her brother and bestfriend walking away.

"Little Zoe?" Fistina said, tapping her shoulder. "And now we go off together, ja?" She asked.

"Fistina, there is something I have been wanting to say to you since our eyes first met this morning." Zoe said, turning towards the criminal, with something behind her.

Fistina hummed and nodded.

"You are under arrest. And pretty." Zoe said, taking out a pair of handcuffs.

Fistina gasped seeing the handcuffs, but smiled at the compliment.

The two walked back to the Plumbers HQ.

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