Maybe you're mine

By malecsd_magical_luv

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Malec au More



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By malecsd_magical_luv


Magnus was very busy at farewell day at school. He was like a star kid at the whole school not because his father was famous business, but everyone loves his charming and attitude. Not only girls boys also flirt if they get a chance because everyone knew he was a bi. He entered into his classroom after one of his friends said someone waiting for him. He looks at a girl who looks Blondie but red head. He knew her but don't know her name. "Excuse me" he said and looked at the girl who looked at him with seductive eyes. The eyes showed affection and love. She was beautiful, but that's not affect Magnus in any ways. "M-Magnus.. I'm Jenny.." She offered her hand. Magnus felt nervous. He loves attention, but he always wants to run away from relationship. The way the girl looked at him is enough to know what she's going to talk. "Hello Jenny.. Why do you call me?" He wouldn't come if anyone calls him but more than one week she was waiting for him. Even though everyday he heard someone waiting for him from his friends he didn't go to see her but today his last day, so he came.

"I I want to say s-something to you.." She nervously pointed at the bench next to her. Magnus looked at place and then her. "It's okay you can say anything.." He said in his calm voice. "I'm in l-love with y-you Magnus.." She stood up and said. Magnus looked at her disbelief. "But-" "I knew you're not a guy who wants a relationship but please can we try?" She asked and pulled back towards her. Magnus didn't know when he sat next to her. He stood up and said "Listen Jenny.. I'm not interested in you.. So pl-" but before he finished his line that girl kissed him. It's like she was trying to pour her love in the kiss, but Magnus don't want to feel that, so he pulled back with a full force. "Magnus I'm s-sorry" "Get lost" He shouted and walked out. He could see her hurtful eyes, but it's not a good thing to force someone.

He came to the bathroom after the incident. He splashed the water and rubbed his lips harshly. He didn't care about his makeup because he wants to forget the kiss. He rubbed hard but stopped when he heard someone crying in one of the bathroom. So he looked back from mirror. "Hello.. Who's this?" He asked slowly walked towards the bathroom. The sobbing stopped, so he stood up without saying anything. "Is there anyone here?" He again asked. "Get out" Alec shouted in his broken voice. Magnus was shocked. He knew the voice but he didn't know why he was crying. "Why are you crying?" "It's none of your business" He heard a hatred in his voice so he didn't want to ask anymore. He left the bathroom but said it to Izzy  because he's not arrogant to walk away.

{{{End of the flashback}}}

"Your honor.. I want to ask questions to Mr. George.." Magnus said looked at the judge who nodded his head. "Mr. George.. When did you get married?" Magnus asked politely. He looked at the court to search Alec fifth time, but he was nowhere found. It's a third day trail. Magnus was submitted the evidence last two days, but they said it's not enough, so he worked hard and stood up with a confident mind.

"Five years ago" when George said Magnus nodded his head. "But why do you two are living separately?" "Because of personal problems" George said looking at Magnus who smirked. "So you don't have any other affairs?" "No" he said like it's a true. "Then why your last two assistants filed a case against you?" When he asked George was tensed. "She only filed a case" he said, but Magnus shook his head. "Ms. Violet Rose also filed an abuse case against him year ago, but he closed the case by using his money.. Here's the case report.." Then he asked lots of questions. Everyone saw how George struggled to give a answer to Magnus. "Here's the voice record between Rachel and George.. He was using bad words and threatened her, so my client affected mentally.." He submits the evidence. Lorenzo was shocked because it's all enough to prove Rachel was victim. Magnus looked at him and winked before said. "This is the video he enjoyed himself with his assistant who's working currently.." The whole people who gathered there was looked at him with a open mouth. George didn't know when he took a video. "Your Honor.. His wife left him because of his behavior.. He used to slept with many girls include his PA's.. But when Rachel refused that he kicked her from the job and filed a case against her.." he said and sat on his chair. He knew he's the one going to win the case, but he wants Alec to see that.

The judge gave his judgment that said "For George and his behavior towards his assistant Rachel he should pay penalty and also will serve him four years jail.." That's mean Magnus won, and he proved Rachel as a victim in this case. She hugged Magnus and thanked him. Magnus was happy to get a justice for her. He laughed at Lorenzo and walked out of the court. Now he wants to see Alec so-called Raphael. "What's up?" Raphael asked but Magnus have no time to talk "Send Alec's number.." He heard Raphael's laughing. "Shut up" he said while driving. "So finally you want your husband, huh?" He asked and laughed again. "If you ask one korw nonsense questions I'll kill you damn it.." Magnus said annoyingly. "I won the case, but he's nowhere found.. Send his number and block me.." "Okay.. Don't bark you idiot.. I'll send you, so you can start your lovey-dovey" He said and heard Magnus gasped before he cut the call. He sent the number. But before Magnus call Alec his car stopped when someone's car suddenly stopping in front of his car. He saw Alec got out of the car, so he smiled and opened his door. Alec stood up in front of Magnus car, but he was shocked when Magnus jumped on him. "I won the case" he shouted and hugged him tightly. Alec felt like he was going to faint anytime.

Alec didn't know what to do because he wants to hug him back, but he closed his fist to not make any move. Magnus won every case he took but this win is different to him. Magnus realized what he was doing, so he pulled back harshly. "Shit" he cursed himself and looked away to gather his self. Alec also looked away because he didn't want to make Magnus more embarrass. "Um.. I won the case" he said showing his all teeth that made Alec rolled his eyes. "What? Why are you rolling your eyes like it's gonna fall on the road.." "Shit your mouth" Alec said, but Magnus laughed at his pissed face. They felt the chill air touched their skin. Alec looked at Magnus who looked around. It's a short way, so they didn't see more people there. "What you want to do?" Alec asked after the long silence. Magnus looked at him and then walked towards his car. Alec could feel his heart beat fast hut he knew what will going to happen, so he stood up silently. Magnus came with a paper. He read it and offered it to Alec who looked at the paper then Magnus. But he took it because he has no option other than sign it. He delayed it because he was Magnus pissed off of what he's done, but that's not only reason. Alec signed after he saw the word "Divorce" on the paper. He doesn't know why his heartfelt pain, but he did it and gave it to Magnus who smirked at him.

"Are you happy?" Alec asked in a bitter tone because he couldn't control his disappointment. But he was confused when Magnus took the paper and tear up the first few papers. "What the fuck are you doing?" Alec asked confusingly. Magnus laughed at him. "Really Alec? You ignored all my divorce notice.. Now you signed so I've to accept?" Magnus shook his head that made Alec angry. "Fuck off Magnus.. You married me forcefully.. Then you send fucking papers.. So do you except me sign as your wish? Fuck that thought.. I want you beg to me, but now I'm trapped, so I signed it.. But again you tear it up.. Now get lost.." He shouted and moved to go, but Magnus held his wrist. "You signed in another agreement" that made Alec shocked. He saw Magnus teared few papers only, but he doesn't know what's that. "What's that agreement saying?" He asked after held his wrist back. Magnus moved close to him so that made Alec looked away. "You've to live with me in my house until I say so" Alec looked at him with full horror. Magnus smirked at his face expression. "What the fuck?"..!

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